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Many processed foods and drinks have high quantity of sugar, which

lead to multiple health problems. Although it will affect the

companies and put them at loss, I firmly believe that sugary products
should be made expensive in order to discourage people from using
Firstly, it is conceivable that if sugar items are highly priced, people
are going to think twice before buying them in comparison to the
cheaper products. For instance, if I am in a market and I need to buy
a drink, I would rather prefer a drink which is cheaper or at least buy
one drink instead of two, consequently leading to less consumption.
Secondly, increasing the prices of these items ensures that people
will instead buy cheaper and healthier snacks like fruits, salad or just
a sandwich. Therefore, shifting to healthier options will be natural,
since processed sugary products might not be affordable for
everyone. Furthermore, this will affect vastly on conditioning
children from earlier days as parents are less likely to purchase
expensive items for them, resulting in an overall healthier population
in future.
Finally, increasing the prices might affect the companies which
produce high sugar containing products but eventually they will also
be discouraged from marketing these and may shift to making
healthy drinks and products with less sugar content. For example, if
the population is convinced into not buying high sugary items, then
the companies will think about making healthy products.
In conclusion, raising the price of sugary items will result in a drop in
general consumption because of affordability and simultaneously
discourage the companies into making these products. 268 words

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