Technical Writing 1 & 2 Bit Bank For I Mid Term

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Technical Writing Bit bank (I and II Units)

1) What is Technical Writing?

A) Technical Writing is a piece of writing focuses on factual and straight forward content.
2) What is the aim of General Writing?
A) Amusement
3) General Writing has no specific set of audience or readers.
4) Write some key characteristics of Technical Writing?
A) Clear, straight forward, precise, easily understood, denotative meanings, detailed, very structured,
skimmable, problem-solving, focus.
5) Write two differences between Technical Writing and General Writing?
A) Technical Writing has purely practical motives, aims to inform and educate. It involves intellect.
General Writing can have artistic, aesthetic and rhetorical, aims merely delight and entertainment and
can be an affair of the heart.
6) The distinguishing features of Written Technical Communication are Precision, brevity, directness
and plainness.
7) All writing that is done without reference to any specialized technique and terminology can be called
as General Writing
8) What is a memo or memorandum?
A) A memo is a short message or record used for internal communication within organization.
9) Technical Writing demands factual use of language.
10) A Scientist gets his special words from Latin language.
11) Trigonometry is a Greek word.
12) What is the meant of ‘bioscope’? Cinema
13) Electricity word is derived from Greek language.
14) Introductory letter serves the purpose of a preface.
15) Summary gives the substance of the report.
16) An abstract is 2-5 percent of the original report.
17) Technical Writing is same as General Writing.

a) True b) False √
18) Technical Writing demands factual use of language.
19) Personal feelings need to be avoided in Technical Writing.
20) Familiar words must be used in Technical Writing

a) True√ b) False
21) Intranet is a company’s internal web
a) True√ b) False
22) In Technical Writing Subjective evaluation must be avoided.
23) High-tech audience is the least information needed.
24) In a memo, reasoning on hirings , firings and purchasing etc. is known as ? recommendations
25) Memos are usually 1 page(s) long.
26) Sometimes Memo covers the subheadings to signal a shift in topics.

a) True√ b) False
27) A memorandum is almost like a sample letter.
28) What is telnet? Protocol
29) Junk mail is also known as Spam.
30) What is Agenda?
A) Agenda are used to organize meetings, keep track of old and new content, gives a time frame for
what items are to be discussed and provides a clear understanding of a common end goal for
31) Main differences between Memo and Letter are?
A) Memo is short, precise, exchanged within organization. It contains a header, date and subject.
Letter is long and informative, exchanged between the company and the client. Formal language is used.
32) What are minutes used for?
A) Minutes are used for documenting what happened during a meeting, as well as what was said during
the meeting.
33) Write some standard elements that are to be included in the “Minutes” documentation?
A) The names of participants, The Agenda of the meeting, Calender/due dates, Actions/Tasks, the main
points that had been discussed during the meeting, decisions made by participants, future decisions,
documents/images attached files.
34) MOM means Minutes of Meeting.
35) AOB means Any Other Business.

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