LESSON 4 - kết hợp thì - trọng am -2 - 1692022

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Meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ thôøi gian laø nhöõng meänh ñeà baét ñaàu baèng caùc lieân töø chæ
thôøi gian nhö: when (khi, vaøo luùc), while,as ( trong khi ), until, till ( cho ñeán khi ), as soon as, once (
ngay khi ), before, by the time ( tröôùc khi ), after ( sau khi ), as long as , so long as ( chöøng naøo maø ),
since ( töø khi )…
Meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ thôøi gian laø nhöõng meänh ñeà phuï thuoäc , noù khoâng theå ñöùng moät
mình vì noù chæ ra moái quan heä veà thôøi gian vôùi meänh ñeà chính.
EX: When we were in New York, we saw several plays.
I’ll phone you as soon as I get back from work.
We stayed there until it stopped raining.
* Meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ thôøi gian coù theå ñöùng ñaàu hoaëc cuoái caâu. Neáu meänh ñeà traïng
ngöõ chæ thôøi gian ñöùng ôû ñaàu caâu seõ ngaên caùch vôùi meänh ñeà chính baèng moät daáu phaåy.
( comma )
Caùch dieãn ñaït thì töông lai trong caùc meänh ñeà thôøi gian
Main clause Conjunctions Adverb clause of
S + V (s. future)/ be going to + inf When/ as soon as/ after/ S + V (s.present)
before/ until (present perfect)
EX: Bob will come soon. When Bob comes, we will see him.
Linda is going to leave soon . Before she leaves, she is going to finish her work.
We’ ll be able to leave for the airport as soon as the taxi arrives.
I’ll wait here until they come back
* Trong caùc meänh ñeà traïng ngöõ chæ thôøi gian vôùi yù nghóa töông lai chuùng ta khoâng duøng thì
töông lai ñôn hoaëc be going to maø chæ duøng thì hieän taïi ñôn hoaëc thì hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh khi
muoán nhaán maïnh ñeán söï hoaøn thaønh cuûa haønh ñoäng tröôùc khi moät haønh ñoâïng khaùc xaûy ra.
EX: I’ll go to bed after I finish my work
I’ll go to bed after I have finished my work.
* Caùch dieãn ñaït thì quaù khöù trong caùc meänh ñeà thôøi gian.
Main clause conjunction Adverb clause of
S + V ( simple past ) When/ until/ before/ after/ as S + V ( simple
soon as past )
EX: She said goodbye before she left
I started school when I was six
We stayed there until we finished work.
My mother went home after she finished work at the office.
My mother went home as soon as she finished work at the office.

Main clause conjunction Adverb clause of time

S + V ( simple past ) While/as S + V ( Past continuous )
S + V ( past continuous ) While S + V ( past continuous )
S + V ( past continuous ) when S + V ( simple past )
EX: The phone rang while we were having dinner
As I was walking home, it began to rain
I was cooking dinner while my husband was reading a book.
He was talking on the phone when I arrived
Main clause conjunction Adverb clause of time
S + V ( present perfect ) since S + V ( simple past )

EX: We haven’t met each other since we left school.

