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Submitted by: Abelon, Dorothy Anne M.

Submitted to: Ms. Venzeil Decena

Activity Sheet

Name: ABELON, DOROTHY ANNE M, Score: ________

Course, Year and Sec.: BSE-SS 2 A Date: 05-06-22

Direction: Put the case for or against your view or idea by giving evidence for your
claims/reasons for or against; attempt to influence the reader to accept your view.

Part I.
Based on the definition, art is a way of expressing thoughts and ideas. So I think art should be
both aesthetic and thought-provoking at the same time. Most art has a hidden meaning,
especially when it comes to paintings, songs, and etc. Art will always be meaningful. However,
on the Mideo Cruz "Poleteismo" because we live in a Christian country and the majority of us
are Catholic. I think it is very disrespectful to use Jesus on exhibit, plus they also decorate him. It
is a big disrespect to God and Christianity. But since art is a way of conveying thoughts and
ideas, I think we should still think about the audience or viewers, especially if our subject is very
sensitive and off topic. So in short, we have a freedom of expression but still we have a
restrictions when it comes in expressing arts.
Part II.
A. Imagine a scenario in which an image of someone who is the object
of religious devotion (such as Jesus Christ or Mary, the Mother of Jesus)
is placed side by side with a phallic image?
 To be honest, I am not religious, but I believe it is still wrong to have a phallic
symbol next to a holy figure. To be honest, regardless of your religious beliefs,
placing a holy monument next to a phallic symbol is quite disrespectful. So I
believe that rightness and wickedness are determined by your beliefs.
B.  Look for another example of an artistic creation – a painting, poem, or song – that is a
source of either actual or potential conflict between the expression of the artist and
sensibility that finds this offensive. Present the significant details and the reasons that the
conflicting sides might have on this issue.
 Menstrual Period in Political History by Danny Sillada
Danny C. Sillada: “Menstrual Period in Political History” is a mixed media on
metamorphic rock or slate, with painted and carved vaginal form at the center. The
visual narrative of the artwork is not vociferous with bleak background in contrast to the
vibrant colors of my typical paintings. However, I never expected that its inconspicuous
presence along with the title would become controversial in 2005. The parallelism of
“Politics” and “Menstrual Period” is, obviously, the cyclical political turmoil in our
country, which is periodic since the Marcos time up to the Arroyo regime. Like a
woman’s menstrual period, Philippines politics has its own menstrual cycle in our
country in the form of corruption, economic instability, violation of human rights, the
involuntary disappearances of civilians, the century-old war in Mindanao, insurgency,
poverty, and inadequacy of political leaders to address socio-economic and political
problems in our society, to name a few.
The conflict I saw in this painting was used as a symbol in our flag. Despite the fact that
our flag is quite valued in our country, the painter put together the vagina and colors of
our flag. This paint got viral because it became offensive. However, regardless of its
symbolism, this paint has a deep meaning. In aesthetics, symbolism is a vehicle for
revealing the Truth (good or bad) about the concrete state of a historical civilization or a
particular issue. The artist has little control over a work of art once it is displayed in a
public space, regardless of the viewers' perceptions or interpretations. Even if an artist
did not aim to make a mockery of any social or political issues with his or her work,
once it is shown to the public, it becomes a living emblem of social and cultural history.
Symbolism, in the context of aesthetics, thus has the potential to affect, influence, or
transform human perception on its own; it will either irritate or inspire viewers.
Although this painting used vagina as a symbol it possess the power to provoke the
consciousness of the viewers in the context of social and political realities of our

III. Look for and list down other sources wherein we find a dialogue
between ethics and the various domains of aesthetic, culture and religion.

Republic of the Philippines

President Ramon Magsaysay State University
(Formerly Ramon Magsaysay Technological University)
Iba, Zambales, Philippines

Assessment Sheet

Name: ABELON, DOROTHY ANNE M, Score: ________

Course, Year and Sec.: BSE-SS 2 A Date: 05-06-22

Direction: Direction: Answer comprehensively. 

1. Identify a list of: (a) obligations we are expected to fulfill, (b) prohibitions we are
required to respect, and (c) ideals we are encouraged to meet. Discuss whether they are
ethical in nature or not.  

 Be fair. We can’t deny that at some point in our lives, we as people are not equal.
Especially when it comes to opportunities. For example, you are an interviewer and you
interview the son of your boss and your other applicant. But you hired your boss’s son
rather than that of an applicant who deserved more of a position in your company. Being
fair is really difficult to fulfill, especially right now. Most of us, especially those that
have titles and positions in government, are being greedy and unfair. For me, being fair
is ethical in nature and something we need to do to create an ideal and peaceful society.
 Be kind. Being kind is ethical in nature. I believe that all people, even the bad ones, have
kindness in their hearts.


