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Diode Wave Shaping Circuits

Course – Section : ECE20L – 2 / E06_______________________________________

Name : DE LEMOS, NICHOLAS LOUIS N.________________________

Signature : ______________________________________________________

Date : 30 / 06 / 2022___________________________________________

Grade : ______________________________________________________

Remarks : ______________________________________________________


Course Instructor : LEONARDO VALIENTE________________________________

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This activity covers the components, topologies, design constraints and transfer characteristics of
the different diode wave shaping circuits, such as: limiting circuits or clippers in Part 1, level
shifters or clampers in Part 2, and voltage multipliers in Part 3.

Let us use the LTSPICE to run simulations and determine the characteristics of diode wave shaping
circuits. Here is a link about ‘Getting Started with LTSPICE’:

Part 1: Diode Clipper

1.1 Connect the circuit of Positive Clipper in LTSPICE tool, as shown in Figure 1.1. The student or group
may use another kind of rectifier diode for diode D1; another value of resistance for resistor R1 and
resistor R2; and another dc offset, amplitude, and frequency for sine wave voltage source V1. Take the
photo of your own circuit diagram drawn in LTSPICE tool, and place it in Figure 1.2. (One way to
capture the screen in LTSPICE is: View > Paste Bitmap.)

Fig. 1.1. Positive Clipper Circuit (sample). Fig. 1.2. Connection of Positive Clipper.

1.2 Include a SPICE directive in your schematic diagram. In Figure 1.1, the directive is .tran 1m 30m. This
directive describes the transient simulation with a time step of 1 ms and a time stop of 30 ms. The
resulting waveform in transient simulation is similar with the display of oscilloscope instrument,
wherein the x-axis is also time. In Figure 1.1, the input V1 is a sine-wave voltage source with 0 V dc
level, 5 V amplitude, and 100 Hertz frequency. With a time stop of 30 ms and with 100 Hz sine wave
input (10 ms period), the simulation results displayed 3 cycles as shown in Figure 1.3. For your
simulation, set the transient simulation to display 5 complete cycles. Run your simulation, and show
the waveforms of input voltage V1 and output voltage across R2. Take a photo of your waveforms, and
place it in Figure 1.4.

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Fig. 1.3. Positive Clipper Voltages (sample). Fig. 1.4. Input and Output Voltages of Positive Clipper.

1.3 Write the transfer equation of your positive clipper circuit. Express the output voltage in terms of the
input voltage.
Voltage input > 0.7V therefore diode is in forward bias
Vouput = Vdiode
Voutout = 0.7 V

Diode is in reverse bias as soon as the voltage input is < 0.7V; therefore, the current will flow
from R2 to R1:
𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 = −5𝑉 ( ) = −2.5𝑉
1.4 Describe the operation of diode positive clipper.
Given by the name, a diode positive clipper clips out positive voltage output by controlling the voltage
input to a certain extent. At positive half-wave input, the diode is in forward bias (anode is more positive
than cathode), the diode and the R2 (voltage output/load) are parallel to each other – when a components
are connected in parallel, their voltages are equal – therefore, the voltage across the diode which is 0.7V
is equal to the output voltage. Thus, at positive half-wave input, the output voltage is clipped to 0.7V.
On the other hand, the diode is in reverse bias when in negative half-wave input - in this case, the
current will flow from R1 to R2 therefore half of voltage input is generated.

1.5 Connect the circuit of Negative Clipper in LTSPICE tool, as shown in Figure 1.5. The student or group
may use another kind of rectifier diode for diode D1; another value of resistance for resistor R1 and resistor
R2; and another dc offset, amplitude, and frequency for sine wave voltage source V1. Take the photo of
your own circuit diagram drawn in LTSPICE tool, and place it in Figure 1.6.

Fig. 1.5. Negative Clipper Circuit (sample). Fig. 1.6. Connection of Negative Clipper.

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1.6 The sample waveforms of negative clipper circuit in Figure 1.5 is shown in Figure 1.7. For your
simulation, set the transient simulation to display 5 complete cycles of input voltage V1 and output
voltage across R2. Take a photo of your waveforms, and place it in Figure 1.8.

Fig. 1.7. Negative Clipper Voltages (sample). Fig. 1.8. Input and Output Voltages of Negative Clipper.

