Crop and Irrigation Management Strategies For Saline-Sodic Soils and Waters Aimed at Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture

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Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19

Crop and irrigation management strategies for saline-sodic soils
and waters aimed at environmentally sustainable agriculture
M. Qadira,*, J.D. Osterb
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA

Received 28 March 2003; accepted 3 October 2003


Irrigation has long played a key role in feeding the expanding world population and is expected to play a still
greater role in the future. As supplies of good-quality irrigation water are expected to decrease in several regions due
to increased municipal–industrial–agricultural competition, available freshwater supplies need to be used more
efficiently. In addition, reliance on the use and reuse of saline andyor sodic drainage waters, generated by irrigated
agriculture, seems inevitable for irrigation. The same applies to salt-affected soils, which occupy more than 20% of
the irrigated lands, and warrant attention for efficient, inexpensive and environmentally acceptable management.
Technologically and from a management perspective, a couple of strategies have shown the potential to improve crop
production under irrigated agriculture while minimizing the adverse environmental impacts. The first strategy,
vegetative bioremediation—a plant-assisted reclamation approach—relies on growing appropriate plant species that
can tolerate ambient soil salinity and sodicity levels during reclamation of salt-affected soils. A variety of plant
species of agricultural significance have been found to be effective in sustainable reclamation of calcareous and
moderately sodic and saline-sodic soils. The second strategy fosters dedicating soils to crop production systems where
saline andyor sodic waters predominate and their disposal options are limited. Production systems based on salt-
tolerant plant species using drainage waters may be sustainable with the potential of transforming such waters from
an environmental burden into an economic asset. Such a strategy would encourage the disposal of drainage waters
within the irrigated regions where they are generated rather than exporting these waters to other regions via discharge
into main irrigation canals, local streams, or rivers. Being economically and environmentally sustainable, these
strategies could be the key to future agricultural and economic growth and social wealth in regions where salt-
affected soils exist andyor where saline-sodic drainage waters are generated.
䊚 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Salt-tolerant plants; Phytomelioration; Marginal-quality waters; Drainage water reuse; Crop production systems

*Corresponding author. Tel.: q963-21-2213433; fax: q963-21-2213490.

E-mail address: (M. Qadir).

0048-9697/04/$ - see front matter 䊚 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19

1. Introduction If mismanaged, the use of such poorer quality

waters and soils can increase salinity and sodicity
problems, which already plague many irrigation
Irrigation has ever been an important factor in projects reducing crop yields.
agricultural development. The area of land under A major problem with irrigated agriculture is its
irrigation in the world has expanded substantially, negative environmental impacts. Irrigated agricul-
particularly in the second half of the last century. ture, over the long-term, cannot avoid causing
Between the mid-1960s and the mid-1980s, expan- adverse off-site effects due to the drainage water
sion of irrigation has accounted for more than 50% it generates (Van Schilfgaarde, 1994). The gener-
increase in global food production (El-Ashry and ation of drainage water by irrigation is a necessity
Duda, 1999). Although only approximately 17% to maintain soil salinity, through leaching, at
of the world’s cropland is irrigated, it produces acceptable levels for crop growth. However, it is
more than a third of the food and fiber harvested no longer sufficient to set leaching requirement
throughout the world (Hillel, 2000). The expan- objectives based solely on irrigation water salinity
sion in irrigated agriculture needs to continue as and crop salt tolerance. Nor is it sufficient to limit
the world population increases, but annual renew- the objectives of soil reclamation, or rehabilitation,
able freshwater resources for the foreseeable future to reducing soil salinity and sodicity to levels that
are now largely allocated. There may be some permit high levels of crop productivity. The envi-
areas where freshwater resources increase or ronmental impacts of the drainage waters generated
decrease according to rainfall changes due to by reclamation, rehabilitation and irrigation in
climate change, however, these are likely to occur general must also be considered. What is the
at the level that is small compared to the increased disposal site for the drainage water, or more to the
future demands for freshwater (Wallace, 2000). point, the salt it contains? What will be the impact
Competition for freshwater already exists among on the chemical composition of the receiving
the municipal, industrial and agricultural sectors waters or soil strata? The key issues are: (1) What
in several regions due to an increase in population. can be done to minimize the volume of drainage
The consequence has been a decreased allocation water? (2) Should the disposal of unusable drain-
of freshwater to agriculture (Tilman et al., 2002). age water be localized to the sub-regions where
This phenomenon is expected to continue and to these waters are generated. One strategy to deal
intensify in less developed, arid region countries with such issues is to improve irrigation manage-
that already have high population growth rates and ment (Wichelns, 2002) so that excess water is not
suffer from serious environmental problems. applied over that needed for evapotranspiration
As supplies of good-quality irrigation water are and leaching. Another is to reuse drainage waters
expected to decrease, available water supplies need for irrigation of appropriate salt-tolerant crops
to be used more efficiently (Oweis et al., 1999; (Rhoades, 1999).
Hatfield et al., 2001; Wichelns, 2002), where one In the future, sustainable irrigation systems
of the techniques can be the reuse of saline andy using saline-sodic soils and waters have the poten-
or sodic drainage waters generated by irrigated tial to improve crop production with minimized
agriculture (Shalhevet, 1994; Rhoades, 1999; adverse environmental effects. This will require a
Oster, 2000), or of marginal-quality waters gener- comprehensive approach to soil, water and crop
ated by municipalities (Bond, 1998; Bouwer, management. The foci will need to be on recla-
2002). The same applies to salt-affected soils, mation of new lands, rehabilitation of saline and
which occupy more than 20% of the irrigated sodic lands generated by past irrigation practices,
lands (Ghassemi et al., 1995), and warrant atten- improved productivity per unit of water, and envi-
tion for efficient, inexpensive and environmentally ronmental protection. Crop and water management
acceptable reclamation and management to will play key roles in such a comprehensive
improve crop production (Qadir and Oster, 2002). approach, and are the foci of this review.
M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19 3

