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ROE vs WADE The second reason is that the abortion procedure is

hazardous, therefore the State’s concern is to protect

Brief Fact Summary. Appellant Jane Roe, a pregnant
pregnant women. However, modern medical techniques
mother who wished to obtain an abortion, sued on behalf
have altered the situation, with abortions being relatively
of all woman similarly situated in an effort to prevent the
safe particularly in the first trimester. The third reason is
enforcement of Texas statutes criminalizing all abortions
the State’s interest is in protecting the prenatal life.
except those performed to save the life of the mother.
However, this is somewhat negated by the fact that the
Synopsis of Rule of Law. Statutes that make criminal all pregnant woman cannot be prosecuted for the act of
abortions except when medically advised for the purpose abortion.
of saving the life of the mother are an unconstitutional
For the stage prior to the approximate end of the first
invasion of privacy.
trimester, the abortion decision must be left to the medical
Facts. Texas statutes made it a crime to procure or attempt judgment of the pregnant woman’s attending physician,
an abortion except when medically advised for the and may not be criminalized by statute.
purpose of saving the life of the mother. Appellant Jane
For the stage subsequent to the approximate end of the
Roe sought a declaratory judgment that the statutes were
first trimester, the State may regulate abortion in ways
unconstitutional on their face and an injunction to
reasonably related to maternal health based upon the
prevent defendant Dallas County District Attorney from
State’s interest in promoting the health of the mother.
enforcing the statutes. Appellant alleged that she was
unmarried and pregnant, and that she was unable to For the stage subsequent to viability, the State may
receive a legal abortion by a licensed physician because regulate and even proscribe abortion, except where
her life was not threatened by the continuation of her necessary for the preservation of the mother’s life, based
pregnancy and that she was unable to afford to travel to upon the State’s interest in the potential of the potential
another jurisdiction to obtain a legal abortion. Appellant life of the unborn child.
sued on behalf of herself and all other women similarly
Dissent. Justice Rehnquist. The right to an abortion is not
situated, claiming that the statutes were
universally accepted, and the right to privacy is thus not
unconstitutionally vague and abridged her right of
inherently involved in this case.
personal privacy, protected by the First, Fourth, Fifth,
Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. Discussion. The Court finds that an abortion statute that
forbids all abortions except in the case of a life saving
ssue. Do the Texas statutes improperly invade a right
procedure on behalf of the mother is unconstitutional
possessed by the appellant to terminate her pregnancy
based upon the right to privacy. However, it does allow
embodied in the concept of personal liberty contained in
for regulation and proscription of abortion when the
the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause, in the
statute is narrowly tailored to uphold a compelling state
personal marital, familial, and sexual privacy protected
interest, such as the health of the mother or the viable
by the Bill of Rights or its penumbras, or among the rights
fetus. The court declined to address the question of when
reserved to the people by the Ninth Amendment?
life begins.
Held. The right to personal privacy includes the abortion
Bowers v. Hardwick - 478 U.S. 186, 106 S. Ct. 2841 (1986)
decision, but the right is not unqualified and must be
considered against important state interests in regulation. RULE:
The abortion laws in effect in the majority of the States are
of relatively recent vintage, deriving from statutory The rights qualifying for heightened judicial protection
changes generally enacted in the latter half of the 19th includes those fundamental liberties that are implicit in
century. At common law abortion performed before the concept of ordered liberty, such that neither liberty
quickening (the first recognizable movement of the fetus nor justice would exist if they were sacrificed. A different
in utero) was not an indictable offense, and it is doubtful description of fundamental liberties characterizes them as
that abortion was ever a firmly established common law liberties that are deeply rooted in this Nation's history
crime even when it destroyed a quick fetus. and tradition. Neither of these formulations would
extend a fundamental right to homosexuals to engage in
Three reasons have been advanced for the historical acts of consensual sodomy.
enactment of criminal abortion laws. The first is that the
laws are the product of a Victorian social concern to FACTS:
discourage illicit sexual conduct, but this argument has
been taken seriously by neither courts nor commentators.
Respondent was charged with violating O.G.C.A. § 16-6- follows: “ any contact between any part of the genitals of
2 (1984), which criminalized sodomy. Respondent one person and the mouth or anus of another person or
allegedly engaged in sodomy with another adult male in the penetration of the genitals or the anus of another
the bedroom of his home. After the district attorney person with an object”. The two men were then convicted
decided not to present the matter to the grand jury unless before a Justice of the Peace.
further evidence developed, respondent brought suit in
Issue. The issue is whether a statute prohibiting specific
federal district court, challenging the constitutionality of
sex acts violates liberty under the Due Process Clause of
the statute insofar as it criminalized consensual sodomy.
the Fourteenth Amendment.
Held. Yes, intimate sexual conduct, between consenting
Does the U.S. Constitution protect the fundamental right adults, is a liberty protected under the Due Process
to engage in homosexual sodomy? Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

ANSWER: Dissent. Justice Scalia: He believes that since the court

does not find homosexual sodomy to be a fundamental
right, and merely describes it as an “exercise in liberty”, a
CONCLUSION: rational basis scrutiny should be applied, and in doing so,
the law would be upheld. In addition, the courts
The engagement in homosexual sodomy is not protected willingness to overturn Bowers rather than use stare
by the Constitution through a fundamental right. The decicis, is inconsistent with other case law such as
court of appeals held that § 16-6-2 violated respondent's Planned Parenthood, and thus, feels the court should be
fundamental rights because his homosexual activity was consistent and stable rather than being “manipulative in
a private and intimate association that was beyond the invoking the doctrine”. Since all laws, by definition (as
reach of state regulation by reason of U.S. Const. amends. example, prostitution, using heroin, etc) affect liberty,
XI and XIV. Reversing that judgment, the Court held that they would all be unconstitutional under this court’s
the Due Process Clause of U.S. Const. amend. XIV did not ruling.
confer any fundamental right on homosexuals to engage
in acts of consensual sodomy, even if the conduct Concurrence.
occurred in the privacy of their own homes.
