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Criteria for the selection of crops :

In mixed cropping, the selection of crops is made on the basis of following criteria

(i) Different crops to be grown together are so selected that the products and waste
materials from one crop stimulate the growth of the other crop. For example, a cereal
crop such as wheat is sown alongwith a leguminous crop such as gram. In this way, the
uptake of nitrogen from the soil by wheat is compensated by the addition of nitrogen in
the soil by legume (gram). This increases the soil fertility, which inturn increases the crop
(ii) The two crops should not compete with each other for light, nutrients, water, etc. For
example - life cycle of one crop should be of longer duration while of other crop should
be of shorter duration. It is done so that if one crop fails due to shortage of water or
nutrients, the second crop can cover the risk of complete failure.
(iii) The crops should not have same root pattern. If one crop has deep penetrating roots,
the other should have shallow penetrating roots.
(iv) Both the crop plants should have different water requirements. If one of the crop
requires high amount of water. the other should require lesser amount.
(v) If one plant is tall, the other should be dwarf, They should have different structures of leaves,
stems, branching pattern of stem and flowers.

Disadvantages of mixed cropping

O) Fertilizers and pesticides cannot be applied to individual crops. They are used for all the crops

(ii) Harvesting and threshing of crops separately is not easy because seeds of the two crops are mixed
and then sown.

Selection of crops for crop rotation :

Generally, leguminous plants are used in crop rotation practices. A leguminous crop (e.g. pea) is
rotated with a non-leguminous crop (e.g. wheat, sugarcane). It is because the deficiency of nitrogen
caused by a crop such as wheat is compensated by the addition of nitrogen by a legume (such as
pea). This increases soil fertility and hence crop yield,

The following criteria should be considered while selecting the crops for rotation :

(i) Availability of inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, labour and agricultural implements.

(ii) Marketing and processing facilities.

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