2. Vegetative bioremediation of sodic and saline- amendments. Some amendments supply Ca2q
sodic soils directly to the soil which then replaces excess
exchangeable Naq while others help increase dis-
Accumulation of salts and sodium (Naq) in solution rate of calcite in calcareous sodic soils.
salt-affected soils originates either through the However, chemical amelioration has become costly
weathering of parent minerals (causing fossil or for subsistence farmers in several developing coun-
primary salinityysodicity) or from anthropogenic tries (Kumar and Abrol, 1984; Ahmad et al.,
activities involving the inappropriate management 1990). Amendment costs have increased because
of land and water resources (contributing to man- of increased usage by industry and reductions in
made or secondary salinityysodicity). Excess salin- government subsidy to farmers for their purchase
ity levels do not have adverse impacts on soil during the last two decades. In addition, low
structure and its physical and hydraulic properties. quality of amendments such as mined gypsum and
Rather, saline conditions may have favorable difficulties in its timely availability in some areas
effects on soil structure stability (Quirk, 2001). have discouraged soil reclamation through chemi-
The adverse effects of salinity on crop growth cal means. In the meantime, scientific research and
stem from two aspects: (1) increasing the osmotic farmers’ feedback have revealed that saline-sodic
pressure and thereby making the water in the soil and sodic soils can be reclaimed through vegetative
less available for the plants and (2) specific effects bioremediation, which relies on enhanced dissolu-
of some elements present in excess concentrations. tion of native calcite within the root zone to
Since sodicity is mainly a soil problem, sodic soils provide adequate levels of Ca2q for an effective
exhibit structural problems created by certain phys- Naq –Ca2q exchange at the cation exchange sites
ical processes (slaking, swelling and dispersion of (Robbins, 1986a; Ilyas et al., 1997; Batra et al.,
clay) and specific conditions (surface crusting and 1997; Qadir et al., 2001).
hardsetting) (Shainberg and Letey, 1984; Sumner,
1993; Quirk, 2001). Such problems may affect 2.1. Process of vegetative bioremediation
water and air movement, plant-available water
holding capacity, root penetration, seedling emer- Vegetative bioremediation (VBio) of calcareous
gence, runoff, erosion and tillage and sowing sodic and saline-sodic soils is considered as a
operations. In addition, imbalances in plant-avail- function of the following factors.
able nutrients in salt-affected soils may affect plant
growth (Qadir and Schubert, 2002). VBios8RPCO qRHqqRPhyqSNaq
Reclamation of sodic and saline-sodic soils is
driven by providing a source of calcium (Ca2q) where RPCO refers to partial pressure of CO2 within
to replace excess Naq from the cation exchange the root zone, RHq is proton (Hq) release in the
sites. The replaced Naq is leached from the root root zone in case of certain bioremediation crops
zone through excess irrigation, a process that such as N2-fixing legumes, RPhy deals with physi-
requires adequate flow of water through the soil. cal effects of roots in improving soil aggregation
Many sodic and saline-sodic soils, however, con- and hydraulic properties of the root zone, and
tain a source of Ca2q, i.e. calcite (CaCO3) at SNaq consists of Naq content of shoot that is
varying depths. Calcite is not sufficiently soluble removed through harvesting of aerial plant portion.
to affect soil reclamation at a partial pressures of The collective effects of these factors ultimately
carbon dioxide (PCO2) present in the atmosphere lead to soil reclamation, provided drainage is
(0.0365 kPa). The more soluble CaCO3 minerals adequate and leaching occurs.
such as vaterite, aragonaite, or CaCO3 hydrates The enhanced level of PCO2 in the root zone
are not commonly found in soils or observed to during cropping is considered as a major vegetative
form pedogenically (Suarez and Rhoades, 1982). bioremediation mechanism for calcareous sodic
Therefore, sodic soils have been generally and saline-sodic soils. In soils, PCO2 may be
reclaimed through the application of chemical approximately 1 kPa, and much higher under
4 M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19

anaerobic (Ponnamperuma, 1972) and cropped treatments produced statistically similar root and
conditions (Robbins, 1986b). The PCO2 effect in shoot biomass, there was approximately 8% greater
calcareous sodic soils under cropping may be removal of Naq in leachates collected from the
expressed through a series of processes, which lysimeters grown with N2-fixing alfalfa.
involve: (1) increase in soil atmosphere CO2 Crop roots can stimulate changes in physical
concentration, (2) dissolution of CO2 in water to properties of the root zone in several different
form carbonic acid (H2CO3), (3) dissociation of ways such as removal of entrapped air from larger
H2CO3 resulting in proton (Hq) and bicarbonate conducting pores, generation of alternate wetting
(HCOy 3 ), (4) reaction of H
with soil CaCO3 to and drying cycles, and creation of macropores.
produce Ca , (5) Na –Ca2q exchange at the
2q q
Aggregate stability is enhanced because of in situ
soil’s cation exchange sites as a consequence of production of polysaccharides and fungal hyphae
increased Ca2q concentration in soil solution, (6) in conjunction with differential dewatering at the
leaching of the exchanged Naq in percolating root–soil interface (Tisdall, 1991). This is consis-
water and (7) subsequent reduction in soil sodicity. tent with the observations that deep-rooted peren-
Root respiration is not the only mechanism nial grasses and legumes can improve structure of
influencing PCO2. It is also impacted by the follow- the plow layer of hard soils as a result of biological
ing mechanisms that can act individually or col- drilling (Cresswell and Kirkegaard, 1995). Such
lectively: (1) Production of CO2 from oxidation drilling has two stages: (1) Subsoil macropore
of plant root exudates. Soil organisms that oxidize creation by roots of the drilling plant species.
polysaccharides, proteins and peptides produce When roots that penetrate the compacted soil layer
CO2. (2) Soil organisms produce organic acids, decay, they leave macropores that improve water
which help dissolve CaCO3. Regardless of the movement and gaseous diffusion. (2) Benefits to
source of CO2 production in soils, whether it be subsequent crops following improvements in sub-
from respiring roots, decomposing organic matter soil macroporosity. Roots of some crops such as
and root exudates, or organic acid dissolution of Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) ¨ and tall
CaCO3, the end result is the same: Ca2q becomes fescue wFestuca arundinacea (L.) Schreb.x can
available to replace exchangeable Naq at a much grow through compacted soil layers, and improve
higher rate than can be achieved by dissolution of the soil below the plow pan. Field experimentation
CaCO3 at the level of PCO2 in the atmosphere. with tall fescue showed an advantage for large
In addition to aqueous CO2 that ultimately diameter roots of the species in penetrating low-
results in the formation of Hq and HCOy 3 in the permeability soils (Elkins et al., 1977). Actively
root zone, another source of Hq may occur in growing roots of several crops have been tested as
soils if cropped with N2-fixing plant species. It a biological drilling tool on different soil types
has been largely accepted that legumes relying on (Cresswell and Kirkegaard, 1995).
N2-fixation release Hq in the rhizosphere (Hinsin- Harvest of aerial plant portion, if not added
ger, 1998). The release of Hq from plant roots back to the same soil as a green manure, contrib-
contributes to a decrease in pH of non-calcareous utes to the removal of Naq from sodic and saline-
soils. However, pH of calcareous sodic and saline- sodic soils. However, in comparison with the
sodic soils does not decrease to a greater extent amount of salt and Naq removed from these soils
rather Hq are neutralized by the dissolution of via leaching, such removal through harvest of
calcite to provide Ca2q. Qadir et al. (2003) found shoot portion is insignificant (Barrett-Lennard,
that Hq release by the N2-fixing crops could 2002). This even applies to salt-tolerant crops
increase the rate of Naq removal from calcareous grown under irrigated agriculture. For example, a
sodic soils. In a lysimeter experiment, they evalu- salt-tolerant perennial forage, Kallar grass wLepto-
ated N2-fixing alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) against chloa fusca (L.) Kunthx, is grown on calcareous
NH4NO3-fed alfalfa for the reclamation of a cal- sodic and saline-sodic soils as a potential biore-
careous sodic soil (pHs 7.4, ECes3.1 dS my1, mediation crop in many parts of the world. Qadir
ESPs27.6). Despite the fact that both the cropped et al. (2000) have quantified salt removal through
M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19 5