Justice O’Connor: She does not join the court in
Lawrence v. Texas overturning Bowers, but rather, reaches her conclusion
based on equal protection, rather than any due process
Brief Fact Summary. Police found two men engaged in clause. She states that even using a rational basis review
sexual conduct, in their home, and they were arrested “we have consistently held that some objectives, such as
under a Texas statute that prohibited such conduct a bare desire to harm a politically unpopular group, are
between two men. not legitimate state interests”. She comes to this
conclusion based on the fact that sodomy is not
Synopsis of Rule of Law. While homosexual conduct is
prohibited between opposite sex partners, thus unfairly
not a fundamental right, intimate sexual relationships
targets same sex partners and makes them unequal in the
between consenting adults are protected by the
eyes of the law. Since this law brands homosexuals as
Fourteenth Amendment.
criminals, it makes it more difficult for them to be treated
Facts. In Houston, Texas, Harris County Police officers like everyone else, thus violating equal protection and
were dispatched to a private home in response to a legally sanctioning discrimination.
reported weapons disturbance. They entered (the right to
Discussion. (Written by Justice Kennedy) The court does
enter does seem to have been questioned) the home
not focus on protecting sodomy specifically, but rather,
where John Geddes resided, and observed Lawrence and
personal relationships. It explains that despite the fact
another man, Tyron Garner, engaging in a sex act. The
that the statutes in questions purport to only prohibit sex,
men were arrested, held over night and charged with
“Their penalties and purposes, though, have more far-
violating a Texas statute making it a crime for two
reaching consequences, touching upon the most private
persons of the same sex to engage in certain intimate
human conduct, sexual behavior, and in the most private
sexual conduct. Specifically the statute provided “A
of places, the home.” The court found it alarming that the
person commits and offense if he engaged in deviate
statute in question sought to control a personal
sexual intercourse with another individual of the same
relationship, stating that forming personal relationships
sex” and goes on to define deviate sexual intercourse as
is one of the liberties we have, and should be able to
choose such relationships without fear of being punished addressed a proven problem nor required a showing of
or classified as criminals. individualized suspicion of drug use, thus, it violated the
students' constitutional right to be free from
The court focuses on the fact that the laws should not
unreasonable searches.
target relations between consenting adults in private, as
this is what liberty hinges on. The court states that adults ISSUE:
are entitled to respect for their private lives, and “Their
Was the school policy of requiring students to undergo
right to liberty under the Due Process Clause gives them
drug testing violative of the students’ constitutional right
the full right to engage in their conduct without
against unreasonable searches?
intervention of the government”. The court ultimately
applies a rational basis review, stating that the Texas ANSWER:
statute in question furthers no legitimate state interest
which can justify an intrusion into a personal and private No.
life of an individual.
This case overrules Bowers v Hardwick, which had held
The United States Supreme Court held that the policy did
that there is no fundamental right to engage in sodomy,
not constitute an unreasonable search because it
or homosexual activities. Bowers was based on the fact
reasonably served the board's important interest in
that historically sodomy has been outlawed, but this court
detecting and preventing drug use among its students.
finds that historically it was only outlawed to protect
The board's general regulation of extracurricular
individuals from sexual predators, and that rationale
activities diminished the expectation of privacy among
should not be used when consenting adults are involved,
students, and the board's method of obtaining urine
specifically stating “The present case does not involve
samples and maintaining test results was minimally
minors. It does not involve persons who might be injured
intrusive on the students' limited privacy interest.
or coerced or who are situated in relationships where
Further, the drug testing policy was a reasonably effective
consent might not easily be refused. It does not involve
means of addressing the board's concerns about
public conduct or prostitution. It does not involve
preventing drug use in the board's schools in the face of
whether the government must give formal recognition to
the evidence of increased drug use at the schools.
any relationship that homosexual persons seek to enter.”
Bd. of Educ. v. Earls - 536 U.S. 822, 122 S. Ct. 2559 (2002)
The topic of this case covers delineation of Legislative and
Executive powers
The court generally determines the reasonableness of a
search by balancing the nature of the intrusion on the
individual's privacy against the promotion of legitimate Petitioner Ople prays that we invalidate Administrative
governmental interests. In certain limited circumstances, Order No. 308 entitled "Adoption of a National
the government's need to discover latent or hidden Computerized Identification Reference System" on two
conditions, or to prevent their development, is important constitutional grounds, viz: one, it is a
sufficiently compelling to justify the intrusion on privacy usurpation of the power of Congress to legislate, and two,
entailed by conducting such searches without any it impermissibly intrudes on our citizenry's protected
measure of individualized suspicion. Therefore, in the zone of privacy. We grant the petition for the rights
context of safety and administrative regulations, a search sought to be vindicated by the petitioner need stronger
unsupported by probable cause may be reasonable when barriers against further erosion.
special needs, beyond the normal need for law
Petitioner contends that the establishment of a national
enforcement, make the warrant and probable-cause
computerized identification reference system requires a
requirement impracticable.
legislative act. The issuance of A.O. No. 308 by the
FACTS: president of the republic of the Philippines is, therefore,
an unconstitutional usurpation of the legislative powers
Respondent students sued petitioner board of education,
of the congress of the Republic of the Philippines.
alleging that the board's drug testing policy was
unconstitutional since the board failed to identify a Issue:
special need for testing students who participate in
WON the issuance of A.O. No. 308 by the president of the
extracurricular activities, and the policy neither
republic of the Philippines is an unconstitutional
usurpation of the legislative powers of the congress of the KILUSANG MAYO UNO vs. THE DIRECTOR-
Republic of the Philippines? GENERAL, NEDA

Ruling: FACTS:

Yes, the issuance of A.O. No. 308 by the president of the President Arroyo issued EO 420 directing a unified ID
republic of the Philippines is an unconstitutional system among the various government agencies and
usurpation of the legislative powers of the congress of the GOCCs for the purpose of having a uniform ID for all
Republic of the Philippines. government agencies. Kilusang Mayo Uno and others
assailed this EO for being a “usurpation of legislative
The Court held that the Constitution, as the will of the
powers by the president” and it infringes the citizens’
people in their original, sovereign and unlimited
right to privacy.