I have played the piano since I was a child.
Main clause conjunction Adverb clause of time
S + V ( simple past ) After/as soon as S + V ( past perfect )
S + V ( past perfect ) Before/ by the time S + V ( simple past )
Bước 1. Xác định số lượng âm tiết của các từ (dễ)
Bước 2. Xét các trường hợp ưu tiên
Trường hợp ưu tiên 1: Các hậu tố luôn nhận trọng âm chính
Gồm: -ain, -ade, -aire, -ee, -een, -eer, -oo, -oon, -ese, -ette, -ique/-esque
Ví dụ: en-ter-’tain  từ này trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3
Le-mo-’nade  từ này trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3
Pic-tu-’resque  từ này trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3
Trường hợp ưu tiên 2: Các hậu tố làm trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết ngay trước nó
Gồm: -ic, -ical, -ial, -ian, -ious, -ity, -ient, -ion, -itive, -ual, -logy, -ture
Ví dụ: e-co-‘no-mical  từ này trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3
e-‘ffi-cient  từ này trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2
I-‘ta-lian  từ này trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2
Trường hợp ưu tiên 3: Các từ ngoại lệ
‘Politics ‘temperature ‘Agriculture ‘literature
Co’mmittee intro’duce Under’stand repre’sent
Reco’mmend po’lite po’lice ‘promise
‘Realise ‘answer ‘offer ‘happen
‘follow ‘borrow ‘Coffee ‘Television…
Bước 3. Áp dụng nguyên tắc cơ bản (Chỉ áp dụng đối với từ gốc)
*Từ có 2 âm tiết:
- Danh từ và tính từ  Trọng âm chính rơi vào âm thứ nhất
- Động từ  Trọng âm chính rơi vào âm thứ hai
Ví dụ: ‘Mo-ther, ‘ha-ppy, ‘ea-sy, ‘den-tist,…
*Từ có từ 3 âm tiết trở lên:  nhấn vào âm thứ 3 tính từ cuối từ khi tận cùng là: cy, ty, phy,
gy, ise/ize, ate
Ví dụ: co-mmu-ni-ty, so-ci-e-ty, en-vi-ron-ment, e-ra-di-cate,…
Chú ý:
1) Những tiền tố sau đây chỉ làm tăng số lượng âm tiết của từ mà không làm thay đổi trọng âm chính của từ
re-, un-, in-, im-, il-, dis-,
non-, ir-, over- , under- , en-, …
Ví dụ: ‘happy  un’happy
2) Những hậu tố sau đây chỉ làm tăng số lượng âm tiết của từ mà không làm thay đổi trọng âm chính của từ
-ed, -ing, -ful, -less, -ment, -ous, -
able, -ible, -ly, -er, -or, -ize,
-en, -ship, -hood, -ness , ...
Ví dụ: Re-‘la-tion (n)  Re-‘la-tion-ship
3) Nếu là từ phái sinh (tức là từ đã thêm tiền tố hay hậu tố), xét trọng âm theo từ gốc
Ví dụ: Từ gốc: de’pend (v)  trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm thứ 2
Từ phái sinh: Inde’pendence  trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm thứ 3
4) Trọng âm của từ ghép
- N+N:  1st : film-maker, tea-cup, bed-room, airport…
- Adj/Adv +Adj:  2nd : short-sighted, well-done, ill-treated,…
- N+Adj:  1st : lightning-fast, homesick, carsick, waterproof, …
- Adv ghép:  2nd: downstair, northeast, …
5) Dấu hiệu nhận biết từ loại
- N: -ty, -ture, -cy, -phy, -logy, -ism, -ist, -er, -ee, -or, -tion, -sion, -ness, -ship, -an, -ence, -ance, -
dom, -ette, -itude, -ment, …
- V: -ate, -ain -flect, -flict -spect, -scribe, -ceive, -fy, -ise/-ize, -ude, -ide, -ade, -tend, …
- Adj: al, -ive, -able/-ible, -ic, -ant, -ent, -ous, -esque, …
Exercise 1: Choose the best answer:
1. I will call you before I ________ over.
A. come B. will come C. will be coming D. came
2. After she graduates, she ________ a job.
A. got B. will get C. had got D. get
3. When I _________ him tomorrow, I will ask him.
A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. see
4. As soon as it _________ raining, we will leave.
A. stops B. stop C. had stopped D. stopped
5. By the time he comes, we will have already __________.
A. leave B. leaving C. left D. leaves
6. Whenever I ________ her, I say hello.
A. see B. will see C. will have seen D. saw
7. The next time I go to New York, I am going ________ a ballet.
A. seeing B. see C. saw D. to see
8. I will never speak to him again so long as I _______.
A. lives B. will live C. am living D. live
9. By the time Bill ____ to bed tomorrow, he will have had a full day and will be ready for sleep.
A. had gone B. will go C. goes D. went
10. As soon as I finish my report, I will call you and we ________ out for dinner.
A. went B. will go C. will have gone D. go
11. By the time I return to my country, I _________ away from home for more than three years.
A. would be B. will have been C. will be D. am
12. After he _______ breakfast tomorrow, he will get ready to go to work.
A. will have had B. has C. will be having D. have
13. As soon as he finishes dinner, he _______ the children for a work to a nearby playground.
A. will take B. takes C. will be taking D. took
14. When Bill gets home, his children ___________ in the yard.
A. played B. will play C. will be playing D. play
15. He will work at his desk until he ______ to another meeting in the middle of the afternoon.
A. went B. go C. will go D. goes
16. She ________ lunch by the time we arrived.
A. finished B. has finishedC. had finished D. finishing
17. Bob will come soon. When Bob _______, we will see him.
A. come B. will come C. will be coming D. comes
18. I will get home at 5:30. After I get home, I ________ dinner.
A. will have B. will be having C. had D. have
19. As soon as the taxi _________, we will be able to leave for the airport.
A. arrives B. arrive C. will arrive D. arrived
20. I will go to bed after I _________my work.
A. finish B. finished C. will finish D. finishes
21. I ________ here when you arrive tomorrow.
A. am B. had been C. could be D. will be
