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1. Her mother told her not to be too _______and advised her to try to do things herself.
A. dependable B. depending C. dependent D. independent
2.Give me your telephone number _______I need your help.
A. in case B. so that C. unless D. whether
3.The question was easy enough, but _______students could answer it.
A. a little B. few C. a few D. a great number of
4._______the cave was found, millions of visitors from many countries have come to look at its beauty.
A. When B. Since C. While D. Unless
5. This is the stone bed _______the king had lain before he died in the 14 th century.
A. however B. of which C. wherever D. where
6. The coal and steel industries are among the productions_______ by the government.
A. control B. to control C. controlling D. controlled
7. I apologize. I shouldn’t_______ my temper.
A. have made B. have lost C. have showed D. have given
8. When you are in a western country, your host may open a wrapped gift in front of you. Opening a present in front of the
gift-giver is _______ polite.
A. acquired B. considered C. known D. called
9.Even if the host doesn’t like a present, he or she will tell a “white lie” and say _______ they like the gift to prevent the guest
from feeling bad.
A. how often B. what C. for what D. how much
10._______ the low rainfall this year, the crops did not produce a high yield.
A. Since B. Despite C. Due to D. Because
11. ______ anything suspicious arise, please let me know at once.
A. Should B. Would C. Can D. Did
12. She ______ on her computer for more than two hours when she decided to stop for a rest.
A. has worked B. has been working C. was working D. had been working
13. The new manager explained ______ new procedures to save time and money.
A. with the staff that he hoped to establish B. to the staff that he hopes to establish
C. to the staff that he hoped to establish D. with the staff that he hopes to establish
14. When reaching the top of the hill, ______.
A. we suddenly caught sight of the sea B. it was the sea that extended below us
C. we extended the sea below us D. the sea came into view
15. Yesterday my mother bought ______.
A. beautiful Italian some cotton hats B. Italian some beautiful cotton hats
C. some beautiful Italian cotton hats D. some hats beautiful Italian cotton
16. You ______ the washing-up. I could have done it for you.
A. needn’t have done B. hadn’t to do C. couldn’t have done D. mustn’t have done
17. + “Mary didn’t understand it.” + “______.”
A. So did I B. I did too C. I did either D. Me neither
18. Hurry up, or they ______ serving meals by the time we get to the restaurant.
A. stopped B. will have stopped C. are stopping D. would stop
19. + “Have you read his new book?”
+ “Yes, it’s ______ interesting than his first four books.”
A. the most B. very much C. a lot more D. the more
20. He prefers to read newspapers ______ talk to his wife.
A. to B. than C. rather than D. rather
21. Don't be late for the interview, ________people will think you are a disorganized person.
A. unless B. otherwise C. if not D. or
22. When the lights________, we couldn't see a thing.
A. went out B. switched off C. put out D. extinguished
23. It is essential that smoking in public________.
A. prohibited B. prohibit C. be prohibited D. is prohibited
24. I wish you________ stop interrupting me whenever I speak.
A. will B. would C. did D. might
25. He didn't know anyone at the wedding ________than the bride and the groom.
A. except B. other C. apart D. rather
26. I remember________ the letter a few days before going on holiday.
A. to receive B. receiving C. received D. to have received
27. ________are hot is a common misconception.
A. All deserts B. All deserts which C. Of all deserts D. That all deserts
28. – Are you free this weekend?
- Well..., no. I ________my father with the gardening.
A. will help B. am going to help C. am helping D. help
29. ________, we tried our best to complete it.
A. Difficult as the homework was B. Despite the homework was difficult
C. Thanks to the difficult homework D. As though the homework was difficult
30. What a________________!
A. new small nice car B. nice small new car C. new nice car, that is small D. car new nice and small
31. When the customer came into the shop this morning, she started __________ that her new watch stopped working after
only two days of normal wear.
A. complain B. complaining C. complaint D. complainer
32. He was unqualified and totally _______________.
A. inexperience B. experienced C. inexperienced D. experience
33.Thousands of steel _____ were used as the framework of the new office block.
A. girders B. stakes C. beams D. piles
34. Let me give you a little ___________ about the president of the company.
A. background B. concentration C. specialization D. degree
35. The figures she gave were strictly ______________ .
A. perfect B. miraculous C. important D. accurat
36. The morning'sworkwasconstantly_____________ byphonecalls.
A.interrupted B.made C.changed D.created
37. He got an excellent grade in his examination _____ the fact that he had not worked particularly hard .
A. on account of B. because C. in spite of D. although
38. I've got an _____________ watch.
A. electronic B. electrical C. electric D. electricity
39. When Tim was eating a cherry, he accidentally swallowed the _____.
A. seed B. core C. stone D. nut
40. All plants grow well because the soil was really ____________.
A. fertile B. kind C. comfortable D. wealthy
41. Stop play with a ball__________________ a window.
A. or you break B. or you will break C. and you will break D. and you are breaking
42. ___________ the storm warnings, we did not go out last night.