capacity, has vested this power in the Congress of the
Philippines. The grant of legislative power to Congress is ISSUE:
broad, general and comprehensive. The legislative body
Whether or not
possesses plenary power for all purposes of civil
government. Any power, deemed to be legislative by EO 420 on Unified ID System among government
usage and tradition, is necessarily possessed by Congress, agencies infringes on the citizens right to privacy.
unless the Constitution has lodged it elsewhere. In fine,
except as limited by the Constitution, either expressly or (Executive Order 420 of April 13, 2005 was issued for the
impliedly, legislative power embraces all subjects and adoption of a unified multi-purpose identification (ID)
extends to matters of general concern or common interest. system for the government)

While Congress is vested with the power to enact laws, RULING:

the President executes the laws. The executive power is
No. All these years, the GSIS, SSS, LTO, Philhealth and
vested in the Presidents. It is generally defined as the
other government entities have been issuing ID cards in
power to enforce and administer the laws. It is the power
the performance of their governmental functions. There
of carrying the laws into practical operation and
have been no complaints from citizens that the ID cards
enforcing their due observance. The President has the
of these government entities violate their right to privacy,
duty of supervising the enforcement of laws for the
and in the collection and recording of personal
maintenance of general peace and public order. Thus, he
identification data.
is granted administrative power over bureaus and offices
under his control to enable him to discharge his duties Moreover, EO 420 applies only to government entities
effectively. that already maintain ID systems and issue ID cards
pursuant to their regular functions under existing laws.
In this case, A.O. No. 308 involves a subject that is not
EO 420 does not grant such government entities any
appropriate to be covered by an administrative order. It
power that they do not already possess under existing
establishes for the first time a National Computerized
Identification Reference System. Such a System requires a
delicate adjustment of various contending state policies DUNCAN ASSOCIATION OF DETAILMAN-PTGWO
— the primacy of national security, the extent of privacy and PEDRO A. TECSON vs. GLAXO WELLCOME
interest against dossier-gathering by government, the PHILIPPINES, INC.
choice of policies, etc. Regulations are not supposed to be
FACTS: Petitioner Pedro A. Tecson (Tecson) was hired by
a substitute for the general policy-making that Congress
respondent Glaxo Wellcome Philippines, Inc. (Glaxo) as
enacts in the form of a public law. Although
medical representative on October 24, 1995, after Tecson
administrative regulations are entitled to respect, the
had undergone training and orientation.
authority to prescribe rules and regulations is not an
independent source of power to make laws. Thereafter, Tecson signed a contract of employment
which stipulates, among others, that he agrees to study
Hence, the issuance of A.O. No. 308 by the president of
and abide by existing company rules; to disclose to
the republic of the Philippines is an unconstitutional
management any existing or future relationship by
usurpation of the legislative powers of the congress of the
consanguinity or affinity with co-employees or
Republic of the Philippines.
employees of competing drug companies and should
management find that such relationship poses a possible
conflict of interest, to resign from the company. Code of
Conduct of Glaxo similarly provides these conditions; CA sustained; MR denied.
that otherwise, the management and the employee will
Petitioner’s Contention: that Glaxo’s policy against
explore the possibility of a “transfer to another
employees marrying employees of competitor companies
department in a non-counterchecking position” or
violates the equal protection clause of the Constitution
preparation for employment outside the company after
because it creates invalid distinctions among employees
six months.
on account only of marriage. They claim that the policy
Tecson was initially assigned to market Glaxo’s products restricts the employees’ right to marry; that Tecson was
in the Camarines Sur-Camarines Norte sales area. constructively dismissed
Subsequently, Tecson entered into a romantic
GLAXO argues: that the company policy prohibiting its
relationship with Bettsy, an employee of Astra
employees from having a relationship with and/or
Pharmaceuticals3(Astra), a competitor of Glaxo. Bettsy
marrying an employee of a competitor company is a valid
was Astra’s Branch Coordinator in Albay. She supervised
exercise of its management prerogatives and does not
the district managers and medical representatives of her
violate the equal protection clause;
company and prepared marketing strategies for Astra in
that area. The policy is also aimed at preventing a competitor
company from gaining access to its secrets, procedures
Even before they got married, Tecson received several
and policies; that Tecson can no longer question the
reminders from his District Manager regarding the
assailed company policy because when he signed his
conflict of interest which his relationship with Bettsy
contract of employment, he was aware that such policy
might engender. Still, love prevailed, and Tecson married
was stipulated therein.
Bettsy in September 1998.
ISSUE: WON Glaxo’s policy against its employees
Tecson’s superior reminded him that he and Bettsy
marrying employees from competitor companies is valid
should decide which one of them would resign from their
jobs. Tecson requested for time to comply with the HELD: The Court finds no merit in the petition.
company policy against entering into a relationship with
an employee of a competitor company. He explained that Glaxo has a right to guard its trade secrets, manufacturing
Astra, Bettsy’s employer, was planning to merge with formulas, marketing strategies and other confidential
Zeneca, another drug company; and Bettsy was planning programs and information from competitors, especially
to avail of the redundancy package to be offered by Astra. so that it and Astra are rival companies in the highly
competitive pharmaceutical industry.
Tecson again requested for more time resolve the
problem. Thereafter, Tecson applied for a transfer in The prohibition against personal or marital relationships
Glaxo’s milk division, thinking that since Astra did not with employees of competitor companies upon Glaxo’s
have a milk division, the potential conflict of interest employees is reasonable under the circumstances because
would be eliminated. His application was denied in view relationships of that nature might compromise the
of Glaxo’s “least-movement-possible” policy. interests of the company. In laying down the assailed
company policy, Glaxo only aims to protect its interests
Glaxo transferred Tecson to the Butuan City-Surigao against the possibility that a competitor company will
City-Agusan del Sur sales area. Tecson asked Glaxo to gain access to its secrets and procedures.
reconsider its decision, but his request was denied.
