P6 Lectures

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An electric flat iron draws a

Lesson 1 current of 15 A when connected to

a 110 V line. What is the resistance
of the electric flat iron?


The ratio between the voltage and
 Represent the electrical circuit using
current is a constant, it is resistance.
industry-standard symbols.
 It shows the path of the electrical
energy flow, and how the components
Ohm’s law are connected to each other.
Two types of circuit diagram
Ohm’s law 1. Pictorial style
 the Resistance is the ratio of voltage o Represent The pictorial style uses
to the resulting current. simpler illustrations of the
components so that it would be
more understandable to a less
technical audience.
o R = resistance
o V = voltage
o I = current

2. Schematic style
o Schematic style uses industry-
standard symbols.

Lesson 2
o There is only one path where
current can flow and the same
in all parts.


o The sum of the potential
difference across individual
components is equal to the
potential difference across the
entire circuit.
Resistors may be connected in series,
in parallel with each other, or in a
combination of both series and parallel.
o The combined the resistance is
the sum of the individual
resistances in the combination
Electric circuit o As more resistors are added in
series, the equivalent resistance

Electric circuit increases.

 the path which an electric current

Two types of electric 1. A potential difference of 9.0 V
is applied to two resistors of
circuit 6.0 Ω and 3.0 Ω connected in
1. Series Circuit series.
a. Draw a schematic diagram
o Contains more than one electrical
of the circuit.
component connected one after b. Find the combined
the other in a single a path. resistance of two
c. Find the current flowing in
the circuit.
d. Find the potential
difference across each
Series Circuit current Answer:
o Current flows in a single path a. Draw a schematic diagram
and is the same in all parts of of the circuit.
o if the circuit is broken at any
point, then there is No current
will flow.
b. Find the combined
resistance of two VOLTAGE
resistors. o The potential difference across
all the resistors is the same as
that across any resistor.

c. Find the current flowing in
o The reciprocal of the combined
the circuit.
resistance is equal to the sum
of the reciprocals of the
individual resistances.
o Connecting additional resistors in
parallel decreases the equivalent
d. Find the potential
difference across each

2. A potential difference of 24.0 V
is applied to two resistors of
6.0 Ω and 3.0 Ω connected in
a. Draw a schematic diagram
2. parallel circuit of the circuit.
o Contains two or more electrical b. Find the combined
component connected across each resistance of two
other in such a way that the resistors.
current is distributed between c. Find the current flowing in
them. the circuit.
o Each component operates d. Find the potential
independently of the others. difference across each
o if the circuit is broken at any resistor.
point, then The current still Answer:
flows through the others. a. Draw a schematic diagram
of the circuit.

o Current is distributed between
each component.
b. Find the combined
resistance of two

c. Find the current flowing in

the circuit.

d. Find the potential

difference across each
Lesson 3

LIGHT AS  From Faraday and Ampere’s works,

ELECTROMAGENTIC James Clerk Maxwell realized that the
speed of an electromagnetic wave is

WAVE equal to the speed of light.

 Maxwell also concluded that light
propagated in electric and magnetic
waves, which he believed are vibrating
light perpendicular to each other.
 In 1873, Maxwell was able to revise his
all about light work and come up with a publication
 was debated to be made of stream of entitled, “Treatise on Electricity and
particles (corpuscles) or Magnetism,” which originally included 20
waves equations, now simplified to just four
 travels in the form of electromagnetic equations.
waves electromagnetic wave
scientist 1. They are a traveling electromagnetic
1. Isaac Newton wave.
o Proposed the corpuscular theory 2. They move at the speed c = 3.00 x
2. Christian Huygens 108 m/s.
o Proposed wave theory of light
3. The E vector is perpendicular to the
direction of
Visible Light the propagation.
o the only EM wave that is visible 4. The B vector is perpendicular to the
to the human eyes direction of
the propagation.
5. E and B are in phase.
in phase
o When one is maximum, the other
is also maximum; when one is
zero, the other is also zero.
Out of phase.
o When one wave is maximum, and
the other is zero or not
maximum and they cancel each
6. E (electric field) is perpendicular to
B (magnetic field) at all times.
7. The plane described by E and B is
perpendicular to the direction of
 In In 1888, Heinrich Hertz used
Maxwell’s theory to create an
instrument that is capable of sending
and receiving radio signals.
 The radio technology he developed is 1. radiowave
grounded on the works of Maxwell,  radio
Faraday, Ampere, and Oersted. It lead  radio communication
to the invention of televisions, the  radio telescope
microwave, and other technological  FAST: World’s largest radio
advancements. telescope
Electromagnetic Spectrum
o the range of frequencies (the 2. microwave
spectrum) of electromagnetic  Radar
radiation and their respective  Microwave oven
wavelengths and photon energies.  Mobile phones
 thermal scanner
 Night vision device
 laser
 traffic light
 light bulb
 sunlight
 Dental curing
 Counterfeit money detector
 Solar UV rays
6. X-ray
 Medical X-ray image
 Medical X-ray machine
 Baggage X-ray machine
 CT scan
7. gamma ray
 Nuclear explosion
 Both luminous & illuminated objects
emit/reflect light in many directions.
 Your eye sees only the very small
diverging cone of rays that is coming
toward it.
rays of light