22. I am going to wait right here until Jessica ________.
A. comes B. will have come C. is coming D. came
23. As soon as the war ________over, there will be great joy throughout the land.
A. are B. will be C. is D. would be
24. Right now the tide is low, but when the tide comes in, the ship ______ the harbor.
A. left B. will leave C. will have left D. leave
25. I am going to start making dinner before my wife ______ home from work today.
A. get B. gets C. will get D. got
Exercise 2: Identify the underlined part that needs correction :
26. When it raining, I usually go to school by bus.
27. I learned a lot of Japanese while I am in Tokyo.
28. I have not been well since I return home.
29. I’ll stay here until will you get back.
30. When Sam was in New York, he stays with his cousins.
31. Last night, I had gone to bed after I had finished my homework.
32. I will call you before I will come over.
33. Ever since I was a child, I had been afraid of dogs.
34. By the time I left my apartment this morning, someone looked for me.
35. Whenever Mark will be angry, his nose gets red.
36. I had fried chicken when I am at the restaurant.
37. The first time that I went to New York, I go to an opera.
38. Before I arrived, he was talking on the phone.
39. When she will see him tomorrow, she will ask him.
40. As I was walking home, it begin to rain.
41. We stayed there after we finished our work.
42. Once it will stop raining, we will leave.
43. I will never speak to him again as long as I will live.
44. As soon as the other passengers gets on the bus, we’ll leave.
45. As soon as I will finish my report, I’ll call you and we’ll go out to dinner.
46. Mark was listening to music after his sister was reading a book.
47. Sam hadn’t received the parcel when I speak to him.
48. I have been hoping to meet you before I read your first novel.
49. By the time you finishes getting ready, we will have missed the train.
50. When you will arrive, there will be someone to meet.
Bài tập 1.
1) A. admire B. honour C. title D. difficult
2) A. describe B. struggle C. political D. society
3) A. independence B. politician C. immortality D. different
4) A. comfort B. nation C. apply D. moment
5) A. ashamed B. position C. begin D. enemy
6) A. influential B. creative C. introduction D. university
7) A. profit B. suggest C. surrender D. report
8) A. career B. majority C. continue D. education
9) A. vocational B. employer C. minority D. reasonable
10) A. general B. opinion C. abroad D. surprise
Bài tập 2.
1) A. realise B. improve C. possible D. comfortable
2) A. important B. especially C. prefer D. influence
3) A. mineral B. example C. diamond D. popular
4) A. republic B. collector C. situation D. inscription
5) A. protection B. separate C. develop D. encourage
6) A. recognise B. stimulate C. activity D. adult
7) A. intelligent B. direct C. satisfactory D. desire
8) A. relationship B. command C. vocabulary D. island
9) A. define B. idea C. express D. figure
10) A. suppose B. expect C. unusual D. literary
Bài tập 3.
1) A. individual B. reputation C. experience D. scientific
2) A. carpenter B. revise C. ignore D. traditional
3) A. necessary B. achieve C. communicate D. poetic
4) A. influence B. modern C. consider D. different
5) A. contain B. poisonous C. chemical D. scientist
6) A. discover B. unhealthy C. amount D. realise
7) A. avoid B. gesture C. permit D. exact
8) A. forefinger B. precise C. specific D. computer
9) A. involved B. equal C. machine D. eventual
10) A. operation B. official C. community D. efficiency
Bài tập 4.
1. A. swarm B. swear C. swim D. sword
2. A. plays B. breeze C. receives D. students
3. A.headaches B. wishes C. finishes D. Alice's
4. A. thirteen B. thanks C. think D. father
5. A. pub B. club C. climb D. sob
6. A. reason B. son C. busy D. easy
7. A. choose B. child C. change D. chemistry
8. A. desire B. noisy C. sugar D. present
9. A. promise B. devise C. surprise D. realise
10. A. thumb B. themselves C. think D. thorough
Bài tập 5.
1. A. father B. there C. those D. think
2. A. consider B. century C. cigarette D. celebrate
3. A. horses B. chooses C. roses D. rises
4. A. jogged B. cooked C. gained D. smiled
5. A. teacher B. children C. kitchen D. chemist
6. A. chance B. chair C. choose D. character
7. A. cooked B. helped C. watched D. played
8. A. there B. they C. thank D. these
9. A. kitchen B. children C. teacher D. chemist
10. A. desks B. maps C. plants D. chairs
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
Question 1: My father doesn’t smoke and he doesn’t drink.
A. My father doesn’t smoke but he drinks. B. My father neither smokes nor drinks.
C. My father enjoys smoking and drinking. D. My father not only smokes but also drinks.
Question 2: Without transportation, our modern society would not exist.
A. If there were no transportation, our modern society would not exist.
B. If transportation no longer exists, our modern society will not either.
C. Our modern society does not exist if there is no transportation.
D. Our modern society will not exist without having traffic.
Question 3: “Remember to bring your books,” he said.
A. He reminded me to bring my books. B. He warned me against bringing my books.
C. He asked me if I remembered to bring my books. D. He said I remembered to bring my books.
Read the following passage taken from Microsoft Encarta and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the blanks from 4 to 8.