aerial parts of the grass by using: (1) irrigation bioremediation crop andyor (4) irrigation was not
waters of different salinities (ECiws0.5, 1.0 and applied in excess of crop water requirement, which
2.0 dS my1), (2) forage yield values of 20, 25 restricted the downward movement of Naq from
and 30 Mg hay1, (3) salt concentration in forage the root zone. In general, bioremediation worked
ranging from 40 to 80 g kgy1 and (4) volume of well on coarse- to medium-textured, moderately
irrigation water used during its growth period as sodic and saline-sodic soils, provided: (1) irriga-
0.8 ha m (8=106 l). With the highest forage yield tion was done in excess of crop water requirement
of 30 Mg hay1 and salt content of 80 g kgy1, the to provide adequate leaching and (2) the excess
maximum annual rate of salt removal by the grass irrigation was applied when the crop growth and
is 2.4 Mg hay1. The resulting fraction of salt added hence PCO2 were at their peak. On such soils,
through irrigation that is removed by the crop performance of bioremediation was comparable
ranges from 92% for the 0.5 dS my1 water to 23% with soil application of gypsum. On highly sodic
for the 2.0 dS my1 water. In case of crops less soils, chemical treatment superceded the cropped
tolerant than Kallar grass, salt removal through treatment(s).
aerial plant parts could be even smaller than these The depth of soil amelioration is an important
estimates. The same applies to a decrease in soil parameter to judge the efficiency of different
sodicity. The amount of Naq removed through reclamation approaches. In most comparative stud-
forage harvest is small when compared with the ies, reclamation in gypsum treatments occurred
amount of Naq removed through leaching. primarily in the zone where the amendment was
incorporated. Gypsum in these experiments was
2.2. Efficiency of vegetative bioremediation mixed into the soil surface, and in most cases, it
was agricultural grade and applied according to
The efficiency of different plant species for gypsum requirement of upper 0.15 m of the soil.
sodic soil reclamation has been found to be highly Only as reclamation approached completion in the
variable. In general, the species with greater pro- region where gypsum was present, reclamation in
duction of biomass together with the ability to the deeper depths began. This was a direct conse-
withstand ambient soil salinity and sodicity, and quence of the exchange selectivity of the exchange
periodic inundation have been found efficient in sites for Ca2q than for Naq (Suarez, 2001). In the
soil reclamation (Ghaly, 2002; Qadir et al., 2002; bioremediation treatments, amelioration occurred
Kaur et al., 2002). Several lysimeter and field throughout the root zone. This observation was
studies have been conducted to compare chemical common in sodic soils grown with a range of
and bioremediation treatments for their effects on crops. However, different crops caused a variable
decrease in soil sodicity. In a summary of 14 degree and depth of soil amelioration, which was
experiments, a comparable effect of both the influenced by the morphology and volume of root
approaches was observed in most cases (Fig. 1). and the depth of root penetration (Batra et al.,
The chemical treatment (application of gypsum in 1997; Ilyas et al., 1997).
all experiments) caused 62% decrease in original Nutrient availability status of postreclamation
sodicity levels (ESP or SAR) whereas 52% soil is crucial for the subsequent crops. Qadir et
decrease was calculated for the bioremediation al. (1997) determined availability status of some
treatment. However, in some experiments biore- macro- and micro-nutrients during reclamation of
mediation was either unsuccessful or much less a calcareous saline-sodic soil (pHs 8.2–8.6, ECes
efficient than the chemical treatment for the rea- 7.4–9.0 dS my1, SARs55.6–73.0). Bioremedia-
sons: (1) a crop tolerant to ambient soil salinity tion treatments included cropping of sesbania wSes-
and sodicity levels was not the first in the crop bania bispinosa (Jacq.) W. Wightx, sordan
rotation, (2) bioremediation crop was grown dur- wSorghum=drummondii (Steud.) Millsp. &
ing the time which was not its most suitable Chasex, or Kallar grass for 15 months. There was
growing season, (3) duration of time was not an increase in phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn) and
sufficient to exploit the potential impact of the copper (Cu) availability in the bioremediated plots
6 M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19

owing to a decrease in soil pH, production of root hydraulic properties, (4) better plant nutrient avail-
exudates, and likely dissolution of some nutrient- ability in soil during and after bioremediation, (5)
coated calcite. Conversely, the uncropped gypsum more uniform and greater zone of reclamation in
treatment caused a decrease in the nutrient availa- terms of soil depth and (6) sequestration of organic
bility. Besides leaching losses, adsorption of some C in soil. Vegetative bioremediation may face
nutrients on newly formed CaCO3, a secondary certain limitations under conditions of very high
consequence of gypsum dissolution, contributed to levels of salinity andyor sodicity where crop
this decrease. Soil N content was decreased in all growth is likely to be variable and patchy. Under
the treatments except for the N2-fixing sesbania these conditions, the use of chemical amendments
treatment where N content was increased by seems inevitable.
approximately 8% (Table 1). There was no treat-
ment effect on soil potassium (K) availability since 3. Reusing drainage waters for irrigation
illite, a K bearing mineral, was dominant in the
clay fraction. Drainage from irrigated lands is a necessity for
Enhancing carbon (C) sequestration in soils is irrigation to be sustainable. Drainage waters carry
considered as a significant mean to reduce net a salt load that is always higher, sometimes sub-
emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2)—one of the stantially higher, than that of the irrigation water.
important greenhouse gases—to the atmosphere. In many instances, drainage water does not flow
There has been a great potential of soil C seques- directly back to the rivers from which the irrigation
tration through the restoration of degraded envi- water was obtained. Saline geologic deposits and
ronments such as salt-affected soils. These soils saline groundwaters often exist along the flow
have lost a large fraction of their original C pool path. As drainage water flows through these depos-
(Lal, 2001). In addition to the amelioration effect, its, or displaces the saline groundwater, the salt
cultivation of appropriate crops, shrubs and trees loads in the resulting drainage water can consid-
on sodic and saline-sodic soils has the potential to erably exceed those projected to occur from irri-
mitigate the accelerated greenhouse effect by gation alone (Van Schilfgaarde, 1994). In some
increasing soil organic C through above- and geological settings, drainage waters may dissolve
below-ground biomass production (Batra et al., and displace some minor elements that are poten-
1997; Garg, 1998; Kaur et al., 2002). Estimates tially toxic (Skaggs and van Schilfgaarde, 1999).
from field studies show that different land-use Such waters also are an economic burden to those
systems consisting of a number of grasses and who have to use waters into which such waters
trees can sequester organic C in such soils in the have been disposed, or to those who have to
range of 0.17–0.77 Mg C hay1 yry1 (Table 2). dispose them in evaporation ponds.
Considering vegetative bioremediation of just one- Before the 1970s, the concern was limited to
tenth (0.1=109 ha) of the existing salt-affected salinity effects on crop productivity, its control
soils of the world, the potential of organic C within the root zone by leaching, and drainage
sequestration through this amelioration strategy water disposal. During the last two decades, con-
could be in the range of 17–77 Tg C hay1 yry1 cerns have arisen regarding off-site impacts of
(1 Tgsteragrams1012 gs1 million metric irrigation and drainage (Van Schilfgaarde, 1994).
tonnes). On a long-term basis, the generation of drainage
Vegetative bioremediation of calcareous and water by irrigation can cause adverse effects on
moderately sodic and saline-sodic soils has shown groundwater quality. Thus, it is axiomatic that
to be advantageous in several economic, environ- irrigated agriculture cannot be maintained unless
ment and agronomic aspects: (1) no financial there is adequate drainage coupled with appropriate
outlay to purchase chemical amendments, (2) treatment, disposal, or utilization of the drainage
financial or other benefits from crops grown during effluent in environmentally and economically
reclamation, (3) promotion of soil aggregate sta- acceptable ways. The treatment processes of poor-
bility and creation of macropores that improve soil quality waters for agricultural use are energy inten-
M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19 7