1.7 Write the transfer equation of your negative clipper circuit. Express the output voltage in terms of the
input voltage.
Voltage input < 0.7V therefore diode is in forward bias.
Vouput = Vdiode
Voutout = - 0.7 V

As soon as the voltage input is above -0.7V, the diode is in reverse bias; therefore, the current
will flow from R2 to R1:

𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 = 5𝑉 ( ) = 2.5𝑉

1.8 Describe the operation of diode negative clipper.

Opposite of the positive clipper, a diode negative clipper clips out negative voltage output by controlling
the voltage input to a certain extent. At negative half-wave input, the diode is in forward bias (anode is
more positive than cathode), the diode and the R2 (voltage output/load) are parallel to each other –
when components are connected in parallel, their voltages are equal – therefore, the voltage across the
diode which is 0.7V is equal to the output voltage. Thus, at negative half-wave input, the output voltage
is clipped to 0.7V. On the other hand, the diode is in reverse bias when in positive half-wave input - in
this case, the current will flow from R1 to R2 therefore half of voltage input is generated.

1.9 Connect the circuit of Biased Clipper in LTSPICE tool, as shown in Figure 1.9. The student or group
may use another kind of rectifier diode for diode D1; another value of resistance for resistor R1 and
resistor R2; another dc offset, amplitude, and frequency for sine wave voltage source V1; and another
voltage level for dc voltage source V2. Take the photo of your own circuit diagram drawn in LTSPICE
tool, and place it in Figure 1.10.

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Set the transient simulation to display 5 complete cycles of input voltage V1 and output voltage

1.10 across R2. Take a photo of your waveforms, and place it in Figure 1.11.

Fig. 1.11. Input and Output Voltages of Biased Clipper Circuit 1.

1.11 Write the transfer equation of your biased clipper circuit 1. Express the output voltage in terms of the
input voltage.
Voutput=0.7V +1V
𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 = 5𝑉 ( ) = −2.5𝑉
1𝑘Ω + 1kΩ
1.12 Describe the operation of biased clipper circuit 1.
Biased clipper circuit will the voltage input to a more specific and controlled value. Adding a battery
as VBIAS will alter the voltage output generated based on the voltage value of the battery. Compared
to non-biased clipper circuit, the voltage input must exceed to 0.7V + VBIAS for the diode to become
forward bias. Since the diode and the VBIAS is connected in series and are parallel to the load, the
voltage output is now 0.7V + VBIAS instead of 0.7V alone. The diode is in forward bias in positive
half wave input and remain the value until in reverse as soon as the voltage input is below 2.5V
1.13 Connect another circuit of biased clipper, as shown in Figure 1.12. Use the same components from
Figure 1.10. Take the photo of your own circuit diagram, and place it in Figure 1.13.

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Set the transient simulation to display 5 complete cycles of input voltage V1 and output voltage

Fig. 1.12. Biased Clipper Circuit 2 (sample). Fig. 1.13. Connection of Biased Clipper Circuit 2.
1.14 across R2. Take a photo of your waveforms, and place it in Figure 1.14.

Fig. 1.14. Input and Output Voltages of Biased Clipper 2.

1.15 Write the transfer equation of your biased clipper circuit 2. Express the output voltage in terms of the
input voltage.
𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 = 5𝑉 ( ) = −2.5𝑉
1.16 Describe the operation of diode biased clipper 2.
Comparing to the first biased clipper, the battery is connected in opposite polarity. The diode will
still be in forward bias when the voltage input exceeds the value of the sum of voltages across the
diode and the battery. However, the battery is in different polarity, therefore when the current pass
through the diode and the battery, the battery will generate a negative value. The diode will turn on
at >0.7V voltage input but when in forward bias, the voltage output is equal to 0.7V −VBIAS and
the biased clipper will be in reverse bias as soon as the voltage input is below 0.7V −VBIAS .Thus,
at forward bias, the voltage output is equal to 0.7V −VBIAS.
1.17 Connect another circuit of biased clipper, as shown in Figure 1.15. Use the same components from
Figure 1.10 and Figure 1.12. Take the photo of your own circuit diagram, and place it in Figure 1.16.

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Set the transient simulation to display 5 complete cycles of input voltage V1 and output voltage

Fig. 1.15. Biased Clipper Circuit 3 (sample). Fig. 1.16. Connection of Biased Clipper Circuit 3.

1.18 across R2. Take a photo of your waveforms, and place it in Figure 1.17.

