Semi-Detailed LP in Arts

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
◦ Cognitive: Identify what is paper sculpture
◦ Affective: Participate actively in the activities of
the lesson
◦ Psychomotor: Make their own paper sculpture

II. Subject Matter

◦Lesson: Paper Sculpture
◦References: Paper Sculpture topic on lms
Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Colored Paper or Bond
Paper, Scissor, Glue, Pencil

III. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
◦Checking of Attendance
◦Review of the past lesson

B. Activity
The teacher will show a sample of Paper Sculpture.
Would you like to make a Paper Sculpture?

C. Analysis
The Teacher will show an image and the pupils will
tell if it is Paper Sculpture or not.

◦Lesson Proper
The teacher will tell that their topic is about Paper

Paper sculpture can be defined as an artwork that is

created by combining or shaping different types of paper.
In addition, many sculptors use paper as a material in
their art, but they combine paper with “stronger”
substantial, such as metal, wood or ceramics.
D. Abstraction
After the teacher explain the meaning and how to make
Paper Sculpture, He will ask his pupils if they really
understand the topic. And here the pupils will be given the
opportunity to respond. After the pupils totally understand
what is their topic is.

The Teacher will ask.

What are the steps in making paper sculpture?

E. Application
The teacher instruct his pupils to make their own Paper
Sculpture. And they will do their activity in 30 minutes.

The teacher will ask.
What is the meaning or definition of a Paper Sculpture?

Direction: Write “P” if it is Paper Sculpture an “S” if it is

____1. ____2.

____3. ____4.

IV. Assignment

How do you associate paper sculpture in your daily life?



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