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Deep Submergence Vehicle (DSV) Alvin, Launch and Recovery System (LARS) Finite Element Analysis

(FEA) Technical Assist, 21 June 2017

Structural Analysis Criteria and Deliverables Checklist
dtd 20 Jun 2017

I. References:

(a) ALVIN Scope of Certification

II. Purpose and Scope:

1. DSS-SOC components and hardware require acceptable levels of Objective Quality Evidence (OQE) and Quality
Assurance (QA) to verify that a DSS provides maximum reasonable assurance for occupant safety through the
specified operating range of the system when approved operating and maintenance procedures are followed as
stated in reference (a).

2. This document provides a process for the contractor to meet reference (a) requirements for deliverables, i.e.
calculation packages, brief packages adjudicating out-of-tolerance (OOT) or out-of-specification (OOS) conditions,
and drawings, for review by the Technical Warrant Holder (TWH) – Structures Deep Submergence Systems (SDSS),
referred to herein as TWH, or the designated technical authority representative. Use of this document for other
programs or purposes requires TWH-SDSS approval.

III. Introduction:

Calculation packages shall include all necessary information to demonstrate the technical adequacy of the asset’s
structural components and system. The following information is provided as guidance for information to be included
in deliverables. Additional content may be required based on analytical results, e.g. fatigue calculations for high
stressed areas in the load path that exceed the general allowable stress. Requirements for computer analyses and
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) techniques are included.

IV. General Information:

1. Each deliverable, whether it is a formal calculation package for approval or a brief package supporting the
technical adjudication of OOT condition, shall include the following information. The content below may be tailored
to meet the specific purpose of the deliverable.

1. The pertinent background and purpose of the calculation with the requirements to be met
2. The specific details of the approval being requested
3. A brief summary of the results and final recommendation
4. Approval and signature of responsible (e.g. senior) engineer of submitting entity

Unless otherwise stated, where the term "areas of interest" is used throughout this document, it is defined as any
areas where calculated component stresses exceed 75% of the allowable stress.
Analysis and Results Requirements:

2. The calculations shall reflect the design configuration, including any design modifications made as a result of
production changes. The initial release of many calculation packages will occur before the production drawings have
been finalized and released. Therefore, engineering judgment and hand calculations shall be used to evaluate and
validate the effect of the production changes on the initial analysis. The below provides requirements for what
information to include in a deliverable. The reviewer will be able to verify the process and results without making

a. Purpose, executive summary, background, revision history, list of effective pages, table of contents, list
of references, list of figures, list of appendices, and list of symbols, variables, and abbreviations
Deep Submergence Vehicle (DSV) Alvin, Launch and Recovery System (LARS) Finite Element Analysis
(FEA) Technical Assist, 21 June 2017
b. System and/or component description
i. Include sketches, material, material allowable, etc.
ii. Verification that the applicable drawings and representation of the component and/or system in the
analysis align
iii. Include a key sketch which is an arrangement type sketch identifying overall structure and location
to a known reference.
iv. Identification of where each component/structure is covered in the analysis
v. Complete free body diagrams (FBD)
vi. Applicable part, piece number, and drawing number
c. Criteria/design requirements
i. Description of requirements, including unique requirements such as environmental and
transportation loads; their source documentation, including applicable sections; and, if applicable,
how they were derived
ii. Description of what the structure is designed to do (e.g. pressure, load carrying capacity, etc.).
iii. Applicable asset and host specifications
iv. Load case combinations and how the worst case was determined. Worst case shall consider
tolerances, position, corrosion, etc. It is permissible to analyze to nominal dimensions, where the
fabrication tolerances are negligible with respect to nominal size. Sound engineering judgment
will be required, and justification(s) for using nominal tolerances must be explicitly stated in the
calculation package.
d. Any assumptions used shall be stated and justified.
e. Allowable stresses shall be identified. Stress and buckling allowables as defined in reference (a) may
not be appropriate for all materials and conditions. NAVSEA concurrence on the appropriate
recommended safety factors shall be obtained during requirements definition. The Contractor shall
use the defined loads and allowable stresses in the following table, unless other values have already
been specified and agreed-upon by the TWH, technical warrant holder for submarine hydrodynamics,
the SDM and PMS 394 on a case-by-case basis.

