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Lesson Plan (SCIENCE)

February 28, 2022

I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a) Identify the names of the different animals.
b) Match animals with their sounds.
c) Recognize the sounds produced by animals.
d) Imitate the different sounds produced by the given animals.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Sounds of Animals
Reference: Science K1, Evelyn M. Eva et al.
Science for Preschoolers Nursery, Violeta D. Ramirez
Science K2, Ma. Adolorie E. Hinanay et al.
Materials: PowerPoint, pictures, television, laptop
Values: Showing care and love to the animals
Skills: Identifying, and recognizing

III. Learning Process

Teacher’s Activity Children’s Activity
Preliminary Activities
A. Drill
- prayer
- greetings
- exercise
- Zumba
- weather/date
- checking of attendance
B. Motivation
Let us sing the song, “Shake Up Up”.

Let us watch and sing along with the song “Old MacDonald Had (The children will watch)
a Farm”.
Development of the Lesson
C. Presentation
The class will be grouped into three (3). Each group should form
a puzzle as to what picture will be formed. After that, they will
name and imitate the sound produced by what is in the picture.

What are the animals formed in your puzzles?

Pupils will respond.
Very good children, what do you think will be our lesson for
today? Sounds of animals teacher

Okay, children’s eyes in front, and let us discuss and learn the
Yes teacher
different sounds that each animal produces.
D. Discussion
Animals cannot talk. Instead, they make sounds to communicate.
Here are some animals and the sounds they make.
Dog- Arf! Arf! Cat- Meow! Meow!
Duck- Quack! Quack! Frog- Kokak! Kokak!

Cow- Moo! Moo! Snake- Sssh! Sssh!

Pig- Oink! Oink! Goat- Mee! Mee!

Bird- Tweet! Tweet! Bee- Bzzz! Bzzz!

Lion- Rrrr! Rrrr! Horse- Neigh! Neigh!

Sheep- Baa! Baa! Hen- Cluck! Cluck!

Owl- Hoo… Hoo…

Post Developmental Activity

E. Generalization
Do animals produce different sounds? Yes teacher
What are the reasons why they make sounds? They make sounds to communicate teacher

Very good children, the animals make sounds to call or warn

their young or kind.
F. Application
The pupils will go in front one by one and let the pupil select a
picture of the animal and let them imitate the sound of each

IV. Evaluation

V. Agreement
In your Science notebook, paste three cut-out pictures of animals
you can find at home.

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