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Mechanical & Electrical Section Name: Fauzi Rizki MZ

Position: Field Supervisor M/E

1. Water Booster Pump shall be Controlled by

Water Flow Toilet
√ Water Pressure
Water Tank Level

Panel Trafo
2. Electrical Leakage at Machine go to where? PLN
√ ① Ground 3Ph/380V
② Main Incoming Panel
3 4
③ Transformer 2
④ PLN Machine
1 Ground

3. Condensate Water at Air Grille, Because?

Room is too hot
Air Duct is too cold
Room is high humidity
Air in Duct is high humidity


4. Draw the Electrical Single Line Diagram

R M Motor
T N v


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5 Please explain the fuction and purpose of use about the following words and phrases.
1) Mechanical items
a. Hydrant Pump pump used to distribute pressurized water from storage tanks or ground
tanks to all Fire Hydrant installations
b. Volume Damper a tool used to regulate the volume of air entering and leaving ducting in a
cooling system
c. Cooling Tower a tool used to cool hot water from the condenser by direct contact with
air using a fan
d. Grease Trap part of the plumbing system that functions to filter dirt grease or oil so it
doesn't directly enter the installation system
e. Oil-free Typed Air Compressor
oil free or lubricated air compressors with the advantage of producing air
free of oil contamination
2) Electrical items
a. PABX telephone system or switch board which is used as an internal telephone
system, modem, fax which functions as a central control station
b. UPS a backup electric energy provider when there is a decrease in electric current or a
decrease in power, so that the covered equipment does not experience problems
until it is connected with genset
c. Over-Current Relay a device used as protection from overcurrent due to short circuit current
disturbances or current increases that exceed certain safety limits within
a certain time
d. LAN
Local area network that can be used by users in the LAN area only
e. ACB air circuit breaker is a circuit breaker that uses air to reduce arcing that
6 Please discribe the following Mechanical & Electrical "SYSTEM".
1) Air Conditioning System
a. Chiller & Air Handling Unit environmental conditioning system through controlling
temperature and humidity using several tools with different
functions to condition the air

b. Air cooled packaged Air conditioning unit

air conditioning with an intermediate capacity between split
ac and central ac where the heating and cooling components
are in the same unit
2) BAS (Building Automation System)
a communication system or network commonly used as a
control for monitoring and regulation such as lighting,
temperature, and energy saving
3) Fire Alarm System a device used to detect emergencies such as smoke and fire
and alert people by sound
7 Please describe the most important thing to proceed the each job stage.
1) Design Stage The design will affect all work afterwards
1. clear objectives for the unit to be built in accordance with its capacity
and planning
2. In the design process, each item must be measured and the load
capacity is calculated
3. The design process is concerned with aesthetics and it is important to
consider whether each item will clash or not
2) Estimation Stage Hal yang penting dalam tahap estimasi

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1. estimated costs and changes in costs that will occur during construction
2. estimation of the number of workers, implementation time, and
procurement of materials
3. Estimating social and security environmental issues

3) Site Construction Stage Hal Yang penting dalam konstuksi

1. work permit, approval, and other documents
2. team planning and building the right team
3. material schedule planning and installation
4. Material inspection according to specifications and agreements
5. work direction, supervision, and checking of work results
6. formal and fully documented handover
7. effective, efficient and measurable

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