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PRIMARY TREATMENT OF SEWAGE 2.1 OBJECTIVES (OR) NEED FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT ee @® Toremove solids in wastewater. i) To prevent water pollution. (ii)To prevent environmental degradation. (iv) To avoid damage to soil structure. (v) To minimize the discharge of wastewater into the environment. ‘Waste water treatment isa combination of physical, chemical and biological processes! operations that can reduce the objectionable properties of waste and render it safe. 2.2 UNIT OPERATIONS AND UNIT PROCESSES Unit Operations “Treatment done using physical and mechanical means is called unit operation. ey:-Sereening Unit Processes ‘Treatment done using chemical and biological meansis called unit process. eg:ASP, Trickling filter etc. There are three types of unit opertions and processes: ()) Physical Unit Opertions-Physical forces predominate > Screening > Mixing Sedimentation +> Vacuum Filtration. (2) Chemical Unit Processes-Chemical acti ity * Chemical precipitation * Gas transfer by aeration + Disinfection + Electodialysis j a (a) Aerobic Processes ‘Treatment occurs in the presence of oxygen (dissolved oxygen) and it is c aerobic bacteria @ Activated sludge process (il) Tickling filters (iii) Acrated lagoons (b) Anaerobic Processes Treatment done in the absence of oxygen by anaerobic bacteria (i) Anaerobic Sludge Digestion | (ii) Anaerobic Lagoons. (c) Aerobie-Anaerobic Processes Treatment is done by combination of aerobic, anaerobic and facultative bacteria. Waste water treatment is done by reducing the eoncentration of substances by moving it into or out of wastewater, which is called phase transfer. The principal phase transfers that occur | are: (i) Gas transfer - Aeration. (ii) lon transfer | (a) Chemical coagulation, (b) lonexchange. ()Adsorption. (iii) Solute stabilisation (a) Chlorination, (b) Liming. (iv) Solids transfer (a) Screening. (b) Filtration, (x) Solids concentration/stabilisation. (a) Sludge thickening. (b) Sludge digestion, (c) Chemical conditioning of sludge (ud) Flutriation. ) Quantty/Volume of wast wate tobe treated, Gi) Quality/Charctristics of waste water to be treated. Gi) Effluent disposal standards. be &®) Cay of teat was ter esi (Eien ofteatmen). —(¥)Land required forinstalling reatment units. ow Requirement of skilled labour for operation and maintenance. (vii) Capital, operation and maintenance cost. (will) Economically viable, environment friendly and: sustainable technology. Table 21: Se (@)Plain sedimentation () Screening (©)Filtration. (a) Activated sludge process (b)Trickling filter (c) Lagoons. (a)Chlorination (b) Ozonisation. (a) Nitrification and denitrification (b) Ammonia stripping (c) Ion exchange. (a) Carbon adsorption (b) Bio-chemical phosphorous removal. (a) lon exchange (b) Reverse osmosis (©) Electrodialysis. (a) lon exchange > Iisa primary treatment unit, Ee Iisa combined sodimentation cum digestion tank. ae Ss {thas larger capacity and exta provision for digestion and storage ofsetled sage. . mee 5 Ithas longer detention time of 12 t6 36 hours: Se > Itis provided inareas where sewers are not laid, in individual houses, small communities and A institutions (hospitals, schools) with population not more than 300. ae * Construction , Itisa rectangular tank constructed of brick or stone masonry or concrete with water tight i cover. ventilation pipe extending atleast? m above the top of highest buildings provided ontop to remove foul gases. The tank may have one or two compartments. A partition wallis provided at 2/3" length of tank. Inlet and outletare located at opposite ends. Baffles are provided at both inletand outlet The floor of tanks sloped to the outlet end. * Working When raw sewage is allowed inside the septic tank, due to the long detention time, the solids settle to the tank bottom. The settled sludge then undergoes anaerobic decomposition by the anaerobic micro organisms, and gives rise to septic Conditions. The digestion process releases. foul gases (H,S. CH, CO,) which escapes through the ventilation shaft. There is appreciable reduction in the sudge volume. But the effluent produced is foul in nature and should be disposed either by sub-surface irrigation or in soak pits or in cess pools or treated in Trickling filters, The scum (oi) and grease rising to surface) and sludge are retained in tank for several menths. Itis Periodically removedeither half} yearly or yearly (once in 6 to 12 months)but inno case cleaning Period should exceed3 ‘Years. jp > ge el Fig. 2.1: Septic Tank + Design Considerations Function of aseptic tankare: (i) Sedimentation-removal of suspended solid rom sevoge by sravity seting | (ii) Digestion of seed shalee-reduction in sludge volume : (il) Storage of digested shege and scum -between successive cleaning intervals | Tank dimensions are fixed based on these three functions, (@ Sedimentation _ * Surface Area = 0.92 m? for 10 Ipm Peso at ; Depth = 2510 30cm. __Length=2 104 times Voie of ah sige = 0.00083 n’/capita/day ‘Volume of digested sludge = 9.0002 mMday Volume of digestion zone = 0.000515 m’/capita/day. Digestion period at 25°C for average sludge =63 days. Capacity of sludge digestion=6 x 0,000515=0.032 m’/capita. ~ (ii Storage of Digested Sludge and Scum Sludge storage capacity = 0.002 x 365 » 100 . =7.3 m¥100 persons fora cleaning interval of 1 year. [fetal capacity of tank jentaticn + Sludge Digestion + Storage +FreeBoard = | (30 = 21.5 trenches = 22 trenches. Provide 22 Nos of trenches of size 30m x I mata spacing of 2m e/e. & Advantages of Septic Tank (1) Easy construction. No maintenance problems. Noskilled supervision or: 2) The cost is reasonable in rural and urban areas, where no sewage sys 6) Considerable redotion in suspend sods and BOD fom sewage, (4) Shedge production is less. (5) Theeffluent from the septic tank canbe disposed o o eyase test sited fsa oe Disadvantages? | @ Periodical cleaning, removal and disposal ofshudge remains a tedious problrn. Effluent Disposal in Septic Tanks : Theft omingotof pets pa males aneies ates ‘treatment: , @ SoitAbsorption Systems: Types: ~ (a) Seepage Pit or Soak Pit ~ (b) Dispersion Trenches. Thisis adopted in porous soils where percolation rate is less than 25 misiuets/em and water table's below 180 cm from ground level, Total subsurface soil area required for soak pitsdispersion trenches o-P 4 Q=maximum rate of effluent application{ipd). 