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All humans need a companion or a strong community to live in this painful world.

Isolation wont lead to success thus all of us neeed someone to make it through life,

Calling to society to coms together as one

1st stanza : Nobody can make it in the world alone- if water is thirsty and the bread is stone – they
are not perorming their intended tasks

3rd stanza : Wealth alone caant bring happiness . banshee : restless person- banshees and singing the
bluses – pprtray great deal of nise in the lives of these rich indivisuaks – they prefer to ficus on large
sums of money rather than the world around them

You can have all the money in the world but you may still lose your soul.

Last : storm clouds and moaning winfs – gloomy imagery to state that the race of man is syffering –
state of humanity is ti be in pain for as long as they are alone.

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