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R&D Tax Relief

M O D U L E   D O W N L O A D

Qualifying costs

Claimable costs
What costs qualify?

The costs that normally make up the majority of a claim for R&D tax credit are:

• Staff costs (gross salaries, employer NICs and company pension fund
contributions) for those directly engaged in qualifying R&D activities

• Externally provided staff costs for workers directly engaged in qualifying

activities, who have been provided to the company and are paid by an agency

• Subcontracted R&D costs. Note, however, that where a large company

subcontracts R&D to an SME, it cannot usually claim tax relief for the
subcontracted work under the RDEC scheme

SMEs may claim for the costs of subcontractors that engage in qualifying direct
R&D activities. They may claim staff time spent on qualifying indirect activities, but
not subcontractor costs.

There are a number of other costs that may be eligible for relief when they relate to
qualifying direct or indirect activities, including:

• Travel and sustenance costs incurred by salaried staff/directors while they were
directly contributing to R&D (but only where the staff member personally
covered the costs and was reimbursed by the company)

• Costs of energy consumed in R&D activities

• Costs of materials consumed in the R&D process

• Software licences costs, where software is needed to carry out R&D

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• Clinical trial volunteer costs

Costs that do not qualify

Here are some of the costs you may incur in the R&D process that do not qualify for
R&D tax credit, but which often creep into R&D claims:

• Travel and sustenance costs paid for by the company

• Transport and distribution costs

• Costs of external contractors supplying maintenance, security and repairs


• Rents and rates

• Directors' dividend payments

• Staff recruitment costs, where the costs are invoiced from a recruitment

• Telecom, broadband and hosting costs

• Hardware and equipment costs (except in relation to small items that are
consumed during the R&D project and have no residual value when it ends)

This is not an exhaustive list!


Staff and other key costs

Whether a staff member is internal or externally provided, where only a proportion
of their work constitutes qualifying R&D activities, only the same proportion of their
staffing costs (for the accounting year being claimed) will qualify for R&D tax credit.

Internal staff

Internal staffing costs of directors or employees can be claimed at 100% of the

relevant costs.

Externally provided staff

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If the company and staff supplier are not connected, the company can claim relief
on 65% of the relevant portion of costs paid to the agency for providing external
staff that spent time on R&D activities

If the company and staff supplier are connected (e.g. they are part of the same
group), the company can claim relief on 100% of the lower of:

• the relevant costs paid to the staff supplier

• the relevant costs incurred by the staff supplier

Subcontractor costs

Under the SME scheme, a company may claim for 65% of qualifying costs paid to
unconnected R&D subcontractors.

Other claimable costs

A company can claim relief on 100% of qualifying R&D costs incurred on:

• Energy (gas, electricity, water) consumed during the R&D process

• Software licences, where the software is used for R&D activities

• Materials consumed and exhausted in the R&D process. (Note: if the materials
will be sold as part of a final product, etc they cannot be claimed)

Where the exact portion of these costs used for R&D is not known, a fair estimate
can be used as part of your claim.


Cost breakdown
You could ask your clients to categorise their eligible R&D costs under headings, to
produce a breakdown of expenditure that qualifies for tax relief. It is best practice
to provide HMRC with a R&D cost breakdown against the claimable cost headings
as shown:

• Staff

• Subcontractors (you must state whether a subcontractor is a connected or an

unconnected company)

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• Externally provided staff (you must state whether externally provided staff have
been provided by a connected or an unconnected company)

• Materials consumed

• Software licences

• Energy consumed

• Clinical trials

• Travel and sustenance related to qualifying R&D activities, paid for by a

member of staff and reimbursed by the company

All expenses included in a breakdown of costs that qualify for R&D relief must relate
to revenue expenditure accounted for in the company's trading profit and loss in
the year in which the claim is being made.


Common pitfalls
Outlined below are some common mistakes companies make when determining
what counts as a qualifying R&D cost.

Staff costs

A common pitfall of companies is to allocate 100% of a person's time to R&D.

There will always be certain tasks a staff member has carried out that were not R&D,
so HMRC will tend to query claims for 100% of staff costs for any individual.

Directors' costs and dividends

If a director has not paid themself a salary, they cannot claim relief for the R&D staff
costs of their R&D activities. Dividends are not expenses, so they are not qualifying
R&D costs.

Directors of connected companies

Where a director of a claimant company carries out R&D for the company then
invoices the claimant company from a separate, connected company they are also a
director at (as though they are a subcontractor), this is viewed as suspicious by

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Subcontracted R&D

When claiming for subcontractor costs, it is important to ensure the commercial risk
is held by the claimant company.

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