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School Santiago City National High School Grade Level 9

Teacher Elysa B. Micu Learning Area English
Time & February 2023 Quarter 3rd Quarter

Students will be able to: a. Identify and analyze a theme of “The Stolen Party.”
b. Demonstrate understanding of the story through differentiated
c.Uses appropriate graphic organizers in texts read.

A. Performance Standards The learner competently performs in a full- length play through
applying effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT
resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery
and Dramatic Conventions.
B. Learning Competencies EN9LC-IVf-13.3 Differentiate biases from prejudices
a. Topic: Differentiating Bias from Prejudice
b. Reference: Quarter 3- Module 1 Differentiating Bias from Prejudice
c. Learning Materials Cartolina, Manila paper, cardboard and etc.
1. Prayer
Before we start our class, Krizia kindly lead
the prayer Krizia: Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be
Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen
2. Greetings/ Attendance
Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am!
Before you take your seats, kindly pick up the
pieces of paper under
your chairs.
You may take your seats now.
Group leaders, did you check the attendance
of your members? Are Yes, Ma’am!
all present?

Wow! Very Good! Keep up the good job


3. Review

Last meeting we discussed and differentiate

about bias and prejudice and its common
Yes Ma’am.
What do you mean by being bias again?

Exactly! Remember our keywords for bias

favoritism and unfairness. Biased means one-sided, lacking a neutral
viewpoint, or not having an open mind.
So, when we become biased? Kindly give me
an example.

Very good! What common types of bias is Ma’am when a certain TV station is against a
under that example? certain presidential candidate while supporting
another candidate to win the election
Okay, That’s right!
Ma’am media bias.
What about prejudice? Anyone?

Alright! Or it re conceived opinion that is not

based actual experience or reason. Usually It is an attitude, feeling, idea, or belief towards a
negative attitudes results in discrimination. person or group member based solely on their
group membership.
Kindly give an example of prejudice?

A company imposes different work requirements

Very good! I think you learned a lot from your upon a worker because of his
last lesson. So now, we will further discover religious beliefs or practices.
more things about our past lesson through
reading an interesting story. But before that, Religious Prejudice
let me show you something.


ARRANGE ME! (5mins.)

Arrange the jumbled words correctly.

What you do not want others to do you, do not
do to others.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Student’s will be divided into six groups.

Each group will have one envelop.
Inside that envelop contains jumbled words.
They are going to arrange and paste it on the
manila paper.

The first group to complete the task. Will be

given extra coupons.

You’re scores will be added to the

Is that clear? Yes Ma’am!
You may now start!
: (Students will do the activity)
Now that your done.
What does “ Don’t judge a book by its cover’
means? Anyone from the group? Additional
coupon to the group that will answer my
Ma’am Don’t judge a book by its cover means you
should not make decisions or form opinions based
solely an outward appearance without knowing
more about someone or something.
Very Good! 1 point to your group.
Presentation of the lesson: a. Identify and analyze a theme of “The Stolen
Now, before we proceed to our discussion. Party.”
Here is your lesson objectives for today. Who b. Demonstrate understanding of the story
will volunteer to read? through differentiated activities.
c. Uses appropriate graphic organizers in texts
To achieve all those, I want you to cooperate
and remember to follow our rules. Is that
Amuse Ma’am because he has lots of tattoos.
Everyone! Look at this picture. If you saw this
man walking on the street. What do you feel?
Or what is your perception to him? For me it looks scary and rude.
Okay! What else

Alright! Thank you for your answer everyone.

How about this. What can you say about him Ma’am he has a funny side.
He love children.

He’s sweet.

Exactly! See you have different perception

base from the pictures that I showed to you.
Where in, when you saw that first picture the
first thing come up in to your mind is that he
looks rude or mad. But when you saw the
second picture your perception to him was
changed. Because base from the second
picture the person shows good qualities.

