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1. Các động từ được theo sau bởi danh động từ


1 admit thừa nhận He admitted stealing the money
2 advise khuyên nhủ She advised waiting until tomorrow
3 anticipate đoán trước, mong chờ I anticipate having a good time on
4 appreciate đánh giá cao I appreciated hearing from them
5 avoid tránh xa He avoided answering my question
6 can’t bear không thể chịu được I can’t bear waiting in long lines
7 begin bắt đầu It began raining
8 complete hoàn thành I finally completed writing my term paper
9 consider xem xét I will consider going with you
10 continue tiếp tục He continued speaking
11 delay hoãn lại He delayed leaving for school
12 deny phủ nhận She denied committing the crime
13 discuss bàn luận They discussed opening a new business
14 dislike không thích I dislike driving long distances
15 enjoy thích thú, tận hưởng We enjoyed visiting them
16 finish kết thúc She finished studying at about ten
17 forget quên I’ll never forget visiting Napoleon’s tomb
18 hate ghét bỏ I hate making silly mistakes
19 can’t help không thể (ngừng) I can’t help worrying about it
20 keep cứ (làm gì) I keep hoping we will come
21 like thích I like going to the movie
22 love yêu thích I love going to operas
23 mention đề cập đến She mentioned going to a movie
24 mind để ý, phiền Would you mind helping me with this?
25 miss nhớ nhung I miss being with my family
26 postpone hoãn Let’s postpone leaving untill tomorrow
27 practice luyện tập The athlete practiced throwing the ball
28 prefer thích (cái gì) hơn Ann prefers walking to driving to work
29 quit từ bỏ He quit trying to solve the problem
30 recall nhớ I don’t recall meeting him before
31 recollect nhớ lại I don’t recollect meeting him before
32 recommend đề cử, đề nghị She recommended seeing the show
33 regret hối tiếc I regret telling him my secret
34 remember nhớ I can remember meeting him when I was
a child
35 resent oán giận I resent her interfering in my business
36 resist kháng cự I couldn’t resist eating dessert
37 risk mạo hiểm, liều, có rủi She risks losing all of her money
38 can’t stand không thể chịu I can’t stand waiting in long lines
39 start bắt đầu It started raining
40 stop dừng lại She stopped going to classes when she
got sick
41 suggest gợi ý She suggested going to a movie
42 tolerate tha thứ She won’t tolerate cheating during an
43 try thử I tried changing the light bulb, but the
lamp still didn’t work
44 understand hiểu I don’t understand his leaving school

2. Các động từ được theo sau bởi động từ nguyên thể


1 afford đủ khả năng (thời I can’t afford to buy it
gian hoặc tài chính)
2 agree đồng ý They agree to help us
3 appear có vẻ She appears to be tired
4 arrange sắp xếp I’ll arrange to meet you at the airport
5 ask xin phép He asked to come with us
6 can’t bear không thể chịu được I can’t bear to wait in long lines
7 beg cầu xin He begged to come with us
8 begin bắt đầu It began to rain
9 care quan tâm I don’t care to see that show
10 claim khẳng định She claims to know a famous movie star
11 consent bằng lòng She finally consented to marry him
12 continue tiếp tục He continued to speak
13 decide quyết định I have decided to leave on Monday
14 demand yêu cầu I demand to know who is responsible
15 deserve xứng đáng She deserves to win the prize
16 expect mong đợi I expect to enter graduate school in the
17 fail không thể (làm gì) She failed to return the book on time
18 forget quên I forgot to mail the letter
19 hate ghét I hate to make silly mistakes
20 hesitate do dự Don’t hesitate to ask for my help
21 hope mong Jake hopes to arrive next week
22 intend có ý định He intends to be a firefighter
23 learn học He learned to play the piano
24 like thích I like to go to the movie
25 love yêu thích I love to go to operas
26 manage có thể (làm gì) She managed to finish her work early
27 mean cố ý I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings
28 need cần I need to have your opinion
29 offer đề nghị They offered to help us
30 plan có kế hoạch I’m planning to have a party
31 prefer thích (cái gì) hơn Ann prefers to walk to work
32 prepare chuẩn bị We prepared to welcom them
33 pretend giả vờ He pretends not to understand
34 promise hứa I promise not to be late
35 refuse từ chối I refuse to believe his story
36 regret hối tiếc I regret to tell you that you failed
37 remember nhớ I remembered to lock the door
38 seem có vẻ That car seems to be friendly
39 can’t stand không thể chịu I can’t stand to wait in long lines
40 start bắt đầu It started to rain
41 struggle gặp khó khăn I struggled to stay awake
42 swear thề She swore to tell the truth
43 tend hay (làm gì) He tends to talk too much
44 threaten đe dọa She threatened to tell my parents
45 try cố gắng I’m trying to learn English
46 volunteer tình nguyện He volunteered to help us
47 wait chờ I’ll wait to hear from you
48 want muốn I want to tell you something
49 wish mong, ước She wishes to come with us

3. Các động từ được theo sau bởi đại từ/danh từ + động từ nguyên thể


1 advíse khuyên She advised me to wait until tomorrow
2 allow cho phép She allowed me to use her car
3 ask nhờ She asked join to help us
4 beg cầu xin They begged us to come
5 cause khiến cho Her laziness caused her to fail
6 challenge thách đấu She challenged me to race her to the
7 convice thuyết phục I couldn’t convince him to accept your
8 dare thách He dared me to do better than he had
9 encourage khuyến khích He encouraged me to try again
10 expect mong đợi I expect you to be on time
11 forbid ngăn cấm I forbid you to tell him
12 force bắt buộc They forced him to tell the truth
13 hire thuê She hired a boy to mow the lawn
14 instruct hướng dẫn He instructed them to be careful
15 invite mời Harry invited the Johnsons to come to
his party
16 need cần We needed Chris to help us figure out the
17 order yêu cầu The judge ordered me to pay a fine
18 permit cho phép làm gì He permitted the children to stay up
19 persuade thuyết phục I persuaded him to come for a visit
20 remind nhắc nhở She reminded me to lock the door
21 require yêu cầu Our teacher requires us to be on time
22 teach dạy My brother taught me to swim
23 tell yêu cầu The doctor told me to take these pills
24 urge thúc giục I urged her to apply for the job
25 want muốn I want you to be happy
26 warn cảnh báo I warned you not to drive too fast

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