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- By Sahib-al-Faydah Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (RA) -

ِ ‫اس آي‬ ِ ‫ال الت‬

‫ات‬َ ِ َّ‫ِّجاني أَبُو ال َْعب‬
َ َ َ‫ن‬
ِ ‫وب بِالْ َكرام‬
‫ات‬ ِ
َ َ ٌ ُ‫قَ ْد فَ َاز م ْن َها قُط‬
Indeed, Abul-Abbas al-Tijani attained such Wonders (from Allah)!

All Saints gained their bounties (of Allah) through them!

‫سيِّ ِدنَا‬ِ ْ ‫ش الْ َف ْخر إِ ْذ َجاء‬ ِ ِ

َ‫تب‬ َ ُ َ ‫ل َعائ‬
ِ ‫وب فَ ِري ًدا فِي الْم َقام‬
‫ات‬ ِ ُ‫ْب الْ ُقط‬
ِ ‫قُط‬
َ َ
All pride to Aisha (his mother)...for giving birth to our Master!

The Supreme Saint of Saints…the Unique in Ranks!

‫َخ ْت ُم الْ ِوَليَِة ُس ْلطَا ُن الْ ِوَليَِة‬

ِ ‫اب لِ ْل ِوَلي ِة ِم ْفتَاح الْ ِوَلي‬
‫ات‬ ٌ َ‫ب‬
َ ُ َ
The Seal of Sainthood…the Sultan of Sainthood!

The Door of Sainthood …the Key of Sainthood!

‫ت غَ َر ًاما ِم ْن َم َودَّتِِه‬
ُ ‫اك ِه ْم‬
َ ‫لِ َذ‬

‫ات ُك َّل أ َْوقَاتِي‬

ٌ ‫ادنِي َزفَ َر‬
ُ َ‫تَ ْعت‬
That’s why I became so enamoured in his love…

Continuously weeping & sighing fervently!

‫الش ْي َخ َح َّملَنِي‬ َّ ‫ت بِالطُّوِر أ‬

َّ ‫َن‬ َ ‫أَق‬
ُ ‫ْس ْم‬
ِ‫ْت الْمنَاج اة‬ ِ ُ‫م ا ُد َّك ط‬
َ ُ َ ‫ور بِه َوق‬
ٌ َ
I swear by Mount Tur (where Musa AS spoke to Allah), the Shaykh made me carry…

The (secret) which blasted the Tur at that moment of Divine Conversation!
‫وح‬ ِ ِ ّٰ ِ
ُ ‫َخلي َفةُ الله َرْم ُز الْ َك ْون ُر‬
‫ات‬ َ ‫َص ٌل لِل ُْو ُج‬
ِ ‫ود‬ ْ ‫َج ِمي ِع الْ َخل ِْق َو ْه َو ََل‬
The Deputy of Allah…the Cypher of this Universe!

The Spirit of all Creation…And the Origin of this Existence!

ِ ُ‫الرع‬ ِ
‫ود َو‬ ُ ‫ُمبَ ِّر ُق الْبَ ْر ِق م ْر َع‬
ُّ ‫اد‬
ِ َّ‫ون و ِم ْن َق اذُ الْب ِري‬
‫ات‬ ِ ِ
َ َ ‫ار ال ُْم ُز‬
ُ َ‫م ْم ط‬
The causer of Lightening…the causer of Thunder!

The sender of Rains…the Saviour of Mankind!

‫ان ِم ْن لَبَن‬
ِ ‫ْك الْم َكا ِرم لَ قَ ْعب‬
َ ُ َ َ ‫تل‬
ِ ‫ْك الْ ِوراثَةُ ِمن أَ ْعلَى ْاَلَروم‬
‫ات‬ ِ
َُ ْ َ َ ‫تل‬
Those are the virtues (of a true Saint)…and not cups of Milk (i.e. something insignificant)!

That indeed is the Inheritance (he received)…from the Best of Lineages!

‫ع النُّبُ َّوةِ َهّٰ َذا‬ ِ َ‫هّٰ َذا ابن ف‬

ُ ‫اط َمة فَ ْر‬ ُْ َ
ِ ‫أَحم ُد الْ َخ ْت ِم م ْعط لِلْم َقام‬
‫ات‬ َ َ ُ َْ
For this is the Son of Fatimah….the offshoot of Prophethood!

This is Ahmad the Seal….the Distributer of Ranks!

‫َهّٰ َذا الَّ ِذي ِم ْنهُ أ َْر ُج و ُك َّل آ ِونَة‬

ِ ‫وح و تَس ِهيل الْمرام‬
‫ات‬ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ِ ُ‫نَ ْي َل الْ ُفت‬
This is the one from whom I continuously seek…

All my openings...and the easing of all my affairs!

‫صالَة َو تَ ْسلِيم َعلَى َسنَ ِدي‬

َ ‫أَ ْزَكى‬
ِ ‫ب ُش ْهب لِ ْل َخلِي َق‬
‫ات‬ َّ ‫َو ْاْل ِل َو‬
ِ ‫الص ْح‬
May the Purest Blessings & Salutations be upon my Master!

And his Family & Companions…the Stars of Creation!

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