Empty 5th House Worksheet

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I am SO thrilled that you chose to download the Empty
5th House worksheet that accompanies our article
found at https://thehappymystic.com/empty-5th-house/


-For one, taking notes as you’re learning will help you

retain what you read better.

-Also, taking the time to reflect on what you have

learned and making personal connections to it will help
you understand it more.

-Finally, you are allowing me to be a part of your

astrological education AND share in the process of
creating more personal awareness through this craft,
and I find that to be REALLY exciting.

Thank you for taking me along for the ride!


-Go back through the article to find the answers to the questions.
-Check your answers at the bottom of the page.
-Answer the reflection questions on the last page.

W W W.T H E H A P P Y M Y S T I C . C O M

1. What is one name for the 5th House?

2. Which areas of life does the 5th House represent?

3. Why is your 5th House empty?

4. Does having an empty 5th House mean that you are automatically destined to
struggle when it comes to pleasurable activites or parenting? Circle one: Yes No

5. Even though your 5th House is empty, what is one thing on your chart can offer you
clues as to how you may be predisposed to deal with 5th House matters?

sign’s planetary ruler, the sign and house of the 5th House’s ruling planet, the Sun
what you came here to do 4. No 5. The sign of your 5th House, the sign and house of your 5th House
children, your romantic life, self-expression 3. You didn’t need a planet in that house in order to fulfill
1. The House of Children 2. Finding joy, having fun, pleasurable activities, your children or raising your

W W W.T H E H A P P Y M Y S T I C . C O M

What is the sign on your 5th House cusp?

From what you know about this sign, do you feel that it currently influences how you find joy,
have fun, or approach no-strings-attached romance? Why or why not?

How would you describe how you “come at” finding joy and having fun?

Fun is important! When it comes to pursuing pleasure just for pleasure’s sake and enjoying
yourself, what would you say your strengths are in that area?

In what ways do you hold yourself back or struggle when it comes to allowing yourself to
having fun and find enjoyment in life?

W W W.T H E H A P P Y M Y S T I C . C O M

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