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Course: CPE 203 Section: CPE22S2

Name: Pascual, Jaden G. Date Performed:3/8/2023

Instructor: Prof. Marte Nipas Date Submitted:3/8/2023



1. Objective(s):

The activity aims to design a more simplified circuit using NAND and NOR

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:
1. Construct a simplified circuit using Multisim.
2. Simplify the logic diagram into NAND and NOR gates.
3. Construct a single-gate logic circuits by utilizing the universal capability of NAND and NOR gates.

3. Discussion:
The Universal Capability of NAND and NOR Gates
NAND and NOR gates are sometimes referred to as universal gates because, by utilizing a combination of
NANDs, all the other logic gates (inverter, AND, OR, NOR) can be formed. Also, by utilizing a combination
of NORs, all the other logic gates (inverter, AND, OR, NAND) can be formed.

NAND and NOR gates

Digital circuits are frequently constructed with NAND or NOR gates rather than with the basics gates (AND,
OR, and NOT gates) because NAND and NOR gates are easier to fabricate with electronic components and
are the basic gates used in all IC digital logic families. NAND and NOR are known to be Universal Gates
because they can function as other gates. A NAND gate in previous topic is describe as gates that performs
multiplication function and inverts the output, while the NOR Gates add it input and invert the output. For A
NAND gates transistor inside it has inverted output because of the common-emitter transistor normally invert
the output signal.

An inverter can be formed from a NAND simply by connecting both NAND inputs, as shown in
Figure 5.1. Both inputs to the NAND are connected to A. The equation at X is X = A * A = A, which
is the inverter function. The complete table of the basic gates is shown on table 5.1.

Figure 5. 1: Inverter using NAND gate

Table 3.1 : NAND and NOR Function as Basic Gates

BASIC NOR Gate Implementation

NAND Gate Implementation




4. Resources:

1 Set Computer with Multisim software

5. Procedure and Output

1. Use Multisim software to simulate the output of each number of this procedure.
2. Form NOT logic circuit using only NAND on your multisim software as shown figure below.

Figure 5.1 : Forming an NOT from NAND gate

3. Record the result on table below.

Table 3.1 : Truth Table NOT gate using NAND gate

0 0
1 1

4. Form AND logic circuit using only NANDs on your multisim software as shown on the figure below.

Figure 3.2 : Forming an AND from two NAND gates

5. Record the result on table below.

Table 3.2 : Truth Table AND gate using NAND gate

0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

6. Form OR logic circuit using only NANDs on your multisim software as shown on the figure below.

Figure 3.3 : Forming an OR from three NAND gates

7. Record the result on table below.

Table 3.3 : Truth Table OR gate using NAND gate

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

8. Repeat the procedures on step no. 1. But this time replace the 7400 IC with 7402 IC. Assign pins for the
input and the output. Connect the output pin to the LED. Remember that the input and output pins of 7400 is
different from 7402. Recall that in 7400 IC, on the first gate, the input pins are pin1 and pin2, and the output
pin is pin3. While on 7402 input pins are pin2 and pin3, while the output pin is pin1.

9. Form NOT logic circuit using only NOR on your multisim software as shown figure below.

Figure 3.4 : Forming an NOT from NOR gate

10. Record the result on table below.

Table 3.4 : Truth Table NOT gate using NOT gatedd

0 1
1 0

11. Form OR logic circuit using only NORs on your multisim software as shown on the figure below.

Figure 3.5 : Forming an OR from two NOR gates

12. Record the result on table below.

Table 3.5: Truth Table OR gate using NOR gate

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

13. Form NAND logic circuit using only NORs on your multisim software as shown on the figure below.

Figure 3.6: Forming an AND from three NOR gates

14. Record the result on table below.

Table 3.6 : Truth Table AND gate using NOR gate

0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

15. Place the screenshot of the Multisim below:

16. Draw the logic circuit using only NANDs on your multisim software as shown below and record the result on
table 3.7.

Figure 3.7 : Equivalent logic circuit using only NANDs

17. Using the configuration shown in Figure 3.7, make the actual connections to a single 7400 IC, as shown in
Figure 3.8, which reduces the chip count from three ICs down to one.

Figure 3.8 : Circuit Diagram using only 7400

18. Change the value of the inputs A, B and C to 0 or 1 and write your answer on table 3.7.

Table 3.7 : Truth Table for NAND gates


A B C Figure 3.7 Figure 3.8
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 1

19. The procedure for converting NOR gates into an inverter, OR, AND, or NOT is similar to the conversions
just discussed for NAND gates.
20. Place the screenshot of the Multisim below:

6. Data and Results:

Problem A
Implement the circuit on figure 3.9 using the NAND gate. (Redraw the circuit by replacing the three NOT gate,
two OR gate, one NOR gate and one AND gate with equivalent NAND gate. Draw the equivalent NAND
gates circuit on your Multisim software and construct on your prototyping board the simplified circuit.

Figure 3.9 : Problem A Circuit Diagram

Place the screenshot of your answer below.

Problem B
Implement the circuit on figure 3.9 using the NOR gate. (Redraw the circuit by replacing the three NOT gate,
two OR gate, one NOR gate and one AND gate with equivalent NAND gate. Draw the equivalent NAND
gates circuit on your Multisim software and construct on your prototyping board the simplified circuit.

Place the screenshot of your answer below.

7. Conclusion:

Based from the results of the experiment, what general rule can you apply for?

The experiment's findings show that any Boolean function may be implemented using either a
NAND or a NOR gate. This implies that any logical expression, regardless of how complicated,
may be stated using just NAND or just NOR gates.


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