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Unless claim is supported by proper evidence it is not worthwhile

d If we flip a coin pr H

PCH 0.5

Law of large numbers flip it a loo times

has to be has to be
sufficiently large
infinite no of times
Trivial problems
with similar responses convergence
Complex problems with various responses divergence
supportive evidence conclusive evidence

How many times to flip a coin to get PCH 0.5

O O these two numbers can back the claim that

we will only get PCH 0.5

we cannot do a trials but for 0 flips we bring in logical


As a fair coin I dice is used then logical mathematical

evidence Xtx I or xxx txt x txt x 1 Equally likely outcomes

How in order at b
many triangles to make to prove c

a b
at b I y self refuting

Q A triangle has four sides logically incoherent False

All mountains are made of gold logically coherent 7 False

As it requires external evidence outside of

1 logical evidence 1 Mathematical for self refuting illogical

2 Empirical evidence for logical statements illogical statements

where logic is not applicable

For illogical statements that are necessarily false logical evidence

is enough
For illogical logical statements when not known we use empirical

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