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DEFINITION: Glycogenolysis is the process of breakdown of glycogen into glucose.

LOCATION: In the cells of the muscle and the liver

FINAL PRODUCTS: Glycogen (n-1 residues) and Glucose-1-phosphate
IMPORTANCE: Energy production and maintenance of blood glucose level

What is Glycogenolysis?
Glycogen is the storage form of glucose. It is a large polymer of glucose mainly stored in the
liver and skeletal muscle. During the times of low glucose and low energy, glycogen can be
readily broken down to glucose via the process called glycogenolysis. Hence, glycogenolysis
is the mechanism that converts glycogen into glucose molecules.
Moreover, it occurs in the cells of the muscle and liver tissues. This process yields products
such as Glycogen (n-1 residues) and Glucose-1-phosphate. Glycogenolysis is important for
maintaining the blood glucose level.

Glycogenolysis is a metabolic process by which glycogen, the primary carbohydrate stored

in the liver and muscle cells of animals, is broken down into glucose to provide immediate
energy and to maintain blood glucose levels during fasting.
Glycogen is catabolized by removal of a glucose monomer through cleavage with inorganic
phosphate to produce glucose-1 phosphate.This derivative of glucose is then converted to
glucose-6-phosphate, an intermediate in glycolysis.
It takes place in the muscle and liver tissues, where glycogen is stored, as a hormonal
response to epinephrine and/or glucagon.
Gluconeogenesis is a metabolic pathway occurring in living beings for synthesis of glucose
from non-carbohydrate precursors. It converts pyruvate and its related three- and four-
carbon compounds into glucose. It is an irreversible process. It occurs in cytosol.

Gluconeogenesis is the synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources like lactic acid,
glycerol, amino acids and occurs in liver and kidneys.

The patient is a 40 year old, male. Patient’s BMI status is obese. It was noted that the
patient was drinking 5 bottles of 1 liter of beer for 3 days and has food intake of high fat
food, specifically lechon.
◉ His blood pressure is 200/180 mmHg, heart rate is 120, and in respiratory distress
◉ Laboratory values: high cholesterol and triglycerides.
◉ Differential diagnosis: The patient has hyperlipidemia secondary to coronary heart

◉ To confirm the working impression of hyperlipidemia secondary to coronary heart

disease, lipid profile should be done.

◉ Lipid profile will reveal total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high
density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides levels.

As mentioned, patient has obesity, having high caloric intake, high fat intake and excessive
alcohol intake
High calorie diets increase the production of VLDL resulting with triglyceride elevation and
high conversion of VLDL to LDL.
Excess ingestion of cholesterol may reduce the formation of LDL receptors and thereby
decrease LDL removal.
Diets that are high in triglycerides and saturated fats increase cholesterol synthesis and
suppress LDL receptor activity

Treatment: Primary target is the reduction of LDL cholesterol in the patient

◉ Medication
■ HMG CoA reductase inhibitors
■ Bile acid–binding resins
■ Cholesterol absorption inhibitor agents
■ Niacin
■ Fibrates
Patient should focuses on
◉ Dietary changes
■ Low cholesterol diet: Oats, Barley and other whole grains, Beans, Eggplant, Nuts,
Vegetable oils, Apples, grapes, strawberries, citrus fruits
■ Eat more fiber-rich food: Broccoli, Berries, Avocados, Whole Grains, Apples, Dried Fruits
■ Choose protein-rich plant foods such as legumes or beans, nuts, and seeds over meat
◉ Changes in daily-life
■ Avoid intake of alcoholic beverages
■ Physical activity should be included on daily routine

The world Group Co means glucose neo means new and the word Genesis refers to the
production under normal circumstances the carbohydrates are broken down in the human
body by various enzymes into glucose but this is just a breakdown under special
circumstances substances like fat amino acids pyruvate are converted into glucose thus the
production of glucose from new sources thus gluconeogenesis can be defined as a synthesis
of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources before beginning

the excess of the glucose gets converted to glycogen which is stored in a liver and this is
used later when the blood glucose levels fall another fasting state the blood glucose levels
start falling and excess of the glycogen which is about hundred grams gets converted into
glucose which maintains a blood glucose level.