Table 1 these waters, would be to dispose drainage waters

Availability status of some macro- and micro-nutrients as into permanent evaporation ponds within the
affected by vegetative bioremediation and chemical treatments
on a calcareous saline-sodic soil (pHs 8.2–8.6, ECes7.4–9.0 region where they are collected. However, solar
dS my1, SARs55.6–73.0) evaporation from ponds can concentrate toxic ele-
ments and compounds in the water, if present, to
Nutrient Gypsuma Sesbaniab the levels that can become lethal to native birds
Initial Final Initial Final and animals (Skorupa, 1998). In this event, con-
Nitrogen (g kg )
0.52 0.40 0.49 0.53
structed wetlands can be used to mitigate the
Phosphorusd (mg kgy1) 12.80 11.40 13.10 16.10 effects of evaporation ponds on wildlife. The
Coppere (mg kgy1) 0.92 0.76 0.93 1.04 constructed ponds occupy approximately 12% of
Zince (mg kgy1) 0.53 0.42 0.51 0.72 the total area on a permanent basis (Tanji et al.,
Modified from Qadir et al. (1997). 2002). Additional land may need to be dedicated
Gypsum application at 13 Mg hay1 (100% gypsum to constructed wetlands should toxic effects on
requirement of the 0.15 m soil depth). wildlife require mitigation. Finally, there are con-
Sesbania was grown for 15 months without the application
of a chemical amendment.
struction and operational costs of the ponds, and
Kjeldahl nitrogen. of the pipelines and canals to collect and convey
NaHCO3 extractable phosphorus. the drainage water to the ponds.
DTPA extractable copper and zinc. Studies conducted on the reuse of saline drain-
age waters for irrigation have shown promise for
sive and usually economically impractical crop production systems and soil management
(Pimentel et al., 1999). An alternative to disposal (Grattan and Rhoades, 1990; Oster, 1994; Sharma
of drainage waters into rivers or groundwaters, and Rao, 1998; Moreno et al., 2001). The key to
with the consequent degradation of the quality of this approach includes: (1) availability of drainage

Fig. 1. Summary of 14 experiments where chemical and vegetative bioremediation treatments have been compared for their effects
on a decrease in soil sodicity wsodium adsorption ratio (SAR) or exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP)x. The bars for respective
treatments indicate percent decrease over the respective levels of original soil SAR or ESP values. References to the experiment
numbers are: 1 (Robbins, 1986a), 2 and 3 (Kausar and Muhammed, 1972), 4 (Qadir et al., 1996, 5 (Singh and Singh, 1989), 6
(Ahmad et al., 1990), 7 (Ilyas et al., 1997), 8 (Kelley and Brown, 1934), 9 (Batra et al., 1997), 10 and 11 (Muhammed et al.,
1990), 12 (Qadir et al., 2002), 13 (Ghaly, 2002), 14 (Helalia et al., 1992), and 15 (mean values of the 14 experiments). Studies
1–4 were conducted in lysimeters, others under field conditions.
8 M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19

Table 2
Potential of two land-use systems (grass only and tree–grass) for carbon (C) sequestration in a calcareous sodic soil (pH 10.0–
10.2; ECs2.0–6.4 dS my1)

Treatmenta Organic C in soil (g kgy1) at different depthsb C sequestration

(Mg ha#1 yr#1)c
0–0.075 m 0.075–0.15 m Mean
Desmostachya 2.9 1.6 2.3 0.33
Sporobolus 2.4 1.3 1.8 0.17
AcaciaqDesmostachya 3.6 1.8 2.7 0.47
DalbergiaqDesmostachya 4.6 2.4 3.5 0.73
ProsopisqDesmostachya 4.7 2.5 3.6 0.77
AcaciaqDesmostachya 2.6 1.4 2.0 0.23
DalbergiaqDesmostachya 3.2 1.7 2.5 0.40
ProsopisqDesmostachya 3.6 1.9 2.8 0.50
Original C content in the soil for various treatments varied from 1.0 to 1.6 g kgy1. Recalculated from Kaur et al. (2002).
Complete nomenclature for different plant species: Desmostachya wDesmostachya bipinnata (L.) Stapfx, Sporobolus (Sporobolus
marginatus Hochst. ex A. Rich), Acacia wAcacia nilotica (L.) Delilex, Dalbergia (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. ex DC), Prosopis wProsopis
juliflora (Sw.) DCx.
After 6 years of plantation.
Assuming C content in the soil as 1.3 g kgy1 (average of the C content, which ranged from 1.0 to 1.6 g kgy1) and mass of
0.15 m depth of 1 ha as 2=106 kg, the rate of organic C sequestration in the soil under each treatment was calculated as: organic
C sequestration (Mg hay1 yry1)sw(mean C contentyoriginal C content in soil)2xy6.

water when crops need it, which may require percolation. Such pricing would motivate farmers
storage facilities, either in the soil though con- to choose irrigation methods that will reduce
trolled drainage techniques, or in surface reser- regional salt loads. For instance, Wichelns et al.
voirs, (2) cultivation of appropriately salt, B and (1996) reported reductions in water applications
Naq tolerant crops and (3) adequate leaching ranging from 9% on tomato (Lycopersicon escu-
while avoiding deterioration of soil physical con- lentum Mill.) fields to 25% on cotton fields as a
ditions. Leaching, the application of excess water result of implementing block-rate prices of water
over that needed for evapotranspiration, prevents and other economic incentives.
excess accumulation of salts in the root zone. This There are three major approaches that involve
extra quantity of water, referred to as leaching the use of saline andyor sodic drainage waters for
requirement, must be able to pass through the root crop production. These include cyclic, blending
zone. Consequently adequate soil permeability and and sequential use and reuse of such waters
drainage are a necessity, either as a consequence through surface irrigation. A number of studies
of natural or artificial drainage. Where artificial have been carried out during the last two decades
drainage is installed, controlled discharge practices that evaluated these approaches on a field scale.
may be used to maximize crop water use from the These approaches allow a good degree of flexibil-
shallow (1–1.3 m) groundwater (Ayars, 2003). ity to fit different situations.
Besides agronomic and environment aspects,
economic incentives also promote the reuse of 3.1. Cyclic reuse
drainage waters for crop production systems. Such
incentives can be designed to motivate near-term The cyclic strategy involves the use of saline-
reductions in effluent and long-term investments sodic drainage water and nonsaline irrigation water
that will reduce the volume of effluent generated in crop rotations that include both moderately salt-
per unit of agricultural production (Knapp, 1999). sensitive and salt-tolerant crops. Typically, the
Increasing block-rate prices and salt-load surcharg- nonsaline water is also used before planting and
es can motivate farmers to improve water manage- during initial growth stages of the salt-tolerant
ment practices and reduce unnecessary deep crop while saline water is usually used after
M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19 9

