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The Battle of the Somme fact file:

1. Aims of the battle: (include a map)

For a simpler version: Look at the section Leading up the

battle section

The aim of the battle was to

2. Create a brief timeline of events of the battle. 2. The British fired 1.6million shells at the German trenches. Battle of the Somme begins. The
3. Who was in charge? Germans had survived the brutal bombardment of shells, and manned machine guns while the Allied force
advanced. This decimated the British soldiers. French troops advance, but British forces suffer almost 20,000
4. Where were the problems men dead in one day. Small amount of land gained. This relieved the burden on Verdun enough for the French
to stabilise themselves.
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3. The British were led by Commander-in-Chief Sir Douglas Haig. Other Allied leaders included French General Ferdinand Foch and British General Henry Rawlinson. The German commanders included
the-somme-such-a-disaster/zn3hwty General Rupprecht (the Crown Prince of Bavaria), General Max von Gallwitz, and General Fritz von
4. The problems were that while that British thought that they had absolutely demolished any Germans and Barbed wire. The did not account for the fact that maybe the Germans had gotten intel
the-somme of their plans and had made dug outs. Also, there was no way to account for that fact that many of the shells would not explode. Therefore, when that British charged over the trenches they were not
expecting Germans manning machine guns.
(there is a fantastic map here)
What weapons / technology was used? Flamethrower, Hand grenade, Mark I 98 Tank, Gew 98 Mauser rifle, 1886 Lebel, 1907 Berthier,MG 08 and MG
08/15, Lewis gun and Chauchat LMG.
Quotes and stories from the Tommy (British soldiers) “When the war ended, I don't know if I was more relieved that we'd won or that I didn't have to go back.
Look up Harry Patch – The Last Tommy. Passchendaele was a disastrous battle—thousands and thousands of young lives were lost. It makes me
angry. Earlier this year, I went back to Ypres to shake the hand of Charles Kuentz, Germany's only surviving
veteran from the war. It was emotional. He is 107. We've had 87 years to think what war is. To me, it's a
licence to go out and murder. Why should the British government call me up and take me out to a battlefield
to shoot a man I never knew, whose language I couldn't speak? All those lives lost for a war finished over a
table. Now what is the sense in that?”
“I had about five seconds to make the decision. I brought him down, but I didn't kill him… Any one of them
could have been me. Millions of men came to fight in this war and I find it incredible that I am the only one
"if any man tells you he went over the top and he wasn't scared, he's a damn liar"
“Too many died. War isn't worth one life”

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