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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region v 7

Quarter 4

Festivals are delightful events for the Filipinos, since we are art-loving, and fun-loving people.
Our life is surrounded by festivities and celebrations; through it we express our thanksgiving and
celebration of blessings from God. It is only in the Philippines that every municipality celebrates its
own festival annually.
In this module, you will understand how Filipinos live with art. Filipinos developed ways of
employing art into their lives. Here, we will focus on the visual art as reflected in festival celebrations.
At the end of the learning activity sheet, the students should be able to: Identifies the festivals
celebrated all over the country throughout the year. A7EL-Iva-1
 Identify festival dances in the Philippines;
 Differentiate Religious and Non-religious festivals from one another; and
 Create their own design of a festival costume.
 Express the ideas on the importance of festivals in our culture
A. Let Us Review
Instructions: Match each festival to where it is celebrated. Write the letter of the
correct answer in your answer sheet.
1. Masskara Festival A. Cebu City
2. Pahiyas Festival B. Marinduque
3. Kaamulan Festival C. Obando, Bulacan
4. Moriones Festival D. Kalibo, Aklan
5. Kadayawan Festival E. Davao City
6. Sinulog Festival F. Lucban
7. Panagbenga Festival G. Iloilo
8. Obando Fertility Rite H. Bacolod City
9. Ati-Atihan Festival I. Baguio
10.Dinagyang Festival J. Bukidnon Region
K. Negros Oriental
B. Let Us Study
Dubbed as the “Fiesta Island of the Pacific”, the Philippines is home to rich, colorful and
lively festivals. From Luzon to Visayas, down to the southern tip of Mindanao, Filipinos have
various ways of celebrating life’s abundance which are clear expressions of their religiosity and
strong faith in their creator. Fiestas showcase Filipino ingenuity at its finest.
The fiesta is part and bundle of the Filipino culture. Through good times and bad times,
the fiesta must go on. Each city and barrio have at least one local festival of its own, usually on

the feast day of its patron saint, so that there is always a fiesta going on somewhere in the
country. But the most elaborate festival of all is Christmas, a season celebrated with all the
display and show that the fun-loving Filipino can handle.
Here, we will discuss the different kinds of festivals we have in the Philippines, how we
celebrate them, how they are formed by using different elements of art and culture and how
they are brought to life.

C. Let Us Practice
Directions: Read the questions carefully and write your answers in your answer sheet.
1. What is the difference between religious festivals from non-religious festivals?
2. Name a festival in your local municipality/city and classify it whether it is a religious or a non-
religious festival.
3. Why do you think festivals are important in our life?

D. Let Us Remember
 Religious festivals are held in honor of a place patron saint.
 Non-religious festivals focus on cultural and heritage aspect of a place or a country.

E. Let Us Practice More

Choose a festival on your area or from the festivals discussed above. Design a costume whether
for a male or female. Use different colors to make creative.
Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2)
Improvement (1)
You used your You used your You did not use
You used some
Creativity own ideas and own ideas most your own ideas
imagination of the time or imagination
Design is neat Design has 1-2 Design has 3-4 Design is messy
and clean spots with mess spots with mess and not clean
Design has Design has some Design has less
Colors vibrant colors; colors and colors and less Design is dull
very attractive attractive attractive

F. Evaluation
Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
Write it on your answer sheet.
1. It is festival celebrated every 15th of May in the town of Lucban, held in honor of San Isidro
Labrador and is the farmers’ thanksgiving for a rich and bountiful harvest.
A. Obando Fertility Rite B. Moriones Festival C. Pahiyas Festival D. Ati-Atihan Festival
2. Colorful folk religious festival during holy week in the island of Marinduque. A reenactment of
the story of Saint Longinus. Morions wear their costumes for an entire week.
A. Obando Fertility Rite B. Moriones Festival C. Pahiyas Festival D. Ati-Atihan Festival

3. A festival from Kalibo, Aklan consists of a tribal dance parade with drum music, costumes, and
indigenous accessories to honor the Santo Niño or the Holy Child Jesus.
A. Obando Fertility Rite B. Moriones Festival C. Pahiyas Festival D. Ati-Atihan Festival

4. Religious festival held on the third Sunday of January in the City of Cebu to honor the Santo
A. Sinulog Festival B. Ati-Atihan Festival C. Moriones Festival D. Pahiyas Festival

5. A dance ritual and Catholic festival celebrated every may in Obando, Bulacan. The fertility
dance is both a festival and prayerful appeal for devotees. Couples who are childless can take
this occasion to appeal for heavenly intercession and dance to please the Virgin of Salambao.
A. Obando Fertility Rite B. Moriones Festival C. Pahiyas Festival D. Ati-Atihan Festival

6. This festival is a showcase of the rich heritage colorful history, passionate devotion, and fun-
loving spirit of the Ilonggo people.
A. Pahiyas Festival B. Moriones Festival
C. Dinagyang Festival D. Ati-Atihan Festival

7. Celebrated every third weekend of October. It dramatizes the steadfast character of the
Negrenses and symbolizes what the City of Smiles, Bacolod City, do best, putting on a smiling
face even when faced with challenges.
A. Kaamulan Festival B. Masskara Festival
C. Panagbenga Festival D. Kadayawan Festival

8. Held in Baguio, the summer capital of the Philippines, is a month long annual celebration of a
tribute to the city’s beautifully grown flowers and is celebrated in the month of February.
A. Kaamulan Festival B. Masskara Festival
C. Panagbenga Festival D. Kadayawan Festival

9. Celebrated in Davao City every year in August, a festival of thanksgiving for the gifts of
nature, the wealth of culture and the bounties of harvest.
A. Kaamulan Festival B. Masskara Festival
C. Panagbenga Festival D. Kadayawan Festival

10. An ethnic festival that celebrates the customs and traditions of the seven tribal groups that
originally inhabited the Bukidnon Region, the Matigsalug, Tigwahanun, Higaunu, Umayamnun,
Manobo, Bukidnon and Talaandig.
A. Kaamulan Festival B. Masskara Festival
C. Panagbenga Festival D. Kadayawan Fes


Let Us Review: 1.H 2.F 3.J 4.B 5.E 6.A 7.I 8.C 9.D 10.G
Evaluation: 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.A


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