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C a n a r a Bank


ROBHU:ADV:BCRE NO. 524965/2022-23
The Senior Manager/Manager
Canara Bank
Sub: NF 817

SI No. Name Of the Borrower Loan Account Date Of Loan Date of Limitation Present Liability
SANJAYA KUMAR Rs 34.228.50/-
5249768000054 17.10.2017 11.10.2023
| R s 94,921.02/-
LANIL KUMAR DAS|5249768000036 22.02.2017| 19.09.2022

As recommended, the competent authority has permitted:

1. Transfer of account to LPD
2. Issuance of Legal Notice
3. Waiver of Legal Action.
Other Recommendation:
1. The LPD number and amount transferred should be entered in system BAO20 and informed to us. in future the account may be included in

PRR 33 series.
2. Please note to acertain the Present address and particulars of assets/salary before filing Recovery Certificate
Kindly note that the purpose of filing suit is not to save limitation but also to recover the dues. Therefore recommendation for filing suit
should be done judiciously only in case where the branch is confident of recovery.
4. Entire loan papers should be filled up before filing the suit.

5. Before filing suit adjus/confirm having adjusted the available credit balance in any of the deposit accounts of the parties to the loan account
after issuing formal notices.

6. You are requested to include the under mentioned party/parties in the list of undesirable parties, as per HO guidelines.

7. Please keep us informed about the developments duly quoting our RF numbers without fail.
8. Branch to ensure the recovery of dues by all means. Branch to adjust subsidy amt. as per our usual guidelines. Branch to prefer CGTMSE

claim a
9 Please be guided by CIR 240/93, 425/2015 while transfering a/c to LPD. Interest Suspension if any to be simultaneously transferd of a/c
to LPD.
10. Please take up the matter with Recovery section, RO-2, Bhubaneswar for their future guidance in this matter, quoting the refernce in this
11. Branch to ensure that no further finance is made available to any of the family members of the blacklisted borrowers.

Yours faithfully


Copy toRecovery Section, RO -I1, Bhubaneswar

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