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wblike og Pilipinas Republic pf che Philippines) KAGAWARAN NG ELUKGEYEN, KUL TURA AT [SPORTS (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS) Mayr ite DEES WH RD ER Nos BS, 9. 2992 RULES AND REGULATIONS GUVERNENG THE GRANT FO DESERVING OFFICTALS AND EMPLOVEES OF TH Tot Undersecretanios Assistant Secretaries Bureau Directors/Galiural Agency Direckors Directors af Services ond heads of Sensere “vats Regional Director Schools Superintendents residents, State Colleges end Universities Vocational Schoo} Superintendents + TER INCREMENTS GOVERNMENT 1. Inclosed is @ copy of Jeant Civil Bervice Gommission and Department of Budget and Management Circular No. 1, s. 1990, prescribing the rules and regulations governing tne grent of step increments te deserving officials and employees- 2. Confarmably thereto, regional directors, schools division, superintendents and vocational schools superintendents are ferehy directed to notify the officials, teachers and emplayees under their respective offices/scheols — whose appointments are delegated to them, through = Notice of Step Increment (Annex © of the said joint circular}. They shatl also submit qirect te the Civil Service Commission and the ‘Department nf Budget avid Management the reparts desired therein (Annexes D and € of the said joint circular), copies of which should be furnished chis Orfice. 3. To imp each school division, vocational schol 1 and regional office shall create a Mecit Increacs their respective schools/offices that shail sere candidates recommended for sueh meri shall be como Fol Low: lement the grant of step increments based on merit s: In the Regions getice (1) Director U1 Us Pirector) ~ Chairman (2) Administravive ~ Member (3) Persormel officer = Hemper (> Chief, Clem. Educ Menber (3) Chiet) See. Educe Member, * Meme. ~ Members & 3 Superintendent: Secondary Schoel Principal © Ghatmmen Administrative OF faces - Member Ywo (2) Head Teachers Members a Likewise, 2 Merit Tne Committee i eby created to screen and evaluste recomsendations for merit increase of officials and employees in the DECS Central Cffaice and the attached agencies, and as intendents and ncents. The Committee camposed, as Follow! Soy a+ Mrs Marcial &- Salva’ Assistant eeretary, Migael Member be Dre Marcetin Director T ce Bre Bypling ~ Rembe, Director TLL, de jamin = Member e. Garner ~ Member Chiet, Employees Welfare and Benefits Division a Presid of state collages and universities shall implement the grant of in theie respective sch nits to officials and empinyess e Particular ettention iz invited to the funding souece far the implementation of the step increments presceited under the joint circular as provided for in Section 1@ thereat. 7 Please he guided accordingly Yo be indicated iy under the Following 8 cammrTree EMPLOYEE: OFFICIALS (Inelasuve to Department ef Budget and Management Circular Mes ty RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE GRANT OF STEP INCREMENTS TO DESERVING OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES GF THE GOVERNMENT Pursuant 0 Section 13¢c) ef Republic Act No+ 6753 stherwies known as the "Compensation and Classification Act of 1989", the Civil Service Commission and the Department af Budget and Maviagement jointly promulgate the following rules and reguiations that shall govern the grant of step increments based on merit and/or length of servic! RULE Ts Gove Section 1. These rules and regulations shall apply te all officials and employees in the national and local governments, including those an government-owned and controlled corporations with origingl charters, state universities and colleges, judiciary and legisiseare, who are appointed on a permanent status in the career PULE IT. Selection Criteria Section i. Step incr deserving officials and employees referred te in § T heres?, bases on the following criteria: ents shall be granted to all chins Py Rule «a> t - For those who have rendered very Satisfactory or putstanding performance in assigned functions fer two consecutive ratin periods; and ©) Length of Service - For those who have rendered continuous satis y service in & particular position for ab least three (2) yea RULE I1T+ Step Increments Section 1. Mend: to deserving officials and employe he im accordance with the fellowin Schedule. The grant ef step increments san the basis ef merit shall We. oF Step | Increment | Ef tectivaty Lad Very