1=standard percolation rate of soil (minutes/em). (2) Seepage Pit or Soak Pits Circular shape pits. > Preferred in low water table areas. Where land available is less. % Where porous layer is beneath impervious layer. Dimensions - 1 m length, and depth below invert level - 1m. ‘with Dry Joints, 30 cm Thick Outer Casing with Coarse Sand: - Seer] os 2P ay lf TIT 3010 90 cm Be ia é J re oe - oer ad u j Plan (Under Ground) Fig. 23 (a): Plan (Under Ground) 10cm Earth Fill to _/ Allow Setter + 15t025emcrishedstone or gravel > Maximam length oftrench- 30m. : > Spacingoftrenches = 2m. ; a + One distribution box is provided for 3to 4 trenches. (ii) Upftow Anaerobic Fitters : > Septictank eflent undergoes secondary treatment in upflow fikers. > Itisa submerged filter with stone media, 0.6 to 1.2m deep. > Eflluentis introduced fiom bottom of trench. + Microbial growth happens on the stone media. ee ° Capacity = 0.04 to 005 m? per capita or 1/3" to 172 liquid capacity of septic tank. + Efficiency of BOD removal is 70%. Advantages “High stabilisation clear and odour free effluent + Little sludge is produced. % Low capital and operating cost. % Lowloss of head. Fig. 24 (): Double chambered rectangular upflow anaerobic filter (iii) Biological Filters “> Similarto Tricking filters. ‘Used in impervious soils with slow percolation rate > 60 minutes. Septic tank effluentis sprayed on filter by rotary distributors. Coarse stones 0.9 m to 4m thickness is used as filler media. Microbial film grows on filter media requires oxygen which is supplied by the under drains connected to air vents. ‘The application of grey water reuse in urban water systems provides substantial Benefite for. both the water supply subsystem by reducing the demand for fresh clean water as. welf-as the ‘wastewater subsysicms by reducing the amount of wastewater required to be conveyed and treated. 2.5.1 Treatment Processes ‘The separate treatment of grey waterfalls under the concept of source separation whicivis: ‘one principle commonly applied in ecological sanitation approaches. The main advantage of keeping grey water separate from toilet wastewater is that the pathogen load is much reduced and the grey water istherefore casicr to treat and reuse. When grey water is mixed with toilet wastewater, it is called sewage or blackwater and should be treated in sewage treatment plants. ‘or onsite sewage facifity, which oficn isa septic system. When it is kept separate, it may open up “interesting decentralized treatment and reuse options. Grey Water from kitchen sinks contains fats, oils and grease and high loads of organic: matter. It should undezgo preliminary treatment to remove these substances before discharge imo a grey water tank. If this is difficult to apply, it could be directed to the blackwater systemor existing sewex Most grey water is easier to treat and recycle than blackwater (sewage), because of lower levels of contaminants. If collected using a separate plumbing system from blackwater, domestic grey water can be recycled directly within the home, garden or company and used either immediately or processed and stored. If stored, it must be used within a very short time or it will begin to putrefy due to the organic solids in the water. Recycled grey water of this kind is never safe to drink, but a number of treatment steps can be used to prowide water for washing or flushing wilets. “The weatment processes that can be used are in principle the same as those used foesewage treatment, except that they are usually installed on a smaller scale (decentralized level), offem at household or building bevel: 4 Biological Sysiens such as constructed wetlands or living walls and bioreactors o¢ mone, compact stems such as membrane bioreactors which are a variation of the activated shude process and is also used 10 teal se wae, radiation) saciid weds the plants ce containansof ie constrict ‘2Tey water, suchas food particles, 7 Healey ne Dom However ltandsoopresttusono i Ife alike, but canbe absorbed and such, S. _ Primary Treatment f Sewage é : 217 252 a systems (sond filtration, lava filter systems and systems based ‘The potential ecological benefits ‘of grey water recycling include * Reduced freshwater extraction from rivers and aquifers Less impact from ‘Septic tank and treatment plant infrastructure Reduced energy use and chemical Pollution from treatment * Groundwater recharge * Reclamation of nutrients Greater quality of surface and pround water when preserved by the natural pun fication in the top layers of soil than ‘generated water treatment processes. ‘The potential economic benefits of erey water recycling include: (Can reduce the demand for fresh water, and when people reduce the u cost of domestic water: consumption is significantly reduced, while alley global water resources. ~ Camreduce the amountof wastewater entering _ 25.4 Sofery use of fresh Water, the ‘ial pressure of the sewer or on-site treatment system : Woste Wa'er. Engineering : higherthan the risk associated with using clear water for the same activities” ihrez major sources + of pathogens in grey water. 255 krigation Mast grey water should be assumed to have some black watertype compon=nts, including Pathogens. Grey water should be applied below the surface where possible (e.g, viz driplineon | tepofibesoil, under mulch; orn mulch-filled trenches) and net sprayed, as there isa danger of “| inhaling the water as an aerosol. 3 Inany grey water system, itis important to avoid toxic materials such as bleaches, bath. salt atificial dyes, chlorine-based cleansers, strong acidslalkal solvents, and procucts containing boron, whichis toxic to plants at high levels. Most cleaning agents contain sodium salts, which Cancause excessive soil alkalinity, inhibit seed germination, ane destroy the structure of soils by dispersing clay. Soils watered with grey water systems can be amended with gy-sum (calcium sulfate)to reduce pH. Cleaning products containing ammoniaare safe to use, as plants can use it to obtainnitrogen. A 2010 study of grey water irrigation found ro mjorhealth effects on plants, and suggrsts sodium buildup is largely dependent on the degree to which g-ey -valer migrates verticallythrough the soil. Some grey water may be applied directly from the sink to the garden Or container field, receiving further treatment from soil life and plant roots! Thewse ofnon-toxic and low-sodium soap and personal care products is reccmmended to protect vegetation when reusing erey water for irrigation purposes. 2.5.6 Indoor Reuse Reeycled grey water ‘rom showers and bathtubs can be used for Hushing tailets in most Exropeanand Australian jurisdictions and in United States jurisdictions tha: have adopted the Intemational Plumbing Code, Socha systema could provide an estimated 30% reduction in water use for the average household. The danger of biological contamination is avoided by using: Acdeaning tank, to eliminate floating and sinking items Anintelligent contro! mechanism that flushes the collected water ifit has been stored long. enough tobe hazardous; this completely avoids the, ‘problems of filtration and chemical treatment Greywater recycling without treatment is used in certain dwellings for applicctions where’ potable wateris not required (e 2, garden and land inrigation, toilet Qushing). I may also be used indwellings when the grey wa'er (eg. from rainwater) is already fairly clean to hexin withand/ or bas not been pollsted with non-degradable chemicals suchas non-natural soaps (thus using natural cleaning products inste<). [tis not recommended to use water that has becointhe grey water filration system for mors than 24 hours as bacteria builds up, affecting tne water thatis being reused. iititioas Primary treatment removes material that will either float or readily settle out by gravity. Itimeludes the physical processes of screening, comminution, grit removal, and seditentation. Screens are made of long, closely spaced, narrow metal bars. They block floating debris such as wood, rags, and other bulky objects that could clog pipes or pumps. In ‘modem plats the screens are cleaned mechanically, and the material is promptly disposed of by ‘burial on the plant grounds. A comminutor may be used to grind and shred debris that passes ‘through the screens. The shredded material is removed later by seaimentation or flotation processes Gait chambers are Jong narrow tanks that are designed to slow down the flow so that solids suchassand coffee grounds, and eggshells will settle out ofthe water. Grit causes excessive ‘wear and tearon pumps and other plant equipment. Its removal is particularly importantin cities: ‘with combined sewer systems, which carry a good deal of silt, sand, and gravel that wash off ‘Streets or land during a storm. 