Different kinds of animals have appeared and disappeared throughout Earth’s history. Some
animals go extinct because the climate (4)_______ they live changes. The climate may become wetter or
drier. It may become warmer or cooler. If the animals cannot change, or adapt, to the new climate, they die.
Some animals go extinct because they cannot (5) _______ with other animals for food. Some
animals go extinct because they are killed by enemies. New kinds of animals are always evolving. Evolving
means that the animals are changing (6) _______ from generation to generation. Small differences between
parents, children, and grandchildren slowly add up over many, many generations. Eventually, a different
kind of animal evolves.
Sometimes many of the animals on Earth go extinct at the (7) _______ time. Scientists call this a
mass extinction. Scientists think there (8) _______ at least five mass extinctions in Earth’s history. The last
mass extinction happened about 65 million years ago. This mass extinction killed off the dinosaurs.
Question 4: A. where B. which C. when D. what
Question 5: A. complete B. find C. compete D. exist
Question 6: A. accidentally B. suddenly C. quickly D. slowly
Question 7: A. same B. similar C. different D. various
Question 8: A. has been B. have been C. will be D. are
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 9: The restaurant is so badly managed________
A. that it wants to repair B. that no one wants to eat there
C. for anyone to eat there D. unless someone eats there
Question 10: If you didn’t get rid of smoking_______.
A. you will affect your health B. your health wouldn’t affect
C. your health would be affected D. your health will be affected
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the
position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 11: A. effective B. surgery C. enterprise D. alcohol
Question 12: A. apply B. persuade C. reduce D. offer
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 13: We first ________ each other in London in 2006.
A. met B. have met C. meet D. had met
Question 14: All of our rain forests ____ unless we find some ways to stop people from cutting down trees.
A. destroy B. were destroyed C. will destroy D. will be destroyed
Question 15: ____ his serious disease, he tried to finish writing his novel.
A. Although B. Despite C. In spite D. However
Question 16: The 22 Southeast Asian Games were____ in Vietnam from 5 to 13th December 2003.
nd th