Tecson defied the transfer order and continued acting as That Glaxo possesses the right to protect its economic
medical representative in the Camarines Sur-Camarines interests cannot be denied. No less than the Constitution
Norte sales area. recognizes the right of enterprises to adopt and enforce
such a policy to protect its right to reasonable returns on
DEVELOPMENT OF THE CASE: Because the parties investments and to expansion and growth.
failed to resolve the issue at the grievance machinery
level, they submitted the matter for voluntary arbitration, Indeed, while our laws endeavor to give life to the
but Tecson declined the offer. On November 15, 2000, the constitutional policy on social justice and the protection
National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB) of labor, it does not mean that every labor dispute will be
rendered its Decision declaring as valid Glaxo’s policy on decided in favor of the workers. The law also recognizes
relationships between its employees and persons that management has rights which are also entitled to
employed with competitor companies, and affirming respect and enforcement in the interest of fair play.21
Glaxo’s right to transfer Tecson to another sales territory.
EQUAL-PROTECTION: Glaxo does not impose an The Court of First Instance perpetually restrains and
absolute prohibition against relationships between its prohibits the defendant and his deputies from collecting
employees and those of competitor companies. Its and enforcing against the plaintiffs and their property the
employees are free to cultivate relationships with and annual tax mentioned and described in subsection (b) of
marry persons of their own choosing. What the company section 100 of Act No. 2339, effective July 1, 1914, and
merely seeks to avoid is a conflict of interest between the from destroying or removing any sign, signboard, or
employee and the company that may arise out of such billboard, the property of the plaintiffs and decrees the
relationships. cancellation of the bond given by the plaintiffs.

Moreover, records show that Glaxo gave Tecson several Hence, this petition.
chances to eliminate the conflict of interest brought about
by his relationship with Bettsy.
WON Act No. 2339 was a legitimate exercise of the police
power of the Government?
Other Issue on Constructive dismissal:
The Court finds no merit in petitioners’ contention that
YES. Things offensive to the senses, such as sight, smell
Tescon was constructively dismissed when he was
or hearing, may be suppressed by the State especially
transferred from the Camarines Norte-Camarines Sur
those situated in thickly populated districts. Aesthetics
sales area to the Butuan City-Surigao City-Agusan del Sur
may be regulated by the police power of the state, as long
sales area, and when he was excluded from attending the
as it is justified by public interest and safety.
company’s seminar on new products which were directly
competing with similar products manufactured by Astra. Moreover, if the police power may be exercised to
Constructive dismissal is defined as a quitting, an encourage a healthy social and economic condition in the
involuntary resignation resorted to when continued country, and if the comfort and convenience of the people
employment becomes impossible, unreasonable, or are included within those subjects, everything which
unlikely; when there is a demotion in rank or diminution encroaches upon such territory is amenable to the police
in pay; or when a clear discrimination, insensibility or power of the State.
disdain by an employer becomes unbearable to the
employee.30 None of these conditions are present in the Hence, the judgment of the CFI is reversed.
instant case.
Toribio was found by the trial court of Bohol violating
Plaintiffs put up a billboard on a private land located in Sections 30 and 33 of Act No. 1147, an Act regulating the
Rizal Province “quite distance from the road and strongly registration, branding, and slaughter of Large Cattle. The
built, not dangerous to the safety of the people, and act prohibits the slaughter of large cattle fit for
contained no advertising matter which is filthy, indecent, agricultural work or other draft purposes for human
or deleterious to the morals of the consumption.
community.” However, defendant Rafferty, Collector of
Appellant Toribio slaughtered or caused to be
Internal Revenue, decided to remove the billboards after
slaughtered his carabao without a permit from the
due investigation made upon the complaints of the
municipal treasurer of the municipality.
British and German Consuls.
It appears that in the town of Carmen, in the Province of
Act No. 2339 authorized the then Collector of Internal
Bohol, wherein the animal was slaughtered there is no
Revenue to remove after due investigation, any billboard
municipal slaughterhouse, and counsel for appellant
exposed to the public view if it decides that it is offensive
contends that under such circumstances the provisions of
to the sight or is otherwise a nuisance.
Act No. 1147 do not prohibit nor penalize the slaughter of
In the agreed statement of facts submitted by the parties, large cattle without a permit of the municipal treasure.
the plaintiffs "admit that the billboards mentioned were
Appellant contends that he applied for a permit to
and still are offensive to the sight."
slaughter the animal but was not given one because the
carabao was not found to be “unfit for agricultural work”
which resulted to appellant to slaughter said carabao in a caught transporting 6 carabaos from Masbate to Iloilo. He
place other than the municipal slaughterhouse. was then charged in violation of EO 626-A. Ynot averred
EO 626-A as unconstitutional for it violated his right to be
Appellant then assails the validity of a provision under
heard or his right to due process. He said that the
Act No. 1147 which states that only carabaos unfit for
authority provided by EO 626-A to outrightly confiscate
agricultural work can be slaughtered.
carabaos even without being heard is unconstitutional.
Appellant also contended that the act constitutes a taking The lower court ruled against Ynot ruling that the EO is a
of property for public use in the exercise of the right of valid exercise of police power in order to promote general
eminent domain without providing for the compensation welfare so as to curb down the indiscriminate slaughter
of owners, and it is an undue and unauthorized exercise of carabaos
of police power of the state for it deprives them of the
enjoyment of their private property.
1. Whether or not the said Executive Order is valid.
Ratio: The SC ruled that the EO is not valid as it indeed
WON the prohibition and the penalty imposed in Act No.
violates due process. EO 626-A created a presumption
1147 is limited only to the slaughter of large cattle at the
based on the judgment of the executive. The movement of
municipal slaughterhouse.
carabaos from one area to the other does not mean a
WON Act. No. 1147, regulating the registration, branding subsequent slaughter of the same would ensue. Ynot
and slaughter of large cattle, is an undue and should be given to defend himself and explain why the
unauthorized exercise of police power. carabaos are being transferred before they can be
confiscated. The SC found that the challenged measure is
HELD: an invalid exercise of the police power because the
method employed to conserve the carabaos is not
1. NO. The prohibition and penalty imposed in Act No.
reasonably necessary to the purpose of the law and,
1147 applies generally to the slaughter of large cattle for
worse, is unduly oppressive. Due process is violated
human consumption, anywhere, without a permit duly
because the owner of the property confiscated is denied
secured from the municipal treasurer, and specifically to
the right to be heard in his defense and is immediately
the killing for food of large cattle at a municipal
condemned and punished. The conferment on the
slaughterhouse without such permit.