3 Sespended slid that pass trough screens and grit chambers are removed from he sewage im sedimentation tks. These tanks, also called primary clarifiers, provide about two hoursof ‘detention time for gravity settling to take place. As 7, J Pependng upon the size of openings, screens may be classified-as coarse se medium screens and fine screens, ( Coarse Screens/Racks/Bar Screens * Aterscreen consists of vertical or inclined brs space at equal intervals > Coarse serens are also known a racks, andthe spacing between the bars te, ‘ opening size)is abouit 50 mm (or) more. + Thescreens helpin removing large floating bodies from Sewage, ° ‘The screens are placed at an inclination of 30-060 (normally 45°)to horizontal to increase the effective cleaning surface and to improve the: ‘screening operations. % Coarse screen will collect about 6 litres of solids Per million litre of sewage. cea % The material separated by coarse screens usually consists of rags, wood, paper, ete. and may be disposed by incineration, burial (or) dumping. (ily Medium Screens Thespacing between bars is about 6 to 40 mm. % Medium sereens collect 30-90 litres of materia per million litre of sewage. % Thescreenings usually contain Some quantity of organic materia, which may putrefy and become offensive and must be disposed by incineration (or) burial, % Rectangular shaped coarse and medium screensare Widely used at sewage treatment plants. a They are made of steel bars, fixed parallel to one another at desired spacing ona rectangular steel frame called as bar screen. The screens are set ina masonry (01) R.C.C chamber, called the screen chamber. ‘These screens are kept inclined at about 30° to 60° to the direction of flow, soasto increase the opening area and reduce the flow velocity, e ‘The velocity through them is not more than 0.810 1 ms. + Thematerialcollectedon bar sereens can be removed either manually (or) mechanically % Lange sewage treatment plants, however use meehanicallypperated rakes, either continously (or) intermitently. % Screens are classified as fixed (or) movable depending upon whether the sereens are stationary (or) capable of motion. % Fixed Screens are permanently fixed in Position. Movable screens are stationary. operation and cam be lifted up for cleaning Purpose. 3UN Fig. 26: Bar Screens (@ Fine Screens ° “Fine Screens have perforations of 5 mm to3 mm insize ‘> Fine Screens Temove 20% 7 of the suspended solids from sewage. and are very effective, These screens, however get clogged very often and need fre 2 Fine Screens are therefore used only for quent cleaning, treating industrial wastewaters, + Brass(or) Bronze Plates (or) Wire Mesh are generally used for constructing fine screens. > Themetal used should be resistant to rust and corrosion. The ine screensmay be disc (or) drum type andare operated continuously be electric: motors. * Cleaning Frequency * ‘Material of bar % Cleaning Frequency is governed by the head loss through the screen. + Ielogging of screensis more, head los willbe aigh. + Generally, only 50% (one half) clogging ofscreensis allowed. +} Head oss is mieasured to find the clogging and cleaning frequency. % Head loss through the screen H, =0.0729 (7 -¥?) V=Velocity through the screen = velocity above the screen Screenings and their Disposal ‘The material separated by screensis called screenings which contains 85 to 90% moisture and floating mater. % Itmmay also contains traces of organic matter, which if not properly disposed will putrefy, cause bad smells and nuisance. = Toavoid this, screenings are disposed by buming o burial or durnping. *% _Ifsereenings contain organi matter, then bumizgis done in incinerators at very high temperature of 760° t0 815°C. % Burial (composting) is done in deep trenches(I to I.Sm deep) and are covered with earth which becomes manure. * Dumping inlow lying areas, wate bodies a or lands done when theres no organic matter in se-zenings Digestion of screenings is also adopted in shudge digestion tanks. Design Criteria Velocity through screen stsmnn ihe Spacing between bars Se ee Thickness of bars eee anes Angle of inclination of ber to horizontal Q=25MLD =25 x 10 Ud. 25x10° 10 25x10 = 2ax60x60100 Q= 0.289 ms. =08m/s. md. =25mm. Thicinessofbar = 10mm. Angle of inclination = 45°, ‘Frebowd = = 0.5m. | Discharge =Area x Flow Velocity 24 Waste Water Engineering Length? } __Asangleofinclinatonis4s ie Length of screen = 1 m (equal to depth). ts Total length =15m*+1m+15*m Oa =4m. A | (* Provide 1.5m on both sides for inlet and outlet chambers) ae é Width? 5 > > M Area = 0.36 m? Widthx Depth = 0.36 m? of 2 W x 0550.36 m? _ 036 a 05 j o Width = 0.72 m (Considering only liquid depth of 0.5m for design/Free ; ( board is » ree : 3 Actual Width ? fa 3 Spacing of bars = 25 mri= 0.025 m 3 No. of openings= ote =28.8 openings - pacingof bars 0 7 = 29 openings. - S [If there are n openings, no. of bars will be (n- 1)) P Total width = 7 x opening spacing + (n 1) thickness of bar ) =29 x 0.025 +28 x 0.010 ) = 0.725 + 0.28 = 1.005 m (Not 0.72 m). b Result i The dimensions of screen chamber are =4m x 1.005mx 1m Te De eg Te : 40x: ee tohanenneD Netarea of screen [space where sewage flows] =A= 0.463 mis. . x 0.578% 45 Gross area of screen = 2.578% G6+9) 0.578% ‘Since the screen is inclined at 45°with the horizontal, : Vertical Area 3 O= 1 clined Gross Arca Vertical Arca sind Inclined Gross Area = 0.723 ons os Roney Cearcki mont 22% Waste Water Velocity through screen V=0.8 m/s. 08x36 0.8x36 Velocity above screen v= 66+) =~ 45 m/s = 0.64 m/s. Head Joss through screen = hy =0.0729(V?— 2) = 0.0729 (0.8? - 0.642) =0.017 m= 1.7 cm. ‘When screen is half clogged, the area is reduced by half und to maintain same flow, velocity gets doubled a [e-av-(4e@n] V=2x08=1.6ms. 4h, = 0.0729 [(1.6)?— (0.64))] = 0.157 m= 15.7 em. ‘When screen is clean, bead lossis 1.7cm. ‘When half clogged, head loss is 15.7 em. Thus| bar screen should be frequently cleaned to keep the head loss within desirable Emit. DESIGN A SCREEN CHAMBER FOR PEAK SEWAGE FLOW-OF 60 MED. - 60108 10° x2460%60 Peak Flow Q = = 0.694 miss Assuming Velocity V = 0.8 m/s. Net area of sczeen openings A= Q 0.694 mis V 08 m/s Net area = 0.8675 m?* = 9.87m? Gross inclined area= ———= 1.2m" ee Bar Screen sn P= Gioes inclined area , 1.04 sno a jee ™ 0.80 } Head Loss f ¥ O8x5 * Velocity above screen ¥= 5 = ue =0.67 ms. ‘Head loss through clear screen = 0.0729 (V?