gluconeogenesis only occurs in the liver due to glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme which is only
present in the liver it is present a little bit in the kidneys but majority is present in the liver

so we consume food in a lot of complex carbohydrate forms throughout the day which
through our intestines gets converted to glucose glucose is a six carbon compound and if
you have studied a video on glycolysis you know that the glucose is converted to two
molecules of pyruvate which is a three carbon compound this happens through a series
of ten reactions known as glycolysis out of this three reactions are irreversible it is very
important to understand the significance of these three irreversible reactions these
reactions are catalysed by specific enzymes which are upregulated only when the
concentration of glucose is high so that the excess of glucose gets converted to pyruvate
this prevents excess concentration of blood glucose but these three irreversible reactions
can be reversed using specific enzymes which are upregulated only when there is a
deficiency of glucose in the blood these reactions are upregulated during special
circumstances like fasting during fasting this pathway can run in complete opposite direction
so that the pyruvate gets converted to glucose other substances like propionate are first
converted to intermediates of Krebs cycle which then get converted to pyruvate and
substances like lactate are first converted to pyruvate directly which converted to glucose

we've learned before glycogen phosphorylase can process glycogen residues into glucose 1-
phosphate and glucose 1-phosphate can be utilized to form glycogen with the enzyme
glycogen synthase. glycogen phosphorylase is inhibited by indicators of energy such
as ATP it's also inhibited by glucose-6-phosphate and it's inhibited by glucose anything that
shows the cell that there does not need to be any breakdown of glycogen will actually stop
the process of glycogen phosphorylase now the opposite in glycogen synthase is glucose 6-
phosphate will actually activate glycogen synthase so glucose 6-phosphate will inhibit the
phosphorylase but it will activate the synthase so in a liver hepatocyte when the cell decides
that it requires glycogenolysis and produces glucose 1-phosphate the glucose 1-phosphate
will actually be processed by the enzyme phosphoglucomutase back into glucose 6-
phosphate and then the glucose 6-phosphate will then be processed by the enzyme glucose-
6-phosphatase to produce glucose in gluconeogenesis so this production of glucose for
now in skeletal muscle it's the same thing as we've seen before but the regulation is slightly
different with glycogen synthase it's the same glucose 6-phosphate will activate glycogen
synthase to reroute glucose 1-phosphate into glycogen storage now for glycogen
phosphorylase it's the same for ATP ATP will inhibit glycogen phosphorylase the glucose 6-
phosphate will also inhibit glycogen phosphorylase but there are a couple additional
regulators on this enzyme in skeletal muscle one of them is calcium calcium will actually
activate glycogen phosphorylase so you can think about if you're exercising and contracting
your muscles you're getting an influx of calcium calcium will then actually activate glycogen
phosphorylase so that you start to break down your glycogen stores and then another
activator of glycogen phosphorylase is a MP and a MP is another indicator of physical
activity as you burn through your ATP stores you produce a MP which then will activate
glycogen phosphorylase to produce more glucose 1-phosphate now glucose 1-phosphate
once you have glucose 1-phosphate will then produce glucose 6-phosphate with the enzyme
phosphoglucomutase but the difference between skull and mouse on the liver is that the
glucose 6-phosphate be glycolysis to produce energy as opposed to gluconeogenesis in the
liver so that's why you see the dual roles of glycogenolysis in glycogen utilization
in these two tissues the liver in the skeletal muscle so another point I want to mention is
that 3 ATP are generated for every glucose from a glycogen as opposed to non glycogen
glucose and the reason is is because when you actually process a residue of glycogen we
end up getting the product glucose 6-phosphate which is already phosphorylated so in a
normal cell when we bring glucose into the cell the cell actually has to phosphorylate the
glucose into glucose 6-phosphate which actually costs one ATP whereas with glycogen this is
already done that's already been phosphorylated
so we've actually invested that ATP already previously and now when we bring it back at a
storage you actually get more ATP when you bring glucose out of storage from glycogen it is
actually already phosphorylated and it's already glucose 6-phosphate which means it does
not need to be phosphorylated saving the cell 1 ATP so that's why we actually get an extra
ATP 3 ATP as opposed to 2 ATP

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