PH - Attendance Policy - Final 5.12.22

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Philippines Attendance Policy

Transparent BPO 2022

Last Revision 11 MAY, 2022

The material contained in this document includes Proprietary and Confidential Information of Transparent BPO, LLC
1 Policy
Attendance as a Function of Good Performance
• Attendance may be measured as a separate standalone metric or as an element of
overall job performance.
• Transparent BPO reserves the right to assess the totality of employee job performance,
including attendance results, when measuring overall employee performance.
• Timely and regular attendance is an essential function and a performance expectation
for all positions with Transparent BPO.
• Employees whose attendance is below required standards may be subject to disciplinary
action, up to and including termination of employment.
Attendance Points and Disciplinary Action
• Each employee will maintain an attendance point “balance” that will be determined
using the following point system for all UNSCHEDULED occurrences:

Attendance Violation Point Value

Late start (Tardy) of any amount of time 1 point per occurrence

Missing a cumulative total of twenty (20)

minutes to two (2) hours of a single 2 points per occurrence
scheduled shift*

Missing a cumulative total of more than two

(2) hours up to half of a single scheduled 3 points per occurrence

Missing a cumulative total of more than half

4 points per occurrence
of a single scheduled shift*
* The calculation of cumulative time missed includes the amount of time missed due to a late start or tardy, if such an
occurrence happens during the shift in question

• The year measurement will begin when the first point, or fraction of a point, is given for
a policy violation.
• Points will drop from an employee’s attendance balance one (1) year from the date it is
originally given.
• Points may be removed early from an employee’s attendance balance as the result of
incentive programs, employee rewards, or at the sole discretion of Transparent BPO for
any valid reason provided that it is approved by a Director-level employee and by
Human Resources both.
• Transparent BPO will provide disciplinary warnings to employees who accrue excessive
attendance points, according to the following system:

The material contained in this document includes Proprietary and Confidential Information of Transparent BPO, LLC
Point Balance Discipline

20 Points Verbal Warning

24 Points Written Warning

28 Points Final Warning

32 Points Dismissal/Termination of Employment

• Repeated disciplinary warnings, for attendance and other reasons, will be treated as a
performance issue. Employees who are provided repeated disciplinary warnings,
regardless of reasons, may be subject to termination of employment.

No Call No Show (NCNS)/ Absence Without Leave (AWOL)

• A No Call No Show (NCNS) is when an employee is absent for a scheduled shift and fails
to notify their supervisor of the absence as required (see following section of the policy).
• Employees may receive a Written Warning for the first occurrence of a NCNS.
• A second occurrence of a NCNS within one (1) year of the first NCNS may result in a Final
Warning being issued to the employee.
• The third occurrence of a NCNS withn one (1) year of the first NCNS will result in the
employee being sent to Human Resources for deliberation.
o The employee’s Supervisor/Manager will be required to submit an Incident
Report to Human Resources regarding their knowledge of the employee’s NCNS
o Human Resources will issue a Notice to Explain (NTE) to the employee and will
schedule an administrative hearing where a final decision on continued
employment will be made.
• If an employee is NCNS for three (3) consecutive scheduled shifts, they will be
considered Absent Without Leave (AWOL) and, upon being notified by the employee’s
manager, Human Resources will issue a Return to Work Order (RTWO) by sending it to
the employee’s last known home address and declared email address.
o Human Resources will coordinate with the employee’s Manager on the
appropriate next steps based on the response to the RTWO.
• Employees are solely responsible for notifying their supervisor of their absence at least
two (2) hours prior to the start of their scheduled shift.
• Supervisors and managers are strongly encouraged to follow up with employees after
each NCNS to check on the status of the employee and to determine the reason for the

The material contained in this document includes Proprietary and Confidential Information of Transparent BPO, LLC
• Transparent BPO, in its sole discretion, may choose to excuse a NCNS and or AWOL
upon the employee providing proof of extenuating and/or unusual circumstances that
may have prevented an employee from providing the required notice.
Required Notice to Supervisors

• Transparent BPO assumes and expects that all employees will be on-time and present
for their full shift each day they are scheduled to work.
• If an employee is unable to perform their job on a day where they are scheduled to
work, the employee shall:
o Notify their supervisor as soon as possible
o If the absence is known in advance, employees should provide a minimum of one
(1) week of notice prior to the absence
o If the absence is due to illness, an emergency or any other unforeseen reason,
employees are required to provide at least two (2) hours of notice prior to the
start time of a scheduled shift
o Sudden emergencies where advance notice is not possible will be treated as
though the employee gave appropriate notice provided that the employee
contacts their supervisor at the earliest possible opportunity.

2 Enforcement
All non-exempt (hourly) Philippines-based employees are expected to comply with the
Philippines Attendance Policy as a condition of their employment. Adherence and
understanding of the policy is the responsibility of each individual employee. Enforcement of
ths policy is the responsibility of the Team Leads, Supervisors, and Managers of the employee
to whom this policy applies.

3 Acknowledgement

______________________________ ______________________

The material contained in this document includes Proprietary and Confidential Information of Transparent BPO, LLC

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