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Chapter 1

T HEN I WOKE up in a hospital not knowing what had happened the night before.
A man was sitting by the bed, saying he was my husband and that I fell down the stairs and hit my
head on the flor ant that made me lose my memory and even him.
Three days later we returned home and he showed me a picture of our wedding day, he thought it
would remind me of him, but he said that with time my memory would come back. I took my cell phone
and tried to call a contact that said ''friend'', but there was no signal and I realized that there was no
internet either, I started walking around the house and I saw a basement, I tried to open but it was locked,
I started to find all this stranger.
Going through some drawers I found a photo album from weeding day, I started turning the pages,
and in the last photo I saw something strange on my husband's face, as If his face were glued, I pulled the
photo and it was at the moment that my heart froze, he was not my husband, he was a stranger, I was in a
stranger's house.
I tried to stay calm and ran to the garage to get a car, when I got in the car and looked back I saw
my husband's body, I was in shock, so I started the car and ran out to find a police station.
I told the police everything and they went to the house to arrest the guy.

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