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Group Competition

Mission Background

 The US Agency for International Development

(USAID) is prepared to award a multi-billion dollar
contract to the team that can provide the best
method to deliver vital food aid to someone in need.
 Your team has been selected to competitively
develop an airborne delivery process that can
consistently, predictably deliver the aid.
 Your mission is to optimize the predictably of
delivering to a target that is periodically relocated.

2 Cummins Confidential
Your Mission
 Following the DMAIC Roadmap, each team will create a
complete 6s project around the airborne delivery process. All
steps should be performed and documented via the Project
Tracker, but particular emphasis should be placed on MSA
results, initial capability (precision) and definition of the key Xs.
 Each team will give a 7 minute presentation to USAID
management highlighting their findings – (may want to
 If sufficient confidence is instilled in the USAID via
presentation, the team will be allowed to proceed to the
competitive fly-off phase held Friday morning.
 A successful team can place a vehicle within the targeted area
every time (they will miss just 3.4 times per million) anywhere
within the target area.

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Nose weight
Attachment point (notch)

Weight must be in this Wing

location, and only one
notch is allowed !

Handle with care!

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Terms Continued

Launch Angle


Launch Position Indicator

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Materials List
For each team:
 One airplane
 One launch pad
 Rubberbands
 One 25’ tape measure
 One Xacto knife (See MBB)
 One roll of masking tape
 C clamp
 Dots
 Markers

6 Cummins Confidential
The Rules
 Your experimental budget is 120 flights total. Keep track!
 For the C&E weightings, accuracy is 10, and flight beauty is 5.
 For MSA, the tolerance is 24”.
 Determine Capability for a distance of 17.5 feet. The spec is +/- 12
 The target will be soda can/bottle size, and will be randomly located
anywhere between 10 - 25 feet in front of the launch pad, and +/- 3 feet
(right or left) of the centerline.
 Reasonable set-up time for each shot is allowed during fly-off.
 The vehicle must use ALL parts in the kit in a glider formation (no aero-
 All design changes and permanent modifications must be approved by
USAID prior to implementation.
 Accuracy of hitting a specified target is critical. The radial distance will
be measured from the point of initial contact with the ground to the
designated target center.
Hit is the first contact
with the ground.

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The Rules (2/2)

 All flights MUST exceed the minimum distance of 7

feet or disqualification will result.
 Actively involve ALL team members in both the
process and presentation.
– Demerit points will be awarded for teams that don’t do a
good job of involving all team members.
 It’s a competition to make it fun, but it’s really about
the practical application of the 6S tools and your
team working together to solve a real problem.
 Have Fun and Be Creative!

8 Cummins Confidential
Project Tracker – REQUIRED!!
Project Tracker Revision 5 Project Start Date: 21/01/2004 Please
Project Type
Review 6 Sigma
Databases Data Collection Develop Project use the
Project Hopper and Sponsor Role for like projects Plan for "Y" Schedule Launch Charter

Identify 'Y" and Charter

sign up
Define draft charter Approved
Data Collection
C & E Matrix or 30 Day MBB Preliminary Plan for Key
Process Map FTA Review FMEA or FTA MSA "Xs" MBB Review

21/01/2004 04/02/2004 11/02/2004 25/02/2004 09/03/2004 09/03/2004 09/03/2004

Initial Capability Improvements Contract

Study Multi-Vari Defined MBB Review Approval

Analyze Follow roadmaps

22/03/2004 15/04/2004 15/04/2004 15/04/2004 & show evidence
Single or Multi Chi Square ANOVA
Factor Tests Improvements
Regression 2/3/02Tables check
(DOE) Implemented MBB Review
Graphical plots
Actual completion 2/1/02002 Planned time by
Residuals Analysis completion date
Improve date
Epsilon Square
31/05/2004 31/05/2004 31/05/2004
Hand Off Final Project
Training/Process Final Capability Final FMEA Presentation & Project Sign-off
Control Plan Owner Sign-off Study Revised RPN MBB Review Report & Closure

21/06/2004 29/06/2004 29/06/2004 05/07/2004 09/07/2004 09/07/2004 19/07/2004
Requirements Process
VOC/VOB Analysis Redesign Solution Design Redesign map is calculated separately
(Use as required)
with no dependencies on other block
Redesign dates

Enter Start Date Here

9 Cummins Confidential
Pocket guide is
Team Expectations your friend

 Your team MUST use the DMAIC roadmap, tools and a logical problem-
solving approach to final results.
 Each team MUST decide upon a name, and write a mission / objective
 Write clear problem statements and hypotheses throughout the project.
– Highlight your key Xs in your presentation, your hypotheses, and your
 Your process capability must be based upon your actual data!
– Remember to save flights for your final capability.
 Brainstorm when deadlocked over an issue, otherwise use rifle shot
– Remember: These use up flight budget as well.
 State all hypotheses before experimenting.
 Decide / assign roles early to break-up the work into manageable pieces.
– Divide and conquer!!
10 Cummins Confidential
Point Scoring (Friday morning)
 A good presentation is worth 1000 points.
– At the customer discretion.
 Each direct hit of target is worth 500 points
– On Friday morning
 Smallest variation of 5 flights is worth 1000 points
 Lowest mean radial distance from target will receive 1000 points
 Each tool used properly and documented will get 200 points for a
maximum of 2000 points
 Creativity and team involvement shown during the exercise and
presentation is worth a maximum of 500 points
 Demerit points will be awarded in increments up to 500 points per
occurrence for:
– Not using a structured approach (the 6S roadmap)
– Poor team participation or domination by a few within a team
– Failure to use tools properly because your team didn’t use the various
templates and roadmaps available to you through the 3 weeks of training

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Helpful Hints

 Run it like a real project

– Lay out your project timeline with specific times for each step
– Plan your activities according to your project timeline
– Don’t forget to schedule MBB reviews – 2 MBBs/review
 Take advantage of the diversity in talents & skills of your team
 Follow the ROADMAPS for 6S process and within each phase
of the process
 DON’T just jump in and start shooting your Plane.
 Ask your MBB if you have questions
 Have a plan if you need to stay late on Thurs – get agreement
on this in the project planning stage
 Have FUN and remember it’s about practical use of the tools

12 Cummins Confidential
Graphical Representation of Launch and
Landing Area
Disqualification Zone
Launch Table

3 ft

3 ft




Not to Scale

13 Cummins Confidential
Work smart and have fun.


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