Reaction Paper No. 4

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Alabat, Adrian Andrew B.

Date: 03 – 01 – 2023
CEIT – 03 – 402P Reaction Paper No. 4

Programming Paradigm and Construct

There are four programming paradigms. Firstly, Object Oriented Programming
(OOP), which is used to build software that is clear and simple, relies on the concepts of
classes and objects. It has encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism among its
traits. The software benefits from OOP in terms of code reuse, better organization,
sustainable codes, and code security. Secondly, Functional programming emphasizes
on recursion rather than loops to conduct repetitive activities and focuses on evaluating
mathematical functions to carry out computations. Pure Functions, Immutability, and
Higher-order Functions are some of its features. Moreover, it helps with easier
debugging, better code maintainability, greater scalability, and higher code quality in
Thirdly, Logic programming is a technique for creating intelligent computers that
can handle complicated problems by encoding them as a set of logical rules. It is based
on the idea of formal logic. Declarative, Non-Procedural, and Backtracking are a few of
its traits. Its advantages also include natural language representation, simplicity in
debugging, flexibility, and efficiency. Lastly, Procedural Programming concentrates on
the process, or series of statements, which is used to complete a particular task.
Modularity, Sequential Execution, and Reusability of Codes, which help the program to
become understandable, faster execution, and the formality of the programming
structured, are some of its properties.
Additionally, because of its simplicity and advantages, developers adhere to
programming standards and practices as they increase the effectiveness and quality of
their software development. As opposed to this, it makes the code easier to maintain
and adapt, lowers the likelihood that errors will be introduced, ensures that every aspect
of the code is effective and runs well, and helps to ensure that the program is secure.
Moreover, pseudo codes and control structure increase the readability and
maintainability of codes because it is simpler to understand, makes it easier to write the
code, serves as a good intermediate between flowcharts and code, is a good place to
start when writing documentation, and enables quick problem discovery.
Furthermore, The process of developing, gathering, organizing, preserving, and
exchanging information about a program is known as documentation. Documentation
Guidelines are a set of guidelines that programmers should adhere to in order to
effectively document their code. Using white space appropriately, using meaningful
function and variable names, and using explicit naming standards for variables and
functions are all good practices.

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