administrative authorities of the power to adjudge the
Where the language of a statute is fairly susceptible of guilt of the supposed offender is a clear encroachment on
two or more constructions, that construction should be judicial functions and militates against the doctrine of
adopted which will most tend to give effect to the separation of powers. There is, finally, also an invalid
manifest intent of the lawmaker and promote the object delegation of legislative powers to the officers mentioned
for which the statute was enacted, and a construction therein who are granted unlimited discretion in the
should be rejected which would tend to render abortive distribution of the properties arbitrarily taken.
other provisions of the statute and to defeat the object
Ruling: WHEREFORE, Executive Order No. 626-A is
which the legislator sought to attain by its enactment.
hereby declared unconstitutional. Except as affirmed
Ynot v Intermediate Appellate Court 148 SCRA 659 above, the decision of the Court of Appeals is reversed.
The supersedeas bond is cancelled and the amount
Nature: Review on Certiorari
thereof is ordered restored to the petitioner. No costs. SO
Keywords: Requirements of due process; Fundamental ORDERED.
Powers of the State: POLICE POWER
Note: The minimum requirements of due process
Summary: RTC - sustained confiscation of the carabaos; are notice and hearing which, generally speaking, may
and decline to rule on the constitutionality of the EO for not be dispensed with because they are intended as a
lack of authority. IAC - upheld RTC decision. SC - safeguard against official arbitrariness. It is a gratifying
reversed CA decision. commentary on our judicial system that the jurisprudence
of this country is rich with applications of this guaranty
Facts: There had been an existing law which prohibited as proof of our fealty to the rule of law and the ancient
the slaughtering of carabaos (EO 626). To strengthen the rudiments of fair play. We have consistently declared that
law, Marcos issued EO 626-A which not only banned the every person, faced by the awesome power of the State, is
movement of carabaos from interprovinces but as well as entitled to "the law of the land," which Daniel Webster
the movement of carabeef. On 13 Jan 1984, Ynot was
described almost two hundred years ago in the famous REPUBLIC vs PLDT G.R. No. L-18841
Dartmouth College Case, 14 as "the law which hears
FACTS: PLDT, is a public service corporation holding a
before it condemns, which proceeds upon inquiry and
legislative franchise to install, operate and maintain a
renders judgment only after trial." It has to be so if the
telephone system throughout the Philippines and to carry
rights of every person are to be secured beyond the reach
electrical transmission of messages within the Philippines
of officials who, out of mistaken zeal or plain arrogance,
and between the Philippines and the telephone systems
would degrade the due process clause into a worn and
of other countries.
empty catchword.
The RCA Communications, Inc., is an American
United States v. Causby - 328 U.S. 256, 66 S. Ct. 1062 (1946)
corporation authorized to transact business in the
RULE: Philippines and is the grantee, by assignment, of a
legislative franchise to operate a domestic station for the
The flight of aircraft is lawful unless at such a low altitude
reception and transmission of long distance wireless
as to interfere with the then existing use to which the
messages and to operate broadcasting and radio-
land, or the space over the land, is put by the owner, or
telephone and radio-telegraphic communications
unless so conducted as to be imminently dangerous to
persons or property lawfully on the land. Subject to that
right of flight, ownership of the space above the land is Sometime in 1933, the defendant, PLDT, and the RCA
declared to be vested in the various owners of the land Communications, Inc., entered into an agreement
beneath and a Constitutional taking may be found. whereby telephone messages, coming from the United
States and received by RCA’s domestic station, could
automatically be transferred to the lines of PLDT; and
The lower court granted respondent landowners a vice-versa. The arrangement was later extended to radio-
judgment for the value of property destroyed, and telephone messages to and from European and Asiatic
damage to their property, resulting from the taking of an countries.
easement over their property by low-flying United States
Soon after its creation in 1947, the Bureau of
military aircraft.
Telecommunications set up its own Government
ISSUE: Telephone System by utilizing its own appropriation and
equipment and by renting trunk lines of the PLDT to
Does the frequent and regular flights by the United States enable government offices to call private parties.
military at low altitudes directly over the landowner’s However, its application for these trunk lines contained a
property amount to taking of property despite absence of statement whereby it states that it would abide by the
actual physical invasion? rules and regulations of PLDT.
ANSWER: The Director of Telecommunications entered into an
agreement with RCA Communications whereby the
Bureau would convey overseas calls from RCA to local
CONCLUSION: residents. Defendant PLDT then complained to the
Bureau that they had used the trunk lines not for
The court agreed with the finding that there had been a
government offices only but also to serve the general
taking of respondents' property within the meaning of
public; which is in direct competition of PLDT. The
U.S. Const. amend. V. The court held that a physical
Bureau did not respond, thus PLDT severed the lines.
invasion of the property was not necessary where there
was an intrusion so immediate and direct as to subtract After failure to negotiate terms, the Bureau filed a suit
from respondents' full enjoyment and use of the property. against defendant in the CFI of Manila praying that PLDT
Further, the damages were not merely consequential; be commanded to execute a contract with plaintiff for the
they were the product of a direct invasion of respondents' use of the latter’s telephone system under such terms as
domain. The United States Supreme Court reversed and the court would deem just and a preliminary injunction
remanded the action, however, on the basis that the to prevent further severance or to restore those that had
record was not clear whether the easement taken was already been severed.
temporary or permanent. The court remanded the cause
The lower court ruled that it could not force PLDT to
for a determination of the necessary findings regarding
enter into a contract, nor is the Bureau not allowed to
the nature of the easement.
service the general public with telephone connections. and occupation by condemnor upon the private property
Thus, this appeal for more than a momentary period, and (2) devoting it to
a public use in such a way as to oust the owner and
ISSUE: w/n the trunk lines of PLDT can be validly
deprive him of all beneficial enjoyment of the property,
are not present.
