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Class XI


Term II Examination

Time – 2 Hours
Max. Marks - 35

General instructions:

∑ There are 12 questions in this paper.

∑ The paper is divided into 4 sections - Section A, B, C and D.
∑ Section A has 3 questions, from Question No. 1 to 3 carrying 2 marks
each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 40 words.
∑ Section B has 3 questions, from Question No. 4 to 6, carrying 3 marks
each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 80 words.
∑ Section C has 4 questions, from Question No. 7 to 10, carrying 4 marks
each. Answer to these questions should not exceed 120 words.
∑ Section D has one case study. There are 2 questions based on this case
study, Question No. 11 and 12. Each question carries 2 marks. Answer to
these questions should not exceed 40 words. Answer both questions.

This Section has 3 questions.

Q.1 Identify and describe the principle of perceptual organisation given in the
figure below: 2

Q.2 The period from conception to birth is known as the prenatal period.
Prenatal development can be affected by certain factors. Discuss. 2

Physical development in childhood follows two principles. Discuss. 2

Q.3 In the context of functional limitations of sense organs, what do you

understand by absolute limen and difference limen? 2

This Section has 3 questions.

Q.4 What are the different life-span perspectives on development. 3

Q.5 What is learning? Elucidate the features of learning. 3

Q.6 A good role model is very important for a growing up child. Discuss the
kind of learning that supports it. 3


What does the notion of preparedness for learning mean? 3

This Section has 4 questions.

Q.7 Discuss the various key learning processes. 4


Write a note on learning disabilities. 4

Q.8 Describe the special type of egocentrism of adolescence along with some
major concerns. 4


Development does not take place in a vacuum. How does the socio-cultural
context of an individual affect his/her development? 4

Q.9 What are the various determinants of classical conditioning. 4

Q.10 Describe Long Term Memory (LTM). 4

This Section has 2 questions.

Ram was in third standard when his school bus met with an accident
while on its way to school. It was a cold January morning and the kids
were preparing for the upcoming Republic Day celebrations at school.
Ram recalls wearing a white dhoti kurta with a heavy jacket on top. He
was playing a part of a freedom fighter in the play. He even remembers
that he had brought his favourite snack in his tiffin box which fell out of
his bag. Although the children did not get seriously hurt in the accident,
they still got very frightened and many of them had started crying. Ram
and many other children, who are grown up now, remember vivid details
of that fateful day till date.

Q.11 Which type of memory do you think Ram is recalling with this accuracy?
Why do people remember such events anyway? 2

Q.12 Briefly describe two methods to enhance your own memory. 2

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