A. Because B. In spite of C. Because of D. Although
43. As always, I am ___________ with everything you say.
A. agree B. agreeing C. agreeable D. in agreement
44. I'd rather you _________ at my party last night.
A. are B. were C. be D. had been
45. "Are Alice and Tom still living in New York?" "No, they ……… Dallas,"
A. have just moved B. had already moved C. are moving D. will move
46. It turned out that we ______ rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours .
A. mustn't B. needn't have C. hadn't D. should have
47. "Book my seat in advance," Mary said to John.
A. Mary said to John to book her seat in advance. B. Mary told John to book her seat in advance.
C. Mary told John book her seat in advance. D. Mary told John that he booked her seat in advance.
48. More than a mile of road way has been blocked with trees, stones and other debris, ___ the explosion.
A. which caused by B. which caused C. caused by D. causing
49. Only after he had left the job as a computer programmer______________ how much he loved it.
A. he realized B. did he realize C. do he realize D. he has realized
50. Consumers should boycott all products _______________ has involved the use of child labour.
A. whose manufacture B. who manufacture C. whose manufacturersD. which manufacture
51. Jennifer ____________ the invitation to join us for dinner.
A. called on B. come out C. got out of D. passed on
52. I can't ____________ to Joan. I think there's a fault on the line.
A. get along B. get through C. get away D. get at
53. She earned a degree in Physics and ____________ to take another degree in Mathematics.
A. went down B. went on C. went in D. went up
54. A night campfire ________ a two-day trip will be a great event in our schooldays.
A. on B. in C. of D. for
55. After running up the stairs, I was ____________ breath.
A. without B. away from C. no D. out of
56.My brother worked _____________a foreign company in Da Nang two years ago.
A. to B. with C. for D. at
57. You should try to keep up ______________the other students in your class.
A. about B. for C. with D. to
58. It is typical ___________him to forget my birthday.
A. by B. at C. for D. of
59. She got ___________ as soon as the alarm clock went__________________.
A. up/out B. up/off C. over/out D. on/off
60. Mary _____________ her mother in being strong-willed.
A. takes after B. goes after C. looks after D. puts after
61. Not only _________in the project, but he also wanted to become a leader .
A. did Jack involve B. had Jack been involved C. was Jack involved D. was involved Jack
62. It turned out that we _________rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. hadn’t B. shouldn’t have C. mustn’t have D. needn’t have
63. By the end of last summer, the farmers _________all the crop.
A. harvested B. had harvested C. harvest D. are harvested
64. _________, he felt so unhappy and lonely.
A. In spite of his being wealth B. Rich as was he
C. Rich as he was D. Despite his wealthy
65. I was just kind to her _________she would decide to leave me.
A. in case B. so that C. for fear that D. lest
66. _________, I would give a party.
A. Were she to come next month B. She were to come next month
C. If she comes next month D. Should she come next month
67. Let’s leave early, so we’ll be ahead of the rush of commuters. We can’t risk _________in heavy traffic during rush hour.
A. holding up B. being held up C. to be held up D. to hold up
68. This car is much more economical, but it costs _________the other.
A. twice as much as B. so much as C. twice as many as D. twice more than
69. Despite their normal cylindrical form, some of the documents ______ on silk that were found at Mawangdui, an
archaeological site in southeastern China, were folded into rectangles.
A. wrote B. written C. were written D. be written
70. The chairman requested that ___
A. the members studied more carefully the problem.
B. the problem was more carefully studied.
C. with more carefulness the problem could be studied.
D. the members study the problem more carefully.
71: The success of the company in such a ______ market is remarkable.
A. compete B. competitively C. competitive D. competition
72: Only when_________ can we start the party.
A. Jane has arrived C. has Jane arrive c. Jane has arrive D. has Jane arrived
73: I met a ______ girl at my friend's birthday party last Sunday.
A. pretty tall American B. tall American pretty C. tall pretty American D. pretty American tall
74: By cutting down the trees, people destroy the ecosystem of the rain forest ________ .
A. on where they depend B. on which they dependC. whom they depend on D. whose they depend on
75: The bridge _____ by French architects is very nice.
A. was designed B. designing C. to design D. designed
76: _______, we tried our best to complete it.
A. Thanks to the difficult homework B. Despite the homework was difficult
C. Difficult as the homework was D. As though the homework was difficult
77: ______ ten minutes earlier, you would have got a better seat.
A. Had you arrived B. If you arrived C. Were you arrived D. If you hadn’t arrived
78: That question was _____ for a child to answer.
A. such difficult B. so difficult C. much difficult D. too difficult
79: My car is _______ yours.
A. more fast and economical than B. more fast and more economical than
C. faster and economical as D. faster and more economical than
80: Your car is too dirty! When did you have it___________?