Stress Component Allowable Stress/Load

General Stresses, if σyield/σult≤ .7 σyield/1.33 (Specified as Fa)
General Stresses, if σyield/σult> .7 (σyield + σult)/3.25 (=Fa)
Shear Allowable Stress τ = 0.577 Fa
Allowable Bearing Stress 1.6 σyield
Allowable Bolt/Pin Tensile Stress 0.65 Fa
Allowable Bolt Shear Stress 0.6 Fa
Bolt/Pin Combined Tensile, Bending4 and Shear Stress 1.0 Fa
Joint Separation Pre-load > 2.0 Fjoint separation
Composites and other non Metallics Properties to be based on B-Basis, “wet”
properties – Safety factor 3.0. Local
allowable stresses to be determined on a
case by case basis.
Web Crippling Steel Construction Manual - AISC
Buckling Min Predicted Buckling > 1.5 Fcr
Table 5 – Stress Allowables
Notes for Table 5:
1. σyield = minimum specified yield strength of material
2. σult = minimum ultimate strength of material
3. Fcr = critical buckling load/stress in compression. torsion or shear of the structural member, appropriate to its
dimensional configuration, boundary condition, loading, pattern, material, etc. FEA buckling Fcr to be compared to
hand calculations.
4. Combined bolt stress including bolt bending shall initially be compared to σ yield. Bolt or pin bending shall be based
on “Analysis & Design of Flight Vehicle Structure” by Bruhn for a double shear case. Single shear joints shall use a
Deep Submergence Vehicle (DSV) Alvin, Launch and Recovery System (LARS) Finite Element Analysis
(FEA) Technical Assist, 21 June 2017
moment arm of one-half the thickness of the thicker plate/member plus the gap if applicable. For design requiring
joint optimization, a reduced moment arm calculation may be used if the radial gap between the through hole and
bolt are approximately 0.005 inches and also may be based on precision hole machining (hole perpendicularity to
plate thickness within approximately 0.005 inches) with a bolt-to-hole diameter difference, along with predicted
local plate deformation (assumes plate bearing strength is less than bolt bearing strength), and discussion and
approval of the TWH).
5. If combined stresses exceed yield a fatigue and plastic moment analysis can be accomplished to demonstrate
adequacy. The analysis shall be discussed with the TWH before it is started.
6. In general, to be considered localized the stress concentration shall be: (1) small enough not to effect buckling;
(2) not extend through the thickness; (3) be less than 10% in length between attaching components or discontinuity
and (4) small enough not affect fatigue/fracture. Each situation shall be reviewed and concurred to by the TWH.

f. A summary of analytical results

i. Includes buckling results, fatigue/fracture calculation results(when necessary), calculated stresses
vs. allowable stresses, safety factor calculations, conclusions, and recommendations.
ii. Details of the design loads, working loads, test loads, etc. and descriptions and location of how the
loads are applied.
iii. Description of how friction and contact are considered if applicable
iv. Summary of materials used with properties
v. In areas of interest the analyst shall examine Von Mises, P1 and P3 stress values. Stress plots
depicting the highest stress value (Von Mises, P1 or P3) shall be documented in the calculation
package. In most cases, the maximum of the other stress values are not plotted but stated in the
report. However, there could be special circumstances where the customer requests additional
stress plots.
vi. Bolt/fastener/pin/lug analysis shall be analyzed for bending, tension, shear, and combined stresses
using hand calculations unless otherwise approved by NAVSEA. Bolted joints shall meet the
minimum factor of safety to guard against separation. The Bruhn standard shall be used for
determination of the bolt's bending moment arm. Combined stresses will be used for fastener
evaluation purposes; however, if combined stresses exceed allowable, then bolt bending stress
may be separated from combined stress calculation and compared to material yield. For tight
fitting bolt configurations (i.e. approx. 0.005" or smaller radial gap) alternate analysis methods can
be used as agreed upon by the TWH.
vii. Bolt thread shear, length of engagement, etc. shall be determine. Note, PC Bolts is an acceptable
computer program for calculations.
viii. All formulas used shall have references including the location in the reference where the formula
is found. Formulas excluded from this requirement are those universally recognized such as:
A=πr2, a=1/2BH, σ=MC/I, etc.
xi. All worksheets (e.g. Microsoft Excel, MATHCAD, etc.) used and neutral files (electronic only) of finite
element models or other modeling programs. The worksheets shall include the equations used in
the calculations (primarily Microsoft Excel concern). These calculations shall include the bolt and
connection calculations.
x. Weld joints shall be analyzed using:(1) MIL-STD-1628 andMIL-STD-22; or (2) ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code allowables. Other processes shall be approved by the TWH.
g. Make a statement of conclusions for each of the requirements listed in the “Statement of the Problem.”
h. Recommendations
i. Make a statement as to which configuration should be implemented, if applicable.
ii. Explain how to implement the solution to the problem based on the conclusions.