seedling establishment. Following the use of In India, Sharma and Rao (1998) provided
saline-sodic drainage water, gypsum may need to evidence that saline drainage waters (ECs6, 9,
be applied to the soil surface before irrigation with 12 and 18.8 dS my1) could be used successfully
nonsaline water, or before a rainy season, to for 7 years to irrigate different crops without any
prevent problems with slow water infiltration, soil serious degradation of a coarse-textured soil. The
crusting, poor tilth and inadequate aeration. The crop rotations were: wheat-fallow for 3 years, and
cyclic strategy requires a crop rotation plan that wheat-pearl millet wPennisetum glaucum (L.) R.
can make best use of the available good- and poor- Br.x or sorghum for 4 years. The mean yield
quality waters, and takes into account the different reduction was approximately 4% when a water of
salt sensitivities among the crops grown in the EC 6 dS my1 was used for irrigation. The crop
region, including the changes in salt sensitivities yield declined approximately 22% where the EC
of crops at different stages of growth. 18.8 dS my1 and SAR 15 water was used for
The advantages of cyclic strategy include: (1) irrigation. The soil salinity levels developed by the
steady-state salinity conditions in the soil profile saline-sodic irrigation water were managed satis-
are never reached because the quality of irrigation factorily by monsoon rains. At times a pre-sowing
water changes over time, (2) soil salinity is kept irrigation of 70 mm with a low-salinity canal water
lower over time, especially in the topsoil during was applied to decrease soil salinity to levels
seedling establishment, (3) a broad range of crops, suitable for the subsequent crop. The average
including those with high economic-value and annual rainfall and pan-evaporation for the area
moderate salt sensitivity, can be grown in rotation over a 16-year period were 650 and 2500 mm,
with salt-tolerant crops and (4) conventional irri- respectively. The extent of salt leaching was heav-
gation systems can be used. A major disadvantage ily dependent on the total amount of monsoon
is that drainage water must be collected and kept rainfall and subsurface drainage.
separate from the primary water supply, i.e. it In Israel, some areas of the Negev region are
requires storage when it cannot be used for underlain with aquifers that contain saline-sodic
irrigation. water. In this Mediterranean climate (winter rain-
The cyclic strategy was first demonstrated to be fall 250–400 mm), the soils with silt loam texture
sustainable in the Westside San Joaquin Valley of are grown with cotton. In a 16-year study (Keren
California by Rhoades (1987). A good-quality et al., 1990), a poor-quality water (ECs4.6
water (ECs0.5 dS my1) was used to irrigate dS my1, SARs26) was used for irrigation during
cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) during germina- summer (450 mm), which resulted in ESP values
tion and seedling establishment, and a saline-sodic ranging from 20 to 26 in the upper 0.6 m of the
water (ECs7.9 dS my1, SARs11) was used soil. There was no deterioration in soil hydraulic
thereafter. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was sub- properties during the summer because salinity of
sequently irrigated with the good-quality water, the irrigation water was sufficient to counteract
followed by 2 years of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris the deleterious effects of exchangeable Naq. How-
L.) irrigated with the saline-sodic water. Other ever, deterioration did occur during the rainy sea-
studies conducted in California involving the son because of the negligible salinity of rain water.
cyclic use of drainage waters (Rhoades, 1989; An annual application of phosphogypsum at 5
Oster, 1994; Shennan et al., 1995) have revealed Mg hay1 to the soil surface, following tillage in
that this strategy is sustainable for cotton, wheat, the fall, prevented the formation of surface seals
safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.), sugar beet, and crusts and maintained adequate infiltration
tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), canta- rate. In turn, this assured sufficient infiltration of
loupe (Cucumis melo L.) and pistachio (Pistacia rainfall to leach salts from the root zone. Average
vera L.), provided the problems of crusting, poor cotton yields from the area were 5 Mg hay1, which
aeration and tilth are dealt with optimum manage- were similar to those obtained by irrigation with
ment. the good-quality irrigation water.
10 M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19

In southwest Spain, the soils are characterized an additional ability of N2-fixation in soils (Qadir
by a high clay content (;700 g kgy1) dominated et al., 1997) for the subsequent crop(s).
by illite, and an extremely saline water (EC)80
dS my1) below a shallow (1 m) water table. An 3.2. Reuse after blending
artificial drainage system has been provided, which
consists of cylindrical ceramic sections (0.3 m Blending consists of mixing good- and poor-
long) forming pipes 250 m long, buried at a depth quality water supplies before or during irrigation.
of 1 m and spaced at intervals of 10 m. The drains Drainage water from a drainage sump can be
discharge into a collecting channel perpendicular pumped directly into the nearest irrigation canal,
to the drains. This drainage system controls the or drainage water from a sump on a regional
water table level, which remains at a depth of collector, which serves several drainage systems,
approximately 0.9 m and avoids encroachment of can be conveyed to a single location and then
the saline water into the root zone. In the presence pumped into a main irrigation canal. In both cases,
of a low and variable rainfall, good-quality water the amount of drainage water pumped into the
falls short of crop water requirement. Moreno et canal can be regulated so that target salinities in
al. (2001) evaluated an irrigation combination the blended water can be achieved. Different water
comprising of one irrigation with highly saline- qualities are altered, according to the availability
sodic water (ECs22.7 dS my1, SARs38.1) of different irrigation water qualities and quanti-
applied between two consecutive irrigations with ties, between or within an irrigation event. Blend-
fresh water (ECs0.9 dS my1) to cotton during ing saline drainage waters with good-quality
irrigation waters has been a common practice in
first year, and two irrigations with moderately
several regions such as India, Pakistan and USA
saline-sodic water (ECs5.9–7.0 dS my1, SARs
(Ghafoor et al., 1991; Minhas, 1996; Oster et al.,
6.3–12.3) to sugar beet during the second year.
The cotton yields were 4.2 Mg hay1 from the
Letey et al. (1985) developed a model describ-
control (irrigation with fresh water only) and 4.3 ing plant response to irrigation amount when the
Mg hay1 for the cyclic irrigation with non-signif- root zone salinity was in steady state. Dinar et al.
icant treatment differences. In case of sugar beet, (1986) used this model to estimate the percentage
sugar content and beet yield (90.6 Mg hay1) from of saline water that can be blended with nonsaline
the cyclic irrigation were significantly higher than water to achieve different yield potentials. Assum-
the plots where freshwater was applied throughout ing a leaching fraction of 25%, the percentage of
the growing season (75.8 Mg hay1). saline water depends on crop salt tolerance, salinity
In Pakistan, more than 2=106 ha of the Indus of the drainage water, and desired yield potential
plains are cropped with rice (Oryza sativa L.)– (Table 3). For a moderately sensitive crop, lettuce
wheat rotation, which has approximately 2–3 (Lactuca sativa L.), drainage waters with salinities
months of fallow period after the wheat harvest. in the range of 4–6 dS my1 have little usefulness
This period is usually hot, dry and windy with unless a potential yield of 80% is acceptable. Even
scarce supplies of good-quality irrigation water to then, the percentage of saline water ranges from
grow a high-value cash crop. Consequently, the 23 to 37%. For a salt-tolerant crop such as cotton,
salts tend to move upward through capillary rise 35% of the water applied can have a salinity of
during this period (Qadir et al., 2001). Saline- 10 dS my1 at a 100% yield potential; at a yield
sodic drainage waters from tile drains are available potential of 80%, all the applied water can have a
in several parts and are posing disposal problems. salinity of 10 dS my1, except for the seedling
In experiments on farmers’ fields, such waters establishment that requires soil salinities less than
have been used to irrigate sesbania to fill the gap 2 dS my1 in the seed zone.
in the rice–wheat rotation (Abdul Ghafoor, per- Blending is often proposed as a way to extend
sonal communication, 2002). As a short duration the water supplies. However, blending good-qual-
crop, sesbania provides good-quality forage with ity irrigation water with water that is too saline
M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19 11