A. to be washed B. wash C. washed D. to wash
81. We _________________last night, but we went to the concert instead.
A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study
82. Lindsay’s excuses for being late are beginning to ___ rather thin.
A. get B. turn C. wear D. Go
83. We ___ have been happier in those days.
A. can’t B. couldn’t C. might not D. must not
84. They seemed to be ____ to the criticism and just carried on as before.
A. disinterested B. sensitive C. uncaring D. indifferent
85. “Shall we go out tonight?” - “____”
A. Yes, I can B. Yes, we are C. Yes, we go D. Yes, let’s
86. The noise of the typewriter really ____ me off. I just couldn’t concentrate.
A. put B. pulled C. set D. Took
87. Now I know we were just too tired. Even with your help, we _______ it.
A. hadn’t finished B. wouldn’t finish C. won’t finish D. wouldn’t have finished
88. I could tell from the _______ look on her face that something terrible _______.
A. frightened / had happened B. frightened / would happen
C. frightening / had happened D. frightening / had been happening
89.____________ make a good impression on her.
A. Only by doing so can I B. Only by so doing I can
C. Only by doing so I can D. Only so doing can I
90. It looks _______ the game will be cancelled _______ the rain stops.
A. like / unless B. that / so long as C. as if / for fear that D. as though / unless
91: It is strongly recommended that the machines____________ every year.
A. will be checked B. to be checked C. are checked D. be checked
92: ____________ is that a chicken stands up to lay its eggs.
A. That many people don’t realize B. What many people don’t realize
C. It is that many people don’t realize D. Because many people don’t realize
93: We didn’t go out last night. We ____________ to the theatre, but we decided to stay at home.
A. could have gone B. could go C. must have gone D. should have gone
94: Having opened the bottle, ____________ for everyone.
A. Mike pouring the drink B. the drink was being poured
C. Mike poured the drink D. the drink was poured
95: Not until the end of the 19th century ____________ become a scientific discipline.
A. had plant breeding B. plant breeding has C. that plant breeding did D. did plant breeding
96: I’m __________ my brother is.
A. nowhere near as ambitious as B. nowhere like so ambitious
C. nothing near as ambitious as D. nothing as ambitious than
97: He was happy to find the kind of job __________.
A. which they had trained him for B. that he had training in
C. for which he had been trained D. that was for his training
98: It turned out that we __________ rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. mustn’t B. needn’t have C. should have D. hadn’t
99: I remember____________ for the job, but I forget the exact amount.
A. to be paid B. that I receive pay C. get paid D. being paid
100: __________, he couldn’t finish that test in 60 minutes.
A. As the boy was intelligent B. As intelligent the boy was
C. Intelligent as the boy was D. Intelligent as was the boy
101. Not until darkness fell ___________ that he hadn’t done half of his work .
A. that he realised B. that he didn’t realise C. did he realise D. didn’t he realise
102. The news of the unprecedented virus_______ Corona has been reiterated for over a month and seems to be relentless.
A. called B. calling C. which calls D. is called
103. I regret going to bed so late last night.
A. I wish I hadn’t gone to bed early last night. B. I wish I hadn’t gone to bed so late last night.
C. I wish I didn’t go to bed so late last night. D. I wish I went to bed early last night.
104. ___________ , the results couldn’t be better.
A. No matter what he tried hard B. No matter how hard he tried
C. Although very hard he tried D. Despite how hard he tried
105. Due to ever more spreading poaching, there_____________________a dramatic decline in the number of elephants over the
last decade.
A. was B. is C. has been D. had been
106. I’d rather you _____________________to the English-speaking club with me this Sunday.
A. will come B. came C. come D. to come
107. Had he come earlier, he __________her.
A. wouldn't have met B. will have met C. would have met D. would meet
108. Mrs. Kim is planning to attend the regional seminar, ________ it is not absolutely necessary that she be there.
A. because B. whether C. so that D. although
109. The boss says he wants to see your report________.
A. as soon as it has been finished B. after you finished it
C. when you will finish it D. until it has been finished
110. With the rapid development of artificial intelligent nowadays in the future, human beings can soon have all their
household chores.
A. done B. to be done C. did D. to do
111. He prefers to attend Economics University rather than…..
A. going to Polythetic B. to be accepted to Polythetic
C. studying Polythetic D. to attend Polythetic
112. It could have been a lot worse ….. there.
A. when he had not been B. had he not been
C. for he had not been D. whether or not have been
113. ….. cassfified as a carnivore, the North America Grizzly bears eat berries and even grass.
