Phieu Cham Danh Cho GVHD PDF

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COURSE CODE: 2111455

Name of the academic supervisor:………………………….

Student Name:…………………………………… .ID No.:……………………….

CONTENT Performance Indicator Score Student’s

INTERNSHIP Language use - Rules of APA, grammar, usage, and punctuation 9-10 …/10
REPORT of the are followed; spelling is correct.
internship Language is clear and precise; sentences are
report consistently strong with varied structure.
Writing is at graduate level.
- Paper contains few APA, grammatical, 6-7-8
punctuation and/or spelling errors.
Language is occasionally unclear or in
conversional tone with/without jargons.
- Paper contains numerous APA, grammatical, 3-4-5
punctuation, and/or spelling errors.
- Language is frequently unclear or in
conversional tone with jargons.
- Paper contains numerous APA, grammatical, 0-1-2
punctuation, and/or spelling errors.
Language is often unclear or in conversional
tone with jargons which obscures meaning.
Structure and - Structure of the paper is clear and easy to 2 …/2
format of the follow.
internship - Paper follows designated guidelines
report - Structure of the paper is not easy to follow. 1
Paragraph transitions need improvement.
- Paper follows most guidelines.
- Organization and structure detract from the 0
message of the writer.
Paragraph is disjointed and lack transition of
- Paper lacks many elements of correct formatting
with no title page
Content of - Student is able to describe their school, the 3 ……/3
Chapter 1 ,2 internship company and their tasks in a clear,
and 3 precise and professional manner. Evidence meets
all requirements.
- Student is able to describe their school, the 2
internship company and their tasks. Lack some
evidence and/or some evidence is inappropriate.
- Descriptions are unclear and unprofessional. 1
Lack most evidence and/or most evidence is
- No introduction and/or description is provided 0
Content of - Student is able to clearly articulate all of the 18-20 …/ 20
Chapter 4,5 following: their most important contribution to
the internship; areas of personal growth; personal
strengths discovered through the internship;
areas for personal improvement; academic and
career goals.
- Student is able to articulate most of the 14-16
following: their most important contribution to
the internship; areas of personal growth; personal
strengths discovered through the internship;
areas for personal improvement; academic and
career goals.
- Student is able to articulate some of the 10-12
following: their most important contribution to
the internship; areas of personal growth; personal
strengths discovered through the internship;
areas for personal improvement; academic and
career goals.
- Student is able to articulate a few of the 6-8
following: their most important contribution to
the internship; areas of personal growth; personal
strengths discovered through the internship;
areas for personal improvement; academic and
career goals.
- Student does not articulate their most important 2-4
contribution to the internship; areas of personal
growth; personal strengths discovered through
the internship; areas for personal improvement;
academic and career goals.
- No reflection is provided. 0

ATTITUDE - Dresses appropriately, is punctual, displays positive attitude and 4-5 …../5
- Accepts and follows all assigned tasks through
- Dresses appropriately, is sometimes late, displays positive attitude 3-2
and confidence
- Often accepts assigned tasks and follows most of them through
- Dresses inappropriately, is always late, displays negative attitude 0-1
and confidence
- Sometimes accepts assigned tasks but fails to follow most of them
TOTAL ……/40


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