Table 3
The maximum percentage of saline water (ECs4–10 dS my1) that can be mixed with non-saline irrigation water (ECs0.8
dS my1) to achieve a yield potential of 100 and 80% of selected crops that vary in salt tolerance

Crop Salt tolerance EC of saline water (dS my1)

4 6 8 10
100% yield
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) MSa (1.3, 13)b 2 2 1 1
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) MS (2.0, 7.3) 14 9 6 5
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) MS (2.5, 9.9) 25 15 11 9
Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) MT (4.7, 9.4) 62 38 28 22
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) T (7.7, 5.2) 100 62 44 35
80% yield
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) MS (1.3, 13) 37 23 17 13
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) MS (2.0, 7.3) 80 52 39 31
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) MS (2.5, 9.9) 78 48 35 27
Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) MT (4.7, 9.4) 100 84 68 58
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) T (7.7, 5.2) 100 100 100 100
Estimates assume a leaching fraction of 25%. Adapted from Oster and Grattan (2002).
Salt tolerance ratings abbreviated as moderately sensitive (MS), moderately tolerant (MT) and tolerant (T).
The first number in parentheses is the average root zone threshold salinity in dS my1 , and the second is the percent yield decline
per unit increase in average root zone salinity (Maas and Grattan, 1999).

can negate the effects of such expansion as exem- ing may be more practical for situations where the
plified by the use of 4–6 dS my1 water for lettuce drainage water or shallow ground water is not too
(Table 3). From the point of view of irrigated saline for the crops and insufficient quantities of
agriculture, the principal objective has always been fresh water are available to meet crop water
to increase the amount of water available to sup- requirements.
port transpiration because plant growth is directly
proportional to water consumption through tran-
spiration. The greater the salinityysodicity of irri- 3.3. Sequential reuse
gation water, the less will be evapotranspired
before the concentration will become limiting for This option involves applying the relatively
plant growth. Therefore, plants must have an
better quality water to the crop with the lowest
access to water of a quality that is suitable for
salt tolerance, then using the drainage water from
their consumption. A plant cannot grow properly
that field—obtained from subsurface drainage sys-
if salt concentration in the soil water exceeds the
specific limit for growth under given conditions of tem—to irrigate crops with greater salt tolerance.
climate and management. For highly saline water, The simplest management method is to use drain-
blending it with low salinity water can result in age water on fields located down-slope from those
the loss of consumable water. Blending results in where the drainage water is collected. There is no
greater salinity in the soil surface over time, which fixed number of times the cycle can be repeated.
can reduce seedling establishment and crop yield, It depends on salinity, sodicity, and concentrations
and decreases the opportunity to grow high eco- of toxic minor elements in drainage water, volume
nomic-value salt-sensitive crops. Under such con- of water available, and the economic value and
ditions, more crop production can usually be acceptable yield of the crop to be grown.
achieved from the total water supply by keeping The sequential strategy provides the means of
the water components separate than using them in minimizing the volume of drainage water produced
a blended form (Rhoades, 1999). However, blend- by irrigated agriculture. The long-term feasibility
12 M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19

of drainage water reuse would likely be increased when irrigated with saline-sodic waters (ECs8–
if implemented on a regional scale rather than on 10 dS my1, SARs25–30) resulting in average
a farm scale. Grattan and Rhoades (1990) provided root zone salinities (ECe) of 20–22 dS my1. Else-
a schematic presentation of regional drainage water where in the world, two species of Eucalyptus
reuse strategy. Regional management of drainage (Eucalyptus occidentalis Endl. and Eucalyptus sar-
water permits its reuse in dedicated areas so as to gentii Maiden) were reported to be tolerant to both
localize the impacts of its use while other areas, waterlogging and salinity (Marcar et al., 1995).
such as up-slope areas, can be irrigated solely with Qureshi and Barrett-Lennard (1998) reported
better quality water. The second-generation drain- Tamarix aphylla (L.) H. Karst. as capable of doing
age water from the primary reuse area may be well under a variety of stress conditions such as
discharged to other dedicated reuse areas where drought, waterlogging and salinity. Van der Moezel
even more salt-tolerant crops could be grown et al. (1989) found two species of Casuarina
successfully. Ideally, regional coordination and cost (Casuarina obesa Miq. and Casuarina glauca
sharing among growers should be undertaken in Sieber ex Spreng.) to be useful trees for saline
such a reuse system. and waterlogged areas.
In California, the sequential reuse experiments Owing to partly unsuccessful attempts to devel-
have involved the use of trees, shrubs and grasses op agroforestry systems based on sequential reuse
(Tanji and Karajeh, 1993; Cervinka, 1994; Oster of saline-sodic drainage water in the San Joaquin
et al., 1999). Tanji and Karajeh (1993) used a Valley of California (Tanji and Karajeh, 1993;
tree–shrub combination by growing Eucalyptus Cervinka, 1994), the recent focus is on forage
camaldulensis Dehnh. with subsurface drain water cropping systems. Production systems based on
collected from nearby croplands (ECs10 salt-tolerant forage crops and grasses using saline
dS my1, SARs11) while effluents from Eucalyp-
irrigation waters may be sustainable. The objective
tus and the perimeter interceptor drain (ECs32
of the forage production systems would be to
dS my1, SARs69) were used to irrigate Atriplex
provide a year round supply of high-quality feeds
species. The tree plantation was successful in
suitable for grazing and economic weight gains in
lowering the water table from 0.6 m to 2.3 m
cattle or sheep, or alternatively for sale to dairy
while consumptively using the saline-sodic water.
But after 5 years of drain water reuse, a substantial farms as ensilage or hay. If a livestock production
buildup of salinity, sodicity, and B occurred system is based on the reuse of drainage waters, it
throughout the soil profile to the extent that the can transform such waters from a necessary evil
trees were unable to fully extract the available soil into a practice yielding significant economic
water. Cervinka (1994) used Eucalyptus as the returns. These production systems can reduce the
first plant species followed by Salicornia as the amount of water that must be disposed to ground
second and final species. Although Salicornia or surface waters, and provide the incentive to
efficiently used the saline irrigation water, the install needed artificial drainage systems to sustain
yield of its oil bearing seeds was low. The Euca- and improve soil quality. It has been demonstrated
lyptus trees did not prove to be effective for through preliminary experiments that Bermuda
drainage water use in the western San Joaquin grass wCynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.x can be grown
Valley. The major deterrents were found to be: (1) with saline-sodic waters having EC approximately
lower salt tolerance than originally anticipated, (2) 17 dS my1 and SAR exceeding 25 (Oster et al.,
susceptibility to frost damage and (3) susceptibility 1999). Oster and Birkle (2001) have provided
to low oxygen status associated with excessively information regarding growth habit, salt tolerance
wet soil conditions resulting from over watering characteristics, average root zone salinity at 70%
to maintain appropriate levels of salinity in the yield, and leaching requirement of several forages
root zone (Letey et al., 2001). In a 4-year field and Eucalyptus camaldulensis (clone 4544) when
study, Oster et al. (1999) found significant reduc- irrigated with a water having salinity of 10
tions in growth rate and water use of Eucalyptus dS my1 and SAR of 15 (Table 4).
Table 4
Growth habit, salt tolerance characteristics, average root zone salinity at 70% yield, and leaching requirement for forages and Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Clone 4544) when irrigated with
a water having a salinity of 10 dS my1 and sodium adsorption ratio of 15