A. Just as B. Because of C. Although D. Either
114. They sat and talked …… into the night.
A. deeply B. in a deep way C. deepeningly D. deep
115. For the first few months, the babies looked so alike I couldn’t tell ……
A. who is whom B. which is which C. which is from D. whom with whom
116. As soon as John …..., we can leave.
A. has the car starting B. has got the car started
C. got started the car D. was got starting the car
117. It pays …… some professional advice before you make a decision.
A. get B. getting C. to getting D. to get
118. It turned out that we …… rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours
A. hadn’t B. should have C. mustn’t D. needn’t have
119. ……, dolphins have no sense of smell
A. As known far as B. As far as I know C. It is known as far D. Known as far as it is
120. …………………., go to the bank before five o’clock.
A. Should you need more money B. You should need more money
C. you need more money D. do you need more money.
121. Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line……. which brings them down to earth.
A. were it not for gravity B. without gravity C. but for gravity D. for no gravity
122. I got a letter from University College to say that owning to the financial situation they……………. the scholarships at
the end of the year instead of at the beginning.
A. can have paid B. would have paid C. must have paid D. were going to pay
123. When Susan was told the whole story, she …………………….in the film.
A. ceased interest B. ceased to interest C. ceased being interested D. ceased interested.
124. I’ve yet ………………………………….……a person as Theo.
A. to meet as infuriating B. to have met such infuriating
C. been meeting as infuriating D. been meeting such infuriating
125. Up……………………………, and the people cheered.
A. went the balloon B. did the balloon go C. had the balloon go D. has the balloon go
126. The leaves of the white mulberry provide food for silkworms,…………silk fabrics are woven.
A. whose cocoons B. whose cocoons are from
C. from cocoons D. from whose cocoons
127. ………. snow that covers ………. top of ……………. mountain is………beautiful sight.
A. The-the-the-the B. θ-the-a-a C. The-the-the-a D. θ- θ-a-the
128. ……………………………….as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend.
A. Ranking B. To be ranked C. Being ranked D. In order to be ranking.
129. I’m rather …………. for time now………………. we talk about it tomorrow?
A. pressing/ couldn’t B. pressing/ wouldn’t C. pressed/ couldn’t D. pressed/ wouldn’t
130.……………………global solidarity, the world would not be better prepared for the influenza H1N1 pandemic.
A. On account of B. Thanks to C. If not D. But for
131. I hope everything’s OK. They __________ several hours ago.
A. would have called B. must have called C. were to have called D. supposed to call
132. __________with her boyfriend yesterday, she doesn’t want to answer his phone call.
A. Having quarreled B. Because having quarreled
C. Because of she quarreled D. Having quarreled
133. Superconductivity will revolutionize the way that energy is used for the next millennium, and__________the first truly
superconductive substance will be remembered as a technological hero.
A. what the discovery of B. the discovery of C. whoever discovers D.whose discovery
134. The important of the hand, and more generally of the body, in children’s acquisition of arithmetic__________
A. can hardly be exaggerated . B. hardly exaggerated can be.
C. can be exaggerated hardly. D. exaggerated can be hardly.
135. Why didn’t you ask for help, __________to do it on your own?
A. in view of trying B. nowhere near trying C. rather than trying D. far from trying
136. __________, only people who agree with her are real jews.
A. We can infer how she is concerned B. Inferred from what she is concerned
C. We can infer what she is concerned D. We can infer that as far as she is concerned.
137. It is possible to stay overnight here although there is no guest house__________.
A. at that B. as such C. in itself D. for that
138. __________,I haven’t seen Catherine all day.
A. Coming to think of it B. Coming to think of it C. To come to think of it D. Come to think of it
139. It turned out that we __________rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. hadn’t B. should have C. musn’t D. needn’t have
140. When Nadine arrived, she soon__________at all her jokes .
A. had everyone laughed B. had laughing everyone C. had everyone laughing D. had laughed everyone
141. It was _________we could not go out .
A. so cold that B. such cold that C. very so cold D. too cold that
142. I really prefer just about anything ____watching TV.
A. from B. or C. Than D. to
143. We have a party tonight and Daisy is worried about ______
A. what to wear B. which wearing C. that she wears D. these wearing
144. As a rule, new comers ______ a party at the end of the first month of their stay.
A. was held B. Hold C. have held D. will hold
145. The most interesting films _____ for the festival will be shown next week.
A. are chosen B. having chosen C. chosen D. being chosen
146. However _____ about the results, the children still talk merrily.
A. disappointed are they B. disappointing they are C. disappointment D. disappointed they are
147. The number of cars on the roads ______ increasing, so we need to build more roads.
A. is B. Was C. Were D. are
148. My uncle drank a lot of beer, ________made him fat.
A. that B. which C. that’s why D. it
149. She has difficulty ________ and ________ English.
A. speak-writing B. to speak- to write C. speak-write D. speaking-writing
150. Peter told me that he was leaving for the capital_____
A. tomorrow B. tonight C. the following day D. next Sunday
151. ________, the diners settled the bill and left the restaurant.
