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Names _______________________________________________________________________

Assigned _____________Due _______________

Create a presentation that conveys the meaning of the Monroe Doctrine.

Think of things that protect other things!! Please use the space below to brainstorm ideas.

Ideas…..what things protect other things?

The US protects the Western Hemisphere from future European Colonization.

___________________ protects _______________________ from _____________________________

___________________ protects _______________________ from _____________________________

___________________ protects _______________________ from _____________________________

___________________ protects _______________________ from _____________________________

___________________ protects _______________________ from _____________________________

Cartoon Evaluation
____ (15 pts.) Include a Picture/Drawing (Cartoon should convey the meaning of the Monroe Doctrine)
____ (15 pts.) Symbolism (in cartoon) (The US, the Western Hemisphere and Europe should be
____ (15 pts.) Caption (The cartoon should have a creative title –NOT “The Monroe Doctrine”.)
____ (15 pts.) Include the world’s reaction to the Monroe Doctrine
____ (15 pts.) Include Correct Capitalization, Spelling and Punctuation
____ (15 pts.) Visual Appeal/Creativity (Cartoon should be neat and have color.)
____ (10 pts.) Instruction Sheet – this sheet (attached to the cartoon)

________ GRADE

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