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Say Said Nói

Find Found Tìm
Think Thought Nghĩ
Buy Bought Mua
Bring Brought Mang lại
Tell Told Nói
Make Made Làm
Build Built Xây
Meet Met gặp
Send Sent gửi
Spend Spent Dành, tiêu (tiền)
Sell Sold Bán
Win Won Thắng
Catch Caught Bắt, đuổi
Fly Flew Bay
Hear Heard Nghe
Forget Forgot Quên
Drink Drank Uống
Break Broke Vỡ, gãy
Swim Swam Bơi

I. Điền từ sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn:

1. I (eat) dinner at 6 o’clock yesterday.
2. Helen (drive) to work? – Yes,
3. My neighbor (buy) a new car last week.
4. They (go) to Italy on the last summer.
5. they (swim) at the beach? – No, they
6. My family and I(see) a comedy movie last night.
7. First, we (do) exercise, and then we (drink) some water.
8. Suddenly, the animals jumped and (bite) my hand.
9. What time (do) you (get up) this morning?
10. The Wright brothers (fly) the first airline in 1993.
11. I think I (hear) a strange sound outside the door one minute ago.
12. The police (catch) all three of the bank robbers last week.

II. Chuyển những câu sau thành câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn.
1. An wrote an essay in Literature class this morning.
2. I watched Tv yesterday morning.
3. Nam and you were in the English club last Tuesday.
4. They ate noodles two hours ago.
5. We always had a nice time on Christmas holiday in the past.
6. My father decorated the Christmas Tree.
7. They were late for school.
8. Mr. Tam took his children to the museum last Sunday.
9. Hoa made a cushion for her armchair.

*Câu khẳng định:

S + V(2/ed) + …
I/He/She/It + was + …
You/We/They + were + …
*Câu phủ định:
S + didn’t + V0 + …
I/He/She/It + wasn’t + …
You/We/They + weren’t + …
*Câu nghi vấn:
Did + S + V0 + …?
Was + I/He/She/It + …?
Were + You/We/They + …?

Ví dụ:
- Đối với động từ thường:
Câu khẳng định: She wrote a book yesterday.
Câu phủ định: She didn’t write a book yesterday.
Câu nghi vấn: Did she write a book yesterday?
- Đối với động từ tobe:
Câu khẳng định: I was a doctor.
Câu phủ định: I wasn’t a doctor.
Câu nghi vấn: Was I a doctor?

III. Pronunciation (Phát âm):

1. A.played B.watched C.helped D.pushed
2. A.devoted B.divided C.suggested D.learned
3. A.finished B.missed C.lived D.hoped
4. A.tried B.opened C.added D.lived
5. A.breathed B.seated C.heated D.wanted
1. A.misses  B.stops  C.teaches   D.rises
2. A.plays   B.smells  C.cooks  D.boils
3. A.watches  B.hits  C.snacks   D.prevents
4. A.comes  B.appears  C.boils  D.washes
5. A.commands  B.turns  C.cuts  D.schools
- Thì quá khứ đơn: to be -> was/were
- Ôn kỹ mấy câu thần chú phát âm đuôi s/es/ed/
* Thứ 3 tuần sau dò bài:
- Học thuộc bảng động từ bất qui tắc trên.
- Bài tập Phần II chuyển sang phủ định, nghi vấn tham khảo Ví dụ
- Làm áp dụng đúng công thức, không làm ẩu nha
* Thứ 5 ôn Toán không học Anh văn.

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