satistactory per formance far two (2) con secutive rating periods haced on agency approved performance appraisal system One (1) step {The day following ythe end of the Isecend rating period Twa (2) steps [The day fallawing eutanding performance for twa consecubive rating lene end of the periods based on agency cond rating appraved perfarmance or iod obo appraisal system : based In the initial implementation of step incremen on merit, performance for 1999 shall be made the basis of the merit. SEC. 2. Length of Service. A one Ci) step increment shall be granted to officials and employees for every three (3) years of continuous satisfactory service in the positien- Vears of service in the position snail include the following? (a) these rendered before the position was reclassified to a position title with a lower or he same salary qrade allacation; and (by those rendered before the incumbent was transferred to another position within the same agency er vo another agency without # change in position title and salary grade allocation. In the initial implementation of ste werements in 199@, an incumbent shali be granted step increments equivalent to one (1) step for every three (3) years of continuous satisfactory service in a given position cccupied as of January 1, 1990. SEC. 3. Steps for Salary Grades 3a For positions allocated to salary grades 30 te each succeeding step after the first step shall be compuved at one per cent (1%) of the immediately precading derived step of the salary grade allocations restrictions shatt BEC. 4. Restrictions. The follawi be observed an the grank of step increment (@) The adjusted salary of an official or employee atter the grant of step increment shall not exceed the maximum step of the salary grace of his position, ject to the mathematical rules on Pounding off as illustrates im Ammen As (bd No step increment reteived by en official or employee shall be carried te a higher position te which fe is promoted or appointed as a result of reclassification. (by submit to the Civil Service Commission : Department of budget and management, nat lat than fifteen days after the end of each semest ef a calendar y at of officials an employees granted step increments under these Rules using the attached Form (Annex DD, including 8 list ef positions vacated by recipients of step increments (Annex SEC. 18. Fund: Bee. Funding for the initial implementation of the step inerements provided herein shall be charged against savings ut the departmest or agency. Thereafter, step increments shall be charged against appropriations to te Rrovided for the purpose and for other awe incentive schemes equivalent ts two per cevh (2) of the total appropriations for personal services of the department or agency: Tm the case of government-owned or controlled. corperations local government units, an amount equivalent te two per cent (2%) of their total personal services cost sijall likewise be provide 1p their respective budgets, chargeable against their own funds. RULE IY. Complaints and Protests SECTION i. Interpretation. Complaints and protests arising fram She implementation of these Rules shall net be construed as disciplinary cases and shall net be governed by administrative and disciplinary procedures. SEC. 2+ Gamplaints ang Grievance Committee. a1 complaints and probes (sing frem the implementation of , these Rules shall be brouges Go th y Complaints and Grievance Committee created unser CSC Memorandum Circular Now diy s+ 1989. The . Committee shall adapt its own rules to govern the conduct of its activities in the evaluation of such complaints and probestss . . . PULE We Repeat SECTION 1+ All rules, regulations, policies ana standards inconsistent with these Rules are hereby repeales and/or amended accordingly. RULE WI. effectivity 1, These Pules shall take effect January 1990. (SGD. PATRICIA &. STO. TOMAS SSGD+> GUILLERMC Ne CARAGH armen Secretary 23 March 493@ A true scopy (2) The total rumeer oF reciniente of ine haged on meriS an any ana (1) cale year net he mare Shan sep per cent (10%) of t number ef gersunnel actually employed department ar ys provided that the number of rec ts of tuo not excerd three per cent < B for ilustrative Examples step increments thereat. See (a) No step increment besea on merit shall se given to ar official or empleyee on the graund that he is retiring :n che near future and Tor purposes of enabling him to collect higher retiremen gratuity ex tas he may