ISSUE: Whether or not the taking of property has taken
Yes. The court a quo has apparently overlooked that place when the condemnor has entered and occupied the
while the Republic may not compel the PLDT to celebrate property as lesse.
a contract with it, the Republic may, in the exercise of the
HELD: No, the property was deemed taken only when
sovereign power of eminent domain, require the
the expropriation proceedings commenced in 1959.
telephone company to permit interconnection of the
government telephone system and that of the PLDT, as The essential elements of the taking are: (1) Expropriator
the needs of the government service may require, subject must enter a private property, (2) for more than a
to the payment of just compensation to be determined by momentary period, (3) and under warrant of legal
the court. authority, (4) devoting it to public use, or otherwise
informally appropriating or injuriously affecting it in
Nominally, of course, the power of eminent domain
such a way as (5) substantially to oust the owner and
results in the taking or appropriation of title to, and
deprive him of all beneficial enjoyment thereof.
possession of, the expropriated property; but no cogent
reason appears why the said power may not be availed of In the case at bar, these elements were not present when
to impose only a burden upon the owner of condemned the government entered and occupied the property under
property, without loss of title and possession. It is a contract of lease.
unquestionable that real property may, through
expropriation, be subjected to an easement of right of
way. The use of the PLDT’s lines and services to allow STATEMENT OF THE CASE
inter-service connection between both telephone systems
is not much different. In either case private property is Before the Court are six consolidated petitions, docketed
subjected to a burden for public use and benefit. If, under as G.R. nos. 71169, 74376, 76394, 78182, 82281 and 60727.
section 6, Article XIII, of the Constitution, the State may, The first five petitions for a motion for reconsideration
in the interest of national welfare, transfer utilities to raise the issue of whether Jupiter Street is for the exclusive
public ownership upon payment of just compensation, use of Bel-Air Village residents. Meanwhile, the last
there is no reason why the State may not require a public petition (G.R. 60727) raises the lone issue of whether or
utility to render services in the general interest, provided not the Mayor of Makati could have validly opened
just compensation is paid therefor. Ultimately, the Jupiter and Orbit Streets to vehicular traffic.
beneficiary of the interconnecting service would be the
users of both telephone systems, so that the
condemnation would be for public use. · Ayala Corporation (original owner of the property
subsequently subdivided as Bel-Air Village) executed
a Deed of Donation covering Jupiter and Orbit streets to
GR # L-20620 August 15, 1974 (Constitutional Law – Bel-Air Village Association (BAVA).
Eminent Domain, Elements of Taking)
· Respondents allege that upon instructions of the
FACTS: After the owner of a parcel of land that has been Mayor of Makati, studies were made by the on the
rented and occupied by the government in 1947 refused feasibility of opening streets in Bel-Air Village calculated
to extend the lease, the latter commenced expropriation to alleviate traffic congestions along the public streets
proceedings in 1959. During the assessment of just adjacent to Bel-Air Village.
compensation, the government argued that it had taken
o Accordingly, it was deemed necessary by the
the property when the contract of lease commenced and
Municipality of Makati in the interest of the general
not when the proceedings begun. The owner maintains
public to open to traffic several village streets including
that the disputed land was not taken when the
Jupiter and Orbit streets.
government commenced to occupy the said land as lessee
because the essential elements of the “taking” of property · Respondent’s claim: BAVA had agreed to the
under the power of eminent domain, namely (1) entrance opening of Bel-Air Village streets and that the opening
was demanded by public necessity and in the exercise of o Even liberty itself, the greatest of all rights, is not
police power. unrestricted license to act accordingly to one’s will. It is
subject to the far more overriding demands and
· Petitioner’s counter-argument: It has never agreed
requirements of the greater number.
on the opening of Jupiter and Orbit streets. By virtue of
its ownership of the streets, it should not be deprived o Public welfare when clashing with the individual
without due process of law and without just right to property should not be made to prevail through
compensation. the state’s exercise of its police power.

ISSUES/HOLDING o The exercise of police power, however, may not be

done arbitrarily or unreasonably. But the burden of
a. W/N the Mayor of Makati could have validly
showing that it is unjustified lies on the aggrieved party.
opened Jupiter and Orbit streets? – YES
o In the case at bar, BAVA has failed to show that the
b. If yes, what is the nature of the state power being
opening up of Orbit and Jupiter streets was unjustified or
invoked by the Mayor? – POLICE POWER
that the Mayor acted unreasonably.
o The fact that the opening has led to the loss of privacy
a. BAVA cannot rightfully complain that the Mayor of of BAVA residents is no argument against the
Makati, in opening up Jupiter and Orbit streets, had acted Municipality’s effort to ease vehicular traffic in Makati.
arbitrarily. The duty of local executive is to take care of the needs of
the greater number, in many cases at the expense, of the
Citing Sangalang v. IAC, the Court held that Jupiter street minority.
lies as the boundary between Bel-Air Village and Ayala
Corporation’s commercial section. Being considered as DISPOSITIVE: Motion for reconsideration by Bel-Air
merely a boundary – and hence not part of Ayala’s real Village Association is DENIED with FINALITY. The
estate development projects – it cannot be said to have petition in G.R. 60727 is GRANTED.
been for the exclusive benefit of Bel-Air Village residents.
EPZA VS. DULAY [148 SCRA 305; G.R. No. L-59603; 29
The very Deed of Donation executed by Ayala Corp. Apr 1987]
covering Jupiter and Orbit Streets, amongst
others, effectively required both passageways open to the
Facts: The four parcels of land which are the subject of
general public.
this case is where the Mactan Export Processing Zone
o “…the property will be used as a street for the use of Authority in Cebu (EPZA) is to be constructed. Private
the members of the DONEE (BAVA), their families, respondent San Antonio Development Corporation (San
personnel, guests, domestic help and under certain Antonio, for brevity), in which these lands are registered
reasonable conditions and restrictions, by the general under, claimed that the lands were expropriated to
public…” the government without them reaching the agreement as
to the compensation. Respondent Judge Dulay then
As the Court asserted in Sangalang, the opening of issued an order for the appointment of the commissioners
Jupiter and Orbit streets was warranted by the demands to determine the just compensation. It was later found out
of the common good, in terms of traffic decongestion and that the payment of the government to San Antonio
public convenience. would be P15 per square meter, which was objected to by
the latter contending that under PD 1533, the basis of
b. The act of the Mayor now challenged is in the concept
just compensation shall be fair and according to the fair
of police power.