- >) = = 0.0729 (0.8? - 0.67") Y H, =0.0134m. 5 ‘When screen openings get half clogged, (area is halved arid velocity gets doubled) 2 a-av-(4}.av ; . Velocity, y= 0.8.x 2=1.6 m/s. _ > ». Head loss through clogged screen = 0.0729 (1.6? - 0.677) H, = 0.1538 = 0.15 m. ‘The intial head Joss is 0.013m and when the head loss value reaches 0. 1 Sm, it indicates that 4 ‘the screen needs to be cleaned. * 220 Waste Water Engineering The amount of grit collected depends on the uantity of grit insewage. The grit quantity may vary between 0004-0037 m’/1000 mm for separate system. and 0.004--0.180 n°/1000 m? for combined sea ige system. Grit channels are designed to remove all particles of specific gravity higher than 265 ‘ith ominal diameter of20 mm having sting velocity of shout mmbs(@t 10°C, = * Types of Grit Channels: (ii) Aerated: grit chambers 4 i @ Horizontal flow grt chambers (Non-Acrated) ; i # (@- Horizontal Flow Non-Aerated Grit Chambers Inthe axiootal low ype be fow pases through the channel in horizontal drection ‘The chamber (or channel)is designed to give a horizontal straight line flow velocity which s kept constant over varying discharge, > The constant ‘velocity’ Proportional flow: ‘sachieved by providing a velocity control sectionsuchasa 3 ‘weir having varying width at the outlet end. * Horizontal flow grit chambers are designed to maintain a velocity of 03 mis Sucha velocity will earry away organic particles from thechaih only heavier grit particles to settle. The most important consideration in! the design of grit chambers is that the. flow velocity sh ould neither be low astocausesetlingot "ebles ora matesorit bes highs to prevent stling heavier pitandee (i) Aerated Type of Grit Channel i Consists ofa spiral flow aeration tank, where the spiral velocity is controlled by the dimensions/shape of the chamber, and the quantity of air supplied to the unit * Function of Grit Chambers: (i) Protect mechanical equipments from: abrasion/wear. Gi} Reduce heavy deposits in, Pipelines, channels and ‘conduits. Giiy Reduce frequency of cleaning of digesters, Outlet-Proportional Flow Weir | Sanoval pipe atbotiom 4 Figs. 28: Grit Chamber Cleanings done ctr mechanically or manwally. leaning depends on: : © — Qualityand Quantity of Grit Handling. ‘Head loss requirements. ‘Space requirements. ‘Topography. Economy -capital cost and maintenance cost. “> Size and shape of particle 4 Specific gravity ofthe particle 6241065) 2) Stoke's Low: IfPaticle diameter <0.1 mmvand the flow is laine (stream fine) Particle settling velocity ="» (ete . S,-1) +; -£ }e », Seng velocity (crs) : d—Diameter/size of particles (cm) }1-Dynamic/Absolute viscosity of liquid (centipoise). ¥-wp~Kinematic viscosity (centistok=s) p,- Mess density of liquid (g/cm). p Mass density of particles (g/cm?) S,= p,!p = Specific gravity of particles _ &=Acceleration due to gravity (crn/s"). (b) Mparticie diameter> 1 mm - Turbulent Settling: Newten’s formula * Settling velocity = ¥s = (¢) Grid diameter between 0.1 mm to | mm - Transition Zone: ‘Hezen’s modified equation ¥, =60.6(5, ~ ve ue H i be SY nme a Ee i - Primary Treatment of Sewage 2.31 (@) Organic solids with sp. gravity = 1.2: 34470 5 vy, = 60.6 (1.20-t)d fe] (1) —-v,=0.12 dGr+70) ‘The settling velocity (the rate of subsidence) ofa particle in liquid medium is denoted as hydraulic subsidence value (HSV). 2) Overflow Rate: - ? eee eee ae of gritabove specified particle size. > Agritchamber is designed to remove 100% of grit particles of the smallest size. > When 100% ofthe smallest size grit particle is removed, italso removesall grit particles krgerin size. Forachieving 100% removal of the smallest size particles, itis necessary to maintain i 31+70 For temperature other than 10°C, correction of 100 tobe applied where t= temperature. DDD ® 222 @) Detention Period: Waste Water Engineering — Adetention period of 60 seconds is usually adopted. (4)Bottom Scour and Flow through Velocity: > + e ™ w Ys wwe Gritchamber efficiency also depends on scouror low trough velocity. Itis the velocity at which organic matter if settled atthe bottom of grt chamber would be scoured out and reintroduced into flow streams. Scouring of organic matter should not be allowed ingritchamber. The critical scour velocity is given by modified Schielt’s formula ¥,=3t04.5 Je, —Dd Fora grit particle of 0.2 mm, the formula gives ciitical velocity values of 17.1 to 25.6 cm/s. 4 >. 2 % Thedetention period for grit chambers vary from45 to 90s. SS ne. 3. Normally flow velocity at peak flows is 15 to 30 cm/s, ©) Velocity Control Devices: The sewage flow is not constant butin order to acheive greater particle settlingand to ensure that only organic solids and not the grt are scoured from the bottom, the flow Velocity should be maintained constant even during variable flows. Toachieve constant velocity, velocity control devices (sections)are placed at the end ofgrit chamber. These devices have variable cross-sectional area. [@AV]. With vatiable flows, area is varied to maintain constant velocity. Velocity Control section are Provided at end of channel to maintain constant velocity of flow. Different types of velocity control devices. are: (0) Proportional flow weirs (used in rectangular grit chambers) (i) Sutor weirs (iil) Parshall flumes (used in parabolic grit chambers) (iv) Palmer - Bowhus flumes ete. * Proportional Flow Weir For proper functioning of grit chamber, the velocity should not be: allowed to change with changes in flow. To achieve constant veloci i flow weirs are provided at the outlet end. It ity in rectangular section gritchamber, proportional isa combination ofaweir and an orifice. It consists. Primary Treatment of Sewage () Parabolic channel section (2pproximated to a trapezoidal ‘section) helping in producing constant ‘elocity with varying discharge, since the channel width varies wit water depth Fig. 2.9: Velocity Control Sections * Parshall Flume Used in parabolic cross-section grit chambers. The flume with fixed ¥idth control section is Placed atthe outlet end of git chamber. thas a throat portion between converging and enlarging Sections Itmaintains constant velocity durirg varying flow consitions, ican be wsedasa discharge measuring device, has negligible head loss, gives sinooth flow and, prevents solids deposition, One parallel flume can be provided for? to 3 gritchambers. Itcan work in submerged conditions also. < j j i Fig. 210: The Parshall Flume (6)Numbey of Units: (9 Ifr-anual cleaning is adopted, minimum 2 unitsare required. (ii)_[fmechanical cleaning is adopted, | unit which is manually cleaned is provided (7) Dimensivns of Tank: Surface reais found based on overflow rate. (ii) Width of section depends on velocity control device adopted. ii) Length depends on Overflow rate. (iv) In mechanised cleaning units, size of cleaning equipment should be considered. (¥) De:th of flow depends or. the horizontal velocity at peak flow. Cea (0) Adciional depth depends on te storage of itand cleaning interval (vii) Free board = 150 t0 300 mm. (viii) Botiom slopes depend on type of scraper provided Primary Treatment of Sewoge 2.35 (8) Loss of Head: @ Itmay vary from 0.06 m to 0.6 m depending upon the velocity control device adopted. ©) Disposal of Grit > — Gritparticles like sand and gravel that settle in grit chamber may also have traces of organic matter. The organic matter may attract rodents and insects and produce odours. The grit therefore requires washing before disposal by dumping, burying or by sanitary landfilling. ‘> -Thedisposal method adopted depends on the quantity and characteristics of grit, land avalability for dumping, filling or burial. For unwashed grit either burial is adopted or itis mixed with soil and used as soil conditioner. baste): Ai 1.. Design a grit chamber fora maximum waste water flow of 8000 m’/day to remove particles upto 0.2 mm diameter having specific gravity of 2.65. The settling velocities of these particles is found to be im the range from 0.018 to 0.022 m/s. Maintain a constant flow through velocity of 03 m/s through the provision of a proportional flow weir. Solution: Proportional Flow Weir means Rectangular Grit Channels. Horizontal flow velocity, v,=0.3 mvs. pon SON , Q= 8000 mld = 55 Gog = 0.0926 mis. 24 a & & & & & ‘& & | ea oe — oo CJ f2 Qo hi f 0D f h Euan e rae 7 or Se ee 2.36 Waste Water Engineering Provide a depth of I m. E Pes m=0.35m. Settling velocity of particles. - 0.01810. 0.022 m/s. Average v, = Solssoon =0.02 m/s, Setting velocity = Depth of chamber c 5 Detention: time Gait particle travelsa distance equal to depth” and reaches tank bottom within the detention i time with setting velocity», Depth of chamber ‘i 1 = Detention Time = Settling velocity = qqp 750 seconds ‘The waste water flows through the length oftnk with horizontal velocity within the detention time, Length of the nk = v, . Detention Time =0.3 x 50=15m. +. Provide a grit chamber of Length= 15 m. Width =0.35 m. ine Depth= 1 m. Designa grit chamber having rectangular cross-section anda proportional flow weiras the velocity control device forthe following data. ‘Maximum flow=20 MLD. Primary Treatment of Sewage a ae 237 (Particle settling velocity Diameter of particl is between 0. Immo | mm (0:2 mm) Use Hazen's modified equation +70 ¥, = 60.6 (S, - 1) e] 204 100 =2.6cms, @® Critical Velocity —Horizontat Flow Velocity —Modified Shield’: Assume multiplying factor = 4 (range is 304.5). i : = 60.6 (2.65 - of 's Formula: Y= ¥.= 4/etS, Nd g=981 mis. f | d=0.2mm ¥, = v,=0.228 mis. = 0.2%107 m 228 m/s =22.8 cm/s. Q_ 0231" /s) 2 ES) gy a inlay O32 =. Providing a width of 1.25 m. Area _A_1.0132r7 Liquid depth required (H) = ““* Width Wo pase 70812m. Provide free board = 0.3 m. ‘and space for sludge accumulation =0.25m. ___# Total depth = quid depth + free board + shudge accumulation ; = 0812+ 034925 =1.362m 4 14m i ' t 2.38 Waste Water Engineering L=8.769 H = 8.769 x 0.812 L=7.12m. Provide allowance for inlet and outlet zone = 25%. Total length, L=1.25 x 7.12=8.9m = 9m. Dimensionsof gitchamber. Nae Length=9m = aa Sealine — Wicth = 1.25m 12514 Depth = 1.4m. 4 im 2.6.3 Primary Sedimentation Tank L=on * Sedimentation Sedimentationis the separation of suspended organic solids from waste water by gravitational setting of suspended particles that are heavier then water €-g: Gritchambers. primary setting tank, secondary settling tank, sludge thickeners, clariflocculators. Different types of sedimentation: (2) Plain sedimentation (b) Sedimentation with coagulation (clarification) {(c) Chemical precipitztion (2} Plain Sedimentation: When the solids or impurities are seperated from waste water by gravitational sein and natural aggregation of settling particles, the operation is called plain sedimentation. removes 60% solids and 35% BOD from sewove. (2) Sedimentation with Coagulation: (Clarification) When chemicals are added to induce or speed up the settling and zgeregation offinely divided suspended mater, colloidal substances and large molecules, the operation is called sedimentation with ‘coagulation (of) clarification. (©) Chemical Precipitation: When chemicals are added to throw out disso Ived impurities out of solution, the operation isealled chemical precipitation, il nti ice Nac oni sb hatin» ani we Primary Treatment of Sewage : 239 * ‘Types of Settling > Particles may settle outofa iquid suspension inthe following four ways (depending ‘upon the concentration ofthe liquid and the properties of the suspended particles). (i) Type 1 Sedimentation (Discrete settling). | (i) Type 2 Sedimentation (Flocculant settling). Gii) Type 3 Sedimentation Hindered, (Ct) Zone settling). (iv) Type 4 Sedimentation (Compression settling). @ Type Sedimentation — Discrete Settling: Ttis the free settling or sedimentation of discrete particles in a liquid suspension of low solids concentration. A particle that does not alterits shape, water is known as discrete particle. % These discrete particles eto their high specific gravity settle easily and have less tendency to flocculate eg Settling of grit and sand. size and weight while settling (or) risingin (8) Type II Sedimentation-Floccalant Settling: This refers to dilute suspension of particles that flocculate, agglomerate, increase in mass and settle faster during the sedimentation process. + Itremoves suspended solidsand chemical flocs in ‘settling tanks. Gil) Type IIT Sedimentation - Hindered (or) Zone Settling: > This refers to floccutant suspension of particles and of intermediate concentration, | _Inter-particle forces bold the particles together and they settle as a whole mass, ~% _ Itisused with biological weatment units (secondary settling tank), (iv) Type IV Sedimentation - Compression Settling: This refers to flocculant suspension of high concentration. The particles come in Contact with each other, resulting in the formation of a structure. Settling, happens by compression of structure due to weight of particles added Continuously to the structure 2g., bottom layers of secondary settling tanks and sludge thickeners. 4| 4 Ge f ff PPP PLP Cee) DePD DeoDoofd off ff PPP AP Pin Rs b 2.40 Waste Water Engineering eo e oetane a ae > > ek > » ' Fig. 211: Rectangular ‘Sedimentation Tank p y ’ y p ’ j Fa.212 : Crcuar Sedimentation Tonk Types of Settling Tanks | Seating Tanks canbe clase inthe fellowing tree ways » ) Classification based on Nature of Working. } 0 Filland Draw Type (htemnitent Settling Tank), @ Continuous Flow Type. ' ___ >) Classification based on itslocation, s | (Preliminary Setting Tank (Grit Chambers), | (i) Primary Setting Tank. Gili) Secondary Setting Tank. zat Pinay Secontary Fig.213: Location of Sedimention Tanks Primary: Settling/sedimentation tanks or clarifiers are located after ‘Screens and grit Eo eam tng tks ar ntin sting uns om secondary wet Operations (trickling filters and, activated sludge process) Where flocculated solidsare removed by settling, > Intermediate settling tanks are ‘sed between primary and secondary tanks to remove Solids in multi-stage biological treatment units, ©) Classification based on shape. @ Rectanguiar Setting Tank. Gi) Circular Settling Tank (ii) Hopper Bottom Settling Tank _ Nature of Working: ( Fill and Draw Type (Intermittent Flow Type) ~ + The: sedimentation tankis first filled with ‘incoming waste ‘Water and is allowed to rest forcertain