De Jesus, Xyrell V. Key Takeaway Lessons in Unit 6

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Name: Xyrell V.

De Jesus Course/Year/Section: BSBA (marketing) 1 A

Key Takeaway Lessons in Unit 6

Art has played an important part in capturing, recording, and communicating events, activities,
customs, and even belief systems of many groups of people throughout history. In essence, art
has been used to portray past events and things so that future generations might have a glimpse
of them. If an artwork serves as a medium for an artist to express narratives through symbols,
the artist is the work's creator. However, concerns of ownership and authorship have arisen in
the twentieth century mostly as a result of the value attributed to the work's audience.

Appropriation, during the twentieth century, people began to wonder if the act of deriving
meaning gives ownership of the artwork to the audience rather than the artist. This theory set
the stage for the creation of appropriation artists, who appear to promote the notion that
authorship is dependent on the observer. If this is the case, appropriation artists are free to take
whatever they want from an existing piece of art. The boundary between appropriation art and
forgery appears to be quite thin.

Improvisation is characterized as doing an action without prior planning. A decision is made

to do something that was not necessarily planned. Improvisation has become an important
aspect of the arts in today's world. There is a movement to free people from monotony in the
arts. Some artists value the use of spontaneity and improvisation in their work. The
unpredictability of the changes brought about by improvisation gives the artwork a particular
aspect that gives it its own identity and personality.

Soul making, semantics, and grammatical norms are key components to consider when humans
make sense of language and draw meaning from words. Aside from this, symbolisms and
context are also used to evaluate and analyze spoken and written works. When it comes to art,
comprehending the visual aspects on which the work is based, particularly design principles,
is required for others to make sense of it. It's important to remember that the artwork's audience
must be aware of the work's style, form, and subject. It would be difficult to appreciate the
visual arts in their totality without such knowledge.

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