A. Having hunger satisfied B. Their hunger satisfied C. Hunger been satisfied D. Satisfying their hunger
152. Her parents died when she was a baby, so I ________ family she ever had.
A. was all the B. was the whole C. was nothing but the D. was everything of the
153. There weren’t many vegetarian dishes ________, although there were several different kinds of cheese.
A. like that B. as such C. such that D. such like
154. It’s a horrible irony, but a bully has to know his victim well ________ effective; it’s almost impossible to bully strangers.
A. if being B. to be C. in order to D. if they are
155. You can no more swim than I can fly. The sentence means: ________.
A. Both of us can’t swim or fly B. You can never swim, which I am sure of.
C. Either you or I can fly D. You can swim as I can fly
156. It was such a loud noise _______ everyone in the house
A. as to wake B. that to wake C. so as to wake D. that waking
157. Little Deon: “This herb smells horrible!” Mommy: _______, it will do you a power of good.
A. Be that as it may B. Come what may C. How much horrible is it D. Whatever it smells
158. Stars differ fundamentally from planets ________ they are self-luminous whereas planets shine by reflected light.
A. from which B. when C. and D. in that
159. ________, the meeting stops here.
A. If no question being asked B. Without any question, however
C. No questions asked D. There being no question
160. ________ hundreds of people dead during the evacuation from the war-torn area in the Middle East.
A. It is estimated to be B. There is estimated to be
C. There are estimated to be D. It is estimated that
161. She doesn’t mind …………… me with my exercises.
A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps
162. By the end of last summer, the farmers ……………. all the crop.
A. harvested B. had harvested C. harvest D. are harvested
163. There is no reason ………………. they shouldn't be successful.
A. that B. what C. why D. when
164. He said that the plane had already left and that I …………..… arrived an hour earlier.
A. must have B. had to C. should have D. was supposed to
165. The front door is warped from the humidity. We have a difficult time ……….… it.
A. for opening B. opening C. having opened D. to open
166. Mrs. Lincon has …………… that she is unable to get a job.
A. such small education B. so little education C. such little education D. so small education
167. ……….., he felt so unhappy and lonely.
A. In spite of his being wealth B. Rich as was he
C. Rich as he was D. Despite his wealthy
168. If you hadn’t taken the money, you ……………. in prison now.
A. wouldn’t have been B. wouldn’t be C. hadn’t been D. haven’t been
169. Peter told me that he was leaving for the capital…………
A. tomorrow B. tonight C. the following day D. next Sunday
170. Plants play ………….important role in the natural circulation of water.
A. a B. an C. no article D. the
171. They were made___________ for a meeting after work.
A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. to staying
172. “You should stop working too hard you’ll get sick.”
A. or else B. if C. in case D. whereas
173. If only I had studied hard enough to pass the final exam.
A. I regret not studying hard enough to pass the final exam.
B. I had studied hard enough and I passed the final exam.
C. I studied too hard to pass the final exam.
D. I studied hard otherwise I would fail the final exam.
174. “Never say that again,. ?”
A. won’t you B. do you C. don’t you D. will you
175.The man ___________ we're going to see is a millionaire.
A. he/ whom/ Ø B. that / whose/ Ø C. which/ that / Ø D.that/whom/Ø
176. Your composition is much better ______________ his.
A. than B. as C. to D. like
177. John said he _____________ her since they _____________ school.
A. hasn’t met – left B. hadn’t met – had left C. hadn’t met – left D. didn’t meet – has left
178. My mother goes to ____________ church in __________ morning.
A. the/ Ø B. the/ the C. Ø/ the D. a/ a
179. A burglar ___________ into the house while we ___________ television.
A. broke-were watching B. broke-watched C. had broken-watched D. broke-had watched
180. They are having their house______ by a construction company
A. to paint B. painting C. being painted D. painted
181.________ at his lesson, still he couldn’t catch up with his classmates.
A. Hardly as he worked B. Hard as he worked C. Hard as he does D. Hard as he was
182.________ I studied when I was in Hanoi was a small school near her house.
A. Where B. It C. When D. There
183.-“How was your teaching job last winter?” -“I regret ________ harder to help my students.”
A. not tried B. not having tried C. not to try D. not have tried
184.You can use my bicycle ______ you bring it back tomorrow.
A. as long as B. although C. nevertheless D. in spite of
185.She came in quietly _________ the baby
A. in order to not wake B. so as not to wake C. to not wake D. to wake
186._____________, I would give a party.
A. Were she to come next month B. She were to come next month
C. If she comes next month D. Should she come next month
187.By the time you return here next year, the city _______ lots of changes.
A. will have B. has had C. will have had D. will be having
188._________ on barren slopes can help prevent erosion.
A. Trees to be planted B. Planting trees C. Trees being planted D. That trees are planted
189.We have never seen __________ before.
A. such good film B. such good a film C. so good a film D. so good film
190.Pioneers, _______ in isolated areas of the United States, were almost totally self-sufficient.