market value declared by the owner of the property
o The demolition of the gates at Orbit and Jupiter streets sought to be expropriated, or by the assessor, whichever
does not amount to deprivation of property without due is lower. Such objection and the subsequent Motion for
process of law or expropriation without just Reconsideration were denied and hearing was set for the
compensation – there is no taking of property involved. reception of the commissioner’s report. EPZA then filed
this petition for certiorari and mandamus enjoining the
o Police power as the “state authority to enact
respondent from further hearing the case.
legislation that may interfere with personal liberty or
property in order to promote the general welfare.” Issue: Whether or Not the exclusive and mandatory
mode of determining just compensation in PD 1533 is
unconstitutional. was rising perilously at the rate of sixty (60) centimeters
per hour. To prevent an overflow of water from the dam,
Held: The Supreme Court ruled that the mode NPC caused the opening of the spillway gates.
of determination of just compensation in PD 1533 is
The appellate court sustained the findings of the trial
court that the evidence preponderantly established the
fact that due to the negligent manner with which the
The method of ascertaining just compensation constitutes
spillway gates of the Angat Dam were opened, an
impermissible encroachment to judicial prerogatives. It
extraordinary large volume of water rushed out of the
tends to render the courts inutile in a matter in which
gates, and hit the installations and construction works of
under the Constitution is reserved to it for financial
ECI at the Ipo site with terrific impact, as a result of which
NPC VS CA the latter’s stockpile of materials and supplies, camp
facilities and permanent structures and accessories were
In this case, NPC was undoubtedly negligent because it
either washed away, lost or destroyed.
opened the spillway gates of the Angat Dam only at the
height of typhoon “Welming” when it knew very well ISSUE:
that it was safer to have opened the same gradually and
Whether or not the destruction and loss of the ECI’s
earlier, as it was also undeniable that NPC knew of the
equipment and facilities were due to force majeure.
coming typhoon at least four days before it actually
struck. Thus, NPC cannot escape liability.
No, the destruction and loss of the ECI’s equipment and
On August 4, 1964, Engineering Construction, Inc.
facilities were not due to force majeure.
(ECI)executed a contract with the National Waterworks
and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA), whereby ECI It is clear from the appellate court’s decision that based
undertook to furnish all tools, labor, equipment, and on its findings of fact and that of the trial court’s, NPC
materials (not furnished by Owner), and to construct the was undoubtedly negligent because it opened the
proposed 2nd Ipo-Bicti Tunnel, Intake and Outlet spillway gates of the Angat Dam only at the height of
Structures, and Appurtenant Structures, and typhoon “Welming” when it knew very well that it was
Appurtenant Features, at Norzagaray, Bulacan, and to safer to have opened the same gradually and earlier, as it
complete said works within eight hundred (800) calendar was also undeniable that NPC knew of the coming
days from the date the Contractor receives the formal typhoon at least four days before it actually struck. And
notice to proceed. even though the typhoon was an act of God or what we
may call force majeure, NPC cannot escape liability
The project involved two (2) major phases: the first phase
because its negligence was the proximate cause of the loss
comprising the tunnel work covering a distance of seven
and damage.
(7) kilometers, passing through the mountain, from the
Ipo river, a part of Norzagaray, Bulacan, where the Ipo As the SC has ruled in Juan F. Nakpil & Sons v. Court of
Dam of the National Power Corporation (NPC) is located, Appeals:
to Bicti; the other phase consisting of the outworks at both
ends of the tunnel. “Thus, if upon the happening of a fortuitous event or an
act of God, there concurs a corresponding fraud,
By September 1967, the ECI already had completed the negligence, delay or violation or contravention in any
first major phase of the work, namely, the tunnel manner of the tenor of the obligation as provided for in
excavation work. As soon as the ECI had finished the Article 1170 of the Civil Code, which results in loss or
tunnel excavation work at the Bicti site, all the equipment damage, the obligor cannot escape liability.
no longer needed there were transferred to the Ipo site
where some projects were yet to be completed. “The principle embodied in the act of God doctrine
strictly requires that the act must be one occasioned
Record shows that on November 4, 1967, typhoon exclusively by the violence of nature and human agencies
‘Welming’ hit Central Luzon, passing through NPC’s are to be excluded from creating or entering into the cause
Angat Hydro-electric Project and Dam at Ipo, of the mischief. When the effect, the cause of which is to
Norzagaray, Bulacan. Strong winds struck the project be considered, is found to be in part the result of the
area, and heavy rains intermittently fell. Due to the heavy participation of man, whether it be from active
downpour, the water in the reservoir of the Angat Dam intervention or neglect, or failure to act, the whole
occurrence is thereby humanized, as it was, and removed intended improvement rests in the discretion of the
from the rules applicable to the acts of God. grantee power subject however to review by the courts in
case of fraud, bad faith or gross abuse of discretion. The
“Thus, it has been held that when the negligence of a
choice of property must be examined for bad faith,
person concurs with an act of God in producing a loss,
arbitrariness or capriciousness and due process
such person is not exempt from liability by showing that
determination as to whether or not the proposed location
the immediate cause of the damage was the act of God.
was proper in terms of the public interests.