Fig. 1.17. Input and Output Voltages of Biased Clipper 3.

1.19 Write the transfer equation of your biased clipper circuit 3. Express the output voltage in terms of the
input voltage.
Voutput=V D 1+V BIAS
1.20 Describe the operation of diode biased clipper 3.
When the voltage input is greater than +1.7V, the diode D1 will be in forward bias andwill retain the
value of +1.7V until the voltage input is less than +1.7V. When the voltage input is now less than
+1.7V, the diode D1 will be in reverse bias and the current will flow from R1 toR2 however, when
the decrease of voltage input exceeds to -1.7V, diode D2 will open and in forward bias until the
voltage output is greater than -1.7V again. During the reverse bias of diode D2, the current will again
flow outside the diode in R1 to R2

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Part 2: Diode Clamper

2.1 Connect the circuit diagram of Diode Clamper using the LTSPICE tool, as shown in Figure 2.1. The
student or group may use another kind of rectifier diode for diode D1; another value of capacitance for
capacitor C1; another value of resistance for resistor R2; and another dc offset, amplitude, and
frequency for sine wave voltage source V1. Take the photo of your own circuit diagram, and place it in
Figure 2.2. (One way to capture the screen in LTSPICE is: View > Paste Bitmap.)

Fig. 2.1. Diode Clamper Circuit (sample). Fig. 2.2. Connection of Diode Clamper Circuit.

2.2 The sample waveforms of clamper circuit in Figure 2.1 is presented in Figure 2.3. The waveforms of
input voltage V1, V(in); output voltage across resistor R2, V(out); and voltage across capacitor C1,
V(in)-V(out) are exhibited in Figure 2.3. For your simulation, set the transient simulation to also display
5 complete cycles of input voltage V1, output voltage across R2, and voltage across capacitor C2. Take
a photo of your waveforms, and place it in Figure 2.4.

Fig. 2.3. Waveforms of Diode Clamper Circuit (sample).

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Fig. 2.4.
Waveforms of Diode Clamper Circuit.

2.3 From the waveforms of your diode clamper circuit in Figure 2.4, answer the following: What is the
peak-to-peak voltage of the input voltage V1? What is the peak-to-peak voltage of the output voltage
across R2? What is the peak voltage of voltage across capacitor C1? What is the dc level of the input
voltage V1? What is the dc level of the output voltage across R2?

Vin(pk-pk) = 9.992V
Vout(pk-pk) = 8.49V
VC1(pk) = 4.438V
Vin(dc) = 0V
Vout(dc) = -5V

2.4 Briefly discuss the operation of a diode clamper circuit.

Looking at the voltage output of the clamper circuit, the clamper generally clamps the DC level of the
signal without changing the waveform of the voltage output. Easily, the clamper moves the waveform
up or down on peak-to-peak waveform – either being a positive clamper or negative clamper. The
output signal is depending on the position of the diode: when downward, the signal would be pushed
downward and vice versa.
2.5 To understand the design constraint involving the diode clamper circuit, let us change the value of your
capacitance C1 to vary the time constant of your clamper circuit in Figure 22. Run again transient
simulations with different time constants. Take a photo of the waveforms of input voltage V1, output
voltage across R2, and voltage across capacitor C1, and place them in Table 2.1. (See Table 2.2 for an
example on how to fill up Table 2.1, using Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.3.)

Table 2.1. Clamper Circuit with Different Time Constants ( clamper)

Frequency of Input Voltage V1, fin 100.21581Hz

Period of Input Voltage V1, Tin 9.979

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Condition C1 R2 clamper Photo of Voltage Waveforms of Clamper Circuit

clamper =
0.1uF 1k 0.1ms

= 1uF 1k 1ms

clamper = Tin 10uF 1k 10ms

100uF 1k 100ms
= 10Tin

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1k 1000ms
= 100Tin 1000uF

2.6 Based on the results in Table 2.1, discuss the effect of time constant of clamper circuit to the voltage
across capacitor C1 and to the output voltage across R2.
Since the time constant is equal to the product of resistance and capacitance, the increase in resistance
would increase the time constant therefore, the capacitor will charge longer. However, the resistance in
the circuit is not changed but the capacitance. Either way, the increase in capacitance will increase the
time constant for charging the capacitor – meaning the capacitor is slow charging. The higher the
capacitance, the slower the time constant for charging the capacitor.

