The Healthy School Canteen Option

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Macamot, Binangonan, Rizal

Feasibility Study of the Proposed Healthy Canteen Options at Philippine Best

Training Systems Colleges, Inc.

Feasibility Study

In Partial Fulfillment of
The Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

Gramisola, Earl Jay D.



The Healthy Canteen option is a solution that school personnel must offer

to all guardians who require their children to attend school during lunchtime.

Viewing it as a supplement to the educational activity and school food services

can significantly influence the meals and beverages that students are exposed to

and consume. Consumption of healthful foods and drinks has a variety of positive

consequences on student health and learning outcomes, including providing

essential nutrients that students need to stay alert and interested in the

classroom. For medical reasons, various students may require specific diets. The

school food service should make every effort to accommodate these needs so

that all children can enjoy a healthy lunch from the cafeteria. According to a

recent study, most students do not value their eating habits, and making healthy

food choices is not a top priority. Meals and drinks are also consumed during

breaks, which are social activities for most students, during which they

communicate and hang out with one another. These two facts imply that kids will

most likely not be motivated or distracted enough to make conscious decisions

about their eating behavior when they are at school deciding what to eat for


Moreover, based on various research presence of unhealthy food items,

portion and container sizes, and attractive scents or presentations of unhealthy

food are likely to influence students' eating behavior. In keeping with this, pupils

report being influenced by the presence of unhealthy food in the school cafeteria.
They admit to being tempted when they see or smell tasty and unhealthy food.

As a result, many students believe that schools should exclusively promote

health-related products. At the same time, school cafeterias have a lot of promise

for improving students' eating habits.

Given that most students make impulsive eating decisions, contextual

cues can "nudge" them toward healthier options. When cafeteria offerings are

primarily healthy and healthy food is made more appealing (e.g., attractive

presentation, putting it on display), healthy choices are expected to increase.

Another reason why addressing students has the possibility of improving healthy

eating habits is that eating habits acquired early in life can persist into adulthood,

and it is difficult to reverse an unhealthy obsession once it has been established.

As a result, promoting and forming good behaviors in children is likely more

effective and fruitful than attempting to change unhealthy habits later in life.

Furthermore, schools are increasingly being identified as crucial locations for

healthy eating interventions. Health promotion in schools is worthwhile because it

can lead to healthier student behavior, higher academic success, and decreased

school dropout rates.


The environment can have a significant impact on people's dietary

choices. It is therefore critical that the school food environment be healthful in

order to encourage students to make healthier food choices and develop healthy

eating habits. The Healthy School Canteen Option is a program that assists
schools in making their cafeteria offerings healthier. The current study indicates

that this intervention is promising, as participating school directors and students

perceive their cafeteria offerings to be healthier after implementing the Project

than prior to implementation, and participating schools perceive their cafeteria

offerings to be healthier than nonparticipating schools.


Project Proponent

Proposed name of the project

The Healthy School Canteen Option

To promote healthy eating habits to the students in Philippine Best
Training Systems, Colleges INC.

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