A. who living B. living C. lived D. that lived
191. It's time you ________ harder for the next exam.
A. work B. are working C. worked D. have worked
192. _______, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
A. However tired B. Tired as he might feel C. As he might feel tiredD. He felt very tired though
193. __________________, 70 percent alcohol is more effective than 100 percent alcohol.
A. How an antiseptic is used B. An antiseptic used
C. When used as an antiseptic D. An antiseptic when used
194. No sooner ______ the corner than the wheel came off.
A. the van turned B. did the van turned C. the van had turned D. had the van turned
195. The woman said she _______ in this village for over fifty years.
A. has been living B. was living C. had been living D. lives
196. These letters ______ at the moment. You can do the typing tomorrow.
A. needn’t have typed B. need to type C. needn’t be typed D. need typing
197. ______ been diverted, they would have arrived early.
A. Had the plane not B. Hadn't the plane C. The plane had not D. The plane not had
198. _______ thinks that Phil should be given the job.
A. A number of people B. Neither of us C. Most of us D. The majority of people
199. She joined the local tennis club, ________ were at least 60.
A. most of its members B. most whose members C. most of whose members D. most members
200. Seldom ______ such a beautiful sight.
A. have I seen B. I have ever seen C. I saw D. did I ever see
201. Surely it ________ Ann who told you.
A. couldn’t have been B. mustn’t have been C. shouldn’t have been D. mightn’t have been
202. An artist ________will do his best to express innocence and inexperience in the child’s face.
A. portraying a child B. which portrays a child C. he portrays a child D. portrayed a child
203. _______ and terrifying , coral snakes can grow to 4 feet in length.
A. They are extremely poinsonous B. The poison is extreme
C. Extremly poinsonous D. An extrem amount of poinson
204. _______ seasonal rainfall is winds that blow in an opposite direction in winter than in summer.
A. Causing B. That cause C. To cause D. What causes
205. It is imperative that this letter ________ immediately.
A. were sent B. sent C. be sent D. send
206. Don’t be late for the interview, _________ people will think you are a disorganized person.
A. unless B. otherwise C. if not D. or so
207. I'd rather you________ anyone what I said.
A. don't tell       B. won't tell                  C. didn't tell                 D. not to tell
208. He got an excellent grade in his examination________the fact that he had not worked particularly hard .
A. on account of B. because C. in spite of D. although
209. It was only ________ he told me his surname that I realised that we had been to the same school .
A. then B. until C. as soon as D. when
210. ________ be needed, the water basin would need to be dammed.
A. Hydroelectric power should B. When hydroelectric power C. Hydroelectric power D. Should hydroelectric power
211: Under no circumstances________ or exchanged.
A. goods will be returned B. goods should be returned
C. can goods be returned D. are good being returned
212. The salary of a computer programmer is ________ a teacher.
A. as twice much as B. as much as twice of
C. twice as higher as that D. twice as high as that of
213. ________ anything suspicious arise, please let me know at once.
A. Should B. Would C. If D. Can
214. At the moment we’re holding on to our shares but _________ in value, we would probably sell them.
A. if they were rise B. for them to rise C. if only they rose D. were they to rise
215. If it _______last night, it _______ so hot today.
A. rained / is not B. was raining / were not
C. had rained / would not have been D. had rained / would not be
216. There were very large rooms with________ in the house.
A. beautiful decorating walls B. beautiful walls decorating C. beautifully decorated walls D. beautifully decorating
217. I don’t know French, but I’ll ___________.
A. get Tom to translate it B. have it translate C. have Tom to translate it D. make it translated
218. ___________, he felt so unhappy and lonely.
A. In spite of his being wealth B. Rich as was he C. Rich as he was D. Despite his wealthy
219. We regret ________ you that we cannot approve your suggestion.
A. inform B. to inform C. informing D. informed
220. She joined the local tennis club, ________ were at least 60.
A. most of its members B. most whose members C. most of whose members D. most members
221. Berbatov painted his bedroom black. It looks dark and dreary. He _________ a different color.
A. might have chosen B. should have chosen
C. must have chosen D. mustn’t have been choosen
222. The _____________________ belongs to my grandfather.
A. beautiful big cubic old yellow Vietnamese wooden B. beautiful big old Vietnamese yellow wooden cubic
C. beautiful old big Vietnamese cubic wooden yellow D. beautiful Vietnamese big cubic old yellow wooden
223. Linda was the last student ___________ at the oral exam .
A. to be asked B. asking C. asks D. to ask
224. Body language varies greatly from one culture to ______ and is one area of frequent miscommunication.
A. the other B. the another C. another D. other
225. It is imperative that your facebook password ________ confidential.
A. need keeping B. needed keeping C. needs to be kept D. need to keep
226. The bank is reported in the local newspaper ________ in broad daylight yesterday.
A. to be robbed B. having been robbed C. to have been robbed D. robbed
227. To solve this problem, it is advisable ______________.
A. that a drastic measure be adopted B. a drastic measure to be adopted
C. that to adopt a drastic measure D. that a drastic measure is adopted
228. Everybody sat quietly, _________ for the repair or whatever was needed.
A. wait B. waiting C. waited D. to wait
229. Carbon dioxide may be absorbed by trees or water bodies, or it may stay in the atmosphere when __________________,
while it is only in the atmosphere that chloroflourocarbons find their home.
