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Southern Luzon State University

Infanta, Campus
STA05 – Advanced Statistics
Preliminary Term Examination
Name: Date:
Course & Section: Score:
I. Multiple Choice: On the blank provided before the number, write the letter of the best answer. If the answer is not
found among the options, write letter E.
___ 1. The modulo congruence was pioneered by Leonhard Euler in 1750 but who developed it in 1801?
A. Aristotle B. Carl Friedrich Gauss C. Friedrich Gottenfend D. Leonhard Euler
___ 2. Which of the following statement is true about modulo congruence a ≡ b ( mod n ) ?
A. n+(a−b) B. n−(a−b) C. n ×(a−b) D. n ∕ (a−b)
___ 3. Each of the following properties are true about modulo congruence EXCEPT?
A. Commutative B. Reflexive C. Symmetric D. Transitive
___ 4. A system of arithmetic for integers where numbers wrap after they reach a certain value.
A. Clock Arithmetic B. Modulus C. Modular Arithmetic D. Modulo Congruence
___ 5. In 10 , what is 11-5?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 6 D. -6
___ 6. In 9, what is 15+21?
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8
___ 7. In 10 , what is 106+102?
A. 6 B. 8 C. 11 D. 13
___ 8. What is the multiplicative inverse of 3 in Z 8 if the identity element is 1?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. No inverse
___ 9. Find the additive inverse of -6 in Z5 .
A. 0 B. 6 C. -6 D. No inverse
___ 10. Which property is not included to make a relation in a given set an equivalence relation?
A. Commutative B. Reflexive C. Symmetric D. Transitive

II. Modified True or False: Write T if the statement is correct. Write F if the statement is false and underline and change
the word/phrase/number that makes the statement false. Write your answer in the space provided before the number.

___ 11-12. A relation R on a nonempty set S is a subset of S x S.

___ 13-14. For all a , b ∈ S , if a=b , then b=a explain a reflexive property.
___ 15-16. On the set R, let x= y if and only if x= y , for any x , y ∈ R is an example of equivalence relation.
___ 17-18. On the set R, let x= y if and only if x < y , for any x , y ∈ R is an example of equivalence relation.
___ 19-20. On the set Z, let m=n if and only if m−n is divisible by 3, for any m , n∈ Z is an equivalence relation.
___ 21-22. The set of complex number under multiplication is an abelian group.
___ 23-24. The set of real numbers under addition is a finite group.
___ 25-26. The order of group is the number of subsets in a group.
___ 27-28. U(5) is not a group under multiplication modulo 6
___ 29-30. U ( 8 )= {1 , 3 , 7 }

III. Probing: Determine if the given sets under a binary operation is a group. Specify if the group is abelian or non-abelian.

31-40. ¿ 41-50. ¿ 51-60. ¿

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