You might agree that judging other without

knowing them fully results to displaying
prejudice, bias, discrimination, and
Wrong or preconceived judgement leads us to
misunderstanding and conflict that harms our
social relationship towards others.
It is therefore important to avoid judging
others without complete prior knowledge.
Now that you already know the meaning of
the famous idiom. “Don’t judge a book by its
To further expand your knowledge to our
You are going to read one of the famous story
written by Lilian Heker. But before that, let’s
have a short background about the author.
Background of the author
Lilian Heker (b. 1943) is an Argentine author
who has been writing professionally since she
was 17. Having grown up during a politically
volatile era in Argentinian history, Heker
started writing professionally at seventeen.
when the Argentinian military took control of
the government and instituted a right-wing
dictatorship, Heker edited and wrote for left-
wing literary journals, publishi ng thinly veiled
criticisms of the Argentine military's state-
sponsored violence. One of Heker’s best-
known stories, gathered in countless
anthologies, is “The Stolen Party.” The careful
building-up of a child’s expectation at a
birthday party that lies implacably beyond her 1. What is the name of the main character?
unnamed borders, mirrors, on a miniature 2. What do you know about her?
scale, the partitions and prohibitions of 3. Why does Rosaura’s mother not want her to
society as a whole. Everything can be played attend the party.
out as normal, but one tiny misplaced gesture 4. How does rosaura feel about the party?
is bound to shatter the entire social structure. 5. What is the attitude of the girl with the bow
toward Rosaura?
But before we read the selection, I would also 6. What does Rosaura expect at the end of the
like to present to you the guide questions. story? and why?

So, these are guide questions that you’re

going to answer later on after we’re done
reading the poem.


Are you ready to read the story?
You will be staying to your group. Each and
everyone will be given a copy. You need to
understand and analyze the short story. How
characters interactions develop the conflict.
And how they lead to struggle in the story. No Ma’am.
Because later on we will be having a group
quiz. And also, read with your eyes to avoid (Student’s are now reading the story)
interruption to your classmates.
Yes Ma’am.
Do you have any questions?

Did you understand the story class? Ma’am Rosaura

Now, these are the guide questions you need to She is the daughters maid.
answer. To check if you understand the reading
She wants to go to this party but her mother
what is the name of the main character? doesn't want her to attend

what do you know about her? She wants to go and she feels as though it will be

why does rosaura's mother not want her to

attend the party? Hatred because she does not like rosauara

How does Rosaura feel about the party? She expects to get a gift like the rest of the

What is the attitude of the girl with the bow

toward Rosaura?

What does rosaura expect at the end of the

story? why?

Enrichment Activity/ Evaluation

Now to better understand the story, You’re

Group 1- NOTING DETAILS. Fill in the information
going to have a group activity: In this activity, I
will divide your class into 6 groups. Each
group will select a leader who will ensure
attentiveness and participatory of every group
member. After you done with your activity
present it to the class.
(An activity may be used as many times as
possible depending to the number of pupils,
or as desired by the teacher.)

needed based from the story read.

Group 2- SEQUENCING EVENTS. Arrange the

sequence of events through drawing events in the
story read. Literary plot


Compare and contrast the characters in the story
using the venn diagram.


the causes and the effects in the right spaces
based from events in the story read.
Group 5- Directions: INFERRING. Write down
the characteristics of the character based on
their discourse in the story read.

Character analysis map

Group 6
Every group shall have a group leader, group
secretary, group recorders and group Setting
reporters. Every member shall function its
duties to complete tasks easier.
(Presentation/Reporting of outputs by group
and giving feedback.)


Aside from understanding the story, what else

can we get from story?

That’s right! What do you think is the story

about? Lessons ma’am.
The story is all about social gap between
Alright! Very good. What else? individuals of different earnings, for example, the
rich and the poor.
The stolen party, where Rosaura is hurt because
she is a victim of class structure which keeps the
rich on the top and people like her and her mother
at the bottom of society.

Okay! Thank you very much.

So, the story that you’ve read has something
to do with the topic that we had discussed
about bias and prejudices. The prejudices
that arises from differences in social class
and socioeconomic status is the central
theme of “The Stolen Party.” Ma’am I think classicism.
So what types of prejudices belong this story?

Valuing Yes Ma’am, Actually I learned two things in the
story. To show acceptance and kind to others.
Did you get any lesson from the story? Even though sometimes life is unfair. Being kind to
others can make the world happier place for
Write a reflection paper relating the theme of the
Bring out your notebook and copy your story to yourself. Write it in a short bond paper
Are you done class?
Yes Ma’am
That’s all for today, Good bye class.

Good bye, ma’am.

Prepared by:

Student Teacher

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