A. conducted B. taken C. held D. carried

Question 17: Sales were poor last month; ____, there has been an increase this month.
A. otherwise B. moreover C. because D. however
Question 18: The gardener fertilizes his land to ____ it more productive.
A. make B. do C. help D. force
Question 19: She suggested ____ for a drink.
A. to go B. being gone C. going D. go
Question 20: Nowadays more and more women go out to work, and they become more ____ than they used
A. independently B. dependence C. dependent D. independent.
Question 21: The salesman left a good _______ on his customers.
A. impression B. expression C. idea D. belief
Question 22:A new study group has been set _______ by the government.
A. away B.out C.up D. down
Question 23: Each of us must take ______ for our own actions.
A.probability B. ability C. possibility D. responsibility
Question 24: This machine is ________ easy to install and cheap to operate.
A. compare B. comparatively C. comparative D. comparison
Question 25: He is very ______ because he is concerned only with his own interests and feelings.
A. helpful B.confident C. grateful D. selfish
Question 26: Please remember to ________ the lights as you leave the room.
A. go out B. set off C. get out D. turn off
Question 27: The factory in ______ John works is the biggest in the town.
A. that B.where C. when D. which
Question 28: Two thieves _______ at a bus stop were arrested yesterday.
A.wait B. waiting C. having waited. D. were waiting
Question 29: Susan : "Can you do the cooking today?"
Bill : "_________."
A. Yes, please. B. Oh, all right C. No, thank you D. I know that
Question 30: Reading books is still one of _____ most popular forms of entertainment.
A. an B. the C. any D. a
Question 31: They laughed a lot last night. The film ________ have been very funny.
A.can B.must C. would D.ought
Question 32: Last night, the train was delayed ____ the flood.
A. because B. since C. even though D. because of
Question 33: The longer he waited, _______ impatient he got.
A. the more B. more C. better D. the better
Question 34: Phil :" I'd like to become a tour guide. What do you think I should do?"
A. Yes, a tour guide is a good job! B. I don't agree with you.
C. I think you should practise spoken English. D. Shall we have a package tour this
Question 35: I am studying hard _______ get a place at a good university.
A.so that B. in order to C. so as D. in order that
Question 36: George : "In my opinion, action films are exciting".
Frankie : "______"
A. There's no doubt about it B. You shouldn't have said that
C. What an opinion! D. Yes, Congratulation!
Question 37: We will always _______ the wonderful winter holiday we had in Australia.
A. remind B. revise C. reflect D. remember
Read the following passage adapted from Pre-Essence Reading 1 by Rachel Lee, and mark the letter A,
B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 42
The body language people use often communicates more about their feelings than the words they are
saying. We use body movements, hand gestures, facial expressions, and changes in our voice to
communicate with each other. Although some body language is universal, many gestures are culturally
specific and may mean different things in different countries.
If you want to give someone the nod in Bulgaria, you have to nod your head to say no and shake it to
say yes – the exact opposite of what we do! In Belgium, pointing with your index finger or snapping your
fingers at someone is very rude.
In France, you shouldn’t rest your feet on tables or chairs. Speaking to someone with your hands in
your pockets will only make matters worse. In the Middle East, you should never show the soles of your feet
or shoes to others as it will be seen as a grave insult. When eating, only use your right hand because they
use their left hands when going to the bathroom.
In Bangladesh, the ‘thumbs-up’ is a rude sign. In Myanmar, people greet each other by clapping, and
in India, whistling in public is considered rude.
In Japan, you should not blow your nose in public, but you can burp at the end of a meal to show that
you have enjoyed it. The ‘OK’ sign (thumb and index finger forming a circle) means ‘everything is good’ in
the West, but in China it means nothing or zero. In Japan, it means money, and in the Middle East, it is a
rude gesture.
Question 38: It is mentioned in the passage that many gestures __________
A. may mean different things in different countries
B. are not used to communicate our feelings
C. can be used to greet each other in public
D. are used in greeting among men and women
Question 39: People nod their head to say no in __________
A. Belgium B. Bulgaria C. France D. Japan
Question 40: In the Middle East, people do not use their left hands for eating because they use their left
hands _____
A.when going to the bathroom B. when preparing the meal
C.to put in their pockets D. to clean their tables and chairs
Question 41: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. In France, people shouldn’t rest their feet on tables.
B. In Belgium, snapping your fingers at someone is very rude.
C. In China, the ‘OK’ sign means money
D. In Myanmar, people greet each other by clapping
Question 42: The word “others” in paragraph 3 refers to __________
A. other people B. other shoes C. other soles D. other feet
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Question 43: A. infectious B. punish C. describe D. efficient
Question 44: A. teenage B. message C. passage D. sausage
Question 45: A. chemical B. characteristic C. Christmas D. challenge
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 46: It is suggested that smoking should to be banned in pubs, restaurants, and other public places
Question 47: Good scientists always cooperate with each others no matter what their nationalities are
Question 48: Many species of wild animals would become extinction if people continued to cut down
Question 49: On Saturday, I enjoy to go to the concert with my friends.
Question 50: Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods.

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