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Binalonan, Pangasinan

First Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022


I. COURSE TITLE Physical Education 3 (Single and Dual Sports)

A. No. of Units: 2
B. Schedule:
C. Module 9

Name: _________________________ Course, Year & Section: _____________

Date and Time Allotment: _______________

Lesson Title: ARNIS: Single Sinawali and Advance Single Sinawali

I. Learning Objectives at the end of the lesson, should be able to:

1. Know the meaning of Sinawali

2. Know the right form of single sinawali
3. Know the right form of advance single sinawali
4. Can perform the single and advance sinawali

II. Lecture and Discussions of the Lesson/s

What is Sinawali?

This introductory twohanded stick drill comes from the Filipino art of Modern Arnis. So why do
we have it in our system? Because, historically much of our weapon work came originally from
Modern Arnis. The weight of history is certainly, by itself, certainly not a reason to keep
something in a system that styles itself as practical BUT it is nice to know the source of things.

In addition to history, the drill is a great way to develop coordination and rhythm. We could have
students jump rope for coordination and learn to play drums for rhythm (and in fact we do that
too) but single sinawali has the added advantage of conveying a sense of confidence with stick
use. Hand a brand new student a stick and tell them to hit someone with it or defend themselves
using it and they might have a decent idea of how to move and they might not. It’s an entry

What is Single Sinawali?
Single Sinawali. A sinawali is a "weaving" of strikes together to teach different patterns of
motion. Strikes made by the right and left hand alternate, and the angles of attack are varied as
the drill proceeds.

1. Stationary
2. Moving Forward-Backward
3. Moving Clockwise/Counter-Clockwise (with partner)
4. Moving in Random Direction

The pattern itself is simple: right hand high, right hand low, left hand high, left hand low. When
done with a partner, the sticks should be angled slightly away from yourself so that you can hit
sticks but not knuckles. Use the last few inches of the stick to hit with because it both reduces
risk of hand hits and it increases power (the longer the stick, the bigger the lever, the faster it is
moving, the more damage it does).
1. Stationary
2. Moving Forward-Backward
3. Moving Clockwise/Counter-Clockwise (with partner)
4. Moving in Random Direction

III. Individual Video: Make a video presentation:
1. Perform the Single Sinawali with different variation (stationary right hand 5x, stationary left
hand 5x, moving forward right hand 5x, stationary left hand 5x and moving backward right hand
5x and moving backward left hand 5x)
2. Perform the Advance Single Sinawali with different variation (stationary right hand 5x,
stationary left hand 5x, moving forward right hand 5x, stationary left hand 5x and moving
backward right hand 5x and moving backward left hand 5x)

IV. References:

Romeo Macapagal, (August 2014), FMA (Filipino Martial Arts)

Jose G. Panam (2007), ARNIS self defense: stick, blade, and empty hand combat techniques of the Philippines.
{Blue Snake Book} distributed by North Atlantic Book.

Int’l Senior Grand Master Inocencio Yorac Glaraga (BS Crim, A.B,S.E,M.CRIM), ARNIS Mano-Mano Dumog
Filipino Martial Arts Defensive Tactic Academy.

Practitioners in the Philippines: Arnes Diablo in Cebu, Balintawak Eskrima, Bakbakan International, Biagtan
Ayura Cinco Teros, Black Scorpion Arnis, De Campo Uno-Dos-Tres Orihinal, Derobio Escrima, Dose Pares
Escrima, Eskrido, Modern Arnis Founded by Remy Presas, Pekiti Trisia Kali by the Marine Special Operation

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