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Methods of Research


BSIT Computer Tech -3A
MMSU – College of Industrial Technology
purpose of research
• In general, the purpose of research is to find acceptable evidence-
based answers to questions by applying scientific procedures.
• Research aims to find out the truth which is hidden, and which
has not been discovered yet. (Kothari, 2004).
• Every research study has its own specific purpose, but the
research purpose can be categorized into four broad groups.
Categories of research purpose: (Kothari, 2004)
1) To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve insights
into it (studies with this object in view are termed exploratory or
formulative research studies). Example: Why is it there are very
few enrollees in TVL courses in the senior high school in Ilocos
2) To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular
individual, situation or a group (studies with this object in view
are known as descriptive studies). Example: How effective is the
MVLE in the delivery of learning among CIT students?
Categories of research purpose: (Kothari, 2004)
3) To determine the frequency with which something occurs or
with which it is associated with something else. (studies with
this object in view are known as diagnostic studies). Example:
The average enrolment in first year computer tech is 45 each
year. In the higher level (2nd-4th year), there is a drop in
enrolment. What is the reason for the enrolment drop and is the
enrolment drop significant compared to other major field of
Categories of research purpose: (Kothari, 2004)
4) To test the hypothesis of a causal relationship between
variables (studies with this object in view are known as
hypothesis-testing studies). Example: Is there a significant
relationship between the performance of students in the CFAT
and their academic performance in college?
Motivation to do research
• Why do some people do research? There are fundamental reasons why
some people do research or what motivates them to conduct research.
Either one or more of the following are their motivation:
1. Desire to get a research degree along with its consequential benefits;
2. Desire to face the challenge in solving the unsolved problems; in the
field of Computer Tech. this can be viewed as solving practical
problems such as automating document tracking; online voting;
online student clearance; online attendance system, etc.
Motivation to do research
3. Desire to get intellectual joy of doing some creative work;
4. Desire to be of service to society; there are various job
opportunities in the field of research; work in DOST, DA and
even in DICT.
5. Desire to get respectability.
** there are other factors that motivates some people to conduct
research studies aside from what are listed in here.

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