time. io sate tatoinlt2thoisalowe rng which agen parks settle to the tank bottom. AiSeendoftedeeasonprnd nec tveatwitvrewnvough hone ee Ns The tank is then cleanedto reino ve the settled particles and filledagain, The cleaning May take 6 10 12 hours. pas fern ks 3016 hous. (vi,28 hous for setng anda forcleaning) 242 Waste Water Engineering > Thewastewater continuously keeps on moving inthe tank with a very small velocity and during this time, the suspended particles settle atthe bottom before they reach the outletend. Thistypeoftankis preferred over the fill and draw type. Shape of Tank: () Rectangular Sedimentation Tank : > . _ Thesearetwo types of continuous flow sedimentation tanks: (@) Vetica Flow Tank, (©) Borizontal Flow Tank. (@) Vertical Flow Tank The waste water enters at the bottom and flows upward. (b) Horizontal Flow Sedimentation Flow % — Thetankisrectangular with length equal to atleast twice the width. > Thewaste water flows in horizontal direction. + Mechmical arrangement (or) scrapers are fixed to remove the settled particles (sludge) ‘continvously or periodically. Ro (ii) Circular Setfling Tanks In such tanks, the waste wa‘er enters at the center and flows radially outwards to the periphery. Ascrapper is mounted cn a rotating frame and sludge is collected in asludge sump located at the centre. Fig, 2.14: Circular Settling Tank Primary Treatment of Sewage 243 (iii) Vertical Flow Settling Tanks > > . These are small diameter circular tanks with deep conical hopper bottom. ‘Thediameter ofthe tank varies from 7 m to 9 m and height varies from 7.5mto9m. ‘They are constructed partially below the ground and partly above the ground. ‘Waste water after passing through screens, enters the tank from the bottom, rises” upwards, gets clarified and the effluent escapes through a weir or trough located at the top periphery. . The tankis so designed, that upward flow velocity is less than the settling velocity of ‘smallest particle to be removed. Raw Sewage Channel Setiled q\ Sewage Channel It zal — ‘Shodge Channel ASwage Extraction Pipe Fig. 2.15: Vertical Flow Settling Tanks * The design of horizontal flow sedimentation tanks is based on the following assumptions: 1. Within the settling zone, the particles settle exactly in the manner as they doin a quiescent tank (stand still condition). 2. The flowisborizontal, steady and the velocity is uniform in all parts of settling zone during the detention period. 3. The concentration of suspended particles of each size is the same at all points of the tank. 4. A particle is removed when it reaches the bottom of the settling zone. .. The sedimentation basin can be divided into four zones. (i) Inlet zone Influent is dispersed over the cross section at right angles to flow. (ii) Settling zone. (iii) Sludge zone (or) bottom zone (iv) Outlet zone, from which effluent is removed for further treatment, yah), Nd AA A RA A A @ A A & & & 2 a A 2 Ae ae * Primary Treatmen of Sewoge 2.45 Equation (3) defines the overflow rate, overflow. velocity (or) surface loading Tate which is equal to. the flow divided by plan area of the basin. From equation (1) and (3), wR (4) Equation (3) suggests that all those particles which have falling speed greate- than Q/ Awillreach the tank bottom before waste Water flows out of the outlet end cf the tank. particle with setting velocity V,’< QA enters the tank, it will settle only through height'h’ during the detention time, % Removal Efficiency (X ) ik %Wisthepercentage removal ofsuspended solids at sven overflow ate (vy % Parle with seting velocity V,> Q/A willbe completly (100%) removed Patches with sting velocity V, < QUA removal efficiency depends on the raticof % Vv, H (QA) - ei mstitlieny depends onsetlingveloitesofparcksandautiesea of tank. ~* Flowing through period: (1) Theaverage time required forabatch of waste waterto % _Misalvays ess than the detention period due toshort * Displacement Efficiency: (n,) Ratioof fowing though period tothe detention period pass through the settling tank. circuit effects. Waste Water Engineering ” tg. Flow through period "a= 1, Detention Time 4 tg Slo Design Critesia for Sedimentation Tank: 1. Removal of suspended organic solids with specific gravity 1.01 to 1.20. 2 Overflow rate/Surface loading rate which is the hydraulic loading per unit surface area of tank expressed as m?/d/m? F Overflow Rate (nn’/d/n?) ‘AtAverageFlow | AtPeak Flow For primary settling tank 25-30 50-60 3. Detention Period - 2 to 2-1/2 hours Rate of BOD/suspended solids removal is maximum during the initial2 4 hours | : ; |. Weir Loading Rate: ii » _Discharge ae Length of weir Primary sedimentation tank — not greater than 100 n/d/m. ‘Secondary sedimentation tank — not greater than 150m?/d/m. + Outlet weirs of sedimentation tank draw off clear waste water and take it out without disturbing the quiescent conditions in the tank. The withdrawal of clear effluent per unit length of outlet weir is called weir loading rate. 5. Depth of sedimentation tank is 3 0 3.5m. . g 6. Performance: vai (Primary Settling Tanks Efficiency of suspended solids removal-45 to 60% Efficiency of BOD removal - 3610.45% (ii) Secondary Settling Tanks 3 Very high efficiency of about 99% BOD removal. ee 7. Tank Dimensions, Primary Treatment of Sewage () Rectangular Sedimentation Tank: L=90m B=30m. L=length of tank L:B=1.5t07.5 B=width of tank LD=5t025 D=Depth of tank * Minimum depth=2m. Bottom slope=1%. (i Cireular Sedimentation Tank: Diameter of tank=3m to 60m. Commonly used 12 m to 30m. Depth of water=2m. Floor slope =7.5 to 10%. TTS |. Designa primary settling tank of rectangular shape for a town of population 50,000, where the water supply rate is 180 Ipcd. Solution: Total sewage flow=80% of water demand = 80% x Rate of water supply x Population = 21 80pedxS0000 =7200 mid. ‘Assume surface loading rate (SLRYoverflow rateas 30 m’/d/m?. _Q 200m id SHEA Sie 30 all? Volume/Capacity of Tank required. Assume detention period of hours. =2400r. rs se 200mP Id 4 Mohave 60007 _ 2 Ep em, = V= Qxdetention time = x 2 hours = 600 m?. Effective depth= 4 4 ( ( { ( q 4 4 q q 4 4 q 4 =7200 x 10 Vd e | 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 7 ee i Moste Water Engineering Z Surface Area = Lx B= 240m, : Assuming UB= 4 : L=4B 4B? = 240m? B=7:46m = 75m L=4B=4 x 7.5=30m. Provided m forinlet and outlet arrangement, Total ength=30+4=34 m, Provide depth of 1 m for shud ‘Total depth = liquid depth + shudge =254+1405=4m. + Dimensions of the tank = 34 m x 75mx 4m, j Note: pay UY inary seth Gs finding aul SCOR ; tobe calculated) SA=240m?, vve wwve 5 x =240m? d= oa =17.5 m. The diameter of circular tank is 17.5 m, Rest of the design (volume and depth) is same. Method-TI MYelocity of low is assumed as~ 0.3 m/minute |Leagth of tank = Velocity of fow x Detention time. =03m/min . 