 Prohibited to share our privacy. For example, we are journalists or interviewers and we
badly want to get information about a certain person, and that person declines our offer. I
think as a professional and as a person, we should respect their decision. It is an
obligation as a person to not invade another’s privacy if they don’t want to.


 To create an ideal society, we should follow or do the basic ethical principles such as
being kind, being respectful, being fair, being honest and so on. If the people in our
society had this kind of etiquette, I think our society would be in peace.
2. Are clothes a matter of pure aesthetic taste, or does it make sense for
clothes to become a subject in a discussion of ethics? Why? How about other
forms of adornment, such as tattoos and piercings?  

 This topic is very relevant right now. A lot of people especially women are
being judge on way they dresses. Since I studied in other place before, I’ve
met a lot of different people that from different places. I have a classmates
that from Greece and she dress really different from most of us. She dress
too revealing. To be honest, I judge her before because of the way she
dresses. But I realized and when I heard her reason. I changed my mindset.
She told us that she migrated in Greece when she was in grade 6 she is very
innocent and she is fat before. Most of her classmates bullied her for being
fat and being Asian. That’s why she is become very conscious on her body
and style because she thinks she can gain confidence from it. So I think
beside from being aesthetic, I think being fashionable for some people is a
different matters. About tattoos and piercings, I think it would be the same.
It can be used for aesthetic and some other reasons.

3. Look for a newspaper article that tackles an ethical issue. Consider the
following questions:

a.What makes this a matter of ethics?  

- Rape is a crime that is extremely traumatic, and sadly, their rapists are family
members. Being raped by your uncle or father involves not only sexual violence
but also guilt. It is important in ethics because we are discussing what is right,
wrong, and moral. Consider the guilt they are feeling because they put their uncle
in jail. I believe that putting rapists behind bars is the right decision, regardless of
our relationship with them.

b. What is your own ethical judgment on this case?  

-It is very saddening to read this kind of article, and in my opinion, we should address this kind
of topic in school. So that if ever someone is experiencing this kind of act, she or he can have an
idea of how she will deal with her problems. Regarding my judgment, I believe all rapists should
be put in jail regardless of our relationship with them, regardless of their social status, etc. A
rapist is a rapist, period.

c. What are your reasons for this judgment?  

-First and foremost, the rape case is crucial, but it is even more painful because the person who
raped you is still a relative of yours. It can have an impact on your mental health, trust issues,
and confidence, among other things. It's just sad to think that whoever is supposed to protect you
will end up hurting you. Rape should not be blamed on the way you dresses, alcohol, or drugs
because there is only one cause of rape: the rapist.

4. Brainstorm and come up with a list of common Filipino values. Consider

the strengths and weaknesses of these?  



Family Family Providence due

Oriented serves as a to financial
motivation status and push
to desperation.
and push to

Hardworking Persistent and Fatigue and

Attitude focused prone to
attitude– depression,
especially at stress and
work—even desperate
flexible (like measures to earn
working money

Forgiving Reduction of always abused

strife or
Arrogant and very
conceited It helps build Many hates you.

5. Imagine that you are a legislator. What rules or laws that currently
prohibit certain acts or practices would you want to amend or repel? Also, are
there certain acts or practices currently permitted by the law that you would
want to prohibit? Think of this on the level of your school, your province and
the nation.  


Not for being lazy, but I don't agree with the 7 a.m.
7 AM CLASS class. It is better if the class starts at 8 a.m.
(SCHOOL) Especially if you are studying in crowded places, it
is very difficult to ride and you spend your time
waiting for the traffic to move. I experienced that
when I studied in Rizal. In fact, it would have taken
me only 20 minutes to travel from home to my
school, but due to the traffic, it took more than an
hour. That’s why I want to eliminate the 7 a.m.

Both of them are punished by the law, but there is a

Article 333 and higher burden on the wife to prove her husband is
334 of Revised guilty. The husband is only committing concubinage
Penal Code (RPC) if he can be proven to keep a mistress in the
conjugal dwelling by having sexual intercourse
under scandalous circumstances with a woman who
is not his wife or cohabiting with her in any other
place, while adultery only requires proof of an
offending wife’s sexual relations with another man
during the marriage so that she may be convicted of
the crime. This law should be repealed because the
penalty for committing adultery is much higher. The
penalty for both of the crimes should be the same.
Stop being gender biased and punishing both
genders equally.
I want to improve our legal requirements and
1894 Constitution expectation from all public officials, so that not all
Article VII unprepared, ill-equipped, incompetent can run. We
want politicians who are knowledgeable, capable,
and have accomplished something. It wasn't enough
to know how to read and write. We require a leader
who is capable of managing the economy, as this is
what we needed right now. Also I hope that
applicants for higher ranks be permitted to run if
they have college degree and there are no pending
cases. Strictly no political dynasty. If a public
official began something during his/her term, and
wishes to continue it after they are no longer in
office, they can continue to do so as a private
citizen. No reason to perpetuate his/her hold on
power. Lastly, every year, all incumbent public
officials, regardless of status, are required to file an
accomplishment report. To determine if the people's
choice of him as leader is acceptable. Also to see if
he can help our country in any way. Their
accomplishment report must be based on the
position they are elected for. If you get elected as a
legislator, for example, it should be about the bills
you filed and successfully enacted into law. Also
those politicians who commit corruption should be
required to pay back the government every cent plus