A. by releasing emissions from cars B. cars that release emissions
C. emissions are released by cars D. released from car emissions
230. Not until the office phoned me ____________________.
A. I found out about the meeting B. had I found out about the meeting
C. did I find out about the meeting D. that I found out about the meeting
231: The little girl asked what _______ to her friend.
A. has happened B. happened
C. had happened D. would have been happened
232:Miguel said if I_______by heart the English lesson the night before. I_______ a bad mark today.
A. had learned/wouldn’t be given B. learned /wouldn’t give
C.had learned/wouldn’t give D. learned /wouldn’t have been given
233: the price of pork this month is _______it last month
A. as twice much as B. twice as high as that of
C. twice as higher as that D. as much as twice of
234: Nam gave me a _______wallet.
A. brown small leather B. leather small brown C. small brown leather D. small leather brown
235: I ‘ve just bought a plot of land but_______in value I would probably sell it
A. unless it rose B. were it to rise C. if only it rise D. if it were risen
236: I practiced doing some of the memory exercises. As a result, I stopped_______ about what people think of me.
A. worry B. worrying worry D. worried
237:.This week we will be informed the exam result_______ we are very anxious.
A. about which B. to whom which D. in which
238. He advised me this job_______
A. should accept B. to accept C.should be accepted D. accepting
239: My flight to Japan was delayed_______my mother’s illness.
A. though B. thank to C. as if D. because of
240: Jane did very badly on the exam. She _______harder.
A.should have studied B. have studied C. could have studied D. must have studied
241. I think David and Julie rarely take Chinese classes,_______?
A. don’t I B. does he B. don’t they D. do they
242. He broke the computer ________.
A. which belonged to his father B. whose father belonged to
C. to which belonged his father D. to whom it belonged
243. My parents won’t let me go out with my friends_________.
A. before I did my homework B. after I had done my homework
C. until I have done my homework D. when I will do my homework
244. _____their efforts, they could score another goal.
A. Despite B. Because C. Although D. Thanks to
245. I won’t tell you about it ________you promise not to tell anyone.
A. if B. as C. unless D. provided that
246. Pluto is _______planet from the sun in our solar system.
A. the furthest B. further than C. as far as D. further and further
247. He asked that the message __________ to Mr. Lee as fast as possible.
A. take B. was taken C. be taken D. would take
248. In front of the park ______.
A. a statue stands B. does a statue stand C. stand a statue D. standing a statue
249. ___________my homework I went out for a walk.
A. After finished B. Having finished C. I had finished D. To finish
250. She looks upset. Something bad ________ to her.
A. should have happened B. may have happened C. could happen D. must happen
251: Theresa walked past me without saying a word. She ______________ me.
A. can't have seen B. can't see C. can't have been seen D. can be seen
252: We have ______________what action to take.
A. yet decided B. not yet decide C. not yet to decide D. yet to decide
253: My teacher is one of the people______________.
A. I look up to them B. to whom I look up C. whom I look up to D. to who I look up to
254: Without my parents' support, I ______________ my overseas study.
A. had not completed B. would not have completed
C. would not have been completed D. did not complete
255: Not until Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave had been completely explored in 1972 _____________.
A. the realization of its full extent B. that its full extent was realized
C. when was its full extent realized D. was its full extent realized
256: There are two small rooms in the beach house , ______________ served as a kitchen .
A. the smallest of which B. smallest of that C. the smaller of which D. the smaller of them
257: He got an excellent grade in his examination ______________the fact that he had not worked particularly hard.
A. in spite of B. because C. on account of D. although
258: “Did he make any comments?” “Yes, he said it was imperative that we ______________ on time tomorrow.”
A. had been B. be C. have been D. were
259: ___________ broken into while we were away on holiday.
A. We had our house B. Thieves had our house C. It was our house D. They have
260: They believe that the thieves got in through the kitchen window.
A. The thieves are believed to have got in through the kitchen window.
B. The thieves are believed to get in through the kitchen window.
C. They believe the thieves got in through the kitchen window.
D. They believe the thieves have got in through the kitchen window.
261. The most interesting films __________for the festival will be shown next week.
A. are chosen B. having chosen C. chosen D. being chosen
262. When he __________, everyone ____________.
A. arrived/ has left B. had arrived/ left C. arrived/ had left D. would arrive/ leave
263. If he ___________ late, he ____________sleepy now .
A. hadn’t stayed up/ wouldn’t have been B. didn’t stay up/ wouldn’t be
C. didn’t stay up/ wouldn’t have been D. hadn’t stayed up/ wouldn’t be
264. However__________about the results, the children still talk merrily.
A. disappointed are they B. disappointing they areC. disappointment D. disappointed they are
265. I wouldn’t waste time__________that book if I were you.
A. to reading B. reading C. read D. to be read
266. In most__________developed countries, up to 50% of__________population enters higher education at some time in
their lives.
