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TEXT: Luke 19:1-10

Memory Verse: “And of His fullness have all we received, and grace for grace”.
John 1:16 KJV
As we know the gospel means good news, and grace is goodwill, loving kindness,
to pardon us from our sins.
THE PARDON BY JESUS (19:1-10) Jesus meets Zachaeus.
A. Zachaeus the sinner(19:1-2): He is a wealthy tax collector
B. Zachaeus the seeker (19:3-4): He desires to meet with Jesus, but has a
1. The problem (19:3): He is too short to see Jesus over the crowds
2. The solution to the problem (19:4): He climbs up a sycamore tree.
C. Zachaeus the sought (19:5-7): The seeker now becomes the sought.
1. The Saviour’s request (19:5): Jesus sees him and says “Quick come
down! For I must be a guest in your house today”
2. The tax collector’s response (19:6): He comes down in a hurry and
receives Jesus gladly.
3. The crowd reaction (19:7) : They complained that Jesus is associating
with a notorious sinner.
D. Zachaeus the saved -he receives grace (19:8-10)
1. As witnessed by his testimony (19:8)
a. He will give half of his wealth to the poor (19:8a).
b. He will restore fourfold any money to any person he has cheated
2. As witnessed by Jesus’s testimony (19:9-10). Jesus says that Zachaeus
indeed is saved man!
This is grace at its best working salvation in the corrupt earth. . Saving
grace is the effect of the workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives that results
in our regeneration, the process by which God conforms us to the image of
Christ. At the moment of salvation, by grace through faith, God makes us
new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17). And He promises to never forsake His
children (Philippians 1:6). Biblically, “saving grace” is the grace of God that
saves a person from sin and its consequences. Have you received the grace
of God and are you sharing that grace with others?

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