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LCC Silvercrest Junior High School

Mathematics Club (SIPNAYAN)

“Mathematics for Everyone”


Date and Time: MARCH 21, 2023, 4pm onwards
Category: FACE-TO-FACE
Venue: Grade 7- Room 104 (St. Bridget)
Grade 8- Room 201 (St. Michael)
Grade 9- Room 303 (St. Ambrose)
Grade 10- Room 405 (St. Isabel)
1. The contest is open to all students from Grade 7 to Grade 10 with a maximum of 3 representatives per
section; they will be competing individually against the same grade level.
2. There will be different set of questions for Grade 7, 8, 9, 10 contestants.
3. The coverage of the quiz includes Basic Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry.
4. The contest will be done face-to-face wherein all contestants are required to be on the designated room
before the contest proper.
5. The questions will be presented in the TV screen and the contestants should legibly write their answers in
a clean sheet of paper to be given by the assigned officers.
6. The questions will be made by SIPNAYAN Teachers: Mr. Jerico Fernandez, Mr. Renald Quinto and Mr.
Leodimar Lubid.
7. The questions are divided into three level based on its difficulty and time limit will be given which
corresponds to each category. Each question will be given points.
Easy Level (10 items - 1 point)
Average Level (8 items - 2 points)
Difficult Level (8 items - 3 points)
Total: 50 points
8. To register, entrants must give their name, grade and section, and the contest that they will be joining to
their Math Teachers or SIPNAYAN Grade level representatives.
9. The three highest scorers will be declared as the winners. The highest scorer will be the First Placer, the
second highest scorer will be the Second Placer and the third highest scorer will be the Third Placer.


Date: MARCH 22, 2023
Category: ONLINE
1. All interested participants from LCC Silvercrest Junior High School may join the contest, but each section
is encouraged to have at least one representative.
2. The piece must be an original composition. It could be written in either Filipino or English language.
3. The piece must contain ideas related to the event’s theme “Mathematics for Everyone”
4. Participants are to prepare an original layout of their piece. The entry of each participant should be a
picture including his/her name, section, and the meme itself. The photo should be in PNG format, landscape,
and aspect ratio of 4:3.
5. Participants should use appropriate language and may use necessary designs in their outputs.
Inappropriate words and plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
6. Criteria for judging:
Content 50%
Creativity and Originality 10%
Online Votes 40%
TOTAL: 100%
7. For online voting, only the HAHA reacts will be counted. Online voting will end and will be consolidated
one day before the awarding. "Auto-like" is strictly prohibited.
8. To register, entrants must give their name, grade and section, and the contest that they will be joining to
their Math Teachers or SIPNAYAN Grade level representatives.
9. To submit entries, one section will create a goggle drive and share it to this gmail,
( Submission of entry is until March 15, 2023 12:00 am.
10. Rights of Work: The entrants own the rights to their work. However, by joining the contest, they agreed
that their video entries may be used in SIPNAYAN initiatives in the future.
11. Judges' decision is FINAL.


Date: MARCH 22, 2023, 1pm onwards
Category: FACE-TO-FACE
Venue: OLD GYM
1. The contest is open to all grade levels with 10 to 15 representatives in each grade level.
2. The Math Trail: Solving Riddles or Tasks and Answering Four Fundamental Operations is an amazing
race where members are going to get through five (5) different stations. The questions from different stations
will be a surprise which will be given by the SIPNAYAN officers. After they solve the riddle, they will receive
the operation that they need to solve or answer. After solving the operation given to them, they will proceed
to the next station. Once the members or players have gone through the five stations, they will combine the
answers from the operations that were given to them. They will give the answers to the assigned officers.
Ranking will be based on the number of correct answers and if there are ties, rank will depend on their
average time.
3. The contest will be done face-to-face wherein all contestants are required to be on the designated area
before the contest proper. They will be grouped into four groups randomly.
4. The questions will be made by SIPNAYAN Teachers: Mr. Jerico Fernandez, Mr. Renald Quinto and Mr.
Leodimar Lubid.
5. To register, entrants must give their name, grade and section, and the contest that they will be joining to
their Math Teachers or SIPNAYAN Grade Level Representatives.
6. The highest scorer will be the 1st Placer, the second highest scorer will be the Second Placer and the
third highest scorer will be the Third Placer.


