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Activity No.

Getting Help
Course Title: SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION FUNDAMENTALS Date Performed: 02/15/23
Section: CPE22S2 Date Submitted: 02/15/23
1. Objective(s):

This activity aims to use command line to get help and view commands documentation.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students should be able to:
2.1 Demonstrate how to use how to use command line to get help.
2.2 Demonstrate how to locate commands.

3. Discussion :

there are three pats of gettinghelp discussion, the first part is the Man Pages, Man pages is the
kind of help that will teach you how to actually use the commands including the name, synopsis and
description. The next is the info help, the info help will tell you the origin of the command. Last is the
help option, help option will tell you the brief or basic information of the command.

4. Resources:
Personal Computer with installed Virtual Box
Ubuntu Server or Desktop virtual machine

5. Procedure:

1. Login using your username and password.

2. Use terminal emulator application (if you are using desktop version)
3. Execute the following commands. Copy a screenshot as output after you execute the given command.
Create a brief explanation of the command.

Command Screenshot Explanation

1. date This command will give the date
today. Including the time.
2. man date The command “man date” is
showing us how the date command
can be used. This include the
synopsis and the description of the
date command.

3. h

4. q

5. /file

6. n

7. q

8. man -k The “Man -k passwd” contain the

password word of just passwod

9. !9 This will show the name and the

synopsis of LS command.
10. apropos Show all containing or related to
password password command.

11. man -f Only contain the word passwd


12. man 5 This command allows the user to

passwd access the fifth section of man

13. whatis This will contain the details about

passwd password

14. info date This will show the origins of the

date command.
15. shift + h This will show the basic info
command keys inside the info

16. l This will show the history inf the

command info

17. Use the q

commands to
read the info
page for the
18. When you are This will go to the section of the
done, put your examples of dates.
anywhere on
the line that
*Examples of
date:: and then
press the
Enter key. A
new document
will be
displayed that
examples of
19. Type the l key This will go back to the main
to return to the command ls
screen. When
you are
reading, type q
to exit the info
20. date --help This will show the basic info about
the command “date”

21. ls This will show the system

/usr/share/do documention of your live server.

22. locate This will show any director involving

crontab contrab

23. locate -b "\ This will show the directory contrab


24. whereis This will locate the directory of

passwd password
7. Supplementary Activity:

Copy screen shot(s) of the following tasks:

1. Many commands will provide basic information, very similar to the SYNOPSIS found in man pages,
by simply using the --help option to the command. Use –help option to find help about the cat
command. Explain the output.

The command “ cat –help” will show you the brief explanation about the cat command.

2. Type the command name that you know in the terminal and then press tab twice. Explain the function of tab
completion to know the exact name of the command.
The tab will show you all commands starting will the letter that you input, for example I input the letter c
then I press the tab. All commands that starting in letter C pop up. This command can help us when we forgot the
exact comman

7. Problem Analysis:

1. Differentiate info from locate command to view help. Man

the locate command searches in a .db file called mlocate.db that file contains all your file system files path
2. Choose at least three sections that are very important in getting help using the man command.
Reporting bugs
3. Differentiate apropos from man command to view help.
The apropos command can help the user to execute the command without knowing the exact

8. Conclusion

I conclude that knowing the gettinghelp command can help you to know the command more, because
when you the man command the server will tell you the how to use or utilize the command, the info
command will tell you the origins of the command, the –help command will show the brief or basic info that
you need to know in that command.
8. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):

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