Forage cropa Growth season Salt tolerance Salt tolerance ECe (70)c LRd
habit ratingb coefficients (dS m#1) (%)

Common name Botanical name Threshold Slope

European alkali grass Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl. T 32e -10

M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19
Salt grass Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene Summer, perennial T )15f -10
Silt grass Paspalum vaginatum Sw. Summer, perennial T 10–22g, 23f -10
Asparagus Asparagus officinalis L. Perennial T 4.1 2.0 19 15
Wheat, cv. Probred Triticum aestivum L. Winter, annual MT 4.5 2.6 16 15
Wheat, durum Triticum turgidum L. Winter, annual MT 2.1 2.5 14 20
Tall wheatgrass Agropyron elongatum P. Beauv. Winter, perennial T 7.5 4.2 15 20
Sugar beet Beta vulgaris L. Annual T 7.0 5.9 12 20
Triticale cv. Cananeab =Triticosecale sp. Annual T 8.1 8.8 12h 20
Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Summer T 6.9 6.4 12 25
Kallar or Karnal grass Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth Perennial T 3.0 3.4 12 25
Safflower Carthamus tinctorius L. MT 11i 25
Crested wheatgrass Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. Winter T 7.5 6.9 12 25
(cv. Fairway)
Siberian wheatgrass Agropyron sibiricum (Willd.) Winter MT 3.5 4.0 11 25
(cv. Standard)
Barley Hordeum vulgare L. Winter MT 6.0 7.1 10 30
Sudan grass Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf Summer MT 2.8 4.3 10 30
Tall fescue Festuca arundinacea Schreb. Winter MT 3.9 5.3 10 30
Russian-thistle Salsola tragus L. Annual MT
Cordgrass Spartina sp. Perennial Tj
Rhodes grass Chloris gayana Kunth Perennial MT
Murray red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. Summer, perennial MT 3.5 5.6 9k 40
(Clone 4544)
Unless noted, the salt tolerance data were obtained from Maas and Grattan (1999). Adapted from Oster and Birkle (2001).
Crops with a salt tolerance ranking of tolerant for which there are no Maas–Hoffman coefficients (Maas and Hoffman, 1997) for forage yields, include the following: rye, Nuttall alkali
grass, alkali sacaton, Altai wild rye and Russian wild rye. Similarly, moderately tolerant crops include: kenaf, oats, mountain brome, reed canary grass, Huban clover, sweet clover, meadow
fescue, blue panic grass, rape, rescue grass, Rhodes grass, Italian ryegrass, bird’s foot broadleaf trefoil, intermediate wheatgrass, slender wheatgrass and western wheatgrass.
Salt tolerance ratings abbreviated as T (tolerant) and MT (moderately tolerant).
ECe (70) represents 70% yield at a given root zone salinity in dS my1.
Leaching requirements were calculated using the production function model of Letey et al. (1985). The calculated leaching requirements were corrected for the effects of gypsum and
calcite precipitation, and finally rounded to the nearest 5%.
Lund et al. (1961).
Shannon and Oster, preliminary estimates.
Peacock and Ducek (1985).
Francois et al. (1988).
Francois and Bernstein (1964).
National Research Council (1990).
Shannon et al. (1997).