To be exempt from liability for loss because of an act of
God, he must be free from any previous negligence or Republic vs De Knecht
misconduct by which the loss or damage may have been
Fact: The Petitioner On February 20, 1979 filed in the
Court of First Instance (CFI) of Rizal in Pasay City an
De Knecht vs. Bautista G.R. No. L-51078 expropriation proceedings against the owners of the
houses standing along Fernando Rein-Del Pan streets
Fact: The petitioner alleges that than ten (10) years ago,
among them is the respondent and some fifteen other
the government through the Department of Public
defendant who filed a motion to dismiss alleging lack of
Workmen’s and Communication (now MPH) prepared a
jurisdiction, pendency of appeal with the President of the
to Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA) to Roxas Blvd;
Philippines, prematureness of complaint and arbitrary
that the proposed extension, an adjunct of building
and erroneous valuation of the properties, filed an ex
program, the Manila — Cavite Coastal Read Project,
parte urgent motion for the issuance by the trial court of
would pass through Cuneta Ave. up to Roxas Blvd that
a restraining order to restrain the Petitioner from
this route would be a straight one taking into account the
proceeding with the taking of immediate possession and
direction of EDSA but later decided to make the proposed
control of the property sought to be condemned. In June,
extension go through Fernando Rein and Del Pan Streets
1979 the Petitioner filed a motion for the issuance of a writ
which petitioner being one of them residents, that
of possession of the property to be expropriated which
President Marcos referred the matter to the Human
the lower court granted and created a Committee of three
Settlements Commission (HSC) for investigation and
to determine the just compensation for the lands involved
recommendation which recommended the original plan;
in the proceedings. Respondent filed with this Court a
notwithstanding the said recommendation, the MPH
petition for certiorari and prohibition, and directed
insisted on implementing the revised plan; In February
against the order of the lower court dated June 14, 1979
1979, the government filed in the Court of First Instance
praying that the Petitioner be commanded to desist from
(CFI) of Rizal, presided by the respondent Judge, a
further proceeding in the expropriation action and from
complaint for expropriation against the petitioner.
implementing said order where the court granted in favor
respondent judge issued a writ of possession dated June
of the respondent. Adrian Avilado Antazo
14, 1979 authorizing the Republic of the Philippines to
take and enter upon the possession of the properties On August 8, 1981 defendants Maria Del Carmen Roxas
sought be condemned. The petitioner contends that Vda. de Elizalde and others moved to dismiss the
“Respondent court lacked or exceeded its jurisdiction or expropriation action in compliance with the dispositive
gravely abused its discretion in issuing the order to take portion of the aforesaid decision of this Court which had
over and enter upon the possession of the properties become final and in order to avoid further damage to
sought to be expropriated-petitioner having raised a same defendants who were denied possession of their
constitutional question which respondent court must properties. On September 2, 1983, the Republic filed a
resolve before it can issue an order to take or enter upon motion to dismiss said case due to the enactment of the
the possession of properties sought to be expropriated. Batas Pambansa Blg. 340 expropriating the same
The petitioner assails the choice of the revised Streets properties and for the same purpose. The lower court in
route on the following grounds: an order of September 2, 1983 dismissed the case by
reason of the enactment of the said law. The motion for
Issue: Whether the expropriator can choose any property
reconsideration thereof was denied in the order of the
it wanted?
lower court dated December 18, 1986.
Held: No, The choice of property to be expropriated
Respondent appealed from said order to the Court of
cannot be without rhyme or reason. The condemnor may
Appeals wherein in due course a decision was rendered
not choose any property it wants. Where the legislature
on December 28, 1988 in favor of the respondents and
has delegated a power of eminent do-main, the question
setting aside the decision of the CA.
of the necessity for taking a particular fine for the
Issue: whether an expropriation proceeding that was Ermita Malate Manila Hotel and Motel Operators vs City
determined by a final judgment of this Court may be the of Manila
subject of a subsequent legislation for expropriation.
Facts: On June 13, 1963, the Municipal Board of Manila
Held: Yes, While it is true that said final judgment of the passed Ordinance No. 4760 with the following provisions
Supreme Court on the subject becomes the law of the case questioned for its violation of due process:
between the parties, it is equally true that the right of the refraining from entertaining or accepting any guest or
petitioner to take private properties for public use upon customer unless it fills out a prescribed form in the lobby
the payment of the just compensation is so provided in in open view; prohibiting admission o less than 18 years
the Constitution and our laws. Such expropriation old; usurious increase of license fee to P4,500 and 6,000 o
proceedings may be undertaken by the petitioner not 150% and 200% respectively (tax issue also);
only by voluntary negotiation with the land owners but making unlawful lease or rent more than twice every 24
also by taking appropriate court action or by legislation. hours; and cancellation of license for subsequent
violation. The lower court issued preliminary injunction
Manotok v. NHA 150 SCRA 89 (1987)
and petitioners raised the case to SC on certiorari.
F: Petitioners are the owners of two large estates
known as the Tambunting Estate and Sunog-Apog in Issue: Is the ordinance compliant with the due process
Tondo, Manila, both of which were declared expropriated requirement of the constitution?
in two decrees issued by President Marcos, PD 1669 and
Held: Ordinance is a valid exercise of police power to
PD 1670. The petitioners contend that the decrees violate
minimize certain practices hurtful to public morals. There
their constitutional right to due process and equal
is no violation o constitutional due process for being
protection since by their mere passage their properties
reasonable and the ordinance is enjoys the presumption
were automatically expropriated and they were
of constitutionality absent any irregularity on its face. .As
immediately deprived of the ownership and possession
such a limitation cannot be viewed as a transgression
thereof without being given the chance to oppose such
against the command of due process. It is neither
expropriation. The government on the other hand
unreasonable nor arbitrary. Precisely it was intended to
contends that the power of eminent domain is inherent in
curb the opportunity for the immoral or illegitimate use
the State and when the legislature or the President
to which such premises could be, and, according to the
through his law-making powers exercises this power, the
explanatory note, are being devoted. Taxation may be
public use and public necessity of the expropriation and
made to implement a police power and the amount,
the fixing of the just compensation become political in
object, and instance of taxation is dependent upon the
nature and the courts must respect the decision.
local legislative body. Judgment of lower court reversed
Issue and injunction lifted.



HELD: The challenged decrees are unfair in the

procedures adopted and the powers given to the NHA.
The Tambunting subdivision is summarily proclaimed a
blighted area and directly expropriated by decree
without the slightest semblance of a hearing or any
proceeding whatsoever. The expropriation is instant and
automatic to take effect immediately upon the signing of
the decree. No deposit before the taking is required. There
is not provision for any interest to be paid upon unpaid
installments. Not only are the owners given absolutely no
opportunity to contest the expropriation, or question the
amount of payments fixed by the decree, but the decision
of the NHA are expressly declared beyond judicial
review. PD 1669 and 1670 are declared unconstitutional.

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