V. General Computer Analysis and Results Requirements

Deep Submergence Vehicle (DSV) Alvin, Launch and Recovery System (LARS) Finite Element Analysis
(FEA) Technical Assist, 21 June 2017
1. Computer analyses and results require explanation and information for the reviewer to have a clear
understanding of the work completed and ability to verify the different steps of the analyses. The reviewer
should be able to recreate the analyses from the information provided if required at a future date.
a. Include a description of the program, input variables, and program assumptions.
b. Explanation of how the computer printout results are used in the design shall be provided which
identify a clear and traceable path of the analysis.
c. Provide diagrams showing idealizations. Alternatively, for simple idealizations, verbal descriptions of
idealizations without diagrams are acceptable.
d. Provide input and output files where appropriate or upon Government request.
e. Explain why the specific program and techniques were used including all modeling information or what
was used to set-up the analysis.
f. Provide stress and deflection plots as needed for the specific problem showing
i. Overall and close-in plots of the results, especially for areas of interest
ii. Where stresses are within75% or more of the allowable, provide unaveraged nodal stress values
of the surrounding area. Provide detail views of the high stressed area along with technical
justification for why it is acceptable. Alternatively, if the selected FEA software is limited such that
unaveraged nodal stresses cannot be reported, then unaveraged elemental stresses will be
iii. General overall behavior of the structure
iv. Explain what stresses are reported (averaged, nodal, element, etc.).