14 M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19

4. Crops for vegetative bioremediation and conjunction with oxygen deficiency affect active
drainage water reuse strategies transport and exclusion processes in root cell
membranes compared with saline non-waterlogged
An appropriate selection of plant species capable conditions (Drew, 1983). The genotypes showing
of producing adequate biomass is vital during greater tolerances against the combined effects of
vegetative bioremediation and different drainage salinity, sodicity and hypoxia would be of better
water reuse strategies. Such selection is generally choice for the bioremediation and drainage water
based on the ability of a crop to withstand elevated reuse approaches.
levels of soil salinity and sodicity while also Several crops, shrubs and grasses have been
providing a saleable product or one that can be used as a bioremediation tool to ameliorate a
used on-farm. Salinity may reduce crop yields by variety of sodic and saline-sodic soils. Some work-
disturbing the water and nutritional balance of ers have favored the inclusion of Kallar grass
plants (Maas and Grattan, 1999). Sodicity affects (Kumar and Abrol, 1984; Malik et al., 1986),
plant growth by deteriorating the soil physical sesbania (Ahmad et al., 1990; Qadir et al., 2002),
conditions. The salt tolerance of a crop is not an alfalfa (Ilyas et al., 1993), Bermuda grass (Kelley,
exact value being dependant on several soil and 1937; Oster et al., 1999), or sordan (Robbins,
crop factors as well as climate. It reflects the 1986a) as the first crop to accelerate soil amelio-
capacity of a crop to endure the effects of excess ration. Several other plant species have produced
root zone salinity. Although the capacity of a crop adequate biomass on salt-affected soils andyor
to endure salinity cannot be stated in absolute through irrigation with saline-sodic waters. These
terms, the relative crop responses to known salin- include shrub species from the genera Atriplex and
ities under certain conditions can be predicted. Maireana (Malcolm, 1993; Barrett-Lennard,
Considerable variation exists among crops to 2002), Kochia scoparia L. (Garduno, 1993), Sal-
tolerate saline-sodic conditions. Such inter- and icornia bigelovii Torr. (Glenn et al., 1999), Echin-
intra-crop diversity suggests that field trials be ochloa crusgalli (L.) P. Beauv. (Aslam et al.,
conducted to identify local crops that are adaptable 1987) and Portulaca oleracea L. (Grieve and
to saline-sodic soil conditions (Shannon, 1997). Suarez, 1997), among others. However, it is imper-
The farmers, consultants and scientists familiar ative to compare them with other species already
with local conditions, including crop response to tested for sodic soil reclamation or drainage water
adverse soil conditions and cropping strategies that reuse. In addition, efforts are needed to search
fit into the local economic conditions, provide a other crops that could have the potential for sus-
valuable resource base for making recommenda- tainable and economical use of saline andyor sodic
tions. In addition, application of plant biotechnol- irrigation waters and soils.
ogy approaches is also needed to develop crops A number of tree plantations have been used to
that can show enhanced salt tolerance and perform- reclaim sodic soils or to reuse drainage waters as
ance under field conditions (Pitman and Lauchli,
¨ an irrigation source. These include: Terminalia
2002). arjuna (Roxb. ex DC.) Wight & Arn. (Jain and
Crops used as a reclamation tool for saline- Singh, 1998), Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. (Bho-
sodic soils or irrigated with drainage waters may jvaid et al., 1996), Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. ex DC.,
experience oxygen deficiency. This can be expect- Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Delile (Kaur et al.,
ed for three reasons: (1) the need to overirrigate 2002), Parkinsonia aculeata L. and Prosopis cin-
for providing the needed leaching to control salin- eraria (L.) Druce (Qureshi and Barrett-Lennard,
ity levels in the soil, (2) the likelihood that 1998), Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. and Tamarix
problem soils—excessively saline and sodic with dioica Roxb. ex Roth (Singh, 1989), and Leucaena
low infiltration rates and hydraulic conductivi- leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit (Qureshi et al., 1993),
ties—will be selected in the first place and (3) among others. In Australia, Farrington and Salama
inundation (surface ponding) due to a prolonged (1996) have recommended revegetation by trees
rainy season. Root zone salinity and sodicity in to be the best long-term option for controlling
M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19 15

Table 5
Economic evaluation in terms of cost:benefit ratio of some studies dealing with vegetative bioremediation of calcareous saline-sodic
and sodic soils

Crops used Cost:benefit Market demandylocal utilization Reference

Kallar grass 1.00:1.66 Yes Chaudhry and Abaidullah (1988)
Rice–Wheat 1.00:1.47 Yes Chaudhry and Abaidullah (1988)
Sesbania–Barley 1.00:1.08 Yes Chaudhry and Abaidullah (1988)
Karnal grass 1.00:0.75 No Singh and Singh (1989)
Kallar grass 1.00:1.42 Yes Sandhu and Qureshi (1986)
Agroforestry Profitablea Yes Qureshi et al. (1993)
Agroforestry of saline-sodic soils with tree species in the order of profitability: Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.)Acacia
nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Delile)Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.)Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit.

dryland salinity. In India, Garg (1998) observed plant species capable of producing 13 products (or
significant improvement in a sodic soil through services) of value to agriculture (Barrett-Lennard,
planting salt-tolerant trees over a period of 8 years. 2002). From an economic perspective much
Qureshi and Barrett-Lennard (1998) have provided depends on local needs. In an immediate sense,
useful information regarding sources of seeds, bioremediation and drainage water reuse strategies
nursery raising techniques, and land preparation can only be economically beneficial if the selected
and planting procedures for 18 different tree and crops, grasses, or trees have a market demand or
shrub species having potential for growth on salt- local utilization at the farm level. In the long run,
affected soils. one must also consider the value of the improved
Any change in a cropping pattern or farm soils, or the reduced economic impacts that can
operation is driven by the cost of inputs involved result from the uncontrolled discharge of drainage
and the subsequent economic benefits. Several waters into local canals, rivers and groundwater.
studies have compared economics of sodic soil
amelioration and drainage water reuse options 5. Future perspective
(Table 5). Singh and Singh (1989) found a net
loss (cost:benefit 1.00:0.75) during bioremediation Despite limitations with the freshwater supplies,
although the growth of Karnal grass was adequate, particularly in water-starved countries, there will
which helped reduce soil sodicity. They attributed be an increasing need for more water to meet the
this economic loss to the small market demand of needs of municipal, industrial and agricultural
the grass in the presence of other good-quality sectors. With increasing population, less and less
forages in that locality. On the other hand, the freshwater will be available for agricultural use.
bioremediation strategy has been found economi- Consequently, the use and reuse of saline andyor
cally beneficial when there was a market demand sodic irrigation waters is expected to increase in
or local utilization of the bioremediation crops at the future. This scenario generates a need to
the farm level (Sandhu and Qureshi, 1986; Chau- modify existing soil and crop management practic-
dhry and Abaidullah, 1988). Qureshi et al. (1993) es in order to cope with the inevitable increases in
found agroforestry systems comprising several tree soil salinity and sodicity that will occur. We
species to be economically viable because of a propose two strategies to foster the sustainable use
need for firewood in local markets and effective- of saline andyor sodic irrigation waters and soils
ness in reclaiming calcareous saline-sodic soils of through: (1) developing cropping options compat-
the Indus Plains of Pakistan. On the other hand, ible with the constraints imposed by the expected
the market for firewood is not sufficient to make local levels of salinity, sodicity and waterlogging,
agroforestry economically viable in California and (2) encouraging the use of economic incen-
(Oster et al., 1999). Preliminary assessments in tives to foster the long-term dedication of lands
Australia suggest that there are 26 salt-tolerant irrigated with saline andyor sodic waters to crop
16 M. Qadir, J.D. Oster / Science of the Total Environment 323 (2004) 1–19

production systems that are most likely to be in terms of input-use efficiency and resource pro-
sustainable. tection is becoming an increasingly knowledge-
As the use of saline andyor sodic irrigation intensive task. Thus, there would be a need to
waters will increase, the assessment of the future strengthen linkages among researchers, farm advi-
sustainability of their use, in regard to maintain sors, and farmers for quick adoption of useful
soil permeability, will become a more serious issue. research information by the farmers, and transfer
Although currently available research information of research needs of farmers to researchers for
and computer models provide insights into what their attention. These linkages will continue to be
may happen in the future, they are based on needed and fostered as the use of saline-sodic
laboratory methods that do not reflect field con- waters and soils becomes more common. The
ditions. Therefore, these options have limited abil- development of successful saline agriculture will
ity to predict the impacts of soil sodicity and need a greater understanding of the potentials of
salinity on the permeability of soil to air and water. plants, soil and water, and the uses and markets
The hydrosalinity models need field-scale testing for the agricultural produce. We believe that the
on a range of soil types, and irrigation and crop- time has come for the tactical management of
ping practices. Although models are unlikely to saline andyor sodic soils and drainage waters for
totally replace the need for continued research on sustainable crop production systems in environ-
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