Lesson 3

LAW OF Reflected Ray

o leaves mirror and strikes your

o The reflected ray is on the line
of sight from the image to your
reflection of light eye.
incident Ray
luminous object o leaves the object and strikes
 generate their own light e.g., sun the mirror
law of reflection

Illuminated objects
 it reflects light e.g. moon

 The angle of incidence equals angle of

Angle of incidence
Line of Sight o angle between incident
 a line from an object or image to ray and normal
your eyes (light from the object Angle of Reflection
travels along this line to your eyes) o angle between reflected
ray and normal
o line perpendicular to the mirror
Specular Reflection vs  all observers would perceive light to be
Diffuse Reflection diverging from the same point – the
specular reflection (smooth image point.
 An image is a position in space from
surfaces) which all reflected light appears to
 Image formed by a plane mirror is
called a virtual image.
 Virtual images are formed in regions
where there is actually no light.
diffuse reflection (rough
image location

Wet Road Glare

image location

when wet, water

a dry asphalt
fills in the
resulting in
incident light
reflection and a  Image is virtual.
glare  Image is located as far behind the
mirror as the object is in front of
o Driving at night on a wet the mirror.
roadway results in an annoying How Big Must the Mirror Be?
glare from oncoming headlights.
Distance from Mirror
Observing an Image
converging mirror

 converging mirror
 A concave mirror is
silvered on the inside of
the sphere.
 A series of flat mirrors can be  A concave mirror is also
arranged to reflect parallel light called a converging mirror
through a single point. because it converges
parallel light.
 Increasing the number of flat mirrors
 dentist mirror
causes the shape to more closely
 makeup mirror
approximate a parabola and causes the
 concave mirror terms:
reflected light to converge in a smaller
1. Axis
2. Center of
Parabolic vs Spherical 3. Curvature
4. Radius of
5. Curvature
6. Focus
7. Focal Length
 Three Useful Rays
1. Axis Ray parallel to
the axis reflects
through the focus.
2. Ray through the
o Close to the axis of the mirror, focus reflects
the parabola and the circle are parallel to the axis.
almost the same shape. 3. Ray through the
o Farther from axis the parabola center of curvature
flattens out. reflects back on
o it is easier and less expensive to itself.
make spherical mirrors. convex
Types of Curved Mirrors
 diverging mirror  The change in the direction of light
 A convex mirror is silvered when it passes from one medium to
on the outside of the bowl. another due to a change in velocity
 A convex mirror is also  incident ray – beam in first medium. it
called a diverging mirror hits the boundary at the angle of
because it diverges parallel incidence
light.  reflected ray – beam in second
 car mirror medium. leaves at an angle of
 7/11 mirror refraction
 light bends or changes direction at the
boundary of between two media
 Depending on optical density of the
second material.
optical density
Optical Density
o Optical density of the medium is
an inverse measure of the speed
in it.
o Light travels more slowly in an
optically dense medium than in a
less optically dense medium.
angle of refraction
o light bending toward the normal
Lesson 4
indicates the speed is lower

REFRACTION OF o light bending away from the

normal indicated the speed is
LIGHT o the change in speed is what
causes the change of direction
o when the light strikes a surface
REFRACTION along the perpendicular the angle
of incidence is zero and the
angle of refraction is also zero
o The incident ray, refracted ray
and the normal lie in one plane.
o When a ray passes obliquely
from an optically less dense
medium to a denser medium, it o
is refracted toward the normal. APPLICATION OF REFRACTION
o note that when light moves from
air to water it bends toward the
normal, making the angle of
incidence greater than the angle
of refraction

o If light passes from an optically

denser medium to less dense
medium, it is refracted away
from the normal.


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