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Consumer Behaviour


Submitted To:
Prof. Tapas Ranjan Moharana

Submitted By:
Harshit Nag Mula
Section D
1. Prepare a total attribute score chart for all brands.

2. Which are the best and poor performing brands?

The following chart has been created based on the Total Snack Brand score/ Attribute Score.

Total Attributes Score

400 372.5 359.5 353
350 329
300 269.5 251.5
250 234

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Based on the above graph, it can be clearly inferred that,

Best Performing Brand- Lays.
Poor Performing Brand- Pringles.
3. Which product attributes are the most important to consumers in their purchase decisions?
Which ones are of lesser importance? What is the role of attribute importance?

Most important attributes: Quality, Taste, Good Meal.

Least important attributes: Dietary, For Kids.
Attribute Importance: The importance of an attribute provides a broad overview of the market's
present tendencies and preferences. This lessens product/service failures and enables companies to cater
to the hottest traits.

4. Are the two best brands “identical”, or do they have points-of-differentiation?

 Lays and Uncle chips are the top-performing brands. However, the quality of their snacks is
where they really stand out from the competition. While Uncle Chips performs poorly in the
category of excellent snacks, Lay's is constant across the board.
 Lays is rated higher in this area than all other brands because it is thought to have a wider
range of flavors than Uncle Chips.
 Among all brands, Lays is regarded as having the greatest level of consumer importance.
 Uncle Chips is regarded as a "good meal" and is deemed to be tastier for kids than Lays.

5. Now look at the two weakest brands and identify why they are underperforming. What should they
focus upon?

 Pringles and Parle wafers aren't doing well. This is a result of Pringles' poor performance in the areas of
quality, good meal, Dietary, and variety. They ought to focus on developing this. Similarly, parle
Wafers get low in good snacks, Variety, Authentic, and dietary.
 In addition to creating a POD in terms of taste and flavor diversity, these companies should concentrate
on creating a healthier form of their chips.
 Both brands lack consumer confidence, demonstrating the need for them to improve their reputations in
the marketplace.

6. What general advice would you have for brands B, E, and H?

Brand B- Lay’s: Keep enhancing the brand's dietary, and good snack.
Brand E- Uncle Chips: Needs to enhance its ability to make a good snack, which could help it take the
lead in the market. Also, focus on dietary.
Brand H-Bingo: Much like brand E, it needs to improve on both the dietary and good snack attributes.

7. What general advice would you have for Brands F and G? How are these two brands positioned?

Brand F (Yellow Diamond) and Brand G (Parle’s Wafers) – Brands F&G are scarcely holding on
to their market share. Both brands need to improve on highly desirable attributes like taste, quality, and
good meals. Brand G is best positioned in the dietary segment, while brand F is primarily positioned for

8. How this information could be used in brand strategy formation?

 Tracking the brand's success along these characteristics allows businesses to learn how consumers view
their products.
 It can be compared to the intended image or positioning, and a plan developed to change the perceptions
of the customers to a positive picture.
 It can also be used to inform the brand of the path it should take going forward.
Also, we can find the skill gaps in our portfolio for brand strategy creation and create goods to fill them.
However, developing distinctive products that ultimately launch new markets, also allows us to consider
untapped markets.

9. How would your analysis differ if the product is an Ego defensive or Self-expressive product?

Ego Defensive product: In this, brands targeted at children or with poor quality ratings may not be
appropriate. They are frequently perceived as weak brands by customers. Also, The purpose of a
consumer accepting a good or service is to have it have an impact on their societal character.
Self-Expressive Product: Products that are self-expressive are positioned for a specific purpose and are
not linked to any kind of psychological gratification or stature enhancement. Based on personality
characteristics and product personality, the relationship between the product and the consumer is

10. How can you extend the analysis by using the Behavioral Intentions Model?
Following the application of the aforementioned model, the behavior purpose model would be the
next stage. This information could be used to determine the types of behaviors that affect people's
choices to buy products that have certain characteristics. It aids companies in micro-level analysis.
The current study primarily evaluates the brands' functional advantages and qualities. A
consumer's approval or refusal of a new brand or his view of the old brand can be determined
using this model.

11. Who is an underdog that can change the market structure? Explain.
A competitor or any element that can unseat the existing market leader is typically referred to as
an "underdog." Due to its outstanding performance in three of the most important characteristics
examined, the Bingo Brand is the outsider. It can easily overtake the market champion if it
repositions and reformulates its product over time to enhance the other qualities.

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