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The Coca-Cola Company was founded in 1892 and is a multinational beverage company with

its headquarters in the US. They also manufacture, offer for sale, and advertise syrups,
essences, and alcoholic drinks. The product that gave the world its most recognisable flavour
was invented on May 8, 1886, in Atlanta, Georgia. The syrup for Coca-Cola was developed
by neighbourhood pharmacist Dr. John Stith Pemberton, who then shipped a jug of the
innovative product to Jacobs' Pharmacy. After being tried, the product was rated as
"excellent," and it was then made available for purchase at the soda fountain for five cents
each glass. The new syrup was mixed with carbonated water to make a beverage that was
"Delicious and Refreshing," a slogan that is still used everywhere Coca-Cola is sold today.
Frank M. Robinson, Dr. Pemberton's partner and auditor, suggested the name and included
the now-famous emblem "Coca-Cola" in his initial draft because he believed that "the two Cs
would look great in advertising." In the Atlanta Paper, the first newspaper advertisement for
Coca-Cola soon appeared, urging thirsty locals to try "the new and popular soda fountain
drink." On store canopies, "Coca-Cola" signs that had been hand-painted on oilcloth began to
appear, along with the word "Drink" to let spectators know that the new drink was intended
for soda cascade preference. A modest nine beverages were sold each day on average
throughout the first year.
The proficiencies of the drink that Dr. Pemberton developed were never cherished. He
eventually sold off parts of his business to different associates. Just before he died in 1888, he
gave Asa G. Candler the remaining ownership of Coca-Cola. Mr. Candler, a native of Atlanta
with excellent financial judgment, then acquired additional rights and ultimately established
complete control. "The Coca-Cola Company" has developed a portfolio of beverages that are
well-positioned to expand in a market that is constantly changing.
Some of their most renowned brands from North America and around the world, counting the
Coca-Cola trademark, sports, juice & dairy drinks, alcohol ready-to-drink beverages, and

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