A. Ø / Ø B. the / Ø C. Ø / the D. the / the
267. By the end of this year, she ___________ for this company for six years.
A. have been working B. will be working C. will have been working D. will work
268. I'm going to have my house ________this weekend.
A. redecorating B. redecorates C. redecorate D. redecorated
269. He finds it _________ to read detective books.
A. fascinates B. fascinate C. fascinating D. fascinated
270. The more you study, _________
A. the more knowledge do you gain B. you will gain more knowledge
C. the more knowledge you gain D. you are the more knowledgeable
271: I don’t remember ____of your decision to change our vocation plan. Nobody told me.
A. to be told B. being told C. telling D. to tell
272: These letters at the moment. You can do the typing tomorrow.
A. needn’t have typed B. need to type C. needn’t be typed D. need typing
273: Julie herself in the accident if she had not been wearing her seat belt.
A. mightn’t have hurt B. could have hurt C. must have hurt D. would hurt
274: After having used the new technique, the factory produced cars in 2014 as the year before.
A. as twice many B. as many twice C. twice many as D. twice as many
275: Hurry up, or they serving meals by the time we get to the restaurant.
A. would stop B. are stopping C. will have stopped D. Stopped
276: Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one the most.
A. that influences farmers C. farmers that is influences
B. why farmers influence it D. it influences farmers
277: She has just bought .
A. a French interesting old paint B. an old interesting painting French
C. an interesting old French painting D. a French old interesting painting
278: Tom and Mary never came to class late. __________________.
A. So did we B. Neither did we C. We did either D. Neither we did
279: If you ________ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess now.
A. listen B. will listen C. listened D. had listened
280: Helen asked me __________the film called “Star Wars”.
A. if I had seen B. have I seen C. have you seen D. if had I seen
281. Her excellent grades in college led _________ a high-paying job after graduation.
A. to get her B. in getting her C. to her getting D. her getting
282. - “Are you working late again tonight?”
- “Yes, I’ll be here _________ the report.”
A. until I finish B. since I’ve finished C. when I’ve finished D. by the time I’ve finished
283. If we have to pay a £1,000 fine, then ________. We’re not going to win a fight with the Tax Office.
A. so be it B. be it so C. thus be it D. be it thus
284. He came into the room and sat down without _________ a word to anyone.
A. as far as B. too much of C. very much of D. so much as
285. Should gravity, the pull of the Earth, be zero, everything ________.
A. will float B. floated C. would be floating D. would float
286. ____ I can't understand is _________he wants to change his mind.
A. That/that B. Which/what C. What/why D. What/that
287. All the boys are good at cooking, but ___ is as good as the girls.
A. none B. either C. neither D. every
288. ___________ exhausted, he won the marathon by nearly three minutes.
A. Although B. Despite C. In spite of the fact that D. As
289. She __________ regretted having been so unkind.
A. bitterly B. awfully C. fully D. severely
290. Having been served dinner, ____________.
A. the problem was discussed by the members of the committee
B. the committee members discussed the problem
C. it was discussed by the committee members the problem
D. a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee
291. The boat heaved up and down _____ widely most of the passengers felt ill.
A. so much B. such C. so D. very
292. It looks _____ the game will be cancelled _____ the rain stops.
A. like/ unless B. that/ so long as if/ for fear that D. as though/ unless
293. I heard he passed his exams, but _____ that I know little else.
A. other than B. more of C. instead of D. in addition
294. - “Last 1 heard, she was working in South Africa.” - “ ______?”
A. Why did she B. How come C. How did she D. Why come
295. I, for one, am not sorry. He should have _____ than to lend them money.
A. thought more B. known better C. been better D.known more
296. _______ black cats are bad luck is considered a superstition rather than a fact.
A. That B. The C. Although D. It is that
297. Gaining all this weight is probably because of _____ exercising recently.
A. stopping me B. having stopping C. me stopping D. have stopped
298. _______ built as a private home for Elvis Presley, Graceland is now open to the public.
A. Although B. It was C. Being D. When
299. - “I’ll never finish this by five.” - “If _____, you have to work overtime."
A. is needed B. need be C. need to be D. needing
300. Your story is interesting and lively but it contains several historical inaccuracies. For example, your hero _____ have
offered Miss Simpson shelter under his umbrella as they weren’t invented until a hundred years later.
A. wouldn't B. shouldn’t C. might not D. couldn't

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