6. Comment on this statement: ―What I believe must be true If I feel very

strongly about it‖.  

- I don’t know if it’s just me, but I think almost all of my suspicions are coming true. But of
course it doesn't apply to everything; maybe it just depends on the situation. As for this saying, I
feel that even though we have a strong feeling that we are right, we still need to do a fact check
to avoid embarrassment and mistakes. Because it's also hard to just believe in your gut and not
on real information.

7. Is looking after the benefit of your own family over all other aspects
considered as another form of egoism? Discuss. 
- Yes, it is but only if the word “only" or “alone" is added like this: “Is looking after the benefits
of your family alone considered a form of egoism?”.
People mistakenly tend to believe that doing one good thing annuls or cancel other good things,
it is not the case. For example, if you have compassion towards animals and defend them against
cruelty or abuse, this does not cancel your compassion towards elders or children.

Republic of the Philippines

President Ramon Magsaysay State University
(Formerly Ramon Magsaysay Technological University)
Iba, Zambales, Philippines
Activity Sheet

Name: ABELON, DOROTHY ANNE M, Score: ________

Course, Year and Sec.: BSE-SS 2 A Date: 05-11-22

Direction: Put the case for or against your view or idea by giving evidence for your
claims/reasons for or against; attempt to influence the reader to accept your view

In view of Bentham and Mill‘s assertion of the greatest happiness of the greatest
number, do you think that animal rights and welfare should even be a concern in the
Philippines where millions of people below the poverty threshold are struggling to
have decent lives? Is the concern for animal rights and welfare a first world problem?

 "The greatest happiness of the greatest number" defines democracy. We need to

determine first what most of us think about animal rights and welfare. For me, I think we
should prioritize the poor, the people who have struggled in order to get a decent life. We
need to study and take action on how we can help them and save them from this problem.
This is just for me, but Betham and Mill’s concept is talking about the wants or the
decision of the majority. If they want to prioritize poverty over animal rights, I will
support them. If they wanted to prioritize both, I’d be happy. Whatever the majority
wants, as long as it benefits us, I’ll support it.


Direction: Put the case for or against your view or idea by giving evidence for your
claims/reasons for or against; attempt to influence the reader to accept your view

1.Are all pleasures commensurable? Can they be evaluated on a single scale?

Can some goods like friendship, be balanced against other goods like money?
 For me it is a no. However, I believe there is an imbalance when it comes to friendship
and money. I treasured the pleasures I received from my friends more than money. Yes,
money can provide pleasures when we have something we desire, and we can rapidly
find money if we work hard, but genuine friendship is difficult to find. If you have loving
friends, they will join you in your drive to make money even if you don't have any.

2. Mill revises utilitarianism by arguing for ―higher‖ pleasures. Which pleasures

are higher?
 For me I think, pleasures from intellectual accomplishments, music and art is more higher
than the pleasures that we get from food, sex etc. Because the joy comes deeper when the
pleasure comes from the things you have worked for.
3. Mill proposes that higher pleasures are those preferred by the majority of
people. Do you agree that this is a good way of distinguishing between higher
and lower pleasures? Can a well-informed majority prefer higher pleasures?
 People aim for pleasure, whether high or low, and shun pain, without understanding that
pleasure is just a temporary gap in the background of pain, and that pleasure cannot be
experienced without knowing what pain means. But for me, my higher pleasure comes
from those people who save from hell. I am not being dramatic or delusional, but last
year I was really on my lowest. No one knows that I am crying every night, every day
whenever I am in the bathroom. Last year, I feel like no one can understand how I feel.
Actually, sometimes I don’t even know why I’m crying. I can't explain why I'm sad. As
far as I know I'm not well. I feel funny to others but honestly, music and kpop groups
helped me to heal. I forget my problem when I listen to their song. I feel better every time
I watch their variety shows. A few months passed and I realized that I was okay, I was
fine. So for me my higher pleasure comes from music.
4. Does utilitarianism questions individual rights? What if violation the civil
rights of minority increases the sum total of pleasure of the majority?
 In my opinion, the majority will not choose the thing that will harm and harm the majorit.
But it is not applicable to everything.
5. Do you agree that happiness is the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of
pain, and that all actions are directed toward pleasure?
 In my opinion, we must first stumble and feel hurt before we can reach our happiness.
6. Are all pleasures comparable, even objectionable pleasures? What if the
majority derives pleasure from being sexist?
 I don't think you get real pleasure when you make fun of other people. If almost everyone
is that way to be happy, then most people really have a attitude problem. It’s not good to
make women and anyone else to be the center of laughter. People does not deserve to be
the center of jokes.
7. Is it justifiable to build a basketball court because there are basketball fans,
than to build a hospital because there are fewer sick people?
 For me it is not. First of all, who uses the basketball court? the player isn't it? What if
there are only spectators but no players? When it comes to the hospital, I think even if a
few people get sick or ill, they still need a hospital. Because the equipment in the clinics
is not complete, it is better to build the hospital.
8. When is it justifiable to torture suspected criminals?

