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Summary of I.

R questions:

1: Diplomacy

 Introduction
 Definition
 Historical contextualization /OR/ Historical Background
 Purpose of diplomacy
 Methods of Diplomacy ( Force/pressure, convince, compromise, treaties/deals)
 Kinds of Diplomacy
 Track1 and Track2 diplomacy

2: The End of History

 Introduction
 Contextual background /OR/ Context behind this idea
 Decoding the concept/Idea ( Here explain the main points of this theory/ idea)
 Criticism on Fukuyama’s theory

3: The Clash of Civilization

 Introduction
 Contextual background /OR/ Context behind this idea
 Decoding the concept/Idea ( Here explain the main points of this theory/ idea)
 What does S.P.H recommended/ suggested for America in his theory
 Criticism on S.P. Huntington’s theory

4: The National Interests in International Relations (

 Decoding the concept

 Definition
 Kinds of National Interests
 Methods used to achieve nation interests
5: The Balance of Power (

 decoding the concept

 Definition
 Historical conceptualization (Example of Cold war / US and USSR)
 Why states try to achieve BOP /OR/ Logic behind struggle/race for BOP
 Method used to achieve BOP

NOTE: Also read Balance of Terror, Unipolarity, Bipolarity, Multi-polarity

6: Power

 Decoding the term Power

 Definition
 Elements of Power
 Soft and Hard power ( Repeat the same elements of power)
 Tangible and intangible power ( Repeat the same elements of power)

7: Realism

 Decoding the term

 Conceptualizing the Concept/Topic
 Historical development of Realism Theory /OR/ Key contributors
 Definition
 Key Assumptions (About Individual/ State/ International System)
 Limitations of Realism /OR/ Criticism on Realism

8: Idealism

 Decoding the term

 Conceptualizing the Concept/Topic
 Historical development of idealism Theory /OR/ Key contributors
 Definition
 Key Assumptions
 Limitations of idealism /OR/ Criticism on idealism

9: What is IR?

 Decoding the term

 Conceptualizing the Term/Topic
 Definition
 Scope
 Nature
 Importance
 Approaches to IR (Realism, idealism, Behaviouralism)

Q No.10: Nation-State system (IMP)

 Decode the terms (Nation & State)

 Historical Background (the treaty of Westphalia)
 The purpose of nation State system


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