gualif in accardance With the criteria established wider tngse Rules. SEO. 5. gf Awards. Those granted step qualify fer other ayisting meet the criteria of sais awards. so SEG. 9. Nuliitication violation of these Rules shall b pny government of whatever amount the For any grant of step increments spurious documents or representations, foc Other Incentives se Fules may still they under th aud award! > provided step increment granted deened null and void snd head of the denartment om egency shall recusre the » wardee(s) has received: ound to be pased and the the the head of the department br agency shall he personeily liable for the refund te government of the amount granted. SEC. 7. Respansihilaty. The Li review annually the gean department or agency and proc in the recommendation. Step increment grants. and employees breated a2 p. Shall ke incerperated in the Fersenal thereafter. Notifie agency shall fa) notify in writing the head of the department of step increments. the Bll develop its awn systems ted te officials in basic salary Services Ttemization of department or agency for the subsequent catendar head af che department ficial or employee concerned of he stew increments granted under these Rules through @ Notice of Stew Increments (amex 2), a copy cf which . GSIS, and shall be furnished the sion and approval at Services Ltemization and the and or Annex & Tilustrative Examples of Rounding Off , 1, If the resultant rate has a remainder ranging from POSi to Pa.9%, said remainder shall be rounded-off to PL-a eaget PIS,975.00 hase pay Ae Pis8.7 increment 718,975.00 base pay #18975 increment Pi9,l6d-78 or 719,165.00 2. Ff the resultant rate has a remainder ranging trom PQ.B1 to 0.49, said remainder shall be dropped+ PI9,633-00 hase pay x it F196) increment F19,635.00 base pay +196 increment 719,829.35 or P19, 829.00 3. If the remainder is P@.50 and is preceded by an odd number, that remainder shall be vounded-off to PL.00. However, if it is preceded by an even number, the same remainder shall be dropped e.g! PIG, 745.50 = P19,7d6 (for odd number? P19, 746.50 = PL 6 (for even number Agency with 1,009 employees Ten per cent (10%) or 100 employees is the maximum number that may he given merit inerease pre: their performance for two (2) consecutive rating per been rated outstanding om very satistactory. In this example. a maximum of 3 or SO employees may he given a Z step increment, provided their performance has heen rated outstanding for te consecutive rating The remaining 7% or 7@ employees may he given a i step increment provided their performance has been rated at leas very satisfactory for two (2) consecutive rating periods. Agency with employees: Ten per cent (10%) or 23 employees is the maximum number that may be given merit increase provided their performance has been rated at least very satisfactory for two (2) consecutive rating periods. In this example, only seven (7) may be given a 2 step nerement and the sixteen (16) others a one (1) step increment provided the conditions stated under Illustrative Example A are met- Tnerements Siv/Madame Pursuant te Joint Civil Service Commission (CSC) and Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Circular No. ty s+ 1990 implementing Section {3 (2) af RA Nov 6758, your salary as Glerk I, 86-3 is hereby adjusted effective January 1, 1999 as shown below. Basic Monthly Salary As of December Zt Salary Adjustment Be Merit _ step/s) PL b. Length of Service shep/s) 9. - The step increment/s is/are subject to review and post~ audit by the Department of Budget and Management and sutiect to Peadjustment and refund if found wo’ in ender Very truly yours, Head oF Departnents Agency Copy Furni she The GSIS peay Asuaby/quawgsedag 29284409 patyTsaed TeqOL puEID, Tego, sans “s - a2TAGag Jo YIhuey Uo pased squowevour degs 8 7 Ts reg. ang - AivaW Mo paseg squaweicuy deag +e sata Squaw sguawasouy S1STL eT AD BULQEN aauEWAoJied aadoTduy/TELITsI0 se eHe, weuauy fagg ga dagg re quesg O1gtsog oN waat GB MEE ge se os ae seri Aaewes pagenteg Aveqsg tenaow Aruaby/quawssedag 49 ower, eget +8 T son ae tnaarg quowabeuey pue yafpha so 4uauquedeg Puy UOTSStwwag BITAIag [LAT quToE bg quensung squawa.aur dade pegueso Ady, xouy seadotdwg pue SteTa Taig go 4sry annex & Last of Positions Vacated by Recipients of Step increnents Name of Department /Sgency _. Salary Salary Grad: Rate Certified Correctt Department /Agency

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