2 hrs x 60 min, =36m. ws vuwwwwewewwvevyse iy _ 60m? Surface Area ~>yggd* 25 Sr sl secunuaion 05 m dephas fe board ry Treatment ‘ in : CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ASPECTS 2271 Mointenance Scheduling > ‘Maintenance of cach equi = % Goothousekeepingis ani re 3 272 Pumping Machinery : > > Torun the machinery ina way soas tohave fee fall from invert of sewer. Mostly 2or3 pump sets are out oforder. Minimum one Pump be operated. uring night hours so that ‘Sewers are empty in mmoming. . Guide Wire/ Guide Rail should bein good condition, 273 ‘Screening Chamber & Wet Well : Regular Cleaning % Disposalof Screenings % Washiiig of Bar Screens > Washing sludge layer from walls using waterjet > Desilting of wet well oncea year : 274 Geoning Chamber & Fine Screens i + Should be scoured minimum once ina week. i+ pra aioals kept ckanofceinons Ite semen aot ype 1 Speration shouldbe adjusted sch hatamatisahvaysonthe screey 275 Grit Chane} { mo ee ‘> Must be calibrated so as to show the quantity offlow. 5 > Flowbe recorded every hour. In SBR Plants the flow recording graphs are recorded inSCADA Distribution Channel +> Mustbecleaned every day.” 2.1.7 Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) ‘The STPis said to be running successfilly, if:- >. Thebiofilm layer shall eccumulate on the biomedia. “> The flocs should generate in clarifier. % Thesmell of sludge should not be foul. % Whenstarting the plant initially, the air blowers should be operated for passing the ait through difftsersand nm oontimmnsty otherwise the desired parameters will notbeachicved. Fillbothacration tks othe nerve! operating sewage depth, thus allowing the aeration ‘equipment to operate at maximum efficiency. > Using all of the zerction tanks will provide the longest possible aeration time. % Theeffluent end ofthe acration tank should have a dissolved oxygen level of atleast 1.0 mg/L. DOin the aeration tank showld be checked every two hours. Generally the DO is approx. above inaercied sewage. + The COD reduction in treated sewage Vs. raw sewage cannot be less than BOD reduction. 2.7.8 How to check DO in Aeration Tonk The presence of DO in aeration tank requires the elaborate procedure of using a meter operated electronically and Keeping the probes well cleaned at all times. Thisis not always Possible. Moreover, typical ant contol requires enanswer to the question of whether resichal PON Preseo or abseatin he secondary clarifier overflow. This canbe easily cane out inthe field as follows: 1. Take a 10 ml well wasted test tube, 2. Holdit gentlyagainst the weiroverlow sideways, 3. Allow the sewagetto fill he ube snd cverflow fora few minutes. |. Gently take the tube and pour out abaut 2 m), . Add few drops of mangarous sulphate sclution. | | f | 4 I a Primary Treatment of Sewage 251 6. Adda few drops of potassium iodide solution. 7. Close the top with the thumb and invert a few times, 8. Allowto stand fora few minutes. %. If there isa yellow precipitate, DO is present, 10. If there is a white precipitate, there is no DO. PP ©. ff & 2 a : é > With help ofelectronicinstrument. K : € + Online sensors are required to be provided. % Reactors /SBR € > 2innos. (parallel & inseries). i i *% The problem of foam canbe solved using waterjet. ¥ Reactors should bé destudged every day to maintain proper MLSS. € ‘+ The walls, walkway and the railing to be washed daily using waterjet. é 2.7.9 Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) a The first is to make centain that all mechanical, electrical and control equipment is: 7 operating properly. Sees .& + The purpose of Fill- React operation is to add substrate raw sewage) to the reactor. ie The addition of substrate or filling is controlled by a timer to a set time period. The zs filling operationis also controlled by level transmitter to limit filling volume upto : maximum level. Usually, SBR tanks are designed to take flow as it comes into STP S with all variations from peak flow to minimum flow without necessiating any equalization L€ tank. ~ * The settling processis controlled by time and is usually fixed between 30 minutes to an hour so that the sludge blanket remains below the withdrawal mechanism during the next phase. % The purpose of Decantation sto remove the clarified, treated water from the reactor. % — When starting the plant initially, the diffuser should be operated first and run continvously, otherwise the desired parameters will not be achieved. : or The Precaution needed is to nfake sure that power supply is available continuously. If power supply fails, immediately bring the genseton-line. % — COD to BOD ratio indicates the biodegradabitity of the sewage. Normally. sewage will have COD to BOD ratio between 1.5 to 2. If the ratio is more than 2, entry of industrial effluents into sewer network is a possibility. © @.-%." 2 oy The daily tests shall be COD, TSS, pH, Dissolve om phosphate. BODembea we eee teil diminish when sufficient mixed liquor soidsare obtained. "Donot wast sludge tl desired level of MLSS obzined. _ 2.7.11 Sludge Sump & Sludge Drying Beds x 7 a ° Sludge from the sump be regularly pumped out. Generally the Sludge Drying Beds are empty without any sludge shows thatplantis notrunning, : : Dried sludge cakes be removed regularly from Sludge Drying Beds. 2.7.12 Compressors and VED and DO meter ee: % QW+1S) compressors. * — 2compressors should continue running tll desired D.O. level is achieved. Generally compressors and VFD are found out oforder. ~ * Mostof the times, the compressors are found not working with the excuse of power cut. 7 *% _Alleast one compressor should bein operation every time in case of powereut also (with the help of D. Get). 2.7.13 Clorifier The treated water flow should be uniform over the would ensure aeration also. % There should be no scum over the surface. Bridge should be keptrunning, Sludge should be continuously removed. should be keptclean, entre ength ofthe launder I Primary Treatment of Sewoge 936 2.7.14 Flow Meters Magnetic Flow Meters & Magnetic flow meters workon the principe ‘of electromagnetic: induction. The induced Wage generatedby arclecticalcondctorinamagnetic field is directly proportional tothe conductor's velocity, ~ These are non-invasive and sed inalmo: stall pipelines, but initial calibrationis needed. The output is the standard 4 t0'20 mni, A Signal, which is relayed to the central Ultrasonic Flow Meters > When ultrasonic impulses are released onto a pipe surface carrying sewage, the impulses are deflected along the flow direction based on the velocity of the flow before theyimpinge on the Opposite sidewall of the pipe * Thetime taken by impulse waveis tothe diameter of the pipeline and measured and is correlated to the velocity and then hence the flow rate is arrived, > {ke magnetic flow meer hess also non invasive and used nals al pines but initial calibration will beneeded. Visual Test % The final effiuent shall be clear and fee from suspended particles, % Flocsexistsin the clarifier % Afilmexiston the MBBRMedia. Sludgeis produced daily. % — Noodourorsmell inthe final effluent % — Noodourinshudge, 2715 Discrepancies observed in construction of STPs Design mix with weigh batch mixernot followed > Chemical protection on the RCC not done. % Stainless steel pipes not checked. * Cement store not constructed, * Site office not constructed. Railing not provided as per agreement. | | Roe 066 + FO FHF ’ ° General observations ‘Sample test register not maintained. ‘Noplanned execution. Stary Steps not fitted in any of the chambers reactors/ sumpete. V-notch weirplates not ited around the landers. Greular§S, peripheral wall not provided in the clarifier. Scam removal arrangement not made in the clarifier. Proportional weirhas not been calibrated. ‘Scour valves not provided in receiving chambers. Arrangement for proper disposal of screens & grits not made. Levelofoutlet channels such like that water remains stagnantin the launders. ‘VEDand DO meter have not been installed. ‘Mild stcel parts are not epoxy painted regularly and are rusted. ‘Screens and grit channels are not cleaned. Both Grit channels are run simultaneously where as it should be one running & to be usedaltematively everyday. Pumps are not un in proportion to the discharge received. No pumps are run from 10:00 PM. to 4:00A M. ‘Stodge isnot removed from reactors & clarifier. Dad sludge cakes are not removed from Shadge Drying Beds. General maintenance of the lawns etc. is very poor. The siting room & the toilet are not in good condition. D.G set isnot operated in case of power failure. 