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20th October

Requiem paraphrases


The poet Anna Akhmatova introduces the poem
REQUIEM by juxtaposing the two kinds of people who
have flood the country fearing persecution and the ones
who stayed back determ9ined to enter all hard ships
under an autocratic regime. She says it was not under
my foreign skies and foreign lands that or protected in
those foreign lands that she rights/depicts all that she
intense bought she has shared With her own people . the
poet uses personification. In foreign wings referring to
how the mother birds protected their younger ones . She
says she wants to talk about the place and the
happenings says that the man-made calamity is more
than a misfortune.

During the frightening years the YEHZOV terror. On

her sufferings years the terror named YEHZOV and his
is the NKBD HEAD .She spent duration of seventeen
months waiting in the prison queues in Leningard . she
is telling that she stayed for seventeen months because
to see her son who is prisoned .One day some how
someone ‘picked me out ‘it on the period there was a
women standing behind me her lips color in blue . Here
she is describing the cold weather and it is in
20th October
Requiem paraphrases

leningard .Who ,of course ,had never in her life heard

my name. Jolted out of torpor means that jolted can be
shake and torpor means can be sleepy condition (or) can
be in hibernation that characteristic to all of us. She is
telling us these are properties which you can see in us
and also she is referring that she is a member in the
group. Everyone whispered there – could one ever
describes this ? ‘and I answered -I can’t . It was then
that something like a smile slid across

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