VI. General Finite Element Analysis Requirements

1. FEA is frequently utilized to determine the adequacy of the structural systems, and is one of the more
difficult analyses to verify by the reviewer because of the complexity of the models used. The following are content
and modeling requirements for when FEA is used. The information below will also help the reviewer to verify the
technical adequacy of the FEA and be able to recreate the analyses in the future should the need arise.
a. Identification of the documents and drawings with revision from which the model was generated
including any simplified modeling techniques.
b. Any of the following methods can be used to check and validate the model is converged:
i. Perform mesh sensitivity analysis to validate Von Mises stresses that appear to be excessively high.
Refine the original mesh and compare to the original results to ensure that results do not change
by greater than some reasonable factor (7%).
ii. Compare unaveraged elemental Von Mises stress values in area of interest defined as stresses
exceeding 75% of material allowable to averaged nodal values. If there is less than a 7% difference
the stresses are assumed to be adequately converged.
iii. Using an h-adaptive meshing technique where the mesh is refined until a strain energy error target
of 2% (global) is achieved between consecutive loops.
iv. Unless otherwise approved by the Government, strain energy error compared to total strain
energy and verified to be less than or equal to 7% in areas of interest.
c. Transition elements (i.e. beams to shells, shells to solids, etc.) shall be away from areas of interest and
shall not influence load path/stresses.
d. Element aspect ratio shall not exceed 4:1 in areas of interest. All other areas require an element aspect
ratio not to exceed10:1. Use good engineering practice to insure the element aspect ratio transitions
at areas of interest do not affect the stress results.
d. Stress gradients shall be no more than 10%. This can be verified during technical reviews.
e. FEA shall be validated by hand calculations, i.e. web crippling, punch through, Roark calculations, etc.
For complex structural assemblies, this is not intended to be a piece-by-piece set of hand calculations,
but rather a macro-level assessment to cross-check the overall structure behavior and results of the
FEA. Buckling analysis (no matter how simple the geometry) must always be supplemented with hand
f. Details on analysis technique selected and why it was selected, such as non-linear for large
displacements or contact loading.
Deep Submergence Vehicle (DSV) Alvin, Launch and Recovery System (LARS) Finite Element Analysis
(FEA) Technical Assist, 21 June 2017
g. Information on convergence parameters and why they were selected for non-linear analysis, i.e.
iteration steps, displacement, work, load convergence criteria, etc.
h. Results of the mesh convergence study
i. Sub-model requirements
i. Sub-models, utilizing solid elements, are required in areas of interest or the global model can allow
mesh refinement in the areas of interest so long as the convergence criteria are met.
ii. Provide OQE that loads and displacements are appropriately translated from model to sub-
iii. Load path/stresses shall not be influenced by the transition or use of a coarse mesh.
iv. Lower order triangular elements shall not be used.
v. Sub-models shall provide clear reference to the global model for which the base
motions/displacements, and time history if applicable, are extracted. This includes global revision,
approval status, etc.
j. When solid elements are utilized the following will be accomplished:
i. In areas of interest, there shall be a minimum of four elements through the thickness.
ii. Load path/stresses shall not be influenced by the transition or use of a coarse mesh.
k. Information on the pre-processor, solver, and post-processor used and the validation of software for
the structure being analyzed. For SolidWorks Simulation and ANSYS, this requirement has been met
for the analysis being conducted.
l. A complete description of the model to include but not limited to: elements used, boundary conditions,
material properties (elastic and inelastic), applied loads/displacements, coefficients of friction, fluid
interactions, damping coefficients, stress/strain curves (include curves used and support data), etc.
with justification for using them.
m. Justification that boundary conditions and constraints are a good approximation of the actual applied
n. Mesh
i. Plate and solid elements
1. Element type information and justification, including for plate elements, axisymmetric
elements, beam elements, bar elements, etc.
2. Aspect ratio shall be less than 4:1 in regions of significant bending.
3. Unless otherwise approved by the government, stress gradient shall be <5% in the areas of
interest, i.e. high stress, and shall be <20% otherwise.
4. Four elements through the thickness for bending, in areas of interest.
5. TET 4 elements are prohibited.
ii. All element edges are congruent and nodes are merged where appropriate.
iii. Transition elements shall be used between 2D and 3D elements.
q. Geometry criteria used, e.g. aspect ratio, minimum & maximum angle, etc.
i. Geometry/dimensions of the FEA model are consistent with those of the design.
ii. Appropriate level of geometric feature suppression, i.e. fillets, chamfers.
iii. Worst-case dimensional tolerances invoked in critical areas, including corrosion allowances if the
allowances contribute to worst case. It is permissible to analyze to nominal dimensions where the
fabrication tolerances are negligible with respect to nominal size. Sound engineering judgment
will be required, and justification(s) for using nominal tolerances must be explicitly stated in the
calculation package.
r. Results post-processing quality assurance
i. Summation of single point constraint (SPC) reactions is equal in magnitude and opposite in
direction to applied load.
ii. Summation of forces on each free-body diagram equals zero.
iii. Review all automated error alerts resulting from the analysis and resolve.
iv. Determine if stress levels are meaningful by review of:
1. Where applicable, classical hand calculation of stresses, deflections, and buckling for
simplified, similar structure/loading
Deep Submergence Vehicle (DSV) Alvin, Launch and Recovery System (LARS) Finite Element Analysis
(FEA) Technical Assist, 21 June 2017
2. Continuity and smoothness of governing stresses and deflections: Element or nodal stress
results with type as approved by NAVSEA.
v. For geometries under compressive or torsional loads, check for elastic instability, i.e. Euler
buckling, shell or plate eigenvalue buckling, appropriate.

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