0.&M staffis notas per the norms ie. qualification and experience. Industrial effluent is being received at the Sewage Treatment Plants for which no ‘cosrespondence being made with Haryana State Pollution Control Board. Consent o operate has not been obtained frum Haryana State Polhstion Control Boarc ‘Samples are not being tested in laboratory daily. Samples are not being got tested regularly from some reputed laboratory. cd sil iid i esti asa ©. Quantity fBIO- MEDIA not checked with design approved by SE. S % Thickness and quality of SS pipes, DIpipes not checked. ©, A Originality ofelectical equipment not checked and verified. 2.7.16 Record to be Maintained by Contractors DURING O&™ - Attendance of O&M Staff engaged by the contractor. > Quantity ofraw sewage/treated Sewage water. Quality of incoming/treated sewage water based on aboratorytestingtobemaintained —- bythecontractor, % Diesel consumption of generating set based on hour meter (Hourmeterto be sealed byPublic Health Engineering Department immediately after trail run period). + + Rumninghours ofeach prime mover. % Total powerconsumption. The contractor has to provide all consumables, spares, oil & lubricants, Diesel for running of DG Sets, chemicals for laboratory testing, consumables for electrical & mechanical plant &machinery. + Public Health Engineering Department shall provide power & rawsewage at desired flow & level free of cost. The payments for consumption of diesel shall be reimbursed as per actual consumption based on hour meter basis as per prevailing market rates. > The contractor shall maintain and submit statements to Public Health Engineering Department on daily basis for consumption of diesel quantity & quality of treated sewage water & shall get the treated sewage samples duly tested for submission to PCB for NOC/ Consent & shall submit consolidated monthly statement at the time of claiming payment. 2.7.17 Tests to be conducted by the Contractor duringO &M Inlet chamber: Measurement of flow, BOD, pH. SS, temp.,COD and oil & grease, TDS _ Outlet chamber-- BOD suspended solids, pH. COD =adeil & grease, TDS. Inlet of the reactor:~ MLSS, Dissolved Oxygen and pH. Lee StS Id 2. Mention the classification. of treatment process ‘of sewage. Waste Water Engi Outlet of react Dissolved Oxygen, Shudge volume Index and pH. Outlet of the secondary:- BOD, Suspended solids, pH, COD and oil & grease treatmentonits, Outlet ofthe SBR:- BOD, Suspended solids, pH. Excess shudge:- ‘Volatile suspended solids, total solids, specific gravity. 2.7.18 Provision os Per Agreemeni for Operation & Maintenance > The plant machinery shall be operated 24 hours a day, 365 days in a year. é Sewage flow received fiom the MPS is treated & disposed out without any break. ‘The plant shall never be operated at less than 50% ofits design capacity. The period of 30% operation shall not exceed: Pot more than three days in amonth, The maximum downtime of the wl Scontinvous hours. Incase down time exceeds the above limit charges, The record of inco O&M period. % Third party inspection by the expert be performance of components of the plants TWO MARKS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: 1 Whats the purpose of using velocity control device ina grid chamber? ‘The velocity control device ina grid chambers providing for seing he grid patclesin the ‘Sewer pipes and then itis removed by an endless chain to which perforated buckets are fixed 7 i i 3 ; > > > 'more than two consecutive days and ‘hole plant shall not exceed more than than the contractor shall not be paid O&M oF ming! treated sewage water quality monitors during every day of conducted once in year to examine the =| Preliminary treatment Primary treatment + Secondary treatment > Complete final treatment 3 State the purpose of using the skimming tanks, ‘The skimming tanks are employed for removing oils & grease frem the sewage and piaced before the sedimentation tanks Primary Treatment of Sewage 257 sachet fig spade tks iy pig be sewage, screens : 6 What are the types of screens? Foy Coase caceng tg Medium screens 7; Whatare the methods fdsposing screning Incineration * Fine screens * Composting Dumping + Digestion 8. Whatis incineration? The process of buming is called Incineration 9. Whatis composting? ‘The screnings may als be disposed by bral This process echrical 10. Whats the principle behind sedimentation? The turbulence is retarded by offering Storage to sewage; these impurities tend to settle down at the bottom of the tank offering such storage 11. What are the types of grit channels? ‘Horizontal Flow Type Aerated Type 12. Explain Vacuators, Grease can also ‘beremoved from the aerated sewage toa vacuum pressure ly called composting Sewage by vacuum flotation method, by subjecting oFabout 0-25 em of mercury for 10-15 minutes ina mm. where they are collected and cared away forstudge teatmentand disgosat 1. Whatis primary sedimentation? Sewage; alent. the sedimentation once before the Lologca treatment iscalled primary sedimentation. 1 Whats secondary sedimentation? 7 . Sewage treatment, the sedimentation once afl’ the biological treatment is called primary ‘a al oe ‘Vilatare she sewage treatments units which workon the principle of sedimentation? Septic tank & Imholf tank *Vintis called surface loading (or) ovesflow velocity (or) overflow rate? Icisthe discharge per unit of plan area ~ Whatisdtention time (or) detention period (ox) Retention period? Iris the average theoretical time required forthe sewage to flow through the tank. Detention time for rectangular tank= (Volume of the tank/ Rate of flow) =BLH/Q 18. Whatiis d'splacement efficiency? The ratio of the flowing through period tothe Detention period’ is called displacement efficiency 19. Whatare the uses of Baffles? 5 Bafiles are required to prevent the movement of orgmic matter and itsescape along with - $e ent andio stb the sewage ifort toh the cross-section ofthe tk, and thas toaveid shert circuiting. 20, What are comminutors? Comminutors or shredders are devices which break the larger sewage solids to about 6m “size, when the sewage is screened through them. oa00a

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