Date: MARCH 23, 2023
Category: ONLINE
1. The contest is open to LCC Silvercrest Junior High School with two representatives per section.
2. Willing participants must like, follow and share the official Facebook page of Mathematics Club
3. The “Love Math’rs” is an activity to encourage students to appreciate Mathematics as a subject, not to
fear, but to be enjoyed and loved through a hugot story in line with the theme “Mathematics for Everyone”.
As stated, the conversation should show not only the relations of Math and love, but also how and why it
matters. Make it relatable and enjoyable for all audiences. It is like radio love story or podcast.
4. They will do a “Radio Love Story” or voice-over in English or Tagalog or a combination of the two
languages featuring a “Hugot story” inlined with the theme “Mathematics for everyone”. The voice-over
should be clear all throughout and representatives can add subtitles for extra clarity.
a. Narration should not exceed to five (5) minutes.
b. Participant’s video should include:
i. background photo containing the Title, Narrator and section,
ii. voice recording of the “Hugot Story”
iii. background music of their choice
c. The video should be in mp4 format, landscape, and aspect ratio of 16:9.
d. Those who do not follow the size and formatting will be disqualified (this is to provide uniformity in
the contest).
5. The featured voice-over shall contain the two (2) representatives and the said “Hugot story”, the concept
of Mathematics should be related in any way the representatives chose to express and describe it; via hugot
lines or symbolisms.
6. Indecent and sensual contents are strictly prohibited in the story and narration.
7. For online voting, only the WOW reacts will be counted. Online voting will end and will be consolidated
one day before the awarding. "Auto-like" is strictly prohibited.
8. Criteria for judging:
•Relevance to the Theme (30%)
•Entries should highlight the theme “Mathematics for Everyone” and show how mathematics have a relation
to love and how and why it matters.
•Structural Layout (20%)
•Entries should have a flowing conversation all throughout the video. topics mentioned in the video should
be related to the conversation the participants are making and the theme of the contest. voices should be
heard crystal clear and visuals should not be blurry.
•Creativity and Originality (20%)
•Entries must be the participants’ own ideas. stories can be drawn from real life or fictional stories, but be
sure not to copy the story and claim it as your own.
•Audience Impact (10%)
•Entries will be posted on the Mathematics Club (SIPNAYAN) page; only “heart” and “wow” reaction of the
audience will be counted.
9. To register, entrants must give their name, grade and section, and the contest that they will be joining to
their Math Teachers or SIPNAYAN Grade level representatives.
10. To submit entries, one section will create a goggle drive and share it to this gmail,
( Submission of entry is until March 15, 2023 12:00 am.
11. Rights of Work: The entrants own the rights to their work. However, by joining the contest, they agreed
that their video entries may be used in SIPNAYAN initiatives in the future.
12. Judges' decision is FINAL.


Date: March 20, 4pm & MARCH 24, 2023, 7am onwards
Category: FACE-TO-FACE
1. The Mathematics King and Queen of the Mathematics Club (SIPNAYAN) is a pageant to empower
students and build their confidence by showcasing their beauty, intellect and grace, which is in line with the
theme, “Mathematics for Everyone”.
2. This activity is open for all grade levels, with one pair (one king, one queen) per section.
3. To be able to join, willing participants should like and follow our Facebook page.
4. Guidelines for the activity:
a. The contest is divided into five (5) categories: Production Number, Casual Wear, Mathematical Attire
and Ramp, Talent, and Question and Answer
i. PRODUCTION NUMBER: They will wear P.E. shirt and maong pants and will be dancing as part
of their entrance then introduce their name, grade and section with MATH-HUGOT or Pick up lines.
ii. CASUAL WEAR: they will ramp wearing any decent casual wear that they want.
iii. MATHEMATICAL ATTIRE AND RAMP: they should wear a recycled Mathematical attire in line
with the theme: Mathematics for Everyone and ramp with the background description of their attire.
iv. TALENT PORTION: (Will be held on March 20, 2023 at the Old Gymnasium). They should present
their talent (can be outside of mathematics, as long as it follows these guidelines)
1. The talent should be a maximum of 3 minutes excluding entrance and exit.
2. The participant can perform with a partner.
3. Must be age-appropriate.
4. If there is music involved, the music must be provided by the participant and given to our
beloved officers with the name of participant and the music.
v. QUESTION & ANSWER: our lovely contestants must answer while wearing their mathematical
5. Criteria for judging:
Overall Criteria for judging (MAJOR Awards)
Production Number 5%
Casual wear 5%
Mathematical Attire 10%
Talent 5%
Question and Answer 75%
TOTAL: 100%
Criteria for Production Number and Casual Wear
Confidence 25%
Beauty and Poise 50%
Stage Presence 15%
Audience Impact 10%
TOTAL: 100%
Criteria for Mathematical Attire
Creativity 35%
Originality 25%
Relevance to the Theme 40%
TOTAL: 100%
Criteria for Ramp
Beauty and Poise 50%
Confidence 25%
Stage Presence 25%
TOTAL: 100%
Criteria for Talent
Technical Ability 35%
Stage Appearance and Confidence 20%
Originality and Creativity 25%
Over-All Performance 20%
TOTAL: 100%
Criteria for Question and Answer
Confidence and Stage Presence 25%
Intelligence 75%
TOTAL: 100%
6. To register, entrants must give their name, grade and section, and the contest that they will be joining to
their Math Teachers or SIPNAYAN Officers and Grade level representatives.
7. The declaration of the winners will be presented on the coronation day (March 24, 2023).
8. Scores for each category will be consolidated for the tally and to determine the special awards and major
awards. Special awards are , Mr. and Ms. Congeniality, Darling of the Crowd, Mr. and Ms. Close-up
Smile, People’s Choice, Mr. and Ms. Photogenic, Best in Production Number, Best in Casual Wear,
Best Mathematical Attire, Best in Mathematical Attire, Mr. and Ms. Runway Model, and Best in Talent,
while Major awards are Second Runner Up, First Runner Up, and Mathematics King & Queen.
9. The judges’ decision is FINAL.

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