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W.E.B Dubois once said, “There is no force equal to a woman determined to rise.

Women, are considered as the light of the society. They enlighten us to prove and show to mankind that women are
powerful just the way they are.

“WE Make Change Work for Women”, this is the theme for the 2017 National Women’s Month Celebration. The theme
resembles Women Empowerment, it shows that women are not weak, As Steve Maraboli said, “The empowered woman
is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description.” We are not just here to apply make ups, make our
hairdo or make our body fit; we are not here to stay as beautiful as ever. We are here to show what the worth of being a
true woman is.

Men think that women are weak, we cannot do rigorous trainings, and we cannot lift heavy things. They just thought
that women are only for household chores. But as we all see nowadays, women can do anything men can do. We are
now levelling ourselves with men, some women are engaged to professions which they thought only men can do. Now,
we can see women engage their selves into politics, and even in weightlifting just like Hidilyn Diaz who won silver medal
in the Rio Olympics 2016. She is indeed an inspiration for not all women can lift 88 kg in a split second or a minute, she is
a symbol of an empowered one.

“Make Change Work”, according to the Philippine Commission on Women this excerpt from the Women’s month
celebration symbolizes the acronym “MCW” which means “Magna Carta for Women”. The celebration is not only for
knowing the identity of women to the society it also promotes the rights of the women. It tells the society that women
are not just for fun, we are also humans and we have a part on the society. We have our own rights, and the first and
foremost right of a woman is the right to be RESPECTED. Nowadays, some women especially teens are being maliciously
treated. Magna Carta for Women is very much applicable today, it will give women the chance to voice out their
concerns and problems on different matters especially on different cases of bullying which decreases their self-esteem.

Bullying, is one of the major cases nowadays specifically “gender-based” bullying or gender-based discrimination.
Women tend to experience this kind of bullying for as it was said awhile back, we are defined to be weak, timid and shy.
It’s as if we can’t do anything at all, we are just being played at as if we are nobody. But now, we can be somebody who
we want to be through the help of this celebration and Magna Carta for Women.

We can make a difference, we can make a change because we are who we are. Through allowing ourselves to know
what we truly want to be. we are able to face the society and tell the world that we are the women of our own, let’s use
our voices as instruments of freedom. We are women! We are Empowered!

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