Act 1

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1. Economic and Business

China's GDP growth has averaged about 10% per year since it started to open up and
reform its economy in 1978, and more than 800 million people have been pulled out of poverty.
Over the same time span, access to health, education, and other services has also improved
significantly. China's income is now higher than that of the middle class. Future efforts to
eliminate poverty must prioritize addressing the vulnerabilities faced by the sizable population
still categorized as poor by middle-income nation standards, especially those living in urban
In recent years, growth has slowed due to fundamental limitations such as lowering
productivity, declining labor force growth, and reduced returns on investment. Future growth
drivers must be found while also addressing the social and environmental consequences of
China's previous development trajectory. China's rapid economic expansion outpaced the pace of
institutional development, and in order to maintain a high-quality and sustainable growth path,
China needs to close significant institutional and reform gaps. In order to further support the
market system, the state's role must develop and concentrate on fostering stable market
expectations and a transparent and equitable business climate, as well as strengthening the
regulatory system and the rule of law.

2. Cultural Analysis
The centrality of the family, the hierarchical nature of social life, the development of
morality and self-control, and the value placed on effort and success are among the core values
of Chinese culture. The family as a whole is prioritized over its individual members in many
respects. It's important for kids to learn not to argue with their parents or other adults. If harmony
exists at home, it is expected that the family as a whole will succeed. Many of the challenges
faced by Chinese immigrants might be attributed to expectations surrounding family life. It's
challenging for the second generation to meet their parents' demands. They want to reach their
full potential, which includes leaving the catering business. The first generation also feels
powerless to influence the way of life of their children because they have lost their traditional
status, been treated disrespectfully, and feel abandoned and lonely. Children may feel guilty, and
parents may feel ashamed as a result.

3. Market Opportunity
Solid economic changes are being experienced in China every day as the country's
middle class grows in wealth. Multinational corporations that have operations in China or intend
to do so are the main benefactors of these changes. Today, there are more advanced industries to
invest in, larger and better market prospects to pursue, and opportunities for tech-intensive
manufacturers to think about. In actuality, China currently boasts a manufacturing economy that
is 50% larger than the US.
China is currently the world's greatest exporter of tech products and importer of
processed foods in terms of trade. This means that you can quickly establish a successful
importing and exporting firm here. For healthcare, rising wealth is frequently accompanied by an
increase in lifestyle diseases. On the other hand, a rise in manufacturing raises a number of
environmental issues. These two elements have greatly increased the profitability of China's
healthcare sector. If you could invest in a firm that deals with herbal supplements or minor health
products—or, to put it another way, a traditional pharmaceutical company—you will establish a
dependable cash cow. Additionally, China is seeing an increase in the use of skincare products. It
is advisable to establish a business that is entirely foreign-owned for such operations. One should
think about making China their first stop in Asia in addition to the inherent benefits of
conducting business there. China has developed into a hub for international commerce in recent
years because it offers access to some of the biggest markets on the planet. 16 free trade
agreements, including ones with Australia, ASEAN, Switzerland, Iceland, Pakistan, Chile, and
Singapore are currently in effect. There are talks about eight more. Its geographic centrality has
also contributed to its status as a major transport hub. It is home to six of the top ten seaports in
the world and has freight train connections to Western Europe, the Middle East, and Russia.

4. Legal and Political Analysis

The Chinese Constitution states that "The People's Republic of China is a socialist nation
governed by a working class dictatorship that is built on an alliance of peasants and workers".
The system of people's congresses makes up the government, and the political party system that
corresponds to it is one of multi-party cooperation and political under the direction of the
Chinese Communist Party, consultation (CPC). The mechanisms of the core and foundation of
China's political system is made up of people's congresses, multi-party cooperation, regional
ethnic autonomy, and self-governance at the most basic level of society. The Chinese
government is made up of a multi-party system of political CPC-led consultation. In the People's
Republic of China, the system makes sure that the CPC is the only party in power. The eight
other political parties must agree to work with the CPC in order to run state affairs and negotiate
policy as a condition of accepting its leadership.
The Confucian philosophy of social control through moral education and the legalist
emphasis on codified law and criminal punishment have served as the foundation for China's
legal system for the majority of its history. It is thought that Lin Zexu launched the introduction
and translation of Western literature into Chinese in 1839. In the late 20th century, attitudes
toward the old Chinese judicial system underwent a significant shift. Early 20th-century Chinese
and Westerners often saw the traditional Chinese judicial system as archaic and barbarous.
However, in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, attitudes have improved as a result of
considerable research into China's traditional legal system.

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