 I think it is wrong to torture suspects. We have a saying that is innocent until proven, so
to me it is wrong to make them punching bags inside the jail. Also, the justice system
here in the Philippines is very slow. That’s why it is unfortunate that the suspects who are
really innocent will be tortured.

Republic of the Philippines

President Ramon Magsaysay State University
(Formerly Ramon Magsaysay Technological University)
Iba, Zambales, Philippines

Activity Sheet

Name: ABELON, DOROTHY ANNE M, Score: ________

Course, Year and Sec.: BSE-SS 2 A Date: 05-11-22

Direction: Put the case for or against your view or idea by giving evidence for your
claims/reasons for or against; attempt to influence the reader to accept your view

Post truth

 This is very relevant right now, since we lived in the modern world wherein conveying
information is very easy. Most of us, when we watched something from tiktok or youtube
we always thought that It is right. Often when we watch videos on the internet we think
they are true, we think everything we read is true. Maybe that's the disadvantage of social
media, it makes the spread of fake news faster than the truth. Many of our compatriots
believe in spliced video and fake news on social media. For example, Vice President Leni
Robredo is always called "Lutang" and "bobo" because of the cut videos they watch on
youtube and facebook. They are so quick to judge the person without looking at her
credentials. Fake news is quickly devouring people today so they often make wrong
decisions and wrong judgments on people.

Direction: Put the case for or against your view or idea by giving evidence for your
claims/reasons for or against; attempt to influence the reader to accept your view

1. Are there other ways that the word natural is used to justify a particular way of
behaving? How do these approaches compare to the theory of Aquinas?

 Natural, is often used to describe a beings actions or behaviors per societal standards, and
if they conform to the common understanding of what should be and how they should be
done, allows for the determination of whether these things are normal or abnormal and
whether or not are lawful or evil. Natural law should not justify your immorality, in my
opinion. For example, you yelled at someone and humiliated them because you are in the
bad mood. In natural law, that kind of act is unavoidable. However, some people might
misunderstand you because of that attitude. In comparison with Aquinas’ understanding,
consider that Aquinas is not limiting the scope, application and source of natural law to

2. Can you think of human laws that are proper extensions of the natural law?
Explain how this is so. Can you think of other human law that violates the
natural law? Explain how this is so.
 First of all, when we say human law, it is a law with moral content, more general than
human law. It refers to all instances wherein human beings construct and enforce laws in
communities. Roman Catholic laws are based on natural law, wherein abortion and same-
sex marriage are prohibited. These natural laws are the extension of human law here in
the Philippines. The Philippines has outlawed abortion and same-sex marriage, which
may be due to our Christian heritage.Supreme court stated that states and churches are
separate, we still can’t deny that somehow they are united.

3. Are there other forms of harm – short of killing another person – that may be
taken as a violation of the natural inclination to preserve one‘s being? Justify
your answer.
• Technically, any negative action committed against another individual would be a
violation of nature's natural propensity to 'support each other' in order to ensure the
survival of a social group or species. The majority of our actions against others go
against their natural inclination. Just one example of someone who is straightforward.
Even though it is not our intention, they can be hurt when we say something that is
true. Being frank is natural, but it causes other people pain.

4. Are there current scientific developments – for example, in biology – that

challenge the understanding of nature presented by Aquinas?
 Aquinas lived in the 13th century BCE, a time of turmoil and controversy, in which he
was a leading player. It was a time when science and technology, in the sense we
understand them now, was beginning to influence lives. This led religious thinkers of the
day to give more thought to the human context. Aquinas was an important contributor
whose talents were appreciated, but whose ideas were often unpalatable and resisted.

5. Is it possible to maintain a natural law theory without believing in the divine

source? Why or why not?
 I think yes. There are other people who follow natural law even though they do not
believe in natural law or divine source. They are still kind even though they have no
Gods and bible.

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