2.7 Based on the results in Table 2.1, what time constant of clamper circuit provides the best output voltage?
Briefly discuss your answer.
Looking through the ideal capacitor, the ideal capacitor creates a batter clamper since the most ideal
capacitor that creates the most constant voltage output. Thus, the capacitor with 1000uF with a time
constant of 1000ms for clamping clamps the waveform of the voltage input without distorting the
waveform as the other values. Therefore, a slower the discharging time the better.

Table 2.2. Example - Clamper Circuit with Different Time Constants ( clamper).
Frequency of Input Voltage V1, fin 100 Hz
Period of Input Voltage V1, Tin 1/100Hz = 10 ms

Condition C1 R2 clamper Photo of Voltage Waveforms of Clamper Circuit

10 µF 1 kΩ 10 ms
= Tin

Part 3: Voltage Multiplier

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3.1 Connect in LTSPICE the circuit diagram of Diode Voltage Doubler in Figure 3.1. The student or group
may use another kind of rectifier diode for diodes D1 and D2; another value of capacitance for
capacitors C1 and C2; and another dc offset, amplitude, and frequency for ac sine-wave voltage source
V1. Notice that net names (in, a, out) are attached to the wires. These net names becomes convenient
when adding traces of voltage waveforms. For example, if we want to plot the voltage across capacitor
C1, we can add the trace for the expression V(in)-V(a). Now, take the photo of your own circuit diagram
drawn, and place it in Figure 3.2.

Fig. 3.2. Connection of Voltage Doubler.

3.2 Set the transient simulation to display 10 complete cycles of input voltage V1. Run your simulation,
and show the waveforms of input voltage V1, voltage across the capacitor C1, and output voltage across
C2. Figure 3.3 shows the example of simulation waveforms for the voltage doubler circuit in Figure
3.1. Now, take a photo of your own waveforms, and place it in Figure 3.4.

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3.3 From the simulation results in Figure 3.4, measure the peak voltage of input voltage V1 and output
voltage across capacitor C1.

Vin(pk) = 4.993V. Vout(pk) = 8.272V.

Briefly explain the discrepancy between the input voltage and output voltage. For 10 complete cycles,
the voltage output almost doubles the value of the input voltage. The peak-to-peak value of the voltage
input is approx. 5V at positive half cycle. During the time, the output voltage gradually increases the
value up to approximately 10V which is twice of the voltage input.
3.4 Briefly explain the operation of Diode Voltage Doubler.
As the name suggests, diode voltage doubler doubles the amount of the input voltage as the output
voltage of the circuit. A voltage multiplier in which multiplies the input voltage by two. The peak-to-
peak value of the input voltage of AC signal will be converted into DC signal of twice the value.

3.5 Connect in LTSPICE the circuit diagram of Diode Voltage Tripler in Figure 3.5. The student or group
may use another kind of rectifier diode for diodes D1, D2 and D3; another value of capacitance for
capacitors C1, C2 and C3; and another dc offset, amplitude, and frequency for ac sine-wave voltage
source V1. Attach net names to wires, such as in, a, b, and c. These net names are helpful when adding

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traces of voltage waveforms. Now, take the photo of your own circuit diagram drawn, and place it in
Figure 3.6.

Fig. 3.6. Connection of Voltage Tripler.

3.6 Set the transient simulation to display 20 complete cycles of input voltage V1. Run your simulation,
and show the waveforms of: input voltage V1, voltage across the capacitor C1, voltage across capacitor
C2, voltage across capacitor C3, and output voltage across node in and node c. Take a photo of your
waveforms, and place it in Figure 3.7.

Fig. 3.7. Waveforms of Voltages in Voltage Tripler Circuit.

3.7 Based on the simulation results in Figure 3.7, determine the peak voltages of input voltage V1 and of
output voltage across node in and node c.

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Vin(pk) = 4.998V. Vout(pk) = 12.523V.

Briefly explain the discrepancy between the input voltage and output voltage.
The peak value of the input voltage is equal to 5V while the output voltage is almost twice of the input
voltage at point c. generally, the output voltage at point c is triple of the input voltage or the Vmax.
3.8 Briefly explain the operation of Diode Voltage Tripler.
As the name suggests, diode voltage tripler triples the amount of the input voltage as the output voltage
of the circuit. A voltage multiplier in which multiplies the input voltage by